Whitby Fr.. Pes, Wmesday, March 9, 199,poala Investigation of men«d-tal hea,,.,lth agency expected FROM PAGE 1 "I spoke to the ministry today (Moncay and yesterday (Sun- day) and they're about to announce an audit of the pro- gramis and agency,» said Ryan. 'Mhat was a kU demand of ours and it (inquiry) was long overdue,» he said. Workinst conditions and charges of 'improprieties" at the prvnially-funded agency were beidthe union's decision to strike on Jan. 18. Among its accusations, the union dlaims that residents were improperly discharged; reports altered; residents sexually About 30 angry parents pro- testing aIl-day, every-other-day kindergarten picketed outside the Durhamn Board of Education headquarters Tuesday night Iast week. The parents confronted several trustees arriving for a meeting of the board's finance and transpor- tation committee, arguing that their children are too young ta stay at school ail day. The protestors weren't allowed ta speak ta the committee about their concerna. Committee chair Bobbie Drew told them «you are more than welcome" ta speak ta the trustees -- "aller the meet- in 9 cqmmttee recently voted ta adopt'he full-daLs stem ta save an atimated $85000 on buaing costs, $432,000 of which ispaid by local taxpayers. The decision could still be reversed by the full board when they approve the final budget. But that would require a two- thirds vote in favour, and a trustee who originally supported the new system would have ta re-open the issue. assaulted; staff sexually harassed, and provincial healthý and safety Iaws ignored. The charges were documented and for-Warded ta the. health ministryX on two separate occa- sions prior ta the strike. "I would hope that ail of the allegations we raised will form part ai the investigation,» said yan. "But we alsa, have concerna about how the service is deli- vered, proper training of staff, and hlath adîaeý, he said. Ryan said the comÃposition of the volunteer board which rune the non-profit agency should also be addressed. «It should include the front- lin. workers. The people who deal with the mental> health ~ aietshave ta be on the ardheai ýabSlk, an official in Grier's office, could not im- mediateiy verify the investiga- tion, although sh. admitted hearing "somethine» about one. AIl Saints chfef negotiatar David Sima also had no know- ledge ai the government's inten- tions nor was he worried about a possible probe. Sims said the agency respon- ded ta tho union s "anonymous» charges soon after receiving a copy, but it had not heard any- thing «speciflc» from the health ministry. «We received acknowiedge- ment that they received our documentation, but nothinq explicit about the allegations, said Sima. "W. have nothing ta fear,» he added. While CUPE is "very, very pleased" with Grier's decision the workers are elated with Ali Sainte' application for arbit- ration, Ryan said. Under Ontario labour Iaw, employees are required ta, return ta, work as soon as possible aller an application is made. Outatanding issues in the dis- pute are submitted ta, binding arbitration and each aide is ailowed ta choose a representa- tive. If the parties cannot agi,.. on a neutral chair, the government appoints one. -*"They've (agency) clearly run up the white fag,» said Ryan. "They realized they can't run it without the employees," he said. During the strike, Ail Saints continued ta operate the homes through the use of eight mana- Igers and six replacement wor- kers. According to Sims, the «wel- fareN of the agency's residents and clients was being "adversely aff'ectedr by the strike. But he disputes the union 's view of the arbitration applica- tion. Ufl5s not a defeat and not a victory,» said Sims. "nhe only people who are win- ners are t he peopl ecr or. No one ehould consider it a victory. » Bargainxng committee member Brigid eise said the workers were not "particularly happy" NICOLE JOHNSON Nicole Johnson died as the resuit of an accident on Monday, Feb. 28, 1994. She was 23. She is survived by her father Brian, sister Michelle (and her husband Neil Burns), and grand- parents William and M abel Ronaldson. She was predeceased by her mother Suzanne. The funeral service was held at Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Ajax on Friday, March 4, followed by cremation. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & 'frust " Family Monuments * Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Liettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 66.9-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointmnents gladly arranged with having ta return under these circum stances. «No ono likes to bo ordered back,» said Heiso. "But they (mnanagement) may have new respect for the job we do," she said. As she has since the outset, DURHAM REGION Helse stressed that the striko wast not undertaken for financial ressons. 'Tho issues are utill sitting there, said Heise. QBu we will neyer lot the. abuses and th~e other things hap- pen again,' she vowed. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM PICKERNG/AJAX WATER SUPPLY PLANT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE CHAIR APPOINTMVENT The Pickering/Ajax Water Supply Plant Committee has been established to deal with specific issues during the detailed design, construction, and operations phases of the proposed Pickering/Ajax Water Supply Plant Iocated on Lake Driveway East, AWa. The Commitee is seeking applications from residents of Durham Region who wish to be consiclered for the position of Chair of the Committee. This is a voluntary, unpaid position. The Committee meets the fourth Wednesday of each month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Region af Durham Works Department Boardroom, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby. If you wish ta be considered for appaintment as Committee Chair, please provide a copy of a brief resumé ta one of the Committee members listed below by Manday, March 14, 1994. Candidates ta b. considered wiIl be independent/neutral. c/o the Regional Municipality af Durham Works Department 105 Consumers Drive Whitby, Ontario LUN 1C4. Fax: (905> 668-2051 The Pickerirng/Ajax Water Supply Plant CoMmmtteo Rager Anderson Angela Baber Pat Brown Ken Thompson Sherrill Willard Region ai Durham Works Committee Ajax Waterfront Advisary Committee Town af Ajax Cou noil Regian ai Durham Works Department Ajax Save the Waterfrant Committee N011CE 0F INTENTION IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990,0C.0.18 AND IN THE MATTER 0F LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS PRO VINCE 0F ONTARIO TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 1755-84 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of thie Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to amend By-Law No. 1755-84 relating ta thm tollowing municipal address: JOHN WATSON HOUSE 1733 DUFFERIN STREET WHITBY, ONTARIO REASON FOR AMENDMENT TO RY-LAW NO. 1755,84 On November 12, 1984, Whitby Town Council passed By-Iaw No. 1755-84 to designate lands municpally known as 1733 Duffernn Street, Whitby, containing the John Watson House as being of historio and architectural significanoe uncler Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. On August 19, 1993, the Regional Municipality of Durham Land Division Committee approved severance application file No. LD- 118-1193 to sever the subleot property. In order ta reease the severed lot from the hentage designation,. it is neoessary ta amend By-Law No. 1755-84 Sa that the. provisions of the. by-law only apply to the property containing lhe John Watson House. Any persan may, before March 25, 1994, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of mhe Town of Whitby notice ai his or ber objection to the proose amendment, tagethier with a statemrent of reasons for the objection and ail relevant tacts. If such notice of abjection is receivedf, the Councli l fth Corporation aifIthe Town of Whitby shali refer the matter ta the Conservation Review Board for a heaning. DATED attthe Town af Whitby tmis 23rd day af Februay, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 2MA8 IN THE MAlTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18 AND IN iTHE MATTER 0F LAND AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOT1CE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW NO. 3438-94 TAKE NOTICE mhat thie Council of the Corporation ai the Town of Whitby at a meeting held on February 14, 1994 pased a b- law under Subsection 34 (r5) oMthe rntr- irt- ,R.0.O. 1990, c. 0.18, rep.allng By-law No. 2710U which pre'-i'l dlesignated the. iolowing property as being of histori architectural value and interest: THE JAMES FOTHERGILL HOUSE 1011 DUNDAS STREEET WEST WHITBY, ONTARIO DATED at the Town ai Whitby this 9th day of March, 1994. DONALD G. McKAY, TOWN CLERK TH1E CORPORATION 0F TUE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 2M8 PHONE: (905) 668-5803 In the very near future, groups and individuals who obtain Special Occasion Permits. from the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario will be required by law to have ail servers of alcohol trainedunder the Server Intervention Program. Protect yourself -- get tralned. Far mare information, contact Mark Stanfordi at Iroquois Park Complex, 668-7765. March Break Madness Join the Civic Recreation Corrplex in a week f ifled with Fun, Fitness and Fantasy.. Monday, March 14 thraugh Friday, March 18, t*» CR0 Fitness staff is organizing March Madness. A fun-filled week of gamnes, craits and mavies. Chidren aged 5 ta 8 years are invited from 9.00 a.m. ta 12:00 noon. The. aitemnoon session runs from 1:00 p.m. ta 4:00 -np.m. for cliildren aged 9 ta 12 years. The cost per child us $8.00 per session. .. Recreation Comiplex. ;aUeWibOO For moe Information, oel 666-1991 RECREATION A T ITS BESTI Vandalism cost lie taxpayers af Whitby $38,764 in 1993, involving 151 incidents where damage was caused ta Town property. Three individuals were apprehended for act(s) ai vandalism in 1993. The. Town of Whitby has a palicy for aulhorizing ii" payment af a $500 reward for information Ieading ta lie identification ai th. indviduai(s) snvolved in any act af vandaiusm. The. names and identification ai any person responding ta a reward are held in strict conf'idence. Any persan reporting an act ai vandaimsm should first contact the Durtian Regionai Police Servic, telephone 579-1520. Subsequenlly, if <bey feel hheycoeuld b. eligible for a reward, contact Wm. H. Wallace, Admninstrator, Town ai Whitby. 668- 58M3.