Page 34, Whitby Free Press. Wednesdlay, Aphil 20, 194 Open house at Chi*ldren 's Aid In recognition of the work of ren who are in foster care, volunteers over the past year, the adoption disclosure, in providing Children's Aid Society of Durham teamn support and family support, Region is hostirig an open house and serving on the board of today (Wednesday) at the main directors. offlice, 200 John Street, Oshawa. Volunteers assist with driving There are many volunteer cients, being "special fiendai'. to opportunities with the Society. children, supervising visists Cail 433-1551, ext. 2211 for more be*tween parents and their child- information. * pon'it Cook for tde Oang/ Let 115do It for you/ i PiZBSGST & PST inclued 9i 1 15gfx21'p 20 Suice, 3 topping-s Fmiret im tirs t aid JULIANNE ASPDEN (Ieft) and Lauraine Allard (night), both of Whftby, tend to a victim (portrayed by Shannon Maracle) in the St. John Ambulance f irst aid competi- tion for the central area of Ontario, held in Ajax recently. Aspden and Allard won the central area competition and were fourth in Ontario in the senior division. Photo by Jeromy Oreuar WhItby Free Pres 800 Km ig St. W.., Oshawa (cc>rn4r,.cKing & -Tharitar) T"7he Àbest w17ln n Urham' ~Mi: ** to AIIL 0F WHITBY (min. $1 0.00 order) Parents aspartners 1 /21b.-$3.94 3/4 Ib.-$5.64 1 Ib.-$7.44 li 2lbs.-$1.94 2Ibs. $14.44 3Ibs.-$21 .44 ON 1HE SUDE GarliIcBread Chlcken Fingers Caesar Salads Veggle Sticks PopýUd -Raie 1 /21b.-$4.94 3/4 Ib.-$7.44 1 Ib.-$9.64 1 li2lbs.-$1 4.44 2Ibs. $1 8.64 BUY 11/2LBS. VWNGS OR MORE REG. FRIES & CAESAR SALADI * & RECEIVE 1/2LB. FREE VWTH PURCHASE 0F 218. W1NGS INot valld ln combinatian wt n Not valld in combination wt n *o#ter offers/coupons or =1mbo=.othier offers/coupor's or =t=o. ---Expires May 15. 1994l. I Expires May 15, 1994l.I Celebrate Your Child's Birthday Party at airy Queen À r PER CHILD INCLUDES: Hamburger, hotdog or nuggets, Mes. drink nnrtv bat. balicn. On Tueda Ail 9th Durhamn Boardof Education held a curriculum integration workshop in Oshawa for parents and school adnunistrators. Sehool teams compoeed of an administrator and a representative from the school's parent advisory committee joined presenter Robin Fogarty te, learn about identifying connections in 1f, defining curriculum integration, providing a rationale for integrating curriculum and seeing the issue from a student perspective. The purpose of the workshop was to raise awareness of curriculum integration and the benefits to students. It provided an opportunity for parents and adininistrators to talk about the importance of being partners in the education of youngsters. Fogarty has taught all grade levels from primary to umiversity, as well as special education classes and programs for the fgffted. She is the creative director or IRI/Skyllght Publishing and the author of bunerous books. Photo workshops ottered' Advanced photography work- shops will be offered by the Durham College continuous learning division on Saturdays, 9 a.m. to noon, from April 30 to JPartcipnt wilI learn how to develop a photographic portfolio and work independently on pro- jects. Group discussions and cri- tiques of contemporary photogra- phers will also be inclu&ed. Cost is $96. For more informa- tion call 721-3052. Students rais e $172 ONE students at St. John School raised $172 for Share Life, a Cathollo charity, by setling 1,700 bags of poSm. phot by arkReesor, Whitby Free Press r THESE GRADE the Evangelist --j 1