Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Mar 1994, p. 28

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Page 28, Whitby Frvv Press, Wodnesday, March 9, 1994 'PR..MUNTIs1 ~ fIi1i BROOKUN - 1. bedroom plus sitting room in quiet are.a, parking, prefer working female or student. $350/month. FirstAlast. References. 655-3827. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ten minutes from Whitby, between Brooklîn/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms available for rent. Low weekly rates. Cail 655-5308. WHITBY - ciean, quiet fully furnished room In private home. Privileges: kitchen use, cabte, parking. Suit matuire working mate. Avaitable immediatety. $90/weekly. FirstAlast. 668-3640. HOUSIE, APARTUEN« FOR RENT? If you had advertised here, 1 ,0008Nk"you wldb. oeadlng this now. NEW HOME TO SHARE with 1 other, large private suite with bath, cabte, laundry, parking. $475 inclusives. non-smoker preferred. AvailabliMarch lst. 668-3412. AVAILABLE APRL 1. Roommate wanted ta shar. 4 bedroom home. Parking, laundiy facilities availabie. $350/month. Gaîl 430- 7103. WHITBY - THICKSON/DRYDEN. Immaculate 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Utilities, rking inciuded. Baiconies, fi.u.'nd ry facilities, blinds, broadloom, bicycle storage. Close ta amren ities. Cati 436-6610. CLEAN & QUIET - one bedroom apt. in century building, centralty located ln Whitby. Suitable for single, working persan. Non- smke reere.Available April 1. $54/mnth. Cali 668-3011 or 666- 3883>evenings and weekends. ONE BEDROOM basement apartmnent. Bright, large windows. Large living room, kit. w! stove & f id ge. Ait utilities inctuded. $625/month. Suitable for mature, working maie. 725-7474 or 571-2051. WHITDY- apt. on main floor of home in quiet residential area. Very clean & cames with f ull basemnent, ptiO & backyard, private parking, air con. & 4 appîances. Non - smokers preferred. Available May 1. 5$625/mno. + utiities. Cali 668-3011 or 666-3883, evenings & weekends. '01 had neyer used the WNhit by Free Press classifieds before, andi1 was deug hted ith the response ta my ad.iThe cost was a lot tess than other papers. t will continue ta use the Wht by Free Press.* R.P. 7~'4eàs ~wa <ced a 44.t~ *CARPET & UPHOLSTERY DIVISION Resldentiai and Comrmercial Cleani)ngà *DISASTER RESTORATION DIVISION FireWater/Smoke CIeant4p and Restoilon (24 HR) "FOR YOU ONLY THE BEST WILL DO"' 43&-6000 Derek Dutka Specializing in tax and reirement lplanning sn lno U96 CAILL 579-7777 VFOR AN APPOINTMENT.- tWE DELIVER FLYERS TeWhitby Free Press 668-611il interlocking stone - retaining walis * odfencing a decks FREE COMPETITI VE ES TAM4 TES Wrtten Guarantee 666-9690 3%55 Thickson Rd. - 576-2510 -"0 a Dryden & Th bS kie No FrIts e( The Mutuai Group HERTRAN cali for quotation 668-9669 e 432-7216 RRIFs - NUIBE BROOKUN - one bedroom apt. available now. Glose to ail amenities. Rent,$495/mo. Heat + hydro Includeci. 655-5539. AVAILABLE' MARCH 1 - 3 bedroom main floor apt., approximateiy 1,000 un ft. Involves caretaker lulties. $725/month, utilities included. Cali Ron 434-5629. Office 436-0990, 517 Harris Crt. 2 BEDROOM basement apartment. 3 appliances, good location, Christian home. Quiet worklng person only. $600 per month. Cati 666-263. CENTRAL IHITBY - 2 2-bedroomn apariments. $500 & $575 plus hydro. First & iast No pets. Available Apuit 1/94. Cali 668-2445. ONE BEDROOM BASEMENT APARTUENT ln Oshawa ( Harmony and Rossland area). $40/month includes utilities, f rdge, stove & access ta washer/dryer. Non-smoker. Cali 432-3238 or 666-832 for more information. ONE BEDROOII basement apartment for rent~ pautialiy furnlshed. Also - a room for rent ln Oshawa. Ideal for a single female, non-smoker please. $90/eekly. Please cmli 430-2984. ONE BEDROOM available Apili 1. $622mo. Inclusive, parking extra. 3 bedroom $799 Inclusive prkin extra. Availabie April 1. 'jc, quiet building, completeiy carpeted & balcony. Close ta shopping, in Whitby. Cati 668-7196. SELF-CONTAINED, partially fumished bachelor apt. Private entrance, suitabie for 1 person. $550/mo. +, tel. + cable. Glose ta bus route. Available March 15. Cali 430-0205. WHfTBY - 3 bedroom large apartment in tripiex. Quiet, residentil area. Close ta shoppIng. Ciean & freshiy palnted. jbva iable April 1. $817Tlmonth + hydro. 668-5068 or 666-0385. CENTRAL WHITY. AGI FASTI One bedroomn basement apt. in quiet 6-plex. Large windows, fridge, stove. launidry facilties, carpeted & storage unit. $475/month + hydro. 728-3594. WHfTBY - 2 bedroom aparlment $600/month. Immediate oeccupancyi. Fridge a stove, heatung, prking for 1 car inciuded. Phone 40-0959 or 723-2857. ONE BEDROQU basement apt. Heat, hydro, water & cable inctuded. Non-smokçers, no pets. Suit working femnale $550/month. WHITBY avaltable immediately. Clean 3 bedroom house - eat-in kitchen, big sltting room, 3«pc. bath with 2 bedroom basemnent apt. - big sittinq. room/bar, 3 pc. bath, eat-in kitchen, storage room, separate entrance. Close to al amenities, (negatiable). 430-7255. WHY RENT when you can own? $600900 per month, $3,000 - $6,r0 dw. DetachesemI's, townhouses &power of ale avaIlel .11 Garai Chantier. Remax Summit for details 668-3800. OSHAWA/ PARK & JOHN - detached 3 *bedroomn house. Incudes 2 bedroom In-Iaw apt. Great rentai opportunitl Appliances Included. Avaliabie April 1. Pets wetcome. $995 + utilities. First/iast. 668-3640. WHUTBY NORTH - 2400 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, fenced. -May i st possession. Cali 666-4953. CENTRAL OSHAWA - unique, updated century home. 3 bedrooms, 2- 3pc. bathrooms, appiances, garage, fully fenced y ard. Avail. April 1. Pets welcome. $950/mo. + utilities. FirstAast. 668-3640. rlecasc ccI WHITY WEST LYNDE - $149.900. D l1htfüI 2 storey with gaôg, finished walcout basement,feod mature treea Cali Connie McGann, W. Frank Real Estate Wd. 668-6171. $1479500 - prime Whltby location. 3 bedrooms, 11/i2 baths attached garage, abôve rae lot, fInished roc room, 1la master bedroom. Decks. Cati(95 434- 2427 after 6pm. WEST LYNDE, private treed lot, kt overlooks sunken tam. rm -gas tire, skylight, W/o ta patio. 4 bcrfr., en- suite, rec room. bar. $1159,500. Cali Lillan North -Remax Summit Reafty (1991) Ltd. Ã"68-3800. CENTRAL WHITBY BIGALOW wak to GO, lae treedlot on endo;À quiet street vlw ta undeveloped landl, large brght k*tcen. Hardwood up & down, attached garage. 1112 Centre St. South, $1 42,500. By appointment. 430-1530. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5p.rn. tisnwppr CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT AIL.1 COMING EVENTS TH4E HALIBURTON SCHOOI. 0F FINE ARTS la offerng 200 Arts and (Craits Courses during summer 199. For Information or brochure contact S.S.F.C. Box 839, Haliburton. Onario KOM 1 S0. (705) 457- 1680. WOODWORKERS - JURIED COMPETITION. A ugust 5-7. $5,000 cash pza.Fiv»categorias: Chairs. Bird Carving. Bird H=use. Turning. Miniatures. Applications: The Wood Show. Box 920, Dutham, Ontarito NOG iRa. Tei. (519) 369-902. Fax <519) 369- 5750. BUSINESS OPPORTUNIT'Y DE PART cl Vancouver's expansion as a Pacifie Rim conter. Established 'Business Demolition end Excavation' for sale. Information cati: Mr. Cati LaBossie.,1 (604) 879-2322 Regent Petit (Landmartc Realty>. CAREER TRAINING BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR ... with ouf greit home-study course. Coli for a FREE BOOC.1-800- 267-1829. The Sheffield School, 962-38 MeAthur Ave., Ottaw@,Ontane KIL6R2. OFFERING THE BEST Chef Training and Pastry il Desserts diptoma proqrams. Fuil-time 17 woeks. Accommodation end lob placement assistance. Dubrulle French Cuinary School, Vancouver 1 (604) 738-3155. FREE 'CAREER OPPORTUNITIES! GUIDE. Trin-at. home: Accounting; Airconditionlng; Booklre.ping: Business; Computers; Etectronici; Law Enforcement; Modical Sectetary; Parategal; Psychology; Social Worfrer~ Travel. Cal 1.800-361-1971 todmyl LEARN AUCTIONEERINQ aitf"eSouthwestem Schoal of Auctioneenng. NexI Clos%: .iuty 16-22. Inormation, contact Souhwestom Ontario Sehool of Aucioneering. R.R. 85, Woodistoclu. Ontaio N4S 7V9. (519) 537.2115._ FOR SALES NEW! 40 GAMES IN 1 CARTRIDGE for your Nintendo. Nol avallable in stores. Immediate delivery. VISA/C.O.D. $5495 1.80-66346289. SALES HELP WANTED TAKE THIS JOB end love il LANTANA is a leading tashion notwoulc mar1rein9 company looling tor people like Vou te bacome Fashion Consuants. Cali 1-800- 463-8659. FASHION FORTUNE! Fun. Freedom and exciting eamning potentiel. Become a Distributor Boting MA CHER LINGERIE. OUALITY & SERVICE maite us el since 1975. Cal 1.800-661 -3305. SE FIRST IN VOUR AREA. Market shoet non-run hosier, high tashion jewelry, watches. Home basd. Training, excellent profits, lupart.time. Management positions availlble Cali 1 -800.749.3296. MISCELLANEOUS PDETRY CONTE ST $12.000 in prizes yearfy. Possible pubication. Send orre oui~net poem 20 lims or tass: Natonat Library 01 Poetry, Box 704-NO, Owings Mii. Md 21117. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXCH-ANGE - agos 18-30 wlth agriculture experience to liva/wortc with family in Australia, New Zealond, Europe. Japon. Costs/details -1-800-263-1827. 0206. 1501 171h Avenue. S.W. Calgary. AB 72T 0E2. LOVE A MYSTERY? Send iis ad it1h your nama & address to: Mystery, Cor gi Books. 105 Bond St., Toronto, Ontario MB I Y3. First 500 resporidents will receive a ires mystery f rom renowned author Robart Goddard. PERSONALS LIVE A HEAITHIER and longer lire! Rid your body of harmful effecesof daily pollution. Buy à rad'Citer Body Clear Mmdc by L. faon Hubbard ($22.00). CatI 1- 800-561-5808. LACI< 0F MONEY? Efects of the sconorny? Worriad about jobs? Be ho py and sucçeed in MieI Buy mand read'Probîemns of Worle' by L. Ror, Hubbard ($:30.00>. CatI 1-800-561-5808, ADOPTION SOMETIMES I CRV MVSELF TO SLEER. We want a child to love with aid oui heoit. Pregnant & hurling too7 Considening adoption? Cali colleci 1-416-46766 15. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/tmeshare? WeIl tare I Americas largest. oldest resale clearinghouse. Resort Sales International 1-800-423-5967. Tmeshare rentaIs needed. Cati 24 hours a dey. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Slraitwafl Type - not quonset - 32x54 57,899; 40x72 $11,924. 50x90 $16.954. 60x126 $25.883 - other ies availabte Msceflan.ous clearance - Paragon - 24 Houri 1.800. 263-8499. SPAN-TECI- STEEL BUILDINGS 170. - Top qualiy straightwalî, woodlsteel & alllsteel buildings, CSA Certified. worlrslops. barns, arenas, stables etc. large or smaîl. contracting & flnancing available. 24 houri 1- 800-561-2200 AIL STEEL BUILDINGS. Straight Sided Models. Various sizes. eg. 30W x 0't - $7,152.00 includng ends and door. Cati Future 1-800-666-8653, A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Faim. storage. commercial industriel. New types, stiellwood. quonset. claddng. For truc value, action & answers - Waly (416) 62-1794. FREE brochures, clip and save. AFFORDABLE STEEL BUILDINGS. SIRAIGI4T SIDES. Quonsat style rolf. Ctearspan, eas.ly erected. Ends optional. 20 x 30 $2,688.00, 25 x 40 $3.82600. 30 x 40 $47800. 30 x 50 $5,939.00, 35Sx 60 $ 10,074.00. Pionee 1-80-668.5422._ iYour ad could appear in comnmunify newa pape,, in Ontario. or fight across Canada, or any j ndividual province. Space la Limied, s Cai This Newspaper Today!j 9"CROSS CAN *~ADA MARIv To rae a wbma.ib ha h ivw theo&* i Centrai Orario 50 newspq»v, - S168or25 wor,*mIsNOtro178 newspqa - SM for wo6 AN ConadaM nne <e - $1,183 for 25 wri For further Information plemBe cmli the Whitby Fre. Prei Cl»Mfide - 6686111l WNtbyFra~ ress eê84 Il Qflve ours:Mo~iay toFrid...9 . a .......0 p. a. ..-0.. 1

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