Page 2, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. April 6,1994 Durham Regional Police are telephone con artiste who eay name on it. warning residents to be wary of they have a vehicle with your The crooke, working out of _____________________________________________ Montreal, tell victime they've Seîther won a vehicle or one hCa VI~'Q OPENbeen found in a warehouse regie- 1 .- r11r PC- r»,Q.OPEN tered to them. Mion -rRI 1-6 Saturday 10 - 6 1601 Hopklns St., Whltby (905)430-8081 Fax 430-0795 ~4 WEALTH 0F KNOWLEDGE ANDl FUN Ei AT YOUR f INOERTIPS 1111111% PC WAREHOUSE. MULTIMEDIA PACKAGES$V499.* (CD ROM, SOUJND, SPEAKERS 6 TITLES) Apr. 11-13 **FREE IfoTALLATION* GET READY FOR SPRING SALE!I HaERCULES TIRE' S ?auX-PLUS Pl155x8O R 13....4Lt)5 P175x8OR3 ....SL Y5i P185x8OR3...53.95 Pl185x75R 4-.56M9 Pl195x75R1 4...58.95 130,000km Road Hazard 2O5x75R 4...69,,95 *2O5x75R1 5.... .7L95 *215x75R1 5...7495 225x75R1 5-.76.95 S235x75R1 5...7995 -wi ai:111 L] I ~miii ~'~IeI~ J±Y.U ....?..t[l iLf.tfl..ifII]IU I IALLATIN WE AAC VALVESEM -TIREDSO Service z N a z z 0 «HWY. 2 Z WARREN C.' B2URNS ROSEMARY BROWN Hall of Fame Centurion 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991,19921,1993 . -BEROTH TOROTO ND OHAW REA ESTA .BARD 5 107-B Warren Rd., Whitby 430-02981 TASTEFULLY DECORATEDII Close Io ail amenities, this homTe offers, 4 bdrms., eat-in kit. w/hrdwd. fIrs., fam. rm. w/fireplace & w/o to yard. Lovely formai "ep. living rm. & dining rm., C/A & CN. CALL TODAY - $1 89,9W0.00. Thês 3 bdm bcwitalr prddbrdlm n*- « eatifu 4 b<odohom wi bIamily size efthn, . nowe mSn.swgIsSM>a.dbNi*a m o f lots f goarit. central air & vac., biyopn work hme b55f1 d«w oeen con~ ditim, flie1~C~ curvod staWcas o t basemon over 3D sq. IL roc rm. wwoodebYe a l sob a9 TREATlYOA>R FMLLY TO THE BEST 209,400.O T' bWO TH SEE;NG AT $I 51 .02;r * CALL ROSEMARY BROWN 433-2121 *1 JUST IP LOVE GIVING AWAY FREE AIR MILES.« To dlaim it, thoee called are asked to eend a fee ranginq from $600 to $3,600 to cover shipping and other coste. "Don't send money »warns Staff Sergeant SandykIyrie. -A lot of people have beenitaken with this scam... if y ou are con- tacted, please cail police." Ryrie saye a- Clarinaton woman sent two certified cheques --the firet for $875 and the second for $1 650 -- before caling police afte a third request for money. The scam artises told lier tbey had found her addrees in the glove compartment of a Ford Aeroetar van which tbey said was registered to hier. An Oehawa businessman pboned police after receiving a similar cail advieing him a 1993 van was bis for $3,600. 'Project Phonebueters,' a joint effort by the OPP anti-rackets equad and the RCMP, are inves- tigating the frauds. Ryrie aske anyone who's con- tacted to eaul the OPP at 705- 495-3899 or Durhamn Regfional Poluce. &Î[A 1nouseI- 90,000km Road Hazard FREE [ 1RJ HLIS Complet. Automotive ým I (ARE FOR i YOURi CCOMPOSTERi Ifs important to main tain your composter pro perly for it to be a success. 0 Add organlc kitchen wastes and yard wastes in layers Cover kitchen wastes with yard wastes ta deter un- wanted inseets and pests 9be Cut ail materials Into smail pieces I The smaller the pieces, the faster they wiII break downI 0 Turn your compost pile reguiarlyI I This adds oxygen, wrich speeds up the process and helps I prevent odours 0 Keep the pile moist à i Use a garden hose or a watering can 0 Harvest the finished compostI I Use it on your Iawn or garden I SmalI quantities of grass clippings can be added to yourI I compost pile - but we encourage you to grasscycleI I instead! I NI Fo moeifrainoIopsigo rsccigpes otc h Duha IeinWrsDprmn t(0)6872 rcl h ops Ioln It1806757 IU I,,.F4 ýbjP ý-TPe P IIT- à 1 m