Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 May 1994, p. 27

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Whitby Free Prou., Wednosday, May 4. 1994, Page 27 By Mike Kowalski A new roi. for Whitby Generai Hospital is almost inevitable, councillor Marcel Brunelle con- Bruelea member of the Durham Reg*on District Health Council, wiM have a voice in deterrnining whether the. 25- year-old hospital continues to operate as an acuto care facility. A consultants' study is recoin- mending that the hospital bocome a réhabilitation treat- ment centre serving Durham Regon.(see separate story). Aithough h. preferred not to comment until lho bas more details about the. proposai, Brunelle admitted that changes at Whitbyr Generai must occur. Accordng ta Brunolle, Whitby General's treatment at thie hand of tbree difforent provincial governments bas led to consul- tante recommonding a major revampng of the hospital's role. "The PCs (Progressive Con ser- vatives) tried to close the hospi- tai and when they couldn't, they undèrfunded it,» said Brunelle. "T'he Liberals were not nuch botter,» ho continued. "They didn't try to, close it, but tbey underfunded it and now this govornment (NDP) under- funds it. «Obviously there bas to, b. a fundamental change in the per- ception of the. hospital for irovernment to, continue funding While ho personaily prefoe that the. hospital romain as it is Rehab treatment centre FROM PAGE 1 society," whethier in the work- place or at home, Buffett expiained. By comparison, chronic care involves treating someone over a prolonged period of time, hie said. Aithough hoe does not forsee it being a problemn, Buttett agreed that the issue of Whitby General's planned expansion must also b. addressed. More than $5 million bas been raised locally for this purpose. The provincial government bas also commtted $2 million. "A lot of the money was raised for equipment for out-patient needs," said Buffett. Whether it's used for in- patient or out-patient services, the need is stili there, ho said. Buffett added that healtb ministry officiaIs have assured the hospital that the $2 million is still budgeted for Whitby. Finally, the obs of hospital employees wîll also b. taken into consideration in the restructur- ingprocess, Buffett said. Weve nQt got to that point specifically, but we have appro- yod principles relating te the whole hum an resouroes issue," he said. CRAFT & BAKE SALE A spring craft and bake sale wiil ho beld at Providence Place, 100 Glen Hill Dr. S., Whitby on Saturday, May 7, 2 to 5 p.m. There will b. bàked goods, crafts, lawn ornaients and a white elephant table. BONSAI SOCIETY The Matsuyama Bonsai Society will meet on Tuesday, May10 7 p.m., at Faitb Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. For more information caîl 683-2568 or 683-5135. COMEDY AND DRAG There will ho a 'Comedy and Drag' social on May 7, 7:30 p.m. ta, 1 p.m. Special guest is female comic Elvira Kurt. Buffet and cash bar. The cost 18 $20 per person or $30 per couple. Proceeds te AIDS Committee Durhamn. Advance tickets only are available at the AIDS Commiittee, 723-8201. AQUARIUM SOCIETY Tih. Durham Regional Aquarium Society wili meet Tuesda, Ma 10, 7:30 p.m., at KIS. cLaugLin Collegiate, 570 Stevenson Rd. (south of Rtossland Road), Oshawa. AIl are welcome. Admission is free. For more information, caîl Jim Brown at 655-5853 or ly Fisher at 831-0940. SPRING LUNCHIEON Whitby Chapter No. 248 of the Order of the Easten Star will hoid a spring luncheon on Tuesday, May 10 at noon at Masonie Hall, 203 Cochrane St., Whitby. Tpencot is $6. ForS «Theres a strong awarenoss on the committee that we have to aditress the concerne of people who work at the hospitals and guarantee that they are given preference as this reconstruction takes p lace.» HeaItIi council executive direc- tor Lynda Hessey said the steer- ing committee will meet May il to put the finisbing touches on a OBic:ITUAàRY HELEN PALMER Helen Helena Paimer of Whitby died at Oshawa General Hospital on Wednesday, April 27 1994. She was 40. àhe is survived by ber bus- band Robert Palmer, children Jackie, Robert Jr. and Ashley, father Michael Kazickl, sisters Irene and Mary. She was predeceased by her mother Meila. She rested at the Armstrong Funeral Home in Oshawa, with a funeral service in the chapel on Saturday, April 30. Interment at Thornton cemetery. Memorial donations can b. made to the charity of choice. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monuments * Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Letterîng , Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointments gladly arranged i «discussion paper» of the study proposais. Some time after that the coun- cil will solicit commenta from the general public, Hessey sid. She bopes the public consul- tation process can get underway before the summer. Based on what the steering committee hears, its recemmen- dations will bo revised, if necess- ary, and then submitted to the council, Hessey said. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 10 1 . The County of Ontario Oid Girls' Association donated the flagpole in front of the old ibrary building in 1930. This organization was an early version of today's service clubs. 2. Margaret Kennedy (1898- 1988) was principal of Brock Street School in Port Whitby from 1918 to 1930 and was the f irst woman school principal inToronto. 3. AIl Saints'Anglican Church took its name from Al Saints' Day, Nov. 1. The church was opened on the Sunday closest to Ail Saint's Day, Nov. 4, 1866. 4. Sir. John A. Macdonald, Canada's f irst prime minister, was entertained at a luncheon at Trafalgar Castie on Oct. 6, 1869, along with Prince Arthur, the third son of Queen Victoria. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM AND THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE LOCAL SANITARY SEWER SERVICING AND ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE COMMUNITY 0F BROOKLIN IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY REGIONAL CONTRACT D946: WINCHESTER ROAO AND ANDERSON STREET The Regional Municipality o! Durham and the Town o! Whitby have finalized detailed design for t he locai sanitary sewers and road improvements required to service the Community of Brooklin for Regionai Contract D94-6. A Public Information Centre f0 present engineering drawings prior to construction wilI be held on: TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1994 7:00 TO 9:00 P.M. BROOKLIN UNITED CHURCH HALL CORNER 0F CASSELS ROAD EAST AND PRINCESS STREET, BROOKLIN Staff from the Region of Durham, Town of Whitby and the Consulting Engineers for the projeot wiIl be in attendance f0 answer questions and receive comments on the undertaking. Further information cari be obtained f rom: SANITARY SEWERS WATERMAINS Region of Durham Mr. John Presta, P. Eng. Telephone (905) 668-7721 TOWN ROADS (ANDERSON ST.) Town o! Whitby Mr. Gary Carroll, P. Eeg. Telephone (905) 668-5803 REGIONAL ROADS (WINCHESTER RDJ Region o! Durham Mr. Mark Lenters, P. Eeg. Telephone (905) 668-7721 8:30 P.M. TO 4:30 P.M. MONDAY TO FRIDAY The Ministry o! Environmenit and Energy is financiaily assisting in the cost of construcfing the local sewers through the jobsOntario Capital Fund. W. Hancock, P. Eg. Director of Public WorIks Town of Whtby now, Brunelle said that wiil not happen. aWe can't escape reaiity, this is dictated by the province,- h. said. Thorefore, if thoir hospitai is te change, Whitby residenits muet ensuro that their future heaith car. needs will ho addressed, Brunello mmid. Ho encourage rosidents to pricipate in the proceas when h ealth council brings forward its study for public comment., «TIi. process from this point onwards is for public consul- tation," said Brunelle. "I urge people who have con- corne ta go and speak their minds," he said. Bruneile, who along with coun- cilior Dennis Fox, is a Town council representative on the hospital board stresses that the proposai is only a recommenda- tion at this point. But he concedes that the. health council steering commit- tee is comprised of people such au Whitby Gonerai chair Ed Buf- fett who have a stake in the health car. fioid. Theyhavefirt-hand know- iodge of the probloms aseociatod with delivering health car. ser- vices, Brunello said. "]Pm trusting and hoping that they corne back (after public input) with rocommondations w. (council) can liv. with " h. said. Mayor Tom Edw;Wàs aiso pre- ferred not to comment specifi- cally on the. study proposais. «'I plan te meet wîth hospital representatives and heaith coun- cil representatives te find out what's behind theso measures,» said Edwards. «I don't know what this means to the Town 'of Whitby. Until then I will bo Iimited in what I say,» he added. iPon' cokfor theOang!'ltibdoIt foryo1 j IZSGST & PST ntdi9 i15 "x21 ', 20 Sfice, 3 toppîna Ing w-w,- - I s~p - --- - - -- - - um.Ç~ m --------- I v v v v v v v v v v Ma & Pa'9s Cutystore v v v v v v v GIVE MOM A CAKE TO REMEMBER Celebrate Mother's Day with a frozen Dairy Queen cake. Cool, creamy chocolate and vanilla Dairy Qucen soft serve. ( Crisp chocolate cookie crunch. Rich, cold fudge and icing, &à~ packed for easy takc home. You can even have your Cake designed with a personalized message on it. It's a great idea! Just give us a cail today. ~$. -.m.668-5342 l/ 0 ftwOmu. 555w" ha te Dai pe ANLYMEALDEAL' Fea famly of four for only~ Icma4reg. bwges. 4fries, 4 sft&i*zk & 4 surdm Y Country Decor Y Sante Fe Y Scented Candies Y Potpouri and electric pots Y Large Variety of country placemnals, table runners, rugs, etc. Y Featuring 16 craftspeople froni Durham Region 374 WILSON RD. S. OSHAWA e 434-7560 Nordh et Bloor, South ef Olive This week'sfeatured local craftsperson KATRIA WAGNER 10% OFF miniatures, doils and folk art. DAIRYV eiMw® - -CA 'WHITBY LOCATION ONLY 1003 Dundas St. E..- 668-5342 VA. Silgailis. P. Eng. Commissioner of Works Region of Durham 1

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