Page 30, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, March 9. 1094 Lki AUCTION SALE. "Kah.n Country Aucione - every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. located on Brock Rd., F ickering, 3 miles north of Hwy. #401 (ake exit #399). Featuring evey Wd. n excellen~t select ion of aniques, fine furnishmngs, glass, china, collectables, primitives and other unusuals. So join us every Wed. and participate in onelo f Ortark's *tuo auctions wth ne buy-backs or reserves. Terms: cash, choque (with proper I.D.) or Visa. Proviews from tM0 p.m. wConsynment & estate sellinm- ur spcift".Cail us todayv - Kahn Auction Services -'683-0041 BUS FROM THUNDERBAY ta Port Perry for students & bebongings. Will leave after exams. 10 students - $250 each. Phone 985-9163. :SKYCHARTS*>~ SASTROLOGY: IR VICES *Peont Brth Report $49.95 I *(Approx. 50 pages)I 1 Time Lino Report 1 month $19.9s 1 <Daily Horoscope)I *Frionds & Loyers Report $29.95I * (Compatibility of 2 individuals)I IName 1: Name 2:_____ gAddress:I ICity: _____ Postal:I Bifpla: Birtplace:_ 1_ p that:Brthdate:_____ IBirthtime: - Birthim e:1 *ADO $200 SHIPPING & HANDLING I *SEND CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER 1 gTO: SKY CHARTS 1 iB-701 ROSSLAND RD. E., *SUITE 241, WHITBY, ONT.4 *Li1N8Y9 -------- (Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadline) $7.50 for 25 words; ($7.01 + 490 GSI) 150 each additional word; (140 + 10 GST) BILLEDWORD DS $1 0.50 for 25 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST AuT O 990 per agate Une (Ms withforders,... pictures or graphies) Regular display rates apply - $1.05 per agate Ilne <14 agate lines per inch) Minimum size 1 coiumn inch $1 4.70 CONINOus RUN DISPLAY An,' 20% OFF after 3rd insertion (no changes>. GST is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-6111 Please check your acivertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiIl not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cost of the spaoe occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the rght to classify or reject al advertisements. Assault charge dismis;sed FROM PAGE 1 media, but whether an issue Mie this is a matter that should be public or within the family,» hie said. Admitting that "the rule of law applies te aIl of us,» White still felt that «tis law may have been overzealously put forward.» But until the case had been resolved rhte sa i e could not diseuse tie matter. However, White said hie is no* free to express his thoughta and ma>, do so later in the week, "after the dust ha. settled». Court was told the alleged assault occurred during an argu- ment between White and hi. daughter over whether the. girl had cigarettes in ber possession. The two became embroiled in a tug-of-war with the daughter's coat when White attempted ta check it for cigarettes. No cigarettes were found but the daughter later admitted that she had hidden them i her bedroom. The charg was laid after the girl told her teacher about the altercation with her father. Since teachers are obligatedb>, law te report ayssetdin- cidenta or ch'ld abuse, police were called. White turned himself inte police later that saine day. Payne explained ta reporters that Section 43 of the CRmnal Code g*es arentse Ii 'rght;» te use «Jasnable force"»idis- ciplining their children. However, a third prtmay have thouaht that i=te used excessive force in the tug-of-war with the coat, Pane said. "But Fin absolutely convinced that if it went ta trial, he would have been found not guilty," said The:.girl was not struck at an>, tinte, he added. Payne agreed with hie clients contention that the matter could have been deaIt with in a dif- ferent fashion. "Should a tug-of-war over a coat find ita way inta court?» he aslced. Garden Street overpass FROM PAGE 2 in as much a. $2 million, accord- ing to treasurer AI Claringbold. "tes nice... for Mr. Shepherd, who's not even the MP down here, ta sa>, that we have al these projecta approved and nobody even knows anything about it at the Town of Whitby until I phoned at 8 o'clock tis morning (Monday) and said what i. ping on... "Once again it shows what the NDP governinent does for us --nothing.' Doîstra says the crossing which was recently reconstructe bythe Town at a coat of $s00000, i. not on the Town's ca ital spendingpriorit list and ait very possible tha the CP rails could be deleted in* the ver>, near future.» Althoughb agreeing the Town should h ave- been informed, councillor Marcel Brunelle says the grade separation «has been on our agenda for a long tinte... I amn relieved that that mone>, is there. «One-third i. certainl>, more than one-tenth, which i. what we would have had (te pa>,) but I can't imagine this council not finding some way, some way of talcing advantage of this. «The likelihood of, this ever coming our way again -- an opportunit>, te correct this pro- blem -- in just about zero.» Under terme of the recogn- zance, White must b. of good behaviour and keep the. peace for on. year. In addition, the 42-year-old father of three mnuet continue with the chlld management counselling sessions ho b.d been attending prior ta the incident. "Tho counselling Jes smethin# that arase independent of this, Payne noted. Failure ta compl>, with any term and White muet pay a$50D penalty. Fireteélected in the NDP ew.ep of 1990, White is a former social worker. He representa Whitby south of Taunton Road and much- of northwest and northcentral Osh-, awa. Dr. Mofeed Michael last week announced he will aconf retire as commissioner of planning for DurhamnRegion. Michael has worked for the ~on for almost 25 years. .egonal councillors accepted his retirement proposaI «with deep reget,» and authorized a search tofld a replacement for Michael. Regional chair Gary Herrema calledI Michael a top professional who will be sorel>, missed. In last week's edition, there was an incorrect telephone nuin- ber for LaFontaine Trading Post where tickets can be purchased for the Whitby Courthouse Theatre production of 'Stepping The correct number is 430- 3374. The Free Press wishes to apologize for the error. MOR i:! T Two more wIns for Bs Wihitby Hanet Plastics novice B ringette tearn defeated the Omemee major petite C 12-1 on saturda>,. Leading the scoring was Enul>, Sand with- three goals, Krystal Chartrand two "oas and three asssts, Karen McWilliams two goals and one assist, Kaile>, Miller a goa and four assiste, Kathryn Per'ry, Heather Peel, Tara Henry and Michelle Lieni each had a goal and an a"eit Rachel Stewart two assista and Meaghan Cloutier one assiat. Jade Blight was in goal for the Whitby crew. On Sunday aflernoon, Wbitby challenged Port Perry Petite Bs te, an exhibition gaine andl won 106. Scoring for Whiutby were Henry with four goal, Stewart and McWiliams two goals and two assista each. Miller a goal and two assiste, leni a goal, Peel two assst and Blight an ast. The novice B team played strong offensivel>, and defensivel,, and strong goaltending b>, Sand made the gaine exciting te watch.' Whitby mndoor soccer mach 5 LeonIs Red 6 Bars Blue Kevin DaSiva 3 Davld FilUon 2 RoS HaniI 2 DaidBusch GreenMachirm 4 Dodo Stntrs Alan Duncan 2 Mt"um Cross 2 Nawâd Randanawa Aynaley SnM h2 CoIns Marcons 4 Bilais Warnrs Chuis MoroJonathanHull 2 CameroFrize Marque Payne Davis Adingon Golden Cougars 5 Tony's Tiae. Shayn Develi 2 Crieswi Ny& Wa Bulodi 2 Rihard Welsh Jool Ushm a ymounles 4 Peters Paniers G= Epnoindas 3 J. VanderVen e Danny Mettin Shanila Fleing.: AnthnY Plu"hia2 Tropogem40rers Kevin DaSia 43 Jonathan VanderVen 37 Scont Mcavid 34 lan Buikidi 31 Rass Hanii 30 David Filon 27 G eorge E i o d s25 PhIl*DpW rlg&ht 20 Robi Pics 14 Anthony Pastia 13 Michee Cmmss13 Juon Radman 12 Shawsn DevenUs 12 MicheuIHadden 11 DavisAd<lngta10 Jonathan Hull 10 SlwIar Flernings10 5OWRT Tam #3 An*ew Dyuwd 0 TeamiS 1 TmiS0 Mathew Snowden Dam Wagnoli Team 94 1 Toam# 2 Logmaln kw Evan BoUTIbo Tem #0 1 TamD 7 Brnon Mlddloon Rabed tTrue Esteban Cornea J" .Slnnons 2 TeMmilo PeterMcCain 2 mosomIo Brazil Daniel Wade 2 P&W Shannon 2 2 Puince MmIii 3 2 lnnoeihy Gnahamn iloreBa2 Adi Cotu 4 Rym i alon U.S.A. Aao2Tyo a Rusa GrahamWatt OsMMdHui*an 2 DaM Hon KustY*Lae Grham 4 lreland 2 Swedeii Mioheol Sho Me" ô 5Gerrrwiy Justki Chatjiri 3 BrentHead4 Spodn a Grec stMater WWPis Kadk Andhew Skllq g RabeflNbc Stev Bowenman 2 KilhtenMad(inn Rnd beau eteoà na ohom U.S.A Medn Greooe Brui Rusa Swadon Laméing god4000ur PaMiShannon JusiniChahrlwo Jorge Corne SlèimBowwman Blar Edmnoncis DanilOutuos MU"heelslh Nadhan Whlnby Bront Alan Dam dWous o v ~ Mconald 2 Roal nNickn* DaMldHondix DaWd Fommu Ryui Paterson Darnnm mon TywerSciera - LuasSandhaus c9nnectidns 24 HOUR PERSONAL AD DATELINE The Lfesaver course is designed to teach essenial lifsaving first aid skills to people of ail ages. Three and a haif hours of your time could save a life. Cail Si. John Ambulance for détails. 668900 1