- ty i I lI . 1 5 , r 1 I -. ý 1, - l -.1 1 , ., 1 . - , 1 Whlty Fme Prees, We&csay, Doember 22, 1993, Pae 29 I SHREDAPARMW>T8~ HOMS hI k BIRTII I~ ~ ~ ~~~~~mL ACOMDTONtRNIIFRRN MORTOAGE OSHAWA. Perttally furnished 3 bedroomn semi-detached ta share with 2 femates. Female preferred. Laundiy facilittes, parking. $M340/mort KAv Iekmffedlae*. Oeil 434-2998 beave message. r1 CoUflIBRCIAL SPAC~ I FOR RINT OR SALE RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby. Creative rentaI arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. LAND WANTED TO RENT. 1 would like ta ront about one acre, in the Whitby rea, for gardening purposes. loase cati ick, 668-717. $~T0RAGE BQAT & RV STORAGE. HIGHLAND VAN & STORAGE. Boat &RV storage, 90 cents peor foot per month. Whitby - 668-6611. A 31/2heur course for people on he go. The Lifesaver course is designed to teach essential lifesaving first aid skilis ta people of ail ages. Three and a haif hours of your time could save a ife. Ca/I St. John Ambuance for details. > ~66896 - CARPET & UPHOLSTERY DIVISION Residential and Commercial Cleaning (ask about our X-Mas specials) *DISASTER RESTORATION DIVISION FireiWaterfSmnoke Cleanup and Restoration (24 HR) "FOR YOU ONLY THE BEST WILL DO*' 436&6000 ai, fl* WHITBY. Main floor of brick bunalow. Garage, storag e' l$795/month + 'V2 utilities. Barry 655-8176 or 721-2650. WhÎtby. 228 Brock St. One bedroomn main floor, dock w/o. Modemn baths, kitchon and firepiaco. $595 p lus V12 utilities. Barry 655-8176 or 721-2650. Taunton Rd. E. ta Hampton N. ta Conc. 6 N.W. corner f ron 1 & 2 bedroom. Clean and modemn apfartmont in farm house. $595 plus V3 utilities. Barry 655-8176 or 72-2650. WHITBY - DUPLEX, upper 3 bedroomn $895 + hydro. Lower, 3 bedroom, $795 +- hydro. Includes heat & wator, fridge, stave, washer, dryer, parking for 2 cars. 655-4120. 1 BEDROOM basement epart- ment. Partially. furnished. Femalo prof erred. Non-smoker. $85 weekly. Phono 430-2984. WHITBY. Six plox apertment for mont. Suitabie for single persan. $480/month inclusive. For more information cati 623-4782. WHITBY. Spaciaus 2 bedroomn home with firepiace and ingound pool. WaIk ta, GO. Fridgo, stove and iaundry. $850/month. Available immediateiy. OeIl 668-1153 or beave message. i BEDROOM basement apart- ment for rent. Cabie, iaundry & utilities inciuded. $550/month. Aveilable January 1. 430-9694. AVAILABLE NOW. 2 bedroomn apartment in duplex. 5 appliances. $750+. Cati Gail Anderson, Sales Rep., Guide Reaty Limited, 723-5281. ONE BEDROOM basement apetmont aveilable Jan. V/94. Large living room, kitchen, fridge, stove. Al utilities includod pilus hydro. Close ta school, shopping. $550. First & lest. 668-0629. HOUISE, APARTMVENT FOR RENT? If you had advertised here, 1 ,000s like you would be reading tiis now. Cail 668"111 The Mutual Group I HERB TRAN 'ifor qotafion 66-969r u432-7216 GiCL - RSP WHITBY.. Cozy 3 bedroom bung alà win mature area. 1 bath, 4 appliances, Roc room, f ull dock, groat bayd. Walk ta Plaza, schoois b& s Avalable Fob. 1. $900+.666-3794. CENTRAL WHITBY. Main floor 3 bedroom bungalow. V2 of double attached garage. Fridge & stove. Utiliies included, $925 per month. Available Fob. V94. 668-4865 or 668-7923. BRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset BIvd. (Brock St./Manning Rd.) * 3 Bedrooms * 11/2 Baths * 5 Appiances *Central Air * Garage4> *Paved Driveway * 3 Models * On Site Management * Easy Access to "Go" 668-1389 K.C. McCall Property Management 666-5794 - 924-1100 NORTH OSHAWA. 2 bedroom bungalow. $595 p or month& utilittes. First/iast. Referencos. Cati o.a.c. Cati Michael 668-7200. Anubis Investmonts Ltd. Serving Ontario since 1972. 571ci-280 orp640or.tin> SPANKS PRERT stAINdsTNAN DCE nReidetial snow service. Book eariyl Book nowt Phono Jim at 668-6803. FOUR SEASONS Landscaping, snow removat servicos.. Don't get caught in the cold. Book now for oavestroug h cleaning ($35) & snow removel. Tree pruning & romoval. (905)428-1305. R.P.M. Rotiablo property main- tenance. Residontial snow removal & Iawn maintenance. Seniors' discount. Cati John or Frank at 668-7689 or 433-0787. FO $l C IMCO MNRBNA A ____________________ Fund Reiser Winnems: Craici POWER 0F SALE. (Repssessd properties availabie inOshawa from under $80,000. For more information cati Carol Ross, Sales Rep., Guide Reaty Limited. 723-5281 or 723-6610. APPUIANCE REPAIRS TO0: weshers, dryers, stoves and dishwashers. Spocial $20 service cail. Oeil 430-7382 Whitby. LICENSED TECHNICIAN at Errol's Appliance Repair. We epair aI I major apliances, incîuding gas appiances e buy used ! Ait parts guaranteed one year. Monday ta Saturday, 432-7734. IIANK'S APPLIANCES - Offers rou the best - CROSLEY - Best mrices, Warranty & Service. CROSLEY has a full lino of q uality buift refrigerators, gas or electric ranges, washers, gas or electric dryers & dishwashers. CROSLEY provides the most inclusive 10 year warranty Of aIl major brands. Henk'sAplianes & CROSLEY tog ether offor quaiity & value et affrdable prices. Buy CROSLEY. Hank's Appliances - 191 Bloor St. E., #6, Oshewa. 728-404. SNOWMOBILE REPAîRS. Cati Loyd's (Fix-ali). Good service, low rates. Free piK up in Oshawa and Whitby. Oei905-721-2540. 1621 McEwen Dr.. Unit 14, Whitby. Hornby, Hans Woitzik, Bill Glover, Ruth Syska, Rager TrayzDoug Prescott, Grog Pr ice, J Kleinschmidt, Brian Powers. Ceas1 to announce the arrivai of r<at1yn Elizabeth Noolle, weighing in at 8 tbs. 6 oz. at 5:25 p.m., Docember 15/93 at the Ajax-Pickering Hospi. Proud Kandparents are 9111 & Olga owden of Whitby and Day. & Ada Parton of Cambridge, Ont. A spocla thanks ta Dr. Susan Laidlaw and the nurses and staff. "LEAVE VOUR CARES at home with us." Prof essionat p et/home sitters are f ulIy bonded & insured. Custom Homewatch International. 666-5353. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. Mobile homes, ciubhouse, heated pools, hot tub, tennis, twenty minutes ta Blue Jeys and Philos besebali camps, N.H.L. hockey, do9, horse tracks, beaches. Chldren welcomo. 683-5503. FOR SLE BLACK LEATHERETTE BAR, $65; pair ladies skiis with boots, $45; VCR, $75. Oeil 668-5937. CHEST 0F DRAWERS, $25; beautifUl Highboy, $45; nitetable, $10; breakfast table & 2 chairs, $25; laundry hamp or, $8; baseboard heater, $8. 668-3975. DICKIE DEE Ice Cream products for sale. Discount prices. Contact Lone et 666-9539. Please reccIe15 sne wspap er CROS CAADAMARKETPLACE CRO S FST-I' AYONCL, ONE BILL DOES IT AIL.1 CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Southwestetn Schoot of Auctionearing. Naxt lass: Match 12- 18. Information, contact: Sotthwastern OntariQ School of Auctîoneering. R.R.#5. Woodstock. Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. FARM EOUIPMENT FOR SALE BARN CLEANER REPLACEMENT chain for ait makas of cleaners. quantîty on hand ai good price. Cati Husky 519-846-5329. MISCELLANEOUS POETRY CONTEST $12.000 in prizes. Possible publication. Send one original poem 20 lies or tans to: National Libtary Of Poetry. Box 704-NB. Owings Mlîs. Md 21117. POETRY CONTEST: $500 Grand Priza. Possible publication Sand original poams. undor 25 fies; Canadian Chambet oI Conîamporary Poatry, PPO. Box 22054, Glenridge Plaza PO., 224 Gtanridge Avenue. St. Catharines. Ont L2T 4Ct. GREAT PERMANENT. hîstorîcal record/resourca. This nawspapet and mofit of Ontaios waekly newspaperts teproduced reguiarly in microfiche form. Duplicata copies availabte by catting OCNA, (905) 844-0184ý PERSONALS LEARN HOW TO APPLY Dianetics techniques Io youtsîiIl and othets 10 gei moroeanioyment out of lift Buy and watch the video: How 10 use Toronto M4Y 2A7. REGAIN THE VITALITY and freshness ot file that you thought was buried forere. Buy and read Clear Body, Clear Mi. $20, w/correspondance course $35, 1-800-561-5808 700 Vonge St., Toronto M4Y 2A7. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND menrbrship /timeshare? Wa'iI takeiet! America's targest. oldest resale clearingliouse. Resorl Sales International 1-800- 423-5967. Tmeshare tentais naeded. Caîl 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Sîraitwalî Type - flot quonset - 32x54 $7.899; 40a72 $11,924; S0a90 $16.954: 60xl26 S25,883 other sizes availabte - Miscallaneous clearance Patagon 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. SPAI4-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS Oidetr row and save on sptîng deîivery. keap Canadas #1 manufacturet busy this winter, am. indusîtial, tesidential. arenas. contracting availabta. 24 houts. 1-800-561-2200, A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Farrrî, storage. commercial indusiriat. Ne-w Typas. steel/woocd. quonset. ctadding. For trua value, action & answars -VJaity (416> 626-1794. FREE brochures. Clipsave. [Your ad could appcar in comnmunily newspapers in, Ontario, or right acrosi Canada, or any indirridual provrince. Space la Limited, ao Cali This Newsrpaper Todiyt 'CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACEO To roactî a vvder ma*eotadrertîse rhrougl5out the rarg iraI rnenberhip of the Ontario and Canadîarr Comm unty Newspaý îr Associations. Ceta rai 5newspape rs -$S160 for 25 wo ts'-AJI Ontareo î-wp.uers - $350 fo,25 words _ _ _ CetacOtto AIl Canada 572 newspapers - S1.121 for 25 wod For further Information please cati the Whitby Free Press Classifieds.- 668-6111_ Planning a Vacation? Going away for ~jf the Winter? Commuting, away f rom home aIl day? CaiUS Today - (905) 430-390 Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 FCALL 579-7777 OR AN APPOINTIVIENT ýrinahciaI concept Socurities mi 'Finanoal ConctiA Securibes* is a bussneSS sye reggstrabon owned by F C G Securites CotParatOn r- u -1 Whitby Free Press - '668-6111 Otfice. Hou**rs:Monday to.Fr*tday, 9106*, to 5:,00 ,Pm. Fax 668- 1 1