Whitby Fm@ Pua. Aéusdiw.Fobeuavy 28.104, Pp2 Edward Canning FATHER LEO J, AUSTIN L ý l 1I I I II AÀN D tER SO0N Spirit Week! Spirit Week! Reac ail about it! Thie past week a Anderson, a different fun-fillec activity was helti each day in ti cafeteria during lunch hour. Monday's ovent was ti Anderson Dating Gamne, ar approiate activity foi Va ontin.s Day. CongratulationE to the. two winning coup les, Steve Bynj, and Vanessa rirze, and Lef Worsley and Brent McKinnon. Each lucky couple won fre passes to ueo a movie together. Tuesday was the limbo contest. The winners of thie daring eveni included Roxanne Stewart, T.J. Sinclair and Alexandra Aarde. Way te go. Wednesday's event was thec airhead conteet. Those participating wore iieadphones tc Liten te music while singing aloud the. lyrice for everyone ini the. cafeteria te hear. A hearty applause was extended to Terrance Balazo for hie touching performnance Of Whitney Houston'e 'l Will Alwaye Love You.' Thursda/e' spirit activity was the tasty ice-cream eating contest. Congratulations ta winners Steve Jones, Andrea Moore, Chris Stone, Ana Alizadeh and Mark Rainoy. To finish off Spirit Weekthe. talent show was heldon Friday. The firut-place winnere wero Torrance Balazo and Alex Nichols for their hilarious performance of « My Ding-a-ià ng.' Olivia Burreli was the second-place winuer for her excellent performance of Whitney Houston's, 'I Have Nothing.' Third-place winner was Tanimy Snow with her super performance of Marîah Carey's Hero.' Congratulations. Student council wishes to thank everyone for thoir participation in Spirit Week. A epecial thank you ta Deirdre Thrasher, wiio made sure al ovents ran smnoothly. Last Wedneeday 35 Anderson etudents visited tho Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto te attend a performance of 'Miss; Saigon.! A great day was hati by aIl those involved. Special thanka te Mr. Hountalas and Miss Gerber for organizing this wonderful trip. Congratulations te musical groupe, Intermnediate Jazz andi Andeyjazz. Anderjazz roceived a gold standing at the. Southern Ontario Jazz Bandi Festival last Fiday. Intermediate Jazz received a bronze standing for their awesome performance. Congratulations ta both ensembles for their liard work and dedication. Until next time, Anderson, have a great week. Student art to be at gallery An exhibition of art work by Durham Board of Education stu- dents will b. helti at the. Robert McLaugiilin Gallery from Mardi 9 to 27. VRENELI WHITE, a Grade 9 student at St. Mildred's Lighboum Sohool in Oakville, extends a "Izip line" of string apart of the obstacle course during the annual Indepen- dePït Schools' Junior Science Olympios on Saturday at Trafagar Castie SOhool. The zip Une was to carry a "coash-resistant, egg-carrying devicem (container with an eqg inside). *W -, uy mmic ufgam w** iwy rree* Ir@@ Taryn Briggs Winter? What winter? It seemas that we have been lucky enough te be receiving some mild weather and sunehine this past week, and that is reflected in the high spirite at Henry Street. That may also have to do with the. fact that w. are in the, midst of another exciting Spirit Week. Monday andi Tuesday wore both very exciting andi succeseful, anti we're counting on the. reet of the. week being the. sanie. Lunchtime activitios andi contests are only p art of the. fun. Tuesday was our first ' PJ and the. B.d Head Day> whicii, if anything, proved ta b. very amusing. Juat a reminder, T'hursday is aur Purple andi Golti Day, so get out your Henry goar or anything purple and gold and support the. llawks. Students who emoke and wish te quit were given the. opportunity ta attend bi-weeldy seniinars presenteti by Katiiy Seccada of the. Lung Association. Seminars have been runming for three weeks andi will continu'e for thr.e more. It appears that tiiey are very successful and appreciateti. Tii. senior girls> volleyball teain, under the. coaching of Mr. Buchanan, camne second overali at the. Seneca College tournamnent on Sunday. KIathy Janushewskci was named niost valuable playor andi ailthe. girls playeti well. Tii. team advances ta LOSSA alter a long season of hard work. Congratulations, girls, and good luck at LOSSA Tiiursday at Pineridge. Girls' rugby lias begun andi, in prepaaton frtiieir trip te B.C., the girlsar holding a weekly draw for soin. fabulous prizes, including a gift certificate for free bowling. Tickets are just $1 oacii and can b. purchaieti during the. week froi any memnber of the. Henry girls' rugby teani. Draws are held at the. echool F'riday afternoons. Last week was a busy one for field trips. Forty students, from grds9 te OAC, saw the hantem of the. Opera on Wednesday anti enjoyedtheii performance thoroughly. Henry was lucky enough ta have wontierful seate. -- first four rows, centre stage. Thanks to Mr. Williamis, Ms. Morely andi Ms. Mitchel for organizing andi chaperoning the ttip. The autemotive tiepartrnent attend tei Toronto Autemotive Show on Friday. A fun and educational tiune was hati by ail. WelI, Henry stuz!;.its, enjoy the. rest of Spirit Week, andi remember te get involveti. The. moot joyous occasion in the. Catholic faith is approaching: Easter Sunday. OnýAsh Wednesday, we at Austin began to prepare for Easter by attending' Ash Wednesday mass in oursichool gym. In March, Austin's vast population of Grade 9 students are te b. introduced te their firet ever Austin retreat. Students will visit the Manreesa retreat houe in Pickering and Pm sure they will find it religiously invaluable. The. current round of Austin sports is drawing to a close with spring looming. However, our teanis are stili. fighting strong in their respective playoffe gand aniong our triumphs wa.s coach Dobsun's midget boys' bask.tball sfide's overtime victory over Pin. Ridige, 51-46, in their firet playoff game. Tickets went on sale last week for the Austin Comxnunity Theatre's production of 'A Midsummer -Night's Dream.' Running between March 2 and 5, tickets for the. play are priced at $8 for adulte and $5 for seniors and chiltiren. Tickets can b. bought through the school but hurry, as they are eelling very fast. On Thursday, Feb. 17, Austin held a memorial service for the late Paul Caley. It was a voe touching morning of vents which culminateti in a heartfelt speech from the wife of Mr. Cale In trué Caley fashon, a number of musical pieces were performed by facult membere, the echool choir and the echool band. The. echool band, which Mr. Caley nurtureti with a]most parental car., recited many of Mr. Caley's Beatles favourites with such simplietic and Shining beauty that would have undoubtedly brought a tear te hie oye had ho been with Us. Axnid the many tears that were shedi there wer ust as many laughs. Ms. IWardj and a selection of Mr. Caley's music students were cafled, upon te reflect on what Mr. Caley meant te them. AsB they read, it was *a fabulous sight to eo their tear-dampeneti faces boing overcome with huge reminiscing amiles as they told of hie tapeti oye glasses, hie peculiar hairstyle and bis patented mismatcheti socks. In attondance was Mr. Caley's wife, children and other fanily members, and, a emali presenta- tion was madie to thom. These gifts included a book of students' personal reflections, a trust f=dt for the Caley children'e education and a portrait of Mr. Caley, painted by Grade il art etudenti and choir member Andrea Kétélaars After a couple of thankful words from Mr. Caley's widow., students and teachers left tii. hall under a solemn and reflective silence whilet in" the comfort oif knowing that although he is gone, Mr. Calera enthueiasm, influence and geneoe will continue to b. feit throughout our school Robert' Cutting, Durham separate achool board consultant for gifted education, will speak at a meeting in Whitby on Wednes- day, March 2. Tii. meeting, held b the Dur- ham chapter of the Asociation for Bright Chldren. of 'Ontario, wiIl b. at St. Bernard Catholic Sciiool, 1000 Dryden Blvd., Whitby, from 7:30 to 9p.m. The. session will look at the. use of music as a means of promptin creative and critical thougi. Cutting, who has us d this method teaching i tge echool system, is the author, co-author or contributing author to 44 textbooks. Coffée will be served (lug a mug), ail are welcome to attend the meetig For more informa- tion cal enn Fishman ut 728- 4274. FAMILY WORLD NON-DRUG a NON-ALCOHOLIC a NON-SMOKING FAMILY ENTERTAUNMENT CENTRE "FREE MEMBERSHIP" .We have POOL TABLES, AIR HOCKEY AND VIDEO GAMES WE BUY OR SELL VIDEO GAMES AND POOL TABLES We seli T-SHIRTS, JACKETS, HATS, etc. to organizations, groups, schools, etc. We supply vdeo games or pool tables to street locations <eg9 clubs, stores, organizations, etc.) 721-1350 or 435-9662 pager. Hours: Mon. to Sal. 10 arn to 9:30 pm., Sunday 12 noon to 5:00 pmn. NOWA VA/LA BLE FOR BIRTHDAY PARTIES CAL L FOR MORE INFORMA TION. entitles bearer to ONE FREE VIDEO GAME plus coupon for 20 gantes BUY 1 GET 1 FREE * Must be signed and stamped by owner.I 1 Aobh, L