-- -- -- -.-~ -- r r'- 'Mysteries' in fundraiser RON KORB Queen' miPark Report Parade for D-Day vets Some'weeks ago, 1 told you that Premier Bob Rae had asked me to come iorward with a plan whereby the Ontario gvrnment could officially recognize the 5th anniversary of D ý: Plnsincluded the possibility of having Dame Vera Ly take .prtin the celebrations. I did track down her agent in' ndon, England, however, she has other arrangements. Despite this initial setback, plans are now going ahead smoothly. On Sunday, June 5, there will be a parade from Nathan Phillips Square to Union Station, where the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario wiIl tale the salute along wth the Premier. From there, veterans (more than 1,500 so far) will be bussed down to Ontario Place for another parade at HMSC Hadia. Celebrations "I continue afterwards at Ontario Place and the Forum. Many details remaîn to be, ironed out. We will have a fly-past, and hopetùlly this will include vintage World War Il aircraft. 1 will give more~ details at a later date. At the risk of making this colurnn ail military, 1 met with Royal Canadian Legion, Ontarxo Command officiais recently at Queen's Park in my role as chair of the Ontario government>s veterab;is committee. We were joined by the Minister of Health, who listened to a proposai by the Legion whereby they would purchase and maintain a number of haemodialysis units for use acrosa Ontirio. The complete proposai hinges on agreement being made with the, Ministry of Çonsumer and Commercial Relations whereby break-open -tickets ,(Nevada) are operated by Royal Canadian Leion lranches in Ontario. Meetings on this issue are ongoing. I look forward to an early resolution. 'eapanese Mysterie& will be presented in Oshawa on Satur.- day, May 7 in a fundraiser for the Arthrîtii; Society of Durham RonKorb and the Kappa Band will perfctrm an instrumental mix of traditional Japanese music and western musie, Korb, 32, an Ajax- resident, released Japanese Mysteries, his second album, last fal1. His first album, Tear of the Sun, was released in l90' nd reached number one on the new age top 40chart. Korb plays bamoo flute, Ray Hickey classical flute Eric Ter-, reau keyboards, Rich Érown bass and Matthew Shawn Fleming percussion Ior Japanese Mys- teries, another top 10 performer on the new age charts. Korb was trained on the sijver flute, graduating from the University of Toronto in flute pertormance in 1987. Hie thern studied flutes frorn around the world, and went. to Japan jr 1990 te research his ancestry. learn. the language and culture while studying the ancîent bam- boo flutes. Korb will perform at the ]Robert McLaughlin Gallery, 7 tu 10:30 p.Tn. Admission is $25. Tickets are available ai. the information booth at the Whitby Mail and at the Arthritis Society office at 44 William St. W., Oshawa. Titanic exhibit at the museum As part ,of the Celebrate Durhamn 194 festivities, the Oshawa Sydenham Museumn wil present exhibits from the Royal Ontario Museum, starting May 1. Exhihîts consist of photorahs cf the Titanie before she=sailed; photographs cf passengers and festivities before the voyage; advertising posters; photographs (înside the wreckage taken bya camera within a tiny robot) t show pogant items such as a doll's head and a china tea cup; and newspaper accounts cf the j lucky survivors as well as doomed passengers. On April 10, 1912, the biggest and moet luxurious ocean limer ever built sank on her mai dem voyage to New York from Th la lay undiscovered on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, southeast cf Newfoundland, for 74 years. For more information, contact Laura Suchan at 571-5575. TRAFALGAR g~CASTLE ~PSCHOOL Presents ouir OW9X By Thornton Wilder This Friday and Saturday, April. 29th and 3Oth, at 8:00 p.m. 401 Reynolds Street, Whi*tby For Complîmenta-v Reserved Seats, Cali 668-3358 EVERVONE WELCOME!'.i j1994 Jeep Chgerokee Sport - 4.0 IL 190 hp Engine - 41 Speed Automelie Transmission - Command-Trec 4WD - Air (ondifioning " AM/FM Stereo Casette " Roof Rack " Side Impact Door ileema " Sport Decor Package " Rear Wiper/Wesher * irassenger & Driver P Iower Windowa Driver'» Side Airbag * 5 l'enger Seating Side Airbags Door Iocks Du1)al Remnote Control - SUinles4 Steel Etchaust * 3.3 L 161 hp V6 En0dne AM/FM Sterm Casset Mirrurs - lReur Window Defroster * 4 Speed Autonie *Ilcwer Hleated Mrror. * 1.5 1, Fuel lnjetèd - Power Front Dise lirakes Transmission* Speed Conirol! Engine - Side Impact floor Keamts * Autonsati Temperatunt Tilt Steeting 5 Speed Manuel <ontrol rVC *Ilower ï. Wheel lDise rnmsi, * Touring Tuned Suspension lirekes $20,988* $ 949450 $20998 $ 91114FanonryRebate GetA Flxra S50 radute Rbat Cordon Sue Sweetsô È Dsscn Sbop /Cate ~668-2722 1 41 Brock SL S., Whiby Soup or SaIad and I candwich of your rhoice $4.50(xnu I Clip and save with thîs coupon MILLUNS For close to 20years. m ilions have' Pitched- In, -collectmng millions oionnes ojiarbage. hlsyearpeople ai-ross Ontario wili head iouldoors AMay 2-A £0 "Piich-In for " onservation," a pro graoi of the Ontario *Federanîon ofAnglers and huniers. Cati705- 277-9190 eA~ S ponsorwuuy eKodak, FM & E-Wear and Roots - i oP-EN JsUVlOUSEK The Durham Region Roman Catholic,Separate School Board cordially invites you to attend an "O pen House" w a the Catholic Education Centre in recognition 6f lis 25th Anniversary. Location: CA THOLI1<EDUCATION CENTRE 650 ROSSL4ND ROA 1) WEST, OSHA WA Dates: MA Y 3rd, 411,. & 5115, 1994 _________May_3,_199 Noon Hour Concert' TuesdyMay, ~ uidcd Tours 1 1:30am - l:00pm l0:3Oam & l:3Opm i yOe os :Csi-90p Wednesday, May 4, 199!Oc os : m-9Op ________ 994___ Concert Begins at 7:OOpmn FhurdaM5,Il Noon Hour Concert il :3Oam - I :OOpn (iuided Tours I0-30am & :3Opm For more information please conta ct Laura Sheehan ai (905) 576-6150 eut 2821 j M 493 Bayly St. E. Ajax (Just west of Lakeridge Rd.,23) 683.4100 A Division of Chrysier Canada ni f4C'.oet ~o1 itPaci ase . 01W t W~o. n$tM> l dt'usco.,ti aa soal, ,,,irSart, Z :'4 P MS n i~OyearVIdtactr i ayle.drFa"ty .ti. o.4de, OS f PîclriEfle Oso£Si ?2CPret- seir sr.ve Sd Cmmsa.t 5.0v S67D Ew Ste. iES $7W LEnwSum â45,'ne.sPat.o M am "_ ses.14d,, e. i.a -,e n, 4 i.e- ' . ée> , lms.Ohn i osa w susej5 5yCiij ,, ,, .'P. Includes Nu ClurW 1.9'973 Mr Aà S