Paqe 16. Whitby Froe Press, Wodnesday, April 20, 1994 PUBLIC NOTICýE THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM IN THE MAlTER 0F THE MUNICIPAL ACT TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of 1the Regional Municipaiity by-Iaws authorizing construction aof1the following prajects: Road Name 8111 Canc. 9111 Cane. Reach St. Liberty St. Thicksan Rd. Finch Ave. Harwaad Ave. Thornton Rd. Municlpalty Clarington/Oshawa Pickering Uxbridge Claringlon Whîtby Pickering Ajax Oshawa of Durham may pass Locatîon 8111 Concession tram Oshawa/ Clarington Townline ta, Reg. Rd. 57. Upgrade ta acceptable standards. 9th Cane. tram lot 30/31 westerly ta YorklDurham boundary. Upgrade ta acceptable standards. Reconstruction ta 3 lane urban standard tram Main St. ta Testa Rd. Liberty Street tram Reg. Rd. 4 northerly ta Reg. Rd. 20. Upgrade ta acceptable standards- Thîckson Rd. ai Winterberry Dr. and at Dryden BIvd. Operatîonai improvements ta intersections. Finch Avenue ai Ahaona Rd. Ocerational imrovements ta intersections Harwoad Ave, tram twy 2 southerly 10 Mandrake St. Widening ta 5-lane standard. Thorntan Rd. tram Rossland Rd. northerly 10 Taunton Rd. Recon- struction 10 4-5 lane standard. Miscellaneous Improvements Brock Road Brock Road Shirley Road Pickering Uxbridge Scugag Plans showing detals of the projecis and the lands affected may been seon ai 1the offices of the Durham Works Department, 105 Consumers Dr.,Whity, ntaro,________668-721 Dr., hitby Ontrjo, elephne 68-71 Datedat Witby thisOt day of Maârch 1f99-4.ý T. PREVEDEL, P. ENG. DIRECTOR 0F TRANSPORTATION Brock Road. a815111Cane. Intersection improvements. Brock Rd. ai 1.7 km north of Reg. Rd. 11. Culvert Replacement. Shirley Rd. ai Reg. Rd. 2 Commuter parking lot. Works Committee, being delegated by Regional Council as the hearing body, shahl hear ini person or by hie8 or her counsel, solicitor or agent, an y persan who dlaims hie or her l and wil Ibe preluicially affected by th1e by-laws and who applies on or before April 29, 1994, to1the undersined ta be heard at a meeting of the Works Committee on May 3, 1994. V.A. Silgaîlis, P. Eng. Commissianer af Works f. New Pla solves veh loUe d isputes On April 5, a Canada-wide programn for arbitration of disputes between consumera and manufacturera of car and Iight-duty trucks came inta effect. Thle new program, called the Canadiait Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan, or CAMVAP, is based on the succesaful plan that bas operated in Ontario since 1986. The program 18 an alternative ta the court systemi and is provided ta consumers at no charge. Consumera who have exren ned problems with their vehicle that cannot be resoived by the dealer or manufacturer can appiy for arbitration under CAMVAP. CAMVAP wili first attempt ta resolve the dispute through information mediation -while the arbitration is being set up. In most circumstances, arbitration hearings wili happen within 50 days of the dlaimi form being signed by the manufacturer and consumer. The arbitratar's repart will be sent ta the consumer within 21 days of the hearing, and al manufacturers have comnmitted ta implement the award within 30 working days of receiving the decision. Lariy Johnson, an industry representative who has been invalved with the Ontario p Ian and development of à ÂrÀi says "CAMVAP is fast, free, friendly, fair and final." The manufacturera and importers want ta resalve problema with consumera without using the court process. CAMVAP arbitratars are trained in conducting motar vehicle-related arbitrations. While many are lawyers, others corne from ail waiks of life and backgrounds. Consumera are provided with the naines and resumés of three qualified arbitrators and, unles scheduling problemas occur, the arbitrator selected by the consumer will hear the case. The hearings are conducted in an informai way and, after listening ta the consumer and the manufacturer, the arbitratair can order: a buy-back of the vehicle; its replacement by a sinijiar vehicle if one can be found; repairsta be paid for by the manufacturer; reimbursement up ta $350 for tai and towing costs; or no liabilitv on the part of the manufacturer. With a few exceptions, the arbitrators decision is -final and binding on bath consumner and manufacturer, and the decision can only be appealed ta a court in very lirnited circumistances. CAMVAP arbitrations do flot require the formnalities or experience the delays inherent in resoiving disputes through the courts. CAMVAP wilI be phased in acroas Canada during 1994. Once impleinentation is complete, al consumers in Canada wilI have the same benefits and easy system ta resolve disputes. CAMVAP is funded by the manufacturera and adrninistered through provincial adm~inistrators located throughout the country. Bath arbitratars and adniini- strators are independent of the vehicle manufacturers, so as ta ensure a fair decision ta bath parties. Ontario consumera can contact CAMVAP at (416) 596-8824 or toll-free at 1-800-207-0685. CadiIIac in transition FROM PAGE 14 The four-speed, electronic- controlled transmission is siiky smooth, rarely ever letting yau feel a shift. Ibis has ta, be one of the best transmissions I have ever encountered. As for ride, the Concours' sus- pension is finm, yet subtie enough ta give agood ride. Owners of older-model Cadillacs ighlt find it firm. With the Concours, Cadiilac bas tried ta juggle aid and new. I faund things 1 loved about the car and things that seemed odd. Stili, the Concours is a goadi, aii-around six-seater that is a rarity in itself. Give it a try, it juet might be for you. i I IXBRIDGE PORT PERRY 47 at Douglas Rd. (416) 985-0738 from Williamson Pontiac) 416) 852-5382 Road No. 3 r A 1