Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 May 1994, p. 25

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Whltby Frm Prou, Wednesdy, May 4.1»94. Page 25 AU~IIm&K$ ARj____ _____rj ...CE 1992 PONTIAC LEMANS - 2 dr., 4 cyl., 4 spd., radio. 61 ,bcoO km. White exterior, gnay interior. Good condition. First off or over $5,600 takes. Cati Dol 404-2858. 1985 CHEVY CAVALIER -,dar blue, 2 door, 5 speed, standard, cyl., low km, weti maintained, excellent condition. $2,000. Brooklin 655-4017. 1983 HONDA 750 SHADOW. Low miloage, low km, excellent biko, excellont condition. $2,200. Caîl 430-7099. INSURANCEI 'I 683-9725I FOR- AU. YOUR EYEWEAR NEEDS - glasses, contact lenses, sungiasses. Quality products, service and price. Eye examinations arranged. Discount for seniors and children. ILLEY OPTICIANS 102 Byron St. S. 430849. CEDAR TREES for hedging. Pick- Up or delivýned. Low rates. Cannington 1-705-432-3337. BABY CRI & MATTRESS, bumer ad% playpen, Jolly Jbu=pr car seat, infant bucket seat, strolier, umbrella strolter - al for $700. Cati 430-9070. CUSTOM OAK kitchen/microwave cabinet 281n*wX53whXl 83/4' depth $150. Frahklin stove - nover usod, $175. Cai 655-8042. MATCHING PAIR Admirai fidgeezer, stove $700. Good condition, cati 721-1083. SEARS SEWING MACHINE $50; soiid pin. chest of drawers $30; babys strolier $25; etectric broomn $12; large fan $20; humidifier, baby's drop-side bed. 668-3975. BOX TRAILER 5'X1 0'X5', $450. Toîl free pager 1-416-552-4051. LAWN ORNAMENTS - fountains, bird baths, etc. Cali Gary 430-1556. I PINE RIDGE I -~ INSURANCE I A PIN ....... W H IT B Y_ 13.5 FT. SAILBOAT- mainsait, SEWING spinnaker, jib. Traiter includod.MAHN Some Minar epar ded. $500 MAHIN o.b. o r aî l 80afer OpRepairs to al makes o.bo.Cal 68-80 ftr 530m. INDUSTRIAL & DOMESTIC In-home servioe available ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ 111 DUNDAS ST. W.,WHITBY I NSUR *4C IPeter 666-1228 AUTO, INSURANCE- low rates,jLANS PN oas y' payment terms, free quotes. ..______.____..___ CaiSharon 666-2090. TRAVEL INSURANCE - low cost, out of province, emergency medicai & hospitalization insuranco. CalI Peter at 666-2090. MORTGAGES & LOANS at p rime rates. Cai Michael, 668-7200. Anubis tnvestments Ltd. Sorving Ontario since 1973. HP LANDSCAPE SERVICE Lawn & gardon maintenance, spring cloan-up, flower & shnub p lanting, fertitization. Cati Henk for f e. estimato 668-0823. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, sodding. Spning clean-ups. Renovations of gardens, rock gardons, ptanting, irewoo. Dutchway Landscaping. (905) 649-3183. DO YOUR OWN LANDSCAPING! Blue spruce 4'-T, birch, mountain ash, bridai wreath, snowbalt, potinella, itac, evengreen ground caver. Caîl 655-8088. COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE trees 4' and Up, $10 per foot, dig r ruseff. We dig (On burlap & askets) add $20 per tree. Many intense btuo on a corne-f irst basis. We can also arrange transportation & planting. White Lian. Tree Farm, Brooktin, Ont. 905-655-8807. WASHER & DRYER, heavy duty, asking $375; 16" Mastercraft chainsaw, asking $85; 24" f rid g o& stove, apt. size, aski ng $325. Phone 433-0775. 30"X60"o BROWN OFFICE DESK $100; 2 black steno chairs $40Ipair; large Coca-Cola sign $30; desk lamp $5; basketbalt $5. Phone 404-2858. WEDDING GOWNS - affordable wedding gowns ta buy or rent. Large selection of sizes and styles. For appointmnent oeil Judy at 905-579478ý2, Oshawa. YORK 7000 BENCH PRESS with weights $60, 30wX42* adjustable metal drafting table with parallel bar $70. Se. Fred 430-2794. WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT for your child's birthday parly? Tum them into wRobinhoodsl' Pineridge Archery Club 712 Wilson Rd. S.. Oshawa. 905-404-0058. LOADED with 23 of the world's most important traditional botanical extracts & developedntby world reknowned natural scentst. Try 30 day supply. Satisfaction G uaranteed or your money back. Calil 666-0633. FIREWOOD. Excellent quali hardwood. Seasoned, very dry, split Honest: measurement. Order now for next season. Early discount Free detivery. 905-753-2246. BABY FURNITURE - crib, change table, dnesser/hutch, wood, 4 yrs. old. $450 set. Good condition. Also FP gym$100, FP sandbox $50. DINING ROOM table with centre leaf & six chairs (almond & brass highback), $200. Red carpet, 10 ft. xl2 ft. Reconditionod lawnmowons, $50 & up 721-2844, evenings or weokends. SPANKY'S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Residential & commercial. Grasscutting, tree, brush rernoval, g arbage disposai. Phono Jim at tait free (416) 550- 3225. RPM - REUABLE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. Pruning, grass seoding, spnng clean-ups, residential & commercial lawn maintenance. Seniors' discount. Cali for a freo estimate John or Frank 668-7689 or 433-0787. INTERLOCK DRI VEWAYS, patios, watkways, stops, rotaining watts, etc. Best prîce around.2 year guaranteo. Cali Dave at Brickscape mnc. 668-2742 bus. M & L PROPERTY SERVICES. Grass cutting, timming, tiîiing, iawncare, yard dlean-up. 10% discount on booking by April 30. Commorcianresidentiai. Seniors rate. (905) 985-8336. MATTRESSES and boxsprings at haîf price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. 100 WATT Mesa Booggie amplifier $400. cail 905-428-7201. CHESTeRFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionais, less than haîf once.u Large seloction. McKeen Iurniture, 524 Simcoo St. S.,ý Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. 116BR CKST.S SWANTDS USE AMPING EQIPENT wantod (tent) & eas neice goo n condit. Çai 6-866 leav a esae.ore Cash foreArt, Literture Phioso y Medaland ther subjec ets. Imedioate picup (416)447-8123n. C 6-36 GARAGE SALE at 309 Watnut St., Whitby fnom 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.. Satunday, Ma y7Familymvn out of town. Tonstosoit at must- soit pices. ATTENTION AREA RESIDENTS, Whitby Downtown BIA is hosting its f irst GARAGE SALE, Saturday, May 14 from lOam ta 4pm. Service and chanity organizations are holding individual garage sales at theofoWi ng locations in downtown Whitby - St. John's Ambulance at Whitby IGA, Humane Sociey at the CIBO, Whitby and B rookiin Optimist Clubs at Ye Olde Fashion Christmas Store, Leukemia Resoarch Fund at 101 Dundas St. W., Athitis Society at the Whitby Chambor of Commence, Rotary Club at Rotary Park, Osteoponosis Society at the Miracle Mant Plaza. Participating downtown businesses will iaso becomo involved in the garage sale theme. Thene's something for everyone in downtown Whitby. For informaion, cati 666-4189. LOST COCKAT1EL - yellow& orange. Cati 666-5357. YES, IT'S TRUE, A BUNDLE 0F BLUE! HAMBLY -Paul & Patsy (ne. Jacobs) are very pieasod to announce the safe & early arrivai of their new son, Brent Jacob William, born gt 8:47 arn, on Sunday, April 24, 1994 at Oshawa General Hospital, weighing 7 lbs., il oz. Happy to have a new qtaat6i bg sister Brenna. Vory p!oud 2nd time grandparents are Hry& Anna Jacobs of Whitby, & Bill & Jane Hambly of Oshawa. Our sincere thanks to Dr. Lai, Dr. Rowe, & nurse Sharon from labour & deiivery. Also our gratoful thanks go to Dr. Ort,& nursing staff in 401 Nursery, 4F Wing for their special care to Brent DWARF BUNNIES - 41/2 weeks aId, hUter traînable $12 each. Cai 655-8251 (Braokiin). GARAGE SALE #2 & #29 Hoaver Drive. Satunday, May 7 from 8am. Wide selection of items, bedding to yard toals. YARD SALE - MOVING SALE includes bikes, tools, furniture, toys, shelvos, etc. Saturday, May 7, from 9:OOam to 2:OOpm. Ramn date Sunday, May 8. 509 Contre St. N., Whitby. GARAGE SALE - nain or shino. Saturd ay, May lth at 58 Fieldnest Cnes. (T»hiison/Drden), Whitby, 9amn ta 3pm. Baby funniture, toys, tiyc les, snowblower, doîl house, CIathing & lots more (aill dean, mint condition). YARD SALE - 930 Greenwood Crescent, Whitby. Saturday, May 7th at 9:OOam. Cottectables, books, ta ys, furnitune, kîtchenwaro, beautiful Victoian couch (excellent condition), contemporary sofa& chair. AUCTIONEERS The peopleofo Whlîby aid surrounding msas enjoy attending auction sales. Let themn know about your exl ale by advertising in ftio Most widoly reacl pages In Whiby- mhe Whltby Free Press, Classifleds. Cali: AIl sIZOs. Installation and Computer Balanclng aIso, avajlable WHITBY TIRE 103 Dundas St E. (OMMsrofHwe. 12aH"y. 2) Phone 430-8900 NWusdlacar - Credi probemo? * b hNe lue» w mp *cmhforue - *dnefoehuqo LEASEGWDE AUTO LEASMN 683M30- ff 9Oth BIRTHDAY PARTY You are cordially invited to attend an OPEN HOUSE to celebrate with Dr. John H. McKlnney at the Oddfeilows Hal in Brooklin on Saturday, Miay l4th froin 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Best wishes only please

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