Whitby Fro rees, Wocfruoday, Fobray 9. 194, Pogp 15 I------- -p --- -- - r ~- -~ 'Accomplice' something different for director 'Accomplice,' ýthe Whitby Courthouse Theatre production to begin its run tomorrow night, represents quit. a departure for director Bernard Beales. Beales, who had previously worked wth the theatre's youthI group, ays Edwin Drood s con- edy-mystery-thriller is a "very mature play -- and not for kids."y The Wlutby resident a Grade 3 teacher of *ftèd cfldren at Cadarackque Public Sehool in Aamx, says «Accomplice' is ýSome- thing I wanted to do for a while.» Beales says it's a demanding test for the four actors, and he. kept that in mind when casting for the roles -- "This i. not a play for beginners.» Without revealing much about the plot, Beales says only that the audience will b. challenged to figure out the mystery. 'Nothing i. exactly t he way it Beales brought a fresh a ?proach to the traditional Brit- isccmslice' will be prosented Feb.10 12 17 to19 and24 to à 6 a th dentennmaî Buildng. Icket,$10, are available at LafontaneTading Post. RAY PORRILL and Georgina Spencer are shown ln a scene from the Whitby Courthouse Theatre production of 'Accompie,' starting Thursday night, Feb. 10 at the Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. S., Whitby. Tickets, $10, are available at LaFointaine Trading Post at the four corners in downtown Whitby. Photo by Jowmy Drma, Whltby Frse Pmss Carnival, show part of Èrench Cultural Week the1Tintsiwill perform at th Pitl Sark Folk Club in Oshawa on Saturday night, Feb. 12. Doscribed as Canada's.«ie miero Irish ensemble,» Tip 131Dn- ter has been playing and record- ing Celtie music in Toronto since the mid-eighties. Admission is $8 for club mem- bers, $10 for non-members at the Masonic Hall, 91 Centre St. S. HISTORICAL FEATURE in the Whitby Free Press 11.When did a storm almost as violent as Hurricane Hazel cievastate the Village of Brooklin? 2. Why was Mayor James E. WiIis defeated In the election of 1915? 3.Where is there a monument to a Methodist Episcopal Bishop for ail Canada, who lived in Brooklin from 1847 titi his death in 1870? 4.What was the original use of the building now occupied by Rousseau Heritage House? Answers on Page 18 This feature provided by LadAmiecup .-t dir C .t French Cultural Week, Feb. 12 to 20, will include ovents at various locations in Whitby and Oshawa. Events kick off with «Dictée des Amériques'at L'Amicale, 707 Simcoe St. kî., Oshawa on Fb 12, 1lp.m. A mass, imcluding songs and messages, will b. held on Feb. 13, 9:30 te il a.m., at Paroisse Assomption de Notre-Dame, 384 Hilîsdéf Ave., Oshawa. Thefl samo day, an information meeting with Béai Perron, a financial consultan, will b. held at the French Cultural Centre, 384 Hilîside Ave. On Fob. 15 ail day, 'Garnier- val,' a schoof carnival, will be held at l'école Saint-Charles-Gar- nier. A scrabble tournainent will b. held Feb. 16 and 17 7 p.m. at L'Amicale and on WPb. 19 a carnival (ail day), dinner (4:30 P.m) and musical show (8:30 p.m.) at L'Amicale. Scouts and Guides will hold a &paghetti dinner at the French Ctral Centre on Feb. 20, 4:30 pmA youth card prywîll be edthe same daa 7:30 pi. For more information about events, caîl 434-7676. so thsdtr. Poetry contest picks your pocket To the. Editooe Re: Article ' Hughes' pS ii editor'. choice in content,' published in the Jan. 26 odition of the Whitby Free Pros.. I have no desir. te hurt Mise Hughes' prde, but after reading Whe r' Defet 1had te write -- not only for her sake, but "ls the many othier poets who may respond te, the National Llbray of Pbetry's annual conteste. While attending Fanshawe College, I came acres. an ad. in the school newspaper mnucn a oerycontest h.d by h NaiinelLibrazy of Pbetiy. 1 promptly repondod lw uending on. of my favorimte poetic creations mnd wmited patiently for the resulta. Much te mysurise», 1 received a letter stating that My poem was ranked in the top 3 per cent of »Il entries and had been chosen te b.e published in mn upcomin collection called 'Wind in the Night Sky.'a aSofée whreby8l'ud purchase a copy of the book at a discounted pice by sending a choque or money order along with permission te publish my poem. This was where the warning bolse went off for me. I did not respond right away, but eventually sent permission for my poem to be published without ordering a copy of the book. A few woeks later, I noticed another article in the uchool nowspap.r regarding the National Iâbrary of Poetry. Aparently a large number of ste tudents had a]l" nsubm ittsd thir boat work and they al rsceived the mame reply stating that they wer in the top 3per cent and thoir poome would b. published i a book p ut out by the Natioal Library of Poetry. To me, this'meant that my college peers wer. mnuch more paetcally inélined than I had imagîned, or è1.. this 'contest' was actually more of a scam. I chose to go with the latter and patted mySlfon the back forenot sending tw pipe any money. Out of curiousity, I consulted the colloge ibrary about the excistence of the National Library of Poetry. They had nover heard of it. I must admit that this was as far as my investigation went, so if mnyone can provide further detaIIs% I would be interested in knowing the rad stozy behind thie. As far as rFm concerned, however, the contot is nothing more than a ot-up that stick.. your eoctothe pont where yeu don't notice that your pocloet in being picked. I sincoroly apologize if 1 have rainod on Mis. Huhs parade, but 1 believe t th tii ut should be known no that othor amateur pote are not ewmndl.d out of theur hard-earxi.d moeley. IL latter cohmwm [7'\F3YYCý o ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -