Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Apr 1994, p. 36

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X ' n 4.r C ',,~, . l,/ Page 36, Whitby Free Press, Wednesciay, April 27, 1994 I CHILO cAftE SERVICES SUR VI cEd LIL. MOTHER 0F TWO wili provide loving caro for your chiidren in a happy, non-smokig home. Babies wetcome. Downtown Whitby. Referencos. 666-2092. CARING MOTHER will provide a happy environment for your chiid. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Lots of activitios <waiks, crafts, stories). Thickson & Rossiand. Ask for Debbie 404-0815. RELIABLE & RESPONSIBLE daycare avaitable In my home. Fallingbrook area. 666-4648. MOTHER 0F ONE wil provide a lovinq environment for your toddler or infant. Nutritious' lunch & snacks. Cati 666-4995. We Watch. The system that provides... *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child " FulIy traîned providers receive ongoing Agency support " Reliable local back-up covers Provider ilness or holicays " Compete insurance coveraga " Income tax receipts *Chidren six weeks and up " Full or part-time For more Information cali: 686-;3995 a icensed Agency ?.e qsa aeed interIockinW.tone - retaining walls w6od fencing a decks FREE COMPETITIVE ESTIAMATES Written Guarantee 666-9690 The Mutual Group HERB TRAN catI for quotaMon 668-9669 é432-7216 RRMNUUIMIIFS - NMUII fFITZGERALD CARPENTRY I WHTBY LTD. * enena Crjen=yAdditions Home mmnt Geraunc lYJng Rec Rooms I DrywallAnd Painting 19 lYears in ir Durhami Regîon 8(72554%Là.6 8-4686~ i H E = E H E E I i j PEGGY'S I1NY TOTS haspla1 groups in Whitby for 2-4 yr. okFsin sMal group setting. Spaces avaitabie for Septomber programs. Run by q ualitied ECE/RN. Contact Peggy 668-9083. IF PERSONAL ATTENTION, a salo & educational environment is a priority for your chiid, 3 yrs. and aIder, cali KondalWood Montessori at 725-5410. Fuit -or part timo, year round. WEST LYNDE mother of two wouid love ta provide a happy environment for your chid in my home. FulV/part tiem. Ploase cal 430-8670. "MOM'S DAY OUT" home daycare- hait or fuit day ?poniîn gs. Many activities,' indoor/outdloor play, nutritious snacks. Gardon & Manning area. Cati Wendy at 668-7644. Specializing in -- Early Chiidhood FoPeaeoMnd FoEducatf ion. ..- Perry House Child Care Servces 129 Prry St., Whitby 668-9476 St. John Ambulance henee d r chages ý4 w* c - -. ONSITEs9 you touse Our oesna home ipvement service WîyP comp1ete design bulci4 eInter or renovations or Îrizî "M5 eextorlor tandscae I & concrete worR Fo.r roasarable rates cati (905) 008-7829 BROOKUN - large, nb.1, furnished bedsitting roomf in quiet area. Close ta shopping. Available now. OSHtAWA, - 2 unfurnlshed* bedrooms In houso. Share facilities. Non-smoker. $325/month. Cal 433-4108. BON VOYAGE MOTEL- ton minutes f rom Whitby, betweon Brooklin/Port Perry on'Hwy. 12. Rooms available for rent. Low woekly rates. Cati 655-5308. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, $80/wook., Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferr od. Waik toalal amenities. Plase cai 666-3776 after 6pm. ROOM FOR RENT in 3 bodroorn home. Avaitable immodiately. Non- smoker prof erred. Close ta 401. $125/week. cati 668-3071. FURNISHED/UNFURNISHED use of facilities, parking, iaundry. Mature working aduit. .$85hwoekly Cati 430-2598. 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE in Whitby Garden & Mary area finishod basoment. Avaitabie Mayl1. $800/manth + utilties. Fridge & stove inciuded. Please cati 668-1831 ater 6:OOpm. rB&D Fenci'ng & Declks **Work Guaranteed **Gardon Sheds **Post Setting . 3 **Free Estimates * PHONE 668-7951* Derek Dutka C planning sine 1986 CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. S - Finecia Concep CoictGeu WHITBY basement apartment, soparate entrance, ail self- containod, close ta ail amenities. $450/month, cable Included. Phono 668-2015. BROOKUN - nia. 1 bedroom apt., closei to shopping. $495/month, including hoat& hydrc>. Availablo now. Cai 655-5539. WHITDY 1 bedroom apts. available May i st. $575 monthly ail Inclusive. Appty at 110 Victoria St., apt. #24. Firstllast& roferences. Cati 728-2969. ONE BEDROON basemont aparmentfor ront, partlally furis'id.Also - a roomn for rent ln Oshawa. Ideal for sing le fomate, non-smoker ploase. $90/weekiy. Ploase cai 430-2984. P/case rec5cleC WHITIBY - dlean main floor one bedroom apt. ln century building oentraiiy iocated ln quiet residential area. Laundry & =rvt parking. Suftabie for single worklng persan. Non-smoker proferrod Aveul. Juno 1/94. $575. + hydra. Call 668-3011 days or 666-3883 evonings & weokonds. WHITBY - Thickson &Dundas area. Profossional to share bouse with same. $475/month. Cail Grog for more info, 434-1282. WHITBY - 4 bedroom housta share with one other. Own washroom, sharo the rest. Close ta ail amenhties. $460 ail inclusive. Mature aduit preferred. Cati 430-1826. AVAILABLE MAY 1. Roommato wanted ta sharo 4 bedroom home. Parking, laundry facitities availabie. $350/month. Cait 430- 7103. tà4,s nwspqecr CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONiE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. - 1 YOURE INVITEDI MARATHON. ONTARIIO «Built on Pape. Lcedwith <old. O5t Anniversary Box 29. MARATHON, Ontario POT 2E0, ALGONOUIN SPACE CAMPUS: for high achool studients! Great accommodations. food, sports. Weekly co-.d sessions June-September. Robots, rackets. satellites, astronomny. Educationai space edventure! Brochure: 800-38-SPA CE. BUSINESS OPPORTIJNITIES START VOUR OWN HOME.BASED BUSINESS! Wallons le tody's best business opportunity1 For FREE Information contact - Independent Markleing Director, 218 Megiund Cr., Saskatoon, SIK S7H 4Z6 (1 -8W0-263- 2999). ESTABLISHED 12 Lune 5 Pin Bowling Centler Concession, Askng $155.000. Phone (204) 857-6749 or (204) 857-8471, ask for Richard, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. Owners maving. CAREER TRAINING COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTITUTE of Vancouver offera correspandence courses for the certificat@ of Counsellir, Studies ta bogin the 151th oi the month. For brochure phone: 1.800-6657044. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTIJNITIES MUSIC FOR YOUNG CHILDREN mev have teaching opportunities ln vour are&. Il Vou have piano background, cag for information about Tacher Training Semmeara 1-800-561-1692. FOR SALE TOYS - CANADA'S LARGEST SELECTION of larm. vehicie, and construction loys. For 28-page catalogue. write ta Country Mriage Producis. Box 941, Langenbuirg. SKC. SoA 2A0. OSTRICH/EMU/RHEA: Are you buying or seiing' Birds lrom &cross Canada. Buyers caitl'Fre*" teven' ).Sellers, liii with AdComp. Setter Results! To-rn 1-800-361-3660. i-ELP WANTEO ECOTOURISM MANAGEMENT. HALIBURTON CAMPUS. Sir Sandiord Fleming hem a poat-dipioma poomin Ecotowrism Management sterling Fait, 1994. Part-lima instructors requirad who have extensive axperience in aperating a tourlsm ifacility - marketing; promotinl. plantning brochures, organizang avats - for coursesin the foflowing aream: Tourlsm Marketing; Structure of the Tourlsm Industry; Sales end Consumer Bahaviaur. Tourism Establshment Operations i1£&Il. Rtesumds sliauld be forwardad. by Ma y1il, 10 Director. Human Resource Services. 5286M cOonnai Street. Peterborough, Ontario K9J 781. quoi* Competition RF2694. Course objectives may be oblained f ram Human Resaurces (705) 749-5530. ECOTOURISM MANAGEMENT, HALIBURITON CAMPUS. Sir Sandfard Fleming hins a poat-diploma frgr in Ecoiourism Management starting# Fait, 1994. rntlctors with prior expenience in teachrng outldoor edudaian, required bte ach die following Envirorimenlal Studios: Naturel Resource Skils for-Ecolourism Prorame; Taxonomy of Ecosystems; Trees and Shnibs ofOntaria- Habitat Management for Fish and Wiifîe; Ecosystem Dynamici end Interactions. Conservation; Natural resource Legisfation. Resumdi shauld b. forwaded, by May il. ta: Director, Human Resourta Services, 526 McDonnel Street. Peterborough. Ontario K9J 781, quota Compebition #F2694. Course objectives may be obtainad tram Human Rasources (706) 749. 5530. MISCELLANEOUS MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLEI ConventionatiEqull i and 2nds Land. Codtage. F.novgn. Construction. Consolidea Bills mbIntow monthly paymenls. Cmli Barham Investment Corporatibîiloti fra 1-800-265- 2694! ATTENTION AIL YOU'i%4 ORGANIZATIONS Fundralin gp0 r1unity .Selling BALSAM FIR CHR;ISI*TMAS WWPEATHS. Queisrs 100% profit, NO RISK, and a major annuel lundralser. For information cati collect Baraco Resources - A Community Company.- (902) 345-2777. PERSONALS WH-AT MAKES OTHER PEOPLE TICK? Buy Dianeties: The Modern Science oi Marntal Heelth by L. Pan Hubbard and i's Home Sludy Course ($31.) Cod 1 -00- 561-5808. RIO YOUR BODY oi harmful affects ai daiy pollution. Buy & rend CIaar Body Clar Mînd' by L. Pan Hubbard ($22.). Co1 -800561 -5808. IMPOTENCE easity carrected, Overcome el impotence prablems caused by aglng, medications, aurgery, dabetes etc... Gel the lacis from* Perfortmance Modical, Box 4 18, Valemount. 9.C. VoE 2Z0, 1-800-663 -012 1. CONDOMS REDUCE THE RISK 0F transmission et aids. HigheZsi quality. lowest prices. Maled plain package. Wile Canpro, Box 44026. 600 Grandview South, Oshawa, Ontano 11H ePS. LADIES/GENTLEMEN se your maie belore you date. on vdeo cassette. Hottest videc dating available. Writelcall. Irae details. Nail'a Pick-a-Date, Box 94 Dungannon, Ontario NOM 1RO (519) 529-3141. REAL ESTATE 007 A CAIà1PGROUND membershipNtmeshare? WeNl take il! Amencas ilargest, ldes reslecloaslnghouse. Pesort Sales International 1-800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cati 24 houri a day. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS - GUONSETS, S. Modela. aireigtweils. Mary iyîzes toichoose trom. For Value, OuaIiT and lntegriiy, cati Future Steel Buildngs 1-800- 68853. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Farm Mtoirage, commercial industriel. new typa, steel/wood, quoinset, clodd . For tnJe value, action & answera - WaNy (416) 626-1794. FREE brochures, clip and save. BEST BUILDINGS PRICES - Steel Stmaitwafl Type - flot quonset - 32x64 $7.899; 40x72 $11.924; 50x90 $16.954; 6oxl26 $25.883 - other sizes available Miscellaneous clearance - Paragon - 24 Houri 1-800- 263-8499. QUONSET STEEL BUILDINGS: 21x24 51,599.00, 25x30 $2.2566.00, 27x34 $2.778,00, 30x44 $3,830.00, 4OX56 5.,844.00, 44x64 $7.798.00, 46x66 $7,999.00, 50x84 $ 10.724.00. Ends optional. Other sizea. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. BRADLEIGH PRE-ENGINÎEER;ED BUILDINGS, Proudly made in Canada for rural, industriel. commercial. Drawings with buildings. Drap packages or erected. Freestimales cati (705)431 -6777. TRAVEL RESORT TAPAtOO. 071ER LAKE. Parry Sound, Hotel rooms. suites. cottages. Indoorpool. spa., sunianning. Super spring spéecial: 2 meals tram $580 1-800-461-5410. Y our ad could appear ln communihy newspapera in Ontario, or r/gAI *cross Canada, or any individuel i i - - province. Space la Uimufed, so Cali This Newspaper Tadayli "0CROSS CANADA MARKE-TPLACE9 To readi a wf.r m&*ee &aAw i tunrow dmther.of m. nme he OntaA, and Canadan Commu wrDy NerewppiwAaaocàatkrn Centrai Ontario 50 new.papare- 168 for 25 words - AM Ontario 178 newspepers - WO for 25 words AN Canada SU3 ne re - $1,183 for 25 word. For turth.r Information pe aol the Whitby Fr.. Pr... CIafflfkds - 668-6111 [i Whitby Free Press 66S-el Il Off k~e HOUrS: ~M~rdaY to Frtclay, 900 ~P1 to 5:00 pin Fax 668-0594 I BRUAN'S Lawnmower R. pair 2721-2844 e 725-8709 Free PickU & Deliver Z AWN MOWER SPECIAL Only $49.95 +parts r- rl;,Iliiii U, ý , ýl a À

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