Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 20 Apr 1994, p. 36

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Page 36. Whtby Fro Press, Wednesday, Apri 20, 1994 SCALLA ~HLD cftE ICWLDImmt PROFESSIONAL I.SERip- ERIE KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-uphoistery of antiques. AiU kinds of recovering. Your fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 years' experience. 430-7568, Whitby. DRYWALL & FRAMING. Complote residentiat & commercial renovations. Taping & textured ceitings. Caîl Dieter for a f ree estimate, 430-1207. VOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Al makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Complote lune-up from $29.95 + p arts. Facto ry trained technicians. Forfre. pick-up & deiivery cal! 432-7375. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Attorations and repair on draperies. Affordabie pr"cs. For your free in-home shopping and estimnate cati -432-1714. Customer's fabrics are welcome. "I had nover used the Whitby Fr.. Press ciassifieds before, and t was deli' hted wth the response ta my ad. T ho cost was a lot loss than othor papers. I wili continue to use the Whitby Free Press.* R.P. I IN NC ...AL.. BEOOME FINANCIALLY SECURE & retire a nîiiionairel Financiai information tells how - not a trickç or gimnmick Send a S.A.S.E. &. just $0to: Myan Consulti ng Services, P.O. Box 70607, 1615 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ont. Li N 2K0. MOTHER 0F TWO wilt provide loving care for your children in a happy, non-smoking home. Babies welcome. Downtown Whtby. References. 666-2092. OTTER CREEK - mother of schoot aged chiidren wilI babysit in own home. Infants wetcome. Experienced, referencos availabie. Cati 430-2833. CARING MOTHER wiIl provide a happy environment for your child. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Lots of activities (walks, crafts, stories). Thickson & Rossla'nd. Ask for Debbie 404-0815. Specializing in -- Early Chiidhood Education. ~ M -f For Peace of Mind,ï Perry Ho use Child Care Servces 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 WANT A HAPPY & FUN envirionment for your chiid? Lots of crafts, games, painting, pasting, story-time and much more. Nutritious lunches and snacks. Calil 430-3361. IF QUAUTY DAVOARE is what you're looking for - experienced daycare provider and mother would love to care for your infant or toddler. Speciaity - babies. Cali 430-9520. "MOM'S DAY ouF' homo daycare - haif or full day oponings. Many activities, indoor/outdoor play, nutritiaus snacks. Gardon & Manning area. Cali Wendy at 668-7644 NURSERY SCHOOL SPACES for September. Two Whitby locations offering an enriched program. SMALL WORLD- Cochrane St. GOOD FRîENDS- Rossland Rd. Drip. in for a visit any weekday morning or catI 668-5504. CLOTHIN Kid OrîIyCLUB Yes, Kids Ony Clothing lbIc o a consultant in Durham Region, featured on CityLinei D.slgn.d and macleUn Canada! Colouwf i! Comfort abUs! 100% Cotton! Exclusive Styles! Hey Moms! Be the first to wear and seil this unique line of "Grow A Size" clothesl Int.reatred Miii hi a Kidir OnIy presentation? For a FREE catalogue coltf Dreda <905) 508-0479 BROOKUN - large, nice, furnished BROOKUN - nice i bedroom apt., bedsitting room in quiet area. close ta shopping. $495/month, Close ta shopping. Availabie now. inciuding heat & hydro. Availabte Cali 655-5539. now. Cali 655-5539. OSHIAWA 2 unfurntshed berooms in house. Share facilities. Non-smoker. $325/month. Cail 433-4108. BON VOYAGE MOTEL -ton minutes from Whitby, between Brooklin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms available for rent. Low weekiy rates. Caîl 655-5308. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, $80/week. Share bathroom & ktchen. Student or worker ý referred. Walk to ail amenities. bease cait 666-3776 afler 6pm. AVAILABLE MAY 1. Roommate wantod ta share 4 bedroomn home. Parking, iaundry facilities availabie. $350/month. Cali 430- 7103. WHrrBY - 4 bedroomn house to share with one other. Own washroom, share the rest. Close to aIt amenities. $450 ail inclusive. Mature aduit preferred. CatI 430-1826. HOUSE, APARTUENT FOR RENT" If you had adverised here, 1.0009 like you wouid b. reading this now. 668-1111 WHITBY - one bedroomn apartment available May i st. $550/monthly. Fridge, stove, heat , parking for one car included. Cail 430-0959 or 723-2857. NEW LAGE2 BEDROOM apt indesrale NE Whitby. Trasitatdoo. arking, Iaundry & cable inciuded. $750/month ail inclusive. Large, private backyard. Cati Robin at 430-1972. WHITBY - 1 bedroomn apts. available May i st. $575 monthly ail inclusive. Apply at 110 Victoria St., apt. #24. Firsilasi references. Cal 728-2969. WHITBY - clean main floor one bedroom apt. in century building centrally Iocated in quiet residentiai area. Laundry & private parking. Suitable for single working person. Non-smoker preferred. Avait. June 1/94. $575 + hydro. Cal 668-3011 days or 666-3883 evenings & weekends. SMALL APT FOR RENT in upper level of private home. Inctudes 2 bedrooms plsstigroom, kitchenette g&ush aredbathroom. Suitable for couple or 2 single working persons. Non-smokers. $125/week, heat & hydro included. App at305 Watson St. E., Port ONE BEDROQM $550 monthly + utitities. Closèi to GO station. Available immediately. 668-5069. auet interlocking stone - retaining walls Wood fencing & decks rFREE C OMPE TI T! VE ES TIMA TES Written Guarantee 666-9690 The Mutuai Group HERB TRAN cail for quotation 6689669 e 432-7216 RRIFs - ANUTE Gis. RSs WHITBY LTD. Home nW~mnt Ceramic lYing * Roc Rooms E DrywalAnd Painting 1 9 Years in *Durham Region824 *Cail:CE %§68-4686 44a4Q 'N E E E E E E E E E E E E E a i j ewfng W et"#,on îvesONSIT. 'eiyou to ue r ""O hoe int vmetseqc comp lete dlesign bulc * nterlor renovations or *exterlor tandscap &concrete worK Ï For reasonable rates cali (905) 668-78291 Oua1 llyConStrUCtion for Home and Busins ~ - Bathrooms - Ktchens - Custom tnim -Dcs - Gazebos -Additions, etc. Î* Iterlki gstone Z=&Ct.r à#z*i7a-655-4418 BRIAN'S Lawnmower Rep>air 721-2844 - 72"709 Free PickUp & Douiver LAWN MOWER SPECIAL TUNE UP 'ny rB&D Feu=ng *twb *w Work Gurantee **Post Setting **Free Estimatos * PHONE 668-7951* Derek Dutka Specializtng in tax and retirement planning sinoe 1986 CALI 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. isa iS 5d nd F CROSS CANADA MARKETPL fITS FAST -f T'S EASY! ONE CAIL, ONE BILL DOES IT AIL. COMING EVENTS Il1th ANNUAL TORONTO T0V SHOW, Sunday. April 241h, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., International Centre. 6900 AirPort Rd.. Mississauga. 100's ai tables. antique & collectibte ioys. Retive your chitdhood, bring the famity! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHEQUE CASHfNG FRANCHISES, $2,500. No maney down. Profit share pay back. Real estate licenses hetd tree. Na board dues. Cati cottect 705-428-6229. Crati Business Opportunity. Learn a new cralt Danish Bead Work. Be the fifsita leach and self in your area. For information (613) 224-3099. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Southwestern School of Auctianeering. Next Class: Juty 16-22. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario Schaal of Auctioneering, R. R. #5, Woodstack. Ontario N4S 7V9. (519> 537-2115. FOR SALE TOYS - CANADAS LARGESI SELECTION ai tarm, vehicle, and construction toys. For 28-page catalogue, Writea ta Country Heritage Producis, Box 941. Langenburg, SK, SOA 2A0. POETRV CONTEST $12,000 in prizes yearly. Possible publication. Send one original poemn 20 fines or Iess: National Library 01 Poetry, Box 704- ND. Owings Milîs, Md 21117. SALES HELP WANTEO DO YOU LIKE CANOLES? Party ULe, featuring a unique collection ai candies and home decorating accessories is seeking consultants. (Party Plan>. No investmenî or deliveries. Outstanding commissions 1-800-343-3346. MISCELLANEOUS INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-30 wîth agriculturai experience ta ive/work with family in Austratia, New Zeatand. Europe, Japan. Cosisldetails - 1-800-263-1827. #206. 1501-17 Ave., Calgary, AB, T2T 0E?. L ACE MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE! ConventionaV/Equity 1 sis and 2nds. Consatidate bis mbIniow monthty payment, renovate or finance business. Rates tram 5.7%, Cati Toit Free 1-800-265-2694. PERSONALS WHAT MAKES OTHER PEOPLE TICK? Buy Dianetica: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard and it's Homne Study Course ($31.) Cati 1-800-561-5808. RIO YOUR BODY of harmfut effects af daily pllution. Buy & read "Clear Body Ctear Mindr by LRon Hubbard (S22.>. Cati 1-800-561-5808. REAL ESTATE GOT A .CAMPGROUNO membership/limeshare? We'lI take it! Americas largesi. oldest resale clearinghouse. Resori Sales International 1-800- 423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cati 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Top quatity straightwatt, wood/steel & aîi/steei buildings, CSA certitied, workshops, barns, arenas, stables, etc. Large or smatt. contracting and financing available, 24 hours 1-800-561- 2200. STEEL BUILDINGS - QUONSETS, S. Modets, staighlwaiîs. Many sizes ta choose tram. For Value, Ou aiity an d tnt egrity, cati Future Steel Buildings I1-800-668-8653. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Faim starage. commercial industriat. new types, steel/wood. quonset. ciadding. For true value, action & answers - Walty <416) 626-1794. FREE brochures, clip and save. TR AVE I RESORI TAPAJOO. OTTER LAKE. Parry Sound. Hotel rooms, suites, cottages. Indoor pool. spa. suntanning. Super spring speciat: 2 meals tram $58.00 1-800-461-5410. Your ad could appear ~in cmufYnwPprlnOntario. or right across Canada, or any i LIou aivdu ric.Sacel Lmlesa Cai This Newspaper Today! I 98CROSS CANADA u*t wARIÇmnbfJ* ,bcE Fo frhenfrato po. mi h Wil> r.,4 rs a, .ifi.ds. 68411 Whity Fee res 668611 Otoe ours Moida toFriay1 ~OOarnto :Oê m ~Fax6~8Ofi edm q4 ~a ~~I8ufl*EUUUUUMMUMMMMMM~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... Il. ............. 11

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