Whîby L- iPreas, Wednesday. A'i*'2"'94,'PW' 39 UPC OMING CONFERENCES AND FAIR Without a doubt, we are experiencing a revolutionary change from a wasteful society to a conserving one. The weekend of May .14 offers two great events; unfortunately, those interested in attending bothwiIi have to rnake a choioe. On Saturday, May 14, Oshawa wiii host Durham's fourth annual environment fair, entitied 'Green Today ... Heaithy Tomorrow!' at Lakeview Park in the Jubiiee pavilion, Simcoe Street South. This event highiights sharing ideas, showcasing environrnentai produets,- presenting 3Rs programs and enjoying the entertainment. For information to -become an exhibitor or to receive a brochure, contact Evylin Stroud (905) 623-6149. The upcoming conferenoe on energy entitled 'Environment, Energy and Education 1990-2000 -- Making the Transition to a Sustainable Society,' will focus on the greening of school8 through energy efficiency, water consumption and waste pollution management issues. On May 13 to 14 at thei University of Guelph, this two-day conference wili be hosted by the Energy Educators of Ontario and the Ontario Society for Environniental Education. Editor and publisher Tim Grant of the magazine Green Teacher wiii discuss 'Teaching About Sustainable Deveiopment.' This presentation examines the controversy surrounding the concept of "sustainable deveiopment." Ney elemènts of a sustainabie future are outiined and a case is deveioped for making this concept central to our teaching. Dr. Richard Frank offers a review of the history of pesticides and other chemicais in the Great Lakes Basin foliowed by a discussion of the heaith of the lakes and our changing attitudes towards pesticide ýuse and their impacts. Many other interesting sessions on a variety of topics wiii open ail grade leveis. For a brochure and fiirther.information cati (905) 323-9216. The Scarborough Environmentai Alliance group is planning a fair on June 4, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Morningside Mail. It wili fe ature displays, entertainment, a book exchange and the P.W. Worman puppet show on composting. To volunteer or if interested in securing an exhibitor's table, contact Jessie Markiand (905) 750-2406. On Thursday, May 19 at 8 p.m. at Oshawa's Eastdale Colegiate, Theatre, David Suzuki wili be a guest speaker on the topic 'Tme To Change.' Tickets can be ordered by caiiing (905) 985-3225. THE ROTARY CLUB of Whtby Sunrise recently presented a 1994 GMVC van to Whftby General ýHospital. Shown are club president Nick Baker (left), hospital chief executive. off icer Elizabeth Barton and hospital director of support services Bob Florence. Photo by Ma«k Reesor, WhIiby Free Pre Falli's, Sonny gradua-te from dog training, school Robert %alis of Whitby recentiy conxplted the 25-day dog guide training course at Leader Doge for the .Blind in Rochester, Mich. During hi.st"y, Pallis and his leader dog Sonny trained in Rochester and other , De"t suburban areas. FallaB is the achoal'. most recent active graduate in Ontario (MD-A) whîch has had more than 346 graduates in the last 50 yPars. The 50-year-odgechool has provided new-found xnoblity and independence to more than 9,6W0 blind people throughout the world Founded in 1939 by three businessmen who were membera of the. Detroit tJptown Lions Club, Leader Doge for the Blind is the largest dog guide training achool in the United States. Its principal benefactor are Lion and Liones.- clubs throughout the UJnited States, Canada and Spain. They make it possible for a blind person to attend without charge even though it costsabout $11,500 te train a student and dog. Whiie Falla trained for one month, leader dog Sonny had been i training fur four mcxiths pror heir successful completion ofterigorous trainingprga puts Sonny into an exclusive club. Approximateiy 300 leader doge graduat annually. Aimoet 700 are rejected for various medial and physical ramons which makes them not suitable for the awesome responsibility to be dog guides. Fa]lis and Soeny are back home now ready to start their new life together. SMOKE DETECTORS: APARTMENT AND ROOMING HOUSE UNITS This is to advise that, in accordance.with the Proet Standards By-Iaw, the property owner of every rented dw=ig unit and every rooming house unit shali: a) Instali at least one samoke detector on every hallWay oeiling Ieading to bedroom areas in sucli a manner so they may be heard within ail bedrooms when the doors are closed. b) Ensure that each detector is maintained in good operating condition on a conhinuous basis. Evwry tenant also has the responsility to nodfy te onr in writing when the tenant becomes amare Ifiat a detector la deficient or not in good operating condition. Fa ire to instail and maintain combustion detectors, on conviction, is subject to a fine of up to $5.000.OO. For further information on srmoke detectors, contact the Aire Department Administration at 668-3312 or By-Iaw Enforcement of the Town of Whitby at 668-5803. SMOKE DETECTORS SAVE LIVES PLEASE ENSURE THAT VOUR FAMILIES AND TENANTS ARE KEPT SAFE! FIRE CHIEF A. VanDOLEWEERD Unless otherwise posted, parking on streets within the Town of Whitby cannot exceed three (3) hours. NOTICE 0F THE PASSING 0F A ZONING BY-LAW BY TH1E CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHWfBY TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whtby passed By-law No. 3465-94 on the 28th day of Mardi, 1994 under Section 34 of the Planning Act~ R.S.O. 1990. c. P. 13. AND TAKE NOICE that any person or agenoy may ppeal to te Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by fling with the Clerk of the Corporation of Mh Town of Whutby flot later than the 1lth day of May, 1994 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection. PURPOSE AND FFFECT The purpose and effect of By-IaW No. 3485&94 is to amend Zoning By-law No. 1784 bo reduce* the maximum allowable height foi existirç residential buildings 1octed within the First~ Second andf Third lJensity Residentiai (Ri , FU R) zones from 10.5 metres ta 9.5 metres and estabhiali a maximum heiglit of 8.5 metres for ail new residential buildings as wel as additions bo existing buildings. By-Iaw No. 3465-94 affts al existirwg and new residential buildlings within the Ri, R2 and R3 zones throughout the areas af the Municipaloty covered by Zoning By-law No. 1784. A key map showing the landba aifected by the By-Faw is therefore not provided with this notice. The complete By-Iaw is available for inspection in my office dwring regular office hours. FURTHER INFORMA7ION REGARDING THIS MATTER MIAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE TOWN'S PLANNING DEPARTUENT, 668-5803. DATED at dhe Town of Whitby flua 27th day of Apri, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY CLERK 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LIN4 2118 NOTICE 0F THE PASSUNG 0F A ZONING BY-LAW BY TH1E CORPORATION 0F TH1E TOWN 0F WHITBY TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Cormorn oaitme Town ai Wiby ase ylaw No. 3466-94 on h 28thda of March,' 194 ndr ecio 34 of lie Planning Act, R.S.O. 19, 0. P.13. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or aency May appeal ta mhe Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By.aw by fling with mhe Clerk oif te Corporation afithe Town af Whitby not hater than mhe 17th day of May, 1M4a notice of appeal setting outfthe objection ta the By-law and the reasons in support of tie objection. PUflPOSE AND EFFECT lie purpse and effeot af By-Iaw No. 3466-94 is toaaMend Zoning Bla o. 2585 ta reduce the maximum alîowable heiplit for crantypes of new residential buildings as well as additions fa existirig residenfial buildings to 8.5 metres. By-Iaw No. 3466-94 affts ail single family, semni-detached and duplex dweiling houss throughout the areas of the Municupality covered by Zonin By-law No. 2585. A key map showinltthe ds affected b#%1_1y-las a erefore flot provided with mis notice. The CompEles y-awis available for inspection in my office during regular ofice hours. FURTHER INFORMATION REGARDING THIS MATTER MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE TOWN'S PLANNING DEPARTMENT, 668-580. DATED at mhe Town of Whifby flua 211h day of April, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY CLERI< 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LUN 2118 9