Page 30, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. March 30),1994 Council cautions ofpotential waste cleanup costs FROM PAGE 2 Councîllor Marcel Brunelle urge d caution. Brunelle said the potential cost of cleaning up the property could lie more than what the site is worth and counicil might ulti- mately have te foot the bill. "A person who is not paying The Police Learning Centre at Durham College recently purchased new video-editing equipment, with the agreement that it wilI b. used and stored in the media services department of the college, te lie utilized by hoth the poice and college staff. Ile equipment is extremely useful for the type cf werk we are doing at the Police Learning Centre. Now, with a place te lieuse the equipment, we will b. able te focus on producing the type cf training materia we need," says Durham Regional Police staff sergeant AI Mack. The Non-ià near Editing System is a computer-based taxes on it could give it up, and te who? That's us,"lie said. Councillor Don Mitchell then înoved that Drumm's motion b. referred te staff and that council obtain legal advice. However, both Mitchell's refer- rai motion'and Drumm's original motion lest on a tie vote of 4-4. A motion by Batten te refer system augrnented Beta-Camn record and equipment. Durham College is the first community college in Canada te house such state-ef-the-art video editing equipment. 'Vie are interested in partnering with other organiza- tiens in siilar ventures. Both Durham College and the Police Learning Centre are benefitting," says media services director Terry Capar. "The new technology will allow Durham College to produce very highly teclinical vîdeos," adds Capar. the inatter te staff for a reeom- mendation only, passed by a 5-3 margin. Durham College was recently adopted by two Durham Regional Police constables in the 'Adopt-a-School' program. Police constables Krish Ganeshan and Catherine Pettifer have volunteered their services te, the Oshawa campus. They plan te get involved in confidential counselling te, staff and students on police matters, as well as become a part of the college community wlienever poff le. 'Vie are excited about the program and are looking forward te our time at Durham College," says constable Pettifer. 'We want the staff and students at Durham te get te, know us and utilize our service as mucli as possible. W. are here te interact and get involved with ahl staff and students," adds constable Ganeshan. The Adopt-a-School program lias been, in effect in Oshawa since September. Ail Oshawa uI'm damnn well annoyed," said a furious Drumm. "I, made a motion and this sehools currently have a volunteer adopted officer on their premises. council dosen't have the guts te go ahead with it,» ho said. Drumm refused toobôey Mayor Tomn Edwards' demand that .he withdraw the remnark. Nor did he accept Edwards' comment that since the problem has existed for se many years, council can afford to wait a whilep longer to ensure it received pro- per advice. "ll b. sending a fax te the ministry of environment and asking them to come out and do teste on the property," Drumm told reporters tater. OB1TUARY! MARJORIE REID Maijorie Reid cf Whitby died a:hîtbyj General Hospital on Marc 10,994. She was 73. She was boem in Toronto on March 26, 1920, daughter cf Prederick Williamns and Elizabeth Dearnley. 5h. married Burton Reid on Sept. 5, 1942 in Mimico. A lWhitby resident for 25 years, she was past matron, Order of the Eastern Star. She i. survived by lier husband, sons David and his wife Carolyn, Fred and his wife Janice and a grandchild Lori. A memorial service was held in the chapel of Wbitby General Hospital on Friday, March 18. Rev. Brian Gee and Rev. Sharon Chpan officiated. meusiW8 provided y Adele Sinunons. Interment in Deeoto, Ont. in the spring. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust - VFamnily Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers *Cemetery Lettering Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 Aftext Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Horne appointments gladly arranged NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1994 @ 7:45 P.M. Meeting Hall, Whiby Municipal Building 575 Rossland oad East Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting wiII be heid by the Planning aid Development Committee cf Council cf the Corporation cf he Town cf Whtby te consiera ro ~gnrlznng by-law amendment te By-Iaw 1784 aidByaw5. The purpose cf the amendment is: 1. To update the geneeal provisions cf the zoning by-laws te permit and regulate 'Model Homes,» new unnhabited buildings which are intended te temporarily display new dweîing bouses beiN~ offered for sale in developing plans cf residential subdivisions. 2. To update the general provisions cf the zoning by-laws te permit and regulate 'Residentiai Subdlivision and Condominium Sales Traiers or Sales Pavilions' in developlinq plans of residential subdivisions or condominiums. The purose of th. meetinq is te provide adequale information te the public and to permit intereste persons the epportunity te ma:ke representation in repct cf the proposed zoning amendment. If you are unaleto attend the meeting, your réprsetation can be fled in wriing by mail or persona] delivery ta ec the Planning Departilent not later lban regular working heurs on April 25,1994. lnterested persons may inspect additional information relatinq te the above application in the Planning Dep'artmnent, Level 7, Wbutby Municipal Building, 575 Rcssland Road Est, Whitby, Ontario LM 2MB during regular working heurs, Monday te Friday, or may contact the Planning Department by telephonung (905) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR OF PLANNING 1994 INTERIM TAX NOTICE The second instalment cf taxes for 1994 is du. and payable April 15, 1994. Taxes may be paid at ai y Whitby bank without collectien charges or at th. Municipal Office, 575 RcSsland Road East, Whitby, Onaro. In addition, taxes may b. paid by tellephone lhrough TD Bankline, Canada Trust EasyU-ne or CIBC UinkUp. If you have net received a tax bill and you are responsible for payment, please contact the Tax Departent at 668-5803 10 obtain the necessary information. If payment is net reoeived by th. due date, penalty will be added on the flrst day cf defaut and th. first day of each calendar monlb s0 long as non-payment continues, at th. rate cf 1-1/4% per merulb. or part thereof. LYNN PIKE SUPERVISOR OF REVENUE THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990,0C.0.18 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO N011CE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council cf th. Corporation cf the Town cf Whitby bas passed By-Iaw No. 3455-94 Io des'g nate the following property as being cf historie and architecturai value or interest under Part IV cf the Ontario Heritage Act. R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18. QId St. John's Roman Catholic Church 508 John Street West Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 508 JOHN STREET WEST, WHITBY HISIQBLQ Being th. frst solely Cathoîie Church in h. Town of Whitby, th. construction cf this churcb began in 1867 under the watchfuî .ye of Archbishop Lynch of Toronto. Th. bnickwork was contracted te a well-known Whitby mason, George Cormak, and was designed by a prominent Canadian architect, Hengr Lang ley, who also designed Ail Saints' Anglican Church in Whitby and St. Thomas Anglican Church in Brookîin. Tragedy struck in 1901 when the church was destroyed by tire. Soon afterwards (1902), Thomas DeverilI, Jr, son cf the original builcier, b g an reconstructing the new church in accordance witb the original building plans (which are stored at the Ontario Archives). In December 1902, th. church was off icially open.d. It was net until 1975 that th. Roman Cathoîic Episcopal Corporation sold the church and il became a residential property. ARCHITECTURAL The style cf the churçh is Gethie, in a very medest form, appropniate for a smali parish. The side walls cf the church are duvidied inte three bays, separated by decorative buttresses. Th. front facade has single lancet windlows on either side cf the front porch. Over the entry porcli was a large rose window, now concealed. At th. gable peak, there is a masory projection for a belfry. The building is constructed in red brick witb stene trim. The headis of the lancet windows are surrounded by a simple Gothie hood moulding made cf a double course of corbelling brick. A singe masonry chimnqey rises at the back of the church. lb. building retains its original cornerstone. lbe building is a unique example cf an adaptive reuse cf a fermer church, and its presence conthbutes te 1h. architectural character, vaniety and interest cf the community. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 301h day cf Mach, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LIIN 2M8 PHONE: (905) 668-5803 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WITBY UN THE MATIER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990,C. 0.18 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO N011CE 0F PASSIN O0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of 1the Corporation of the Town of Whitby has passed By-Iaw No. 3456-94 to designate the following property as beîng of histonoc and architectura value or unterest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 199, c. 0.18. Halsted-Fisher House 535 Myrtie Road West Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DEËIGMATION 0F 535 MYRTLF ROAD WIEST, WHITBY HIQBR This granite fieldstone house is sited on what was oniginally a 200- acre parcel of land granted to Chnpetina Diarnond on Match 30, 1826 by way cf patent from the Govemment cf Upper Canada. The land was eventually purchasod by Thomas Halsted In 1832. Mr. Halsted was the frst bonafide s4itler of the lancs, having the existing structure buit most ikely in the late 1840a and definitely by 1852, as his residence us isted as a 1-1/2 storey ston. house in the census taicen in 1852. After MR. HaIstecis death in 1854, the property was sold te Tiîmothy Fsher. The property was owned by vanous Fisher family members until 1938 (84 years). ARCHITECTURAL The Haisted-Fisher House s cf architectural value and interest and is an excellent example of an .arty fielstone farmhouse with red brick tim. The houseis located on alarge farm lot and is surrounded by mature vegetation. It has flnely executed details in both wood and masonry, which dem*Onstrate the local vemnacular traditions and th. more elaborate decorative design elements typical of the eariy and mid-nineteenlb century neo-ciassical styles. It has a typrical forrn for a vern acular farmhouse, having a formai Ilve-bay frnt facade with two windows. wîth six-over-six sash, on either side of a central doorway. The building alec lias irregular features, such as a blind window, a doubleusided bake oven and an asymmetrical back door. which add te ils vomnacular chiaracter. Interior features of interet are th. basement fimeplace which indicates th. presence cf an early kitchen and the intact mouldings of the present dîing rioom. The dining room's baseboard. door and window trim use corner boxes, reedings anud the same large moulding profile as 1h. exterior entry pilasters. They are thb bd and elaboratè rnouicîngs characteistic of the nea-classicai style and are repeat.dcoensustentiy throughout the building. appeanng aiso in lhe eaves and in the. .rty enlabiature. DATED at th. Town of Whitby this 301h day of March. 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F 1THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N 2MB PHIONE: (905) 660-SM0 Durham Coliege and police team up again with playback