Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Feb 1994, p. 26

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Pag e 26, Whity'Free Press, Wednesday, FebnJaly 9, 1994 Whitby chief librarian Ken Roberts was one of the local authors proffled durîng a book fair, featuning Only books by Canadian authors, at Leslie MeFarlane Public School in Whitby last week. More than 800 books were on displIay at the fair organized by CCP, (Children Can Excel), a Whitby company. Roberts has flive books in print. Other authors proflled were Joh- nathan Green of Oshawa, Betty Waterton of Oshawa and Leslie McFarlane, famous for the HaryPBys series. CCalso had adisela&at Father Leo J. Austin Cholic Secondary School on Tuesday, Feb. 8. There will also be a display t Cadarackque PubliceSchool iii Ajaxon Feb.22. 'Building Bridges' at Durham College The Durham Board of Education will hast a leadership conference for students on Feb. 14 at Durhami College. Thie co-ed conference, ' Building Bridges Together,' will bring together students from grades 7, 8 and 9 to examine the development of positive attitudes and relationships, develop an awrarenges of gender and race issues and foster a sense of equality for ail. Lucie Rochette ST. CHARLES GARNIER TOOL AND DIE MAKER Lycia Randis shows some of the tools of her trade to students at Ormiston Publie Sohool at a meent career day. Francis was one of 16 professionals who spoke to students about their work. Photo by ?hrk Rooor, WhIlby Fiee Prms Bonjour. Hmmm... long time no write, eh? Well,,rm bock. Final ý.xame are over (finally), and alo mîr camne the new semester. firt semester report carde are on their way (gulp). We are now a week and a baif into the second semester, and students are slowly adjusting to the change in schedulea. Among the new faces joinung Sfety course of fered at college A course in workplaoe hazard materials information systems (WHMIS) health and safet gi- delines will be held Feb. 21 and 23 at the Durhamn College Sills Training Centre in Whitby. The course will help einployees and managers recognize and e - minate workp'lace hazards, and a WHMIS certificate will b. given to those completing the course, held 7 to 1Q p.m. eaeh night. Cost is $55. Caîl 721-3000 to register. the growing Carnier faniily this semester is a new teacher. Welcome to Madame Frappier. 5h. in replacing Madame Faubert, who bas accepted a position at the Durham aparats, echool board. Coigralatiosu Mme. Faubert, but we will miss you. Tuesday, Feb. 8 was a parent- teacher meeting for parents of Grade 9 students at Saint-Charles Carnier. The meeting was held to hand out the report cards for the first semester, and to start course selections for next year. Friday Ffeb. il is a social cotract ay forstaff. Our annual "Carnier-val" is coming up ruesdy, Feb. 15. A number of activities are planned for the day. Ilil have more details about Garnier-%k'al in a later column. On Feb. 18, our student government is planning a Valentine's Day dance. See you there. Weil, gotta fly. A la prochaine. Fashion show Thursday at ACVI 13Y "ra Morris Anderson does the Nil.! That is the theme for the 1994 fashion show ta be held Thursday Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m., in te gymnsiumof Anderson CVL Ticket are $5 each and proceeds will gIO towards a scholarship fund for students choWsng ta pursue a ht-Scodary eduain in The. Nue theme ties in with the. Josephi production that took pla e nderolest semester. Cosums wredesignedand mode by teachers andqdenta for the performance and wiil ho - incorporated into the show. An array of quality, Canadien designer clotbing bas been contributed by clothig stores such as Motif and CarbSos f downtown Whitby. Meny of the formal wear designe are from Cal~ in Osbawa, which is ownedby a forme Anderson student. Variaus other local clothing stores bave made contributions as well. Hair will ho styled by Valentino's, also of downtown Whitby. "Businesse have danated doar prime, from a masge and facial ta coffee percolatos," says Thfema Ross, a family studies teacher. The three other teachers from the fanuly studies department in charge 0f the fashion show are Jennifer Shin, Natalie Koczulab and Christine Temple. Iàghting and Stage construction are hoing b andled by Rager Julien and props, postesad prograni guides bave ail been created by the art de"atent. 'Students have even partic!pted in fundraising ta, go tawar expenses," BRem said proudly. "le's ail going extremely 1 Weil. 1 s' Lil Edward Canning FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN With January exama firmly behind us, we at Austin have came back relaxed, recbarged and raring to go in the second haif of aur ochool year. After surivng gruelling past couple ofweeks, thinga are alowly but surely getting bock to normal. Austin's boys' basketball aides burst bock into action against Denis O'onnor last Thursday and ail turned out good performances. While the Austin senior boys bot their die despite a gall ant effort, the niidget team bttled ta a 54"0 win and the junior team also came out victorious. M!any of Austin'. history and music pupils are soon ta fi the 'Evolution of Jazz" exhibition. In respecting. black culture, the exhibition will give insiglit ta black music, its individuality and its importance ta nmusic of al persuasions toda. As you mayknow, the Autn community was deeply saddened recently býy the news of the death of Mr. aey aur influential and jovial music teacher. On Feb. 15, the Austin communiVr will write in a memorial service for Mr. Caley, reniiniscing in bis warm personalty, his love for music and more importantly, his love for life. Melannie Heinen ANDERSON C.V.I. Welcome back, Anderson. After a stressfu two-week examination break, semester two i. well underway. Lest %rday, Anderson music students participated in a 24-hour music marathon. Groups including the Senior Concert Band, Junior Concert Band, Anderjazz, Junior Jazz, Jazz Inc., Concert Choir and Senior Chamber Choir pe fred a variety of piecesorerye' histeming pleasure. The event was a huge success, as students raised money for their posbe trip ta Musietin May. Muszdc students wiil now be devoting their practice time ta peae for upcoming festivals. TheywiUbe competing against other high school groupe fr-om al over Southern Ontanoa We wish them the best 0f luck in theïr future competitions. On Feb. 1, Anderson student council organized a game of Twister in the cafeteria. A great time was lied by alI participants and all those watching. Winners of the event were Alan Fisher, Ra elHnt- DianaKose an Mr Rainey. Student coundil wishes to thank everyone who participated in this Spirit Day event. As weil,Feb. 14 to18 han-been declared Anderson S!pirit Week. A different fun-filled activity wil ho held each day ini the cafeteria during lunch hour. Ail Andersonians ar encouraged ta participâte. Corne on out and share in the spirit of Spirit Week. Love is in the air, soalentine Day quiîckly approaches. Student council W WIl ho elng the resilts fi=m the Cupid compn e questionnaire during lunchha. Find out with whom you are most compatible in perfect time for Valentine's Day. Also, the. intramural council is selling carnations for $1. Send that special someone a carnation ta let them know you care. Until next time, Anderson, have a great week and a super Valentine's Day. Local authors profiled at book fair FAMILY WORLD NON-DRUG e NON-ALCOHOUC e NON-SMOKING FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE "FREE MEMBERSHIP" We have POOL TABLES, AIR HOCKEY AND VIDEO GAMES W! BUY OR SELL VIDEO GAMES AND POOL TABLES We sel T-SHIRTS, JACKETS, HATS, etc. to organîzations, groups, sohools, etc. We supply vdeo games or pool taýbles to street locations (eg. Clu bstores, organizations, etc.> 721-1350 or 435-9662 pager. Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 10-10, Fri & Sat. 10-1 f, Sun. 12-5. NOWA VAILABLE FOR 8/RTHDA Y PARTIES CAL L FOR MO0RE INFORMATION. M entities bearer to ONE FREE VIDIEO GAME * plus coupon for 20 gaines BUTY1GET ILFREE Must be signed and stamped by owner.I

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