Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Jan 1994, p. 8

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_ - -- -. - Page 8. Whitby Free Press, Weeeday, Januaty 12, 1994 whitb buiaee Jim Hall, vice-president of Working Ventures, wil conduct the presentation and explain how the Working Ventures Canadian Fund provi des an additional 40 per centîn tax savings toRRSP investors. p-..W % EXECUTIVE, SALES One of Canada's oldest and larget financial institutions is expanding the Durham Region office. We require talented people to service aur increasing market share. Successful candidates wiIl enjoy the following benefits: -Substantial incarne at upper management level -Full range of benefits Progressive compensation package including part ownership in business Advanced training in marketing and financial plan'ning Advanced computer technology ta, assist in train ing and client service. CHARACTERISTICS 0F SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES * trong entrepreneurial interest Highly developed people skills *University education or equivalent experience *Pattern of success in previaus occupations An interest in the financial services industry Pte4e 4V M4t4d ffUfflWcer kj The Mutual Group ACES. Edward W. Romanluk Mutuail Ufe of Canada Mutuai lnvestco mc. Pearson Lanes, 129 Byron St. N. Whitby, ON LUN 4M8 Bus. 905 668-9669 Res. 905 430-0764 Fax. 905 668-2141 '~ Setting a standard for environinental protection WEWANTTO HEAR FROM YOU ABOUT TRITIUM The Minister of the Euvironnient & Fnergv bas ruvqiu..ted that the Advisorv Comniittt.e on Environnmental tnr1' (ACES) conduct'a public consultation on the propeseci new Interini Ontario I)rinking Miter O3bjectiv e et 7,0001 Becquerels! Litre <3q /L> tor Tritiunm. The ccurrent Ontario, Lrinking Water Objective is 40,000)l~î/ ACES w~as establishied to contribute te enviroenctail improvement bv advising the N'inister on sta1nda1rds 1or en vi ronmenta I con tamniina nts. Wu are seeking public i nputI before reporting te the Minister and %weuld like te inv ieu yu te taRe part ini tlîis public consultation. ACES is particularlv initereýsted i in vour answvurs te tho, following qut'sti&flis,. athough we %vlceme any ether cumnients vou m1av havv: 1..Is the proposed standard acceptable? 2. If nîot, wlimt is the 'ba-sis for tind ing the proposed level unacceptable? 3. D)o vou have an alternative level te propose and wvhat is y'eur ratienale for suggestinig luis ee! The deadlhue for ritten ceninents is Mardi Il), 1Pi-4 A public information ,session k s clîedtiled for lanuarv 27, 1994 in Ajax, Ontario. If voil are concerned about dte env ironnient and %votild like te niake a difterence Henu ve uirge vou te gel involved! For iurther informiation, anud L epies eft he documentation, please contact: Advisorv Comimittee on Environmiental Standardsý 40) St. Clair Ave. West, Suite 41 lForonite, Onitarie M4\ I M2 Telepone:(4 1e())'l4-9263 F-a\:(41(-» 314-4)2701 ®Ontario How to brea the GC habit ildstrWa Mortgae Sectuifs Fund 12L7%o15WZI f1 "/o 1 "/o_ W/0I Ou ncrec shows thai many Canadians purchase GICs largely Why? lhey'vc bcen told tiiere arc two types of investments: Those thai arc quaranteed and those that arc risky. llcy've simply neyer had a higher yielding, OIC alternative likc Industrial Mortgage Securities Fund explained t10 duem. With interest mies ai close to a cycical Iow, there has neyer been a better ime for you to consider a better alternative - one dha could be habit farming for the right reasons. For more information on Industrial Mortgage Securities Fund and other income building investment opportunilies from Mackenzie, please cali me today at the number below. Ie tm n ac.:.<..»' -, Working Ventures Canadian Fund Inc. and Fortune Financial Corp. (Whitby office) will be hosting an investinent semnar thus Saturday at the. Holiday Inn in Oshawa. Your Financial Health Derek Dutka Secure alternatives to GICs (in your RRSP) The moot popular RRSP investment je a guaranteed investment certificato. Howeve, xremely o intrtrae have caused many investors to okfor alternatives.rEven the banks and trust comparies are expou nding the virtues of higher returns through mutual funds. There are many types of mutual funde. In this column I will concentrate on fixed income funds. This type of fund buys investments that have a flxed ret\irn, such as bonds and mortgages. This investinent gives regul ar interest which is automatically reinvested in the forni of adclitional shares of the fund. The unit value wiIl fluct.uate based on the direction of interest rates and the average term te maturity of the flxed incoine investments that are in the portfolio. Sub-categories of this type of mutual fund include Canadian government bond funds, corporate bond funds, mortgage funds, bond and mortgage funds, stripped coupon bond funds, foreign payCanadian bond funds and world bond funds. Bond and mortgage funde often pay higher rates than GIOs, while stili maintaining a high level of security. If you have a large enough portfolio, you may choose te purchase individual bonds or hold personal mortgages. To gain instant; diversification and professional management, many investers choose mutual funds. Treasury bill or money market funde usually yield about the same rate as a one-year GIC ofl'ered by the banke. The main difference ie that your funds are not locked in, it ie a floating rate that will ride up and down with changes to the prime. If you purchase individual T-bills, your rate je locked in for- a period of up to one year (although they can be traded prior to maturity). It je possible te maintain a high level of security and still earn returne higher than GIOs. Cail your financial planner to explain which flxed income alternatives are most suitable for you. Derek Dutka is a linancial consultant in the WMitby/ Osha wa area. By En Onuorý Every year, -newer and better ways of caring for, maintaîning andtreating tieth and gume are discver.d.. One such way han been intro- duced loeall1 by Dr. Paul Semo- tiuk, of the -Rssland Rd. Dental Clinic. It je called the. 'intra-oral' camera, and it je a camera pla- ced into the patient's mouth to project an image on a 13-inch monitor. "The. camnera has been on the market for five to eight years already" said Semotiuk. 'But *e ecided to wait until it was "enialler, more convenient and cheaper" to introduce it to 'retetet which cornes at no cost to the patient, je used for a variety of things, such as explaining a certain procedure to a 'he imiages can aliea be printed out for reference or insurance prposes. "It'e an excellent communica- tion device," said Semotiuk, "and every patient sa far has said 'Wow, this je neat!"' Judy Fariner of Whitby was recently awarded a ne w Pontiac Grand -Am in recognition of her leadership and sales achieve- ments with Mary Kay Cosmetics Ltd. Fariner, an independent beauty consultant with the Mississauga-based, Zany earned the use of the 'tropy of wheels? for meeting specific sales reuirements. Mary Kay awards nearly $38 million in prizes annually. From July 1992 te June 1993, Mar Kay increased its sales freby 40 per cent in Canada and new sales records were set in June 1993. RRSPseminar to be held in Oshawa Derek Dutka of FInancial Concept Group je sponsoring a series of RRSP seininars. Each Thursday at noon, from Jan. 20 thro Lh ta Feb. -17, Dutka will conduàt RRSP selection and strategy seminars. He will conduet three evening seminars Feb. 2, 9 and 17. The evening format begins at 7 p.m. and covers the sanie topics in more detail. Ail seniinars will b. held in the board roomn of the FInancial Concept Group office, 106 Stevenson Rd. S., Oshawa. Seating je limited. Cal 579-7777 for reservations.

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