-. -- -. -- -- -- -- I - Whitby Free ProeB, Wedneeday. Pebruay 23, 199, Page 3 Committee slams proposed bihl Whitby Council agenda(s) wiondny, February 2. Planning and Development Committee That a site plan application from the Whitby f Ire department for a new f irehali and headquarters on the northeast corner of Taunton Road East and McKinney Drive be approved. The site is now occupied by the public works department's former operations centre. Plans cal for a two-storey addition and hose tower to be built next to the existing one-storey building. The cost of the $3.2-million project will be shared by the municIpallty and federal and provincial governments as part of the Joint Infrastructure program. Construction Is expected to commence once the project recelves senior government aprval. Récomendedto counill That the Ontario Municipal Board be requested to dismiss appeals to a zoning bylaw permitting special purpose commercial use at 516 Brook St. N. and 112 Chestnut St. W. Last May, council rezoned the two properties to allow for such uses as a restaurant, garage and gas bar, but objections were received f rom two abutting property owners. Staff have asked the board to dismiss the appeals without a hearing since no supporting planning documents were submitted by the objectors. Recommended to council Operations Committee That the town approve a Whttby Minor Basebail Association request to construct a second batting cage at iroquois Park, on the west sie of the exlstIng one. The cost of construction is estimated at $22,000 and the association hopes to have the cage operational bY the beginnlng of the basebaîl season. Recommended to counmcil That the town rent Centrex trees in a 9.4 acre open tract on the southeast corner of Thickson Road and Wontworth Street April 23 and 24. The town will spend $3,400 on seedlings. Recommended tW coundeil By Mike KowalskI Proposed provincial leislation wiiichi removes restrictions on apartments in houses han beon slamoed by Whitby's planning and development committee. Bill 120, the. Résidente' Rights Act, muet b. revamped before Although intended to ensure more afiordable housing in Ontario, Whitby councillor Joe Drumm argues that Bill 120 will d.stroy the. character of neigh bounhoods ini communities 1k. "Ifs airight if you're ini Cabba- gtovn, but what if a person bu9yea $200,00house and the guy noit to hlm pute ini an apartmentr" Drumm asked. "What rights dos ho have? Nothing,» Drummn said. Drumin claimed that "intensi- fication» has been the govern- ment's <buzzword» ever since release of a report on future planningini Ontario by former Torono mayor John Sewoll. "What happened in the last election is that three-quarters of the. province went mad and now we're paymg the price "hoi said. Councillor Dennisfrox shared Drummr's sentiments. «With this legisiation, any desire of the. private sector to construct apartments won't be there,» Fox claimed. This NDP government, I don't have any use for. I hate them,» he said. Fox referrod tiith staff report which points outs that recom- inondations in Sewell'e report conflict with Bill 120. Whereas Sewell sUfflests liniit- in govornment's role t that of policy-maig, Bill 120 esta- bli8hes sp.cific zoning and pro- perty standards, the report states. "Mhe government 1?as no idea of what the hell thoy're doing,» said Fox. March court date for MPP By Mike Kowalsl An assault rharge against Dur- ham Centre MPP Drummond White has been remanded Wo March 3. Judge David Stone set the March date last F'riday following an appearance by White's attor- neyî Oshawa provincial court. Wite, who did not have Wo attend Friday's session was represented by Whitby lawyer John Payne. White is charged with assault in connection with an incident which occurred in Whitby on Feb. 4. Since the charge involves a minor, Durham Regional Police have released few details. But according to court documents, the. allee victim was White's teenage daughter. First elected in the. New Demo- cratic Party sweep of 1990, White represents Whitby south of Taunton Road and much of northwest and northcontral Osh- awa. White, 42, r.signed froni the NDP caucus at Queen's Park and will sit as an independent meni- ber of the. legislature until the. matter is resolved. ROTARY ASUHCALENARtH PrzeNubes"orFe'_2."8~ receiving the. blossing of Town council, committee recommended Monday. The. comjnittee wants the 1bi11 aznended'tW ensure there in local control over the nurnber of anp rt ment imite permitted in de- linge not originally intended for' Councillor Don Mitchell ter- mod Bill 120 a «province-wide solution Wo a Toronto probleni, typical of not only tuis govern- ment but other provincial governmonts.» Mitchell said municipalities outeide Metro have grown ini recent years because of the desire of many people for a speci- «Whenyou uy into a certain typeo ietyle and have someone neit door set up an apartinent, it'e grossly unïfair,' ho said. What's even worse is extend- ing the protetion of the Lan- drd and TenatAct tW resi- dents of apartments in houses, Mitchell said. UAnyone who has tried Wo get tnant out nows it~s a farce. It will bo a recipe for disaster,» ho said. While ho supported the. recoin- mendation, committee chair Rose Batten did not exp oct it Wo sway the government's thinking. He recalled a meeting two years ago with former housing minister Evelyn Gigantes mver proposals in Bill 90. «Sho made it abundantly clear that thie government is commit- ted Wo thie type of housing,» said Batten. <'She aleo made it clear that tuis government is committed Wo intensifying the. population in existing residential areas,» hoe said. The government's desire for thie type of developinent has shown itself in its initial ros- ponses Wo Whitby's soon-to-be completed officiai plan review, Batten said. "They'vo already Wtld us tW tighten up the officiai plan,» h.e said. "Frm appalled about the. direc- tion they're taking. It's abso- lutely wrng.» Fo lowing the. meeting, Batten said WiiitbY's previous o pposition toBill 90 had been made knowii Wo local New Democrat MPPs. "W. made it clear t th MPPs wiiat our concerne were and it felI on deaf ears, they were comi- mitted Wo those policies," he said. Batten said the. MPPs have not yot been approached about Bill 120. "There may be an opportun ity Wo do that, to show that our concerne have not gone away,» hoe said. more than singlo-family use. Propoqals that would provent municipalites froni imitng this type of housinir must b. scrap- nad, the commiittee has deman- ded. Failure Wo do so will only croate higher densities in, exiet- ing residential areas and put a strain on municipal services, the. cmittee warned. uSome of these recommenda- tione are devoid of any sons.,» said councillor Joe Drunun in reference tiithebill. "Whoever is responsible must have been sick or drunk or both,» ho charged. According to a planning department report, Bill 120 is the governmente responso Wo recommen dations containod 'in the. Lghtman Report and a «packa ing" of Bill 90. IÀLghtman Report was a commission of inquiry into un- regulated residential accomoda- tion in Ontario, while Bill 90 was legielation introduced ini 1992 to govern apartments in houses and granny fiats' or gardon suites. Tii. government has since witiidrawn Bill 90 and replaced it with the new bill, the. report states. Bill 120 corntains amondments Wo five different etatutes concern- ing residential property rights, the. report notes. These include: the Landlord and Tenant Act; Rent Control Act; Rentai Housing Protection Act; Planning Act, and the Muni- cV-il the committee agreed with sitaffs support of certain aspects of the. bill, sucii as extending tenant protection Wo residents of unregulated group homes, it drew the Ulno on othors. What especially raised the. ire of committee mexnbers je a pro- posaI toprovent municipahities fom prohibiting two resîdential units in a detached, semi-deta- ched or townhouse unit, as long as each unit meets minimum provincial standards. This will permit apartments in houses «ai-of-rigiit" and will apply Wo houses which currently have two units as well as W ,n.w two-unit homes, the staff report states. The comniittee's recommenaa- tion goos Wo council next Monday. 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