Whutby Free P'ross,'Wednesday, March , 1994, Page 29ý ARTCLE I...... CWIIO _______________________________________________________F O R : S" A L E ______________________________________________ 300 8" CONCRETE BLOCKS treated 1 X6X4' , i X8X4' and 2X4X8'; 10' satellite dish, Chaparal; 1"* & 2" undressed red oak wood. 683-5905.. CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR $315; chair & ottoman $100; recliner $75; rocking chair $45; bed chesterfield $350. Prices negotiable. Other items. Good condition. Cal 571-6113. KENUORE WASHING MACHINE $150; 26" Viking slave $50; toilet, complete $20; microwave stand $25; 84 6X6 white tii. 50o each; 17 6X8 patterned tile 500 each. 655-4640. CEDAR & RED OAK LUMBER. Cal 655-4200. FOR AU. YOUR EYEWEAR NEEDS - glasses, contact lenses, sunqlasses. Quaiity produots, service and puice. Eye examinations arranged. Discount for seniors and chikiren. TILLEY OPTICIANS 102 Byron St. S. 430-8849. MATTRESSES and boxsprings at hait priýe. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simcoe $t. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-518t. BEAUlIFUL, salid hardwood walI hanging curio cabinet for sale. Cal 43"-721. 1979 JEEP RENAGADE with angle plow, 35,000 original kms. Many new p arts $3800 certif ied, o.b.o. As-is. Phono 433-0775. 1984 BUICK LESABRE $2500 certif ied. 1981 Chrysler LeBaron $800 o.b.o. Caîl 668-1216. MUST SELL - 1970 British Rover 3500S car. 18,000 miles (stored indoors since 1974). Spare parts, include engine..Intenor excellent, no rust. Make an offer. Caîl 668- 7360, leave message. 1983 PON11AC 8 passenger wagon, many new parts, good condition, $925-. Large car top carrier, $50. Caîl 728-4587. BR7SH RACING GREEN 1991 Mazda Miata MX5, 5-speed, rag top only. Under 22,000km.' A-i condition. Must seIl immediately. Asking $16,00o, o.b.o. Cal evenings after 8. 668-8275. ....... Ail sizes. Installation and Computer Baiancîng also available WHITBY TIRE 103 Dundas St E. <Coefwo0 w. 12 &Hwy. 2) phone 430-8900 Neoç a car - Credit problems? *eN wta » n <S-m poeu.ba L« L.to Sn any nMiorm.. LEASEGIDE AUTO LEASNG 6834M 0- eff SKIDOO or utiiity trailer $220; oak wall unit $180; sterea, receiver & turntabie $75; singli. 3-pc. bedroomn suite $250. Cal 430-04. MOVING - MUST SELL immediateîy: 12.2 eu. fI. freezer $175; wash er & dryer $500 pair (wilI seli individualiy); electric lawn mower $90. Cali evenings ater 8pm, 868-8275. WELL SEASONED F1REWOOD for sale. Dry, hardwood, kindling, hait face cords, face cords, bush cords. Pick Up or deliver. Order now for next season. 905:649-3183. DINING ROOM TABLE, chairs, hutch, buffet - dark wood, colonial style, $750 o.b.o. Cali 434-2577. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: piano, convection aven, Nlue 9X15 carpet, leather swivel chair & ottoman, 6 pc. dining rm. suite, telephone answenng machine, lampa, misc. items. AIl in good condition. Whitby 666-3169. COMMODORE 641128 complet. system with desk, games and word processing disks. $500. Cal 655-3575 after 5 pm. FREWOOD. Excellent quaiity hardwood. Seasoned, very dry, split. Honest measurement. Order now for next season. Fre deiivery. 905-753-2246. "Much to my pleasure, 1 received 9 phone calis th. very f irst day my ads ran, and as a resuit, sold every article 1 had advertised within one week." C.C. MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE 683-9725 ~ PINE RIDGE AUTO INSURANCE - low rates, easy payment terms, free quates. Cal ' Sharon 666-2090.I MORTOAGES & LOANS at p rime irates. Caîl Michael 668-7200. Anubis Investrments Ltd. Serving Ontario since 1972. " I si & 2nds to 95% - Debt Consolidathons *Prime Rates - - Pre-Qualifying 571-2880 or 686-6450 (Tor. line) HOME COMPUTER, hooks up to anly T.V., drive, keyboard, pninter, home file neyer used and more. $450. 430-1422. ANTIQUE FIREPLACE MANTEL (circa 1910) mahogany $225; antique drop baf table (circa 1920) solid oak $240; trench provincial chesterfieîd (gol tons) $80; dehumidifier (10 litre capacity) rarely used $150 f irm. Caîl 430122. MOVING SALE- solid wood dining roomn suite, trunk, red Iron plant stand, 100% wool carpet - multi-colour yellow base. Please cali 725-5792. FOR SALE - ladies' cross country skis, size 8; men's cross country skis, size 8; ladies' figure skates, sizo 8; men's hockey skates, size 9; brand new cedar tobaggan; hair dryer; left handed golf clubs - 7pcs. wibag; sewing cabinet. 668-4042. ANTIQUE walnut pump argan ln excellent worktng condition, oriinal finish. Il must b. seenl $4Z. Cati 668-3011 or 666-3883, evenings & weekonds. WANTED - used sewing machine, portable, good working condition, reasonably priced.« Please caîl 430-6499. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than hait rice. Large select ion. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. I WILL BUY your contents. or unwanted items. Cai 728-8485, beave a message. YARD SALE - "Early Bird Specialu Sat. & Sun. March 12 & 13, 19 & 20 8am ta 4pm. Sports equipment, cedar fence rails, doors, household items, toys, books, clathes. 5805 Halls Road, Brookîin (S. of Hwy. #7). Ma& Pa's Counltry Store Wanted:iqueHand- YW made Country Crafi for consignient V v v Y Needed: MusliBunncs, FO FolAdtMinatus andWooden Product, f#374 Wilson Rd. S, Oshawa - 434-7560 fy South of Olive, Nort c ot o lmY VYYYVYYYY Yf f Y V DURHAM ANIMAL ADOPTION has mfy lavable dogs and cals in nee afgaod homes. Tuxeda, Bart, Autumn and Fred are just a f ew of the friendly felines available for adoption. Lot our volunteers holp you find the right famiîy pet. Please cal 623-0770 or 263-8915 today. WHITBY ~ LOVING CARE GIVEN to old, SEWING retired horses. Good food, box MACHINEstali. CalI 655-3090. Repafirs to ail makes______ _________ INDUSTRIAL & DOMESTIC In-home service availabie 111 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY Peter 6366-122813___________ TREE CUTT1NG& TRIMMING. FuIly insured. Fr.. ostimates. 433-7140. "'LEAVE YOUR CARES at home with us.w Prafessional pet4ome sitters are fully bonded & insured. Custom Homowatch International. 666-5353. ST. PAUL-S CEMETERY, COLUMBUS, Application has been made to the Ontario Ministr1 of Consumer & Commercial Relations for approval ta introduce new by-iaws for th. 0perations of St. Paul's cemetery of St. 'Thomas' Anglican Church, Brooklin, Ontario. Anyane wishing to inspect or make copies o f th. by-iaws should phono 1h. church off Ice at (905) 655-3883 for an appointment. Anyane who has purchased a burial or cremation plat at St. Paul's is asked 10 contact the St. Thomas' church office, ta enablo the cemetery to update ils records, and to supply purchasers with a copy of the new by-laws, when approv.d. COUNTRY CRAFIS & COLUCTABLB SHOW Fri., March 25 3pm-9pm Sat. March 26 lOam -Spin OSHIAWA CIVIC AUDiORIUM 99 Thornton Rd. S. Oshawa Durham's Mrgest ciwft show - 140 exhibitors *14,000 sq. IL of unique crafls 4 34 5531 DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #l, LITTE BRITAIN Phone or fax 705-786-2183 OUTTANDING AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES, ROYAL DOULTONS SUN., MARGH l3th at 12:OOpm (VIEWING 10:30 arn) ORONO TOWN HALL, MAIN ST. ORONO (WSke401 tol1l16M5Hwy. &noeth 10km) This Sunday's auction features the complote contents from an antique shop, plus Inclusions from a local estate, with many refinished & as found pes. of furniture pl us rare & unqecollectables. Partial list inlds: Hoosier cupboard, oak washstand, golden. oak Iift top ice box, oak bufet, 2 oak sideboards, round oak table & 6 chairs, book shedf, 5' harvest table, cannon bal b.d, aid dressers & chests of draes (p<rIg. & rot.), mise. tables (palou, ktchn, work, etc.), mise. chairs & rokrs ( set ot 5 oak pressbacks,, wickor, hoopback, etc.), tredie sewing machine blanket & storage boxes, oki wlcker selle. & chair, oîd cupboards & wardrobes, brass bed, cracks & jugs. (with decorations), aId advertIsement ps. (sgns, baoules, papor, thermometres, etc.), leather post cards (1904 Oishawa), army medals, oid bols, quality selection of pîass & china, plus many rare & unique household collectables, Royal Doutons includo Robin Hood, Falstaff, (mugs), Stephanie, Santa, Judge, plus mini Doultons, misc. imited edition & decorative art prints. Alsoi Wilkinson Sabre dated 1970 ta commemorate the Buffalo Sabres ln to the N.H.L signed Punch Ilach. This is only a partial list with many articles stilî to b unpacked for this auction, which proves to be on. of the botter sales of the year. A must attend event for one & ail. Cail for ail your auction needs MacGREGOR & WEST AUCTIONS Mike MacGreor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 CORNEILS AUC71ON BARN FRIDAY MARCH il AT 6:00pm THE 1'ROPERTY 0F LEUL HEASMAN 0F COBOCONK 2 - 2 pc. f lat ta wali cupboards, Chatham kitchen cupbaard, washstands, antique dressers, dining extension table, cylinder record player & large quantity of cylinders, O.G. ck, victrola, table top gramaphone, press back rocker, hoap back chairs, wooden washing machine, captains high chair, round oak pedestal table & 3 leaves, 6 oak dining chairs, dough box, bianket boxes, deacons bench, press back high chair, bonnet chest, f lat & aval top trunks, oak rocking chair, cracks, copper bolIers, -bridge lamps, quantity of picture trames, advertising signs & boxes. This is a very large quantity af china, plass & interesting coliectable Rtems from one household. Also consigned - 5.5 hp Honda trackç drive snowbîower, approx. 5,000 sports cards. The War Arnps CIIILD AMPUTEE PROGRA M For information dýal toli-fec aiea codes 519, 6G3. 705, 1-800,268-8821;-.odher areaR codes diii 1-800-268-8917 1