Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Mar 1994, p. 22

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Pagge 22, Wtlty Free PreÉâ», Wèdnosdiay March'àO, 1994 Mrnor a41toms advance to championships Goldwing Systems rminor atom AA hockey teamn advanéed to the lague chaznpionships after defeating Barrie in two straight gaines. In the firet garas, Whitby held off a determined Barrie team, winming 6-5, despite being heavily penalized throughout the gaine. Lucas Naylor led the attack, scoring a hat trick before the The second annual Durham Regional Police high school basketball and slam dunk contest will ha held on Itursday, March 31 et Durhami College in Oshawa. The first gaine, at 6:30 p.m., will ha the pre-game entertain- ment between Durham Regional Police and Metro Tornto Police. At 7 p.m.) the opeming ceremomies will be conduced involving local dignitaries and the chief of police. The gaine between east halfway mark in the second period. Asie went to Chris Simpson and Matt H-ircock (two) and Kevin Peel. Simpson followed through with two goals, one unaasistd, the other assisted by Peel and Richard Min. Hircock then scored, aasisted by Naylor. In garne two, Wlitby held Durhamx and west Durhamn high schols will begin at 7:15 p.m., with a slain dunk. contest at half-time. The tournamnent is being organized by cadet Jeiff Haskins and Terry Ryan, president of the Durhamn Regional Police Association. Several area busi- nesses have donated prizes and sponsored events. The prize for the slam dunk contest will be two tickets to a Chicago Bulle bakethal gaine, iPont ckforMe Oâfy! Lctb dot foryu1 1I&&R~OST & PST încluded #izzi1 1 15 "x21 ", 20 Suice, 3toppings Celebrate Your Birthday Party at airy Queen PE Hamburl Med 1ChiIld5s Barrie scoreless for two peziodsý ending in a 3-1 win. Scoring twic for Whitby was James Hnken, once unaaited and once with assiets by Jeif Pichut and MJ. Athins. Also scoring for Whitby was Justin Giles, assisted by Naylor. Goaltenders Darryl Forsey and Bryan Sand had solid performances. which includes' travel and accommodation. A $2 admission fee goes to support athietics prograins at Durham College and local high achools. Tickets can be purchased at Collegiate Sports (Oshawa Centre, lower level), Durham College Ath]etic Association and from Haski ns, front desk, Durhamn Regional Police, 77 Centre St. N., Oshawa. The Whitby ]Figure Skating Club will hold the annual general meeting Monday, April 25. The meeting will begîn at 7:30 P.m. mn Whitby hall, Iroquois Pak rena. March 24 Owuco Ian W~,on Shutott Brooli Kinsmn Grog Snih 2 Adam Guwn Christopher Warham Pati Vandsrllp Marh 25 Patrlck Lang BlakeBirigley Erlc Potorso Whkby Optknls BiJ. Bowles Michael Houiden 0 T&D Steak Kyle Schraer Shutout 5 Accu-Unem Thofmu McWhfter 4 Bmookin Lln 9 Andrew Howson 2 Chrlstopher Long ColIn Barreni March 26 BrooklihiKismn 5 Acculine 3 Pai Vandeullp 2 Thomnas McWhlrtor 2 Adam Gunn Jarod Neville Bryan 0%atr Brooldi Khwm rnsvin championBlti 10-4. Owsco 7 T&D Steak 3 Sott R» 2 Robert Richards 2 Chris Delaney 2 Danrry Sauvan Tlmothy Mo<ua Dorek Wray Gary Rflds owusco vins C champlonship 7-3- Whhby Optkitia 6 Lennx Dnim Nothanio Andres 2 Anêr wHswson 2 Brm Chard 2 Michael Houl n2 Whkby Optknhst vin B charrvIanshp 8-6. Brooii Leglen O Sridling Drilers Androw Lazary Erik Petersmn Patrick Lang Chris wailors SmlIng DriMers vire A dwanyonship. MîNOR NOVICE Whîtby men'0 hockey royas 0f Mac"10 cGeM Division Cusiom Ato Radio Rom Browkg.2 Joe Ferry AtterslsyTire Mke Maocey Jo. Kennedy Dodd a Sotger Steve Sardford 2 Royal Woods Linc. Chaille Biaqim r2 rome. Division RysErterde Gary Burgess Nurse Chev Old Pat Sheehari 2 Ted Bank*st John Lerduzi Rik Clark 6 Queens Hotai 4 Grau Musulm 4 CJC AutohodY 3 JenmkomaIcele2 DnId MtiCraken 2 Jkn avdmon O 4 Brothor's Pizza 4 NRS ROaiy Seomumais Cralg Terry Miko Anmrong Harry Urïwln 5 Nalkm!onalTut Bucky Crouch RdyVandorsuio CagFklayson Ouaens fMoel 6 CX.Autobody Grat Mussam 2 Don French Pisyefl mmio Mardi 22 À Suielb KkOMs f Serise Teclagi Thomas Farquharson Jared Me c auie o "sDu 2GDR Mechanca Adan Stein 2 M a Omnk MéTargue Eisctrk 5 Andr#Labe Stephn O i Bob Chqman MasterBedoo Srwllsy Iarden D~yen Dma Anrer EMMo March 26 GDR Mochuical 6 Kin Adam Stuin 3 Som JofrsyMiler GDR ~ A caUrPIans nCwWnngham M Rlvq e Wr 2 Todagx PaMk es~Eotr2lc lya ix McTeque EWaec oB chaionL Jêrrys Drug 4 Mastu Bedroom 4 Robosi Cousns PuAK Uos 2 Ryan Walker BrulIse rdon Devan Brick MihulRAkter Jo<fowy Radger Muster Bodroom C chanfPions MINOR SGWRT March 27 ChuanploNsip gant. Play It Aa ports 7 Whkby Trophy 0 Ryon Keur2 Jay Siglr MathurArbotff Play k Again Sports are rTîkor sqijut charrpions. 8 Round BrooklikiLoglon 1D Speedy Auto Glas PhIlip Melîhone 4 Bad Smith 4 Andrew Farc 4 StephenRodgr2 Broolin Loglon vin B round chariplonshlp. ldiviéal Rlayer Awa.d MVP: Callan Brown, Speedy Auto Glass Play Il Again Sports MSP: lan MiI.' MIP: MchoIn Jardin NaulFarquharso AI ffMaad AtteIy Tire im mclkwoy2 Jlm Sauchrd 2 Randy Grass 2 Rayai WcouhUnc. Andmew Asquith 2 Jon PetIe Tomn Buchnmn Jlm oukkso Jlm Bràion 2 Ma"uhilTNxmmbo Broue Dffile RWS Etaprlu Paul Dynes 2 Tom SabIe Gearge Oktfbsi NRS Reaky Hariy Hem2 Cralg T"n Dw. Farqmian on de WhitbyTrophy Broolin Laglon seedy Attoa Jack Macnzls 0 CustoM Auto Raio Joe F"rr John Pulon 4 DWà Suu 1 mtev. Saniord 3 Brohers Pizza 1 Rob Bush 10NWW NnoTrud 4 Cull ckrs2 luy Vanàdsuls Glyn Evans 4 NweChsv 01dM 4 Mark Houson P% Sheeha smn Ted BaMuti Rick Clark PIayoff seting-6 et ofUMrdi 24 GCld Divisio Custom Auto Rale CX. Ato Body MUer Divisio Jim Davîàuo Chryhier Dodd & Smater Royal Woada ULncaln Brothers Pizza froue Divison Ry's Emrsea 2 FI Rek National Trus MOP~ Admit Jalvuton fMEP: Sun Kobmunoich MOP: Jawé CM&*d nMSP: Stephon Radger mp:BduiGII MOP: PhIl Ucilen 3ima mSP: TIM Foreater MF: DwW LeMly MOP: Mark MIulI Top Scouts omulbo playo0ws Phl U oi oo elon Adami Johnston. Play % Agaln An*rewFarIc, Legon Rytan Kerr. P* X Again Sport Luis CarsÃ" LegWan Juan Csly. Whkby rcphy Chad Thbxkdau. Play k Again MaIIhw AgmoU. Play kIAgalu MNias Jardin. PlaylIt AgaiF Mark MIzi, Spoedy Auto Glus St=hiBak". Plyt#Araiy Jordn BmuiIe.Wh opW Brai SmI*h. SeoyAto Glus Jay SInglerPI ft Agaln 3 lmt Farquharon. Wlby Trophy MAJOR SQUIRT March 27 Serbe A cIum9snpomlp S>yders 3 Locaco David AdvarîtDemnS on Jan King, Justin Fox Andrew MéaIows Spyders vins A charplonshlp 5.3. Sodas D champonip Carson & Weeks 2 Mam Renud Bruce Craine Kyl. Mugphy Andrew Laramy1 Carson à Wooks vÀlm B charrpionship 9-2. Soties C clunîplonuiip Whltby Optimist 4 Brookin Loglon Mika McKerîzlo3 Bcbey Scott 3 Joeh Mller Kevin Rorpie 2 Derok Ard Whftby Optimisi vins C charTipnship 13-. Seules D chwnipomNsp James Dick 4 Michell Bras. Randy Waton 2 Tim Licko 2 Kylo Sbiolnak Jordon Poiter 2 Mark Pedro James Dlck wins 0 charrTplonshi> 13-8. 0 0 Police organize basketball tourney Whiitby HOUSE LAU MAJOR NOVICE i - - -- -- 1 -0, 1 1

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