Page 18, Whitby Free Press, Wedinesclay, May 18, 1994 By Mark Reesor An 18-member environmental monitoring committee will be given $300,000 to monitor the Z en space areas of Lynde Town planning and develop- ment conimittee approved esta- blishing the volunteer committee at its meeting Monday night. lie recommendation will go to full council neit week. Its "initial investment" will come from neighbouring land- owners. Planning department expects the committee will require $25,000 a year for 12 years to monitor the area. The committee will be jointly chaired by the Town and CntraI Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA). There will b. three representa- tives from the Town and one each froni the Ministry of Natural Resources Minisr of Environment and knergy, Dur- ham. Region and CLOCA on the committee, along with the three present landowners (Rose Cor- pration, Dr. George Jaciw and MBS) and six members of the public. Die planning department will advertise the public positions. Applicants will be asked to corn- plete a questionaire and describe any related experience they have with environmentally sensitive or open spaoe areas. Representatives from the pub- lic and separate achool boards will be added as soon as the three sachools planned for the development are opened. The coiiteesa main Objec tives will,bè to monitor develop- ment of the area, study and identify ny changes în "key natural feaitires,» îdentify main- tenance issues and bring techni- cal and public interest issues related to theopen space to the attention Of te Town and CLOCA. "In general ternis," a planning department report says, "the main objective... is to ensure the protection of the Lynde Creek Wetand area by ensuring that the proposed plantings of- vege- tation, as outlined in the Open Space Master Plan, are function- in g in the manner specifically outlined ... » The master plan for the area which was approved by =oni March 14, calîs for the develop- ment of some 700 acres of land east of the marsh, the largest remaining wetland fetween Osh- awa and Hlamilton. A mixed residential coni- munity of 5,700 people, a 185- acre industrial pfark and the redevelopment o the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital are ail part of the joint government-private sector initiative. Resi*dents mugged Three Whitby men complained to police that they were mugged after paying someone to drive theni back to, Whitby early Saturday morning. Computer equi pment and power tools valued at around $10,000 were stolen after a break-in at a Coronation Road residenoe last week. Police were informed of the robbery Monday. They say the culprit«s) pried open a kitchen window to get into the residence. The young men had spent the eveningxlrfinking at the Oshawa Centre and were extremely drunk when they decided to hea-d home around 2:30 a.m., police sa,, told 1 police teoffre three men in an orange Ring Cab pickup truck $5 to drive themn h orne. The men agreed but pulled their passengers out after a short drive and mugjed theni. One of the victimes says he was beaten and robbed of $120 and his coat and shoes. The others say nothing was taken froni theni. The incident wasn't reported until 12 hours after the fact,ý police say, and the victime couldn't describfe their attackers. adjWh was the solarium adedto the building which is now the Montessori School at Byron and Dunlop streets? 2. When was the last Royal visit ta Whitby? 3. What former Whitby resident was one of the founders of Bracebrid ge in the Muskoka district mn i1871? 4. Where is Whitby's only provinCially recognized historic site? Answers on Page 26 This teature provided by Local Architectural Conservation Society holds flower show The Brooklin Horticuturai Society will meet for the spring flower show on Wednesday, May 25, 8 p.m., at Brooklin United Churchi. Guest speaker Jim Mathias will present a élide presentation on the Galapagos. Refreshments. Lug-a-mug. AUl arewelcome. IGA staff pîqtch in On Saturday, communities acrooe Ontario itched in to cdean up their neigborod as part of IGA's Hometown Spring Clean- Up Day. I Brooklii9 IGA staff and commrunatyvoteers cleaned Up the area around the IGA store at Highway 12 and Lynde Creek. ROBERT G. ECKEL Greenhouses north of Brooklin is celebrati ng is 4Oth year in business this year. Wb and Vivienne Eckel are shown amîdst the many varieties of plants they have available. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press Fair baby show registration upcoming Registration for the Brooklin Spring Pair baby show will begin on Saturday May 28, 2 to 5 pin., at Brooklin <Jnited Church. There will be a maximum of 125 entries -- and that nuxnber may be reached on the fîrst registration day, says Amber F'rost, chair of the popular event. If not, regitration will aIso be held on Monday, May 30, 2 to 5 2 derbies at fair The demolition derby will again b. held on two nights at this year's Brooklin Spring Fair. The derby on Thursday, June 2 is for Brook lin and Whitby area residents. The derby on Satur- day, June 4 is for residents outside of WhitbY. There will be a maximum of 30 competitors each night. Entry fée is $22. For more information cail 723- p.m., at the church and if necessary, on Wednesday dune 1 7 to 9 p.m., at Luther Ã(ipond Memorial Arena. This year's show, on Saturday afternoon, June 4, has been revamped. Brooklin scouts will hold a pancake breakfast on Saturday morning, June 4, at St. Thomas Anglican Church. Mhe breakfast durin the Brooklin Spring Fair, wilfbegin at 8 a.m. DAnNCfEr6587 There wiIl be 17 categories -- such as best smile, biggest eyes __ and some of those 17 wil be divided into bo)ys' and girls' divi- sions. A few of the categories are also divided acçording to ae The entry fee is 4 and al babies entered will receive a gift while their parents receive a pass to the fair. *DR. AUSTIN *SALDANHA Dental Surgeon * 53 Baldwin St. Brooklin Emergency colIs Evenings, Saturdays .1 BROOKLIN PHARMACYD 65 BALDWIN ST. BROOKLIN LOB 100 905-655-3301j Foddiversity is the key to Who really needs vitamins?'. ý,getting ail of your vitamins. pregnant women Adiet which includes a people on inadequate or Iwide range of foods, as stringent diets joutlined in "Canadas Food* strict vegetarians Guide", is flot likely to be * people on certain medi- lacking in any vital nutrient. cations or with certain medical conditions iExceptions to the rule: Cosiyorhrmct Hotner Greenhouses' homegrown flowers *nursery quality'- wide selection Box Annuals ......... impatiens- petwias - marigolds etc Box Vegetable Plants ......... q canWaoupe, peppers. toexatcs, cuimbeis & more Box Perennials .........$1,97 forget-me-nou s * x* mwns etc. HagigBaskets . $... 11 .99 Hanging flowening orFoiage Hwy. 12 North of Brooklin OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 9a -p [Committee to monitor S hores,**j,. NHOTNER ____BrooKIin Hwy7 'Whitby ---------- .6ý MUMMUamq