Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 23 Mar 1994, p. 28

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Page 28, Whitby Froo Pross, Wednesday, March 23, 1994 EDUATONL EUCTIMA I AL AI CR . -CR......... I BE VICS BE VIfl II PfOFESUOL I PlPSUNLIP0$If PERSONAL COMPUTER TURORING in your home by Computer Science graduato. Database, spreadsheet, word processing applications & program ming. Reasonable rates. Cal[IRoss, 668-9617. L'écote Français small aduit classes in an informai but results-oriented environment jbeginner, advanced or private FLU ENCY IN 6 EASY STEPS I Reasonable rates 20 years teachlng experfence including Durham & Soneca Colleges and Berlitz Caîl Jacques at 666-0993 COMPUTER T RAININO SPECIALIST. Intro to PC's. Beginner to advanced. Ail ages. (905) 430-0347. AEROBICS. Saturday morning 10w Impact aerobics class ln Whitby. Taught by certif ied instructor. For more into Cali Julie, 666-2092. TAYLOR ART STUJDIO has moved ta Whitby. Art lessons availablo starting ApriI. Private& g roup classes for kids & aduits. For more info cai 666-9987. Trent 1 U niversity - at Durham College Summer 1994 Complete a Trent degree in Oshawa. Day or evening summer courses are offered in the following terms: 0 8 weeks: 2 May-29 lune e 12 weeks: 2 May-27 juIy 0 6 weeks: 4 juIy-16 August Information: 30 March, 3 to 8 p.m., Oshawa Public Library auditorium. For information or a brochure caîl: (905) 723-9747 or (705) 748-1229 BET1Y'S SHOPPING SERVICE. Available in Whitby/Oshawa area. For a roasonabie f.. have your woekly shopping done by retired seniors. Membership limited. Cal 728-4694. ýAC CURATI CONTRACTING & Ory~,StelSudTapi~, tuco *interlockîng tne *retaining walls T-Br eilng, IstilWr ~= nfe;&ilgdecks Hang Doors, Basements FREECMIVE ESTIMA TES Resientil a ommecialWritten Guarantee F[QJp~REE Esdrmates - Reterenoes _____________ ~ I Derek Dutkai FireiWater/Smioke Cleanup and Restoration (24 HA) "FOR YOU MNY THE BEST WILL DO" d436-6000 ---f------ -- - CARPENTRY WHIITBY LTD. * (lenniCap=fyAdditions a Home mprvient lerudc iing * Rec Rooms - DrywaIIl4nd Painting 19 lYearsmi iDurhamn à Regiofln ~ s~ i Cail: " A68-4686 E -w' E E E E E E E E a = i j Iplanning sine 986 CALL 579-77771 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. - . e '. e: Quallty contructo for Home and Bushles - Bathrooms - Kitchens - Custom trim dditions, etc. Sddions, Gaes Interlocking stone nt.m&>Cmtia-655-4418 F/JThe Mutual roup HERD TRAN cail for quotation 668-9669'e 432-7216 RRIFs- ANNITIE GICs .RSs FURNITIJRE MAKERICABINET MAKER. Custom designer and builder of fine furniture. Speiaizing in Early Canadian Rpeproductions, Armoires and Entertainiment Centres. Over 15 years experience. Quality workmanship uaranteo. Rot erences supplied. Mor a free quotation oeil Gary at 666-1913. PROFESSIONAL MUSICIAN AVAILABLE, 25 years experi- once, for wedding ceremonies (piano or organ), reoeptions, funerals, or any speclal occasion. For that spocial touch. Cal anytime: 666-2085. INCOME TAX RETURNS $25. Fast and accurate. Pick-up and delivery available. I have: an M.B.A., Professional Tax Training, 5 years experienco. Fax & Figures 668-6513. HOME CLEANING DONE the European way - meticulously & off iciently. Laundry & ironing if desirod. $12 per hour. A homo baked treat at each appointment. Seniors' 15% discount. Mrs. Bennett 436-0313. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Aterations and ropair on draperies. Affordablo prices. For your free.In-home shopping and estimate cal 432-1714. Customner's fabnics are welcome. PIANO TUNING & REPAIRS. Prof essional and expeniencod service. Guaranteed lowest rates. Cail anytme for f ree uotes, 666- 4250. Avaiable ta Durhamn Region residents and surrounding areas. INCOME TAX RETURNS Eprepared for individuals and small businesses by trained proparor. Prices start at $20. Get a prof essionai job. Resufts verified by computer. 666-2759. UCENSED TECHNICIAN ai Errol's Appliance Repair. We reairai ajor apiances icud'i gas appliancoS. ed9n ussd! )il parts guarant on year. Monday ta Saturday, 432-7734. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY. Your wedding day creaies many precious momories. Preserve those spocial moments wth the 66ï5 o f Bernan Photography. 668-527. INCOME TAX RETURNS g reparod for individuals & small usinosses. Price starts at $25. 25 years experience. Caîl 430-, 1819. PLUMBING SERVICE, repair, ronovations, plugged drains, appliance installations. Fuliy licenced. Caîl 666-1913 or toll-freo pager 1-416-550-0913. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS, 133 Byron St. N. - Pearson Lanos. Corne see me for ail your sowing needs. Tues. - Fni. 10 - 5:30, Sat. 10 - 3.430-6550. J & D CONSTRUCTION. Complote basement & bathroom renovations. Drywali, tapin, and texturod cellin gs. Pai nting & waîlpapering. Fr ee estimates. References. 10 yrs. experlonce. Cali 430-3957. CUSTOM DRAPERIES, valances, sheors and coordinating accessonies. Many styles anu fabrios to choose from. C ail today for that new look for spring. Customer fabric welcome. XPRESSIONZ 666-3762. HOME CLEANING. Spring s nearng. if you need help, caîl us ta Clean your home. Prof essional service and personal care. Excellent rates. Cail Susan after 4:00pm, 579-6266. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sowing machine repairs. Al makes. 10%/ Seniors'! discount. Complete tune-up from $29.95 + pars. actry trained technicians. Foreepick-up & delivery cal! 432-7375. ABLE HOME IMPROVEMENT& REPAIR. Free estimates. Senior discounts. Painting interior & exterior. Fonces, decks & carpentry. Wallpapering & window washing, tree trimming &J property clean-up. AIl types fwork considered. Cali Bob ai 683-4205 or John ai 668-8272. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery of antiques. Alil kinds of recovering. Your fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 y ears' experience. 430-7568, Whitby. DRYWALL &FRAMING. Complote residential & commercial renovations. Textured ceilings. Cal for f ree estimate, 430-1207. COMPUTERIZED INCOME TAX returns from $20. Free pick up& delior. omputerized accounting & bokoping services for sm aI busimesses. 10 yrs. exporience. Cal Kelly ai 666-2968. FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS individually designed ta your colour preference. Weddings, home decor & crafts available. Reasonable prices. Cal Janet at 576-5569. TREE CUTTING & TRIMMING. Fully insured. Free estimates. 433-7140. A MATTER 0F TASTE - affordable home decorating custom draperies, blinds & wallcoverings. Also a full range of country accossories available. Cal now to arrange your free at home consultation. Phono or fax (905) 430-1616 between 9amn - lpmn. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE TS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES Il AIL. Q D'NOSHAWA Q DRIVINO QSCHOOL 172Kig St. E. Suie #301 Osawa *728-001 Ful Drivers Education Courses MARCH 26th SalrdayS 4 Week CnurSe APRIL l9th Tues. & Thurs 4 week course APRIL 23rd SatixdayS 4 week coeur PRIVA TEL ESSONS - REGISTERED & APPROVED DV THE ONTARIO SAPETY LEAGUE read "Clear Body Clear Min< by 1. Bon Hubbard ($22.00). Cali 1-800-561-5808. LACK 0F M(qNEY? Effects of the econamny? Worried about - abs? Be happy and succeed in lite! Buy and rt»%id "Problemns of Work" by L. Ron Hubbard ($30.00>. Cal 1-800-561-5808, ADOPTION NURSE AND FINANCIAL ADVISER wish to adopi a baby. Our lamily can give a child happiness, securîty and most Important. love. Cati us collect (416) 588-7235 REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND memnbership/tiîmeshare? We*lI take tl! Amnerca's largest, oldest resale clearinghouse. Resori Sales International 1-800- 423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cali 24 hours a day. RETIREMENT RETIRE. RELOCATE TO ESTERIIAZY in rural Saskatchewan, population 3,000, Clean, lresh air, low crime rate, 1,200 square leet of housing for less than $80,000; lriendly people, every sport aclivity righl in town: golting, swimming, curling, hockey; scenic valleys near by; good fishing. Low cost of living. serviced lots at average $6,000. For lurîher information contact E ster haz y Chamber ai Commerce, Box 778, SOA OXO or phone (306) 745-6756. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Slraitwall Type - not quonset- 32x54 $7,899. 40x72 $11,924; 50xg0 $16,954, 60x126 $25.883 - other sizes available- Miscellaneous clearance- Paragon 24 Hours 1 -800-263-8499. SPAN-TECHI STEEL B3UILDINGS LTD. - Top quality straightwalt, wood/steel & ati/steel buildings, CSA certitied, workshops. barns. aranas. stables. etc. Large or smalt, criitracting and tînancing avaitable, 24 hours 1-800-561- 2200. AFFORDABLE STEEL BUILDINGS. STRAIGHT SIDES. Quonset style roof. Clearspan. easily erected. Ends optional. 20 x 30 $2,688.00. 25 x 40 $33,826.00. 30 x 40 $4,788.00, 30 x 50 $5,938.00, 35 x 60 $10074.00 Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS, Straight Sîded Models. Varjous sizes. e.g. 30'W x 50OL - $7,152.00 including ends and door Cati Future 1 -900-668- 8653. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Farm, storage. commercial industrial New types. steeVwood. quonset. cladding For true valun, action & answers - Wally (416) 626-1794. FREE brochures. clip and save. lndividuà! province, Space l. nited. so Cal! This Nevspaper Today! »CROSS CAM~AD A MA&RKÇ»E PIACE"$ To meai a àd.r mmet, awift tuL itM vu on* mb.sh#) o the Onou*,td Caadan Comm unky N wgqxrAodatbmn. Central Ortto50 nmwpprs - 168 for 25 wo * -AR Ontub 178 nmpapsrs - &O for 25 words c ~AIlCane"a 5M no ru.pm 81183 for 25 word, For ttjrther Information plea.. cmli the Whitby Fre. Pr...CIasstifIde 668-6111 i COMING EVENTS CHOOSING SCHOOLS? Visit Schools Expo '94, Apr. 8-10. Ontario Science Centre. Toronto. Attend practical seminars. See 100+ exhibitors: private/pubîic K-Gr.12/OAC, boarding scitools (Ontario and abroad>, summer credits and more!1 (416) 487-2883. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY INCREDIBLE 9 steps ta your awn successful1 business. FOR FREE INFORMATION çall 905-i 576-5574, or write ta HPI , PO. Box 885., Oshawa. Ontaria 11H 7N1. CANADAS NI HOME BASED BUSINESS. LIGHI EH KING distributorships now available in your area. No selling required. Excellent incarne. Minimum invesîment $8,500. For information catli Lighterking (Canada) Ltd. Tol Iree 1-800-665- 0929. COTTAGE RESORT near Huntsville. 16 buildings. 88 traiter sies. Sand beach. rail trips, $245,000. Excellent lishing. Incarna $77.000.1 guaranteed. Seven acres, store, hunting, VTBi <705) 778-3863.1 CAREER TRAINING1 LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Southwesterni School of Aucioneering. Nexi Class: Juty 16-221 Information. contact: Southwestern Ontarioa School of Auctioneering, R.R.45, Woodstock. Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. FOR SALE ARCTIC WOLF FOR SALE in 18 packs for under $20. Avaitable ai the beer store. MISCELLANEOUS LOVE A MYSTERY' Send Ihis ad with your name and address to: Mystery, Corgi Books, 105 Bond St.. Toronto. Ontario M5B 1Y3. First 500 respondents wilt receive a free mystery from 1 renowned author Robert Goddard. POETRY CONTESI $12.000 in prizes yearty. Send one original poem 20 ines or less: National Lihrary Of Poetry. Box 704-ND, Owings Milîs. Md 21117. PERSONAL HERPES? Get emotional support, newsletter with personal ads, latest research ta end ouibrealcs. Tours, local clubs, daling information. FREE recording gives details. Cal 24 hrs. 1 (604) 923-3543. GREAT SEX, no age limit. Overcome aIl erection problemsý D.V.A. lAPS cards accepted. Gel the tacts tram: Performance Medical, Box 418, Valemount, B.C.. VOE 220. 1-800-663-0121. LIVE A HEALIHIER and longer lite! Rid your body oi harmfut eftects of daily pollution. Bîzy and1 Wh~~~~~~~......y.. ............I Ofc Hus Mn1y tQ Fiay ~ 0 r o5:0 pn a 6809 comminumomp-

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