rr - - rr -r - - -, Whitby Free Presu, Wedneday, My 18, 1904, Page 5 By Ml ke KowalokI Anothèr part of Whitby's heri- tageis gne. lhe 111-year-old Fothergili House was tom down earlier this month to make way for a new development. Dsite the efforts of local con- servationista, the historie west Whitby home could flot, escape its date with the wrecker's bail. A new owner could not be found before a May 1 deadline, so.the current owner was free to demolieh the building. Due to, a. clerical error, Few- Pet Ltd. was issued a demolitiori per-mit by Town council last year. Few-Pet had been trving to selI the property at lOilndas St. W. or several, yeare, but to no avail, council's planning and development committee heard last September. When prospective buyers lear- ned the -house had a -historical designation, they backed away, Few-Pet solicitor Robert Whït- tington told cominittee. Bufilt in 1883, the house was tii. home of John Joshua Fother- gill, a farmer and son of Charles Fothergill a noted political fIgure anc1 naturalist i Upper Canada. According te Whitby's Local Architectural Conservation Advi- sory Committee (LACAC), the home was afine example of rural Queen Anne architecture. But over the years the building had deteriorated and become a Advertisement Glamnour Magie Portraits fromn Toronto came to Scissors Hair Design at the Towne Plaza, Whitby last Saturday, May l4th and did 22 makeovers, which included makeup, hairstyle and a complimentary 5x7 colour portrait. Janet Swan, owner and operator of Scissors Hair Design had such a great responise, she willbe doing it again this summer. Watch for ads at a future date to book your appointment on this Janet Swan styling her special offer. Cali 668-1640 daughter Jennifer's hair. for an appointment. ssorsDESIGN 601 Dundas St. W., Towne Plaza 668-1640 safety threat. Last July, Few-Pet applied for a demolition permit and was rebuffed by council. But because it was designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, official notification of council's decision was required within 90- days .Of an application for a permit. According te the Act, if notice is not prvded, then council is deemedite ohave consented-te the application. Hiowever, throuizh inadver- tance,, Town staff did flot providýe the necessary notice before expi- ration of the time period.' After Few-Pet threatened te sue if a permit was not iusued, a compromise waa reached. hri return for the permit, Few- Pet agreed te give the house away for free and contribute $5,0O -towards the cost of mov- LACAC and Town officiaIs had until May 1 te find a buyer. Despite Borne initial interest the $50,000 estimated costJ moving the two-storey brick building scared away potential buyers LACAC vice-chair Cath- erine là ecett said in an earlier interview. Neither Beckett, nor LACAC chair ick McDonnell, could b. reached for comment on the demolition. At the present tine, there are no other histerical buildings in Whitby facing imminent destruc- tion, said Town archivist Bian Winter. Surround Your Treasures Nothing will "show off' your collectibles like a beautiful curlo cabinet or secretary from'Rousseau's. 'These pieces are 4 breathtaking and have been '1 specially chosen to offer you L superb tradiional stylig, superior quality and craftsmanship, and remarkable value. Regardless of which handsome curlo or secretary you choose, you cari be sure it will become a treasured part of your homne for I generations to corne.r Drop in now and . choosefrom our best selection ever. Ail available for immediate delivetyl Fromoly $649. 4 * 4DUSIAU # HERTAGE HOUSEIi]e 216 MARY ST. E., WHITBY - 668-3483, Toronto Une 686-0061 1-800-387-0242 Store Hours: Mon.Wed 10:00-6:00, murs-Frl 10:009. > ~Saturday 930-5M3,,Sunday cdas.d. 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