Page 20, Whilby Free Proe, Wodnesday, Decetnber 22,1993 f CORPORATION OF THE 0'. ArTOWN 0F WHITBY s~ PARKS AND RECREATION DEPT. NEW BEGINNINGS Start the New Year wîzh a HowI! MOONLIGHT OPEN HOUSE At the Civic Recreazion Cotnple.x JANUARY 7,1994 6:00OtoI10:00pm Walch for details coming soon! FflNESS and AQUATICS DROP IN FITNESS CLASSES PROGRAM REGISTAllON Try Any Class Any TimeONW Until January 8 Sohedulos available at the Receptien Desk ONLY $4.00 each/class WHITBY CIVIC RECREATION COMPLEX Huriy In! 555 Rossland Rd. E. Class Spxeis Limitcd For oreInfomaton al! 66-991Cail 666-1991 For_______More___ fr ornformation Cl 6-91 frmr no mo RECREA TION A TITS BEST C was borne on Christmas Day H e nmade the ultimnato sacrifice se we could live R emember the true rneaning of Christmas and the sacrifice Christ made I a everyone forgetting the true reason we celebrate Christmas? S houid we be spending ail our money to celebrate this holiday? T o truly understand the meaning of Christmas we must listen to whore the word cornes from M ass of Christ is what it means and we should nover forgot that A nother Christmas wilI corne and go with littie thought of its true moaning S o stop the sales and look at what Christmas really nieans Adam Everest Grade 8 West Lynde Public School CIEISTMAS Mary je the mother of Jesus. Josus was born on Decembor 25th. Andrea Hale Grade 1 St. Mark the Evangeist Catholic School Dear Santa, I have been a pretty good girl this year. Idid what Iwas told in school and at home. Se can yeu bring me these thinge: 1. Kirby's Adventures 2.* Super Marie Bros. 3 3. Barbie clothes 4. Jenga 5. Eat at Ralph's 6. 3 Minute Ice Cream Maker 7. Don't wake Daddy. Aise I would like a poster of the Mrr Melodiles Gang. In my stoccing want the movie calied Lion King. I hope you bring me all those toys. Thank you and Merry Christmnas. Oh! By the way, say hello te Mrs. Claus for me. Thank you. Holly Kienzle, age 8 Katheen Rowe Public Sohool THE CM1TMS DOG Once upon a time, there was a boy nanied Jeif. Ail hie life, he wanted a dog. Ail hie mom said was ne, no, they coet tee much and they wreck the furniture. When you grow up, you cen have as many doge and cats as you want. But until thon, yeu can't. When he wants te go outside, youfl etart whining and yeu won't h ave enough money te buy him food. Jeif went te his room and started te cry. One day hie mom and dad went te the store. Jeif did net know they were going te the vete. They were very upset that they got so mad at him when he asked for a dog. It was a spcial day for doge and cats becauee it was Christmas Eve. The doge were $75 and the cats were $47. They were Iooking at the cutest dog. H1e was a poodie. He was alroady trained. lHewas ababy pupy. He knew what was right andwrong and where te go te the bathroom. They get home very lato. Jeif was ini bed. They came home late on purpose bocause they did net want him te sec the dog. Tho mom and dad bought tho dog a bcd. They went home and put hiîn under the Christmas troc with a blanket. It was 4:00 in the morning. Joif worko Up at 7:00 and that was the firet thing he saw. The dog barked and the momxny and daddy work up. Jeif startcd te cry because he was se happy. Ho hugged hie dad and inom and said thank-you se many times. He namned the dog Barky. Joli' aiways took hie dog for walks whenever Barky wanted te go out. Whcn ho got moncy, ho nover spent it on junk. Ho got dog food. They grew Up togother. Barky was a healthy dog. One day thcy ail went camping -- even Barky. They shared a tent. Mom and Dad shared a tent. In the summer, Jeif had te go te school. Tho dog was vely sad when he left. Tho end. Ainanda Budgefl Grade 4 ILA. Sennett Ppblic School SANTA GETS A SlÈEDING TICKET A long time ago at the North Polo Christmas was in Auguet. Ne one knew tho 'difference because at the Nerth Polo it was aiways snowing. But, one Christmas something happcned, Santa got a speeding ticket for the ninth timo. Heres the etery... One cold day at the North P oie Santa was inaking a machine te wrap hie presonts becuse ho oniy has twenty-four elves. That definateiy is net enough te make presente and wrap themn! Well, maybe, but Chrietmas je temerrow morning. Se thoy had te hurry. It was niidnight and ho stili had te deliver hie presents. Santa had a big probiom. Se ho ran te hie seigh and picked up hie whip. In a second ho wae flying in the air. Ho was going four thousand miles per heur. Sudenly Santa heard irons.- COL J.E. Faroweil Public