Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Dec 1993, p. 5

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Whtby Free Press. Wednesciay. Deoember 15. 1993, page 5 WIi41i~V O POSITION lE>à407 LIN ............ 'MM by Mike Kowall Durhanm Region's new official plan has bought Whitbypoliti- dians more tirne te stop a pro- posed eight-lane highway in west Whitby. .Now they muet convince the Ontario -government te either abandon t he controversial projeet or build it somewhere else. «They've allowed us some brea- thing room,» said councillor Ross Betten of e recent goverinent decision te postpone future deve- lopment in west Whitby until the fate of the freeway link is deci- ded.. "Whet they did is defer land uses in'Whitby west of the Lynde Creek. That gives us the oppor- tunity te negotiete o h oi tion of the link» he ex'lathedos * Once the liinks fine route has been established, thon a decision cen be made on the adjacent *properties, Batten said. .Late lest month, :Munici ai ..Affaira' Ministier Ed Philip î'r- xnally approvecIthe Ragionsa offi- * iel plan, a' document which dic- tates land uses in Durharnidr ing te next 30 years. I .owever, specific, details of Philip's approval were not nmade public until Region politicians and staff were briefed by minis- try officiais lest week. 0 f particuler concern to Whitby wes the proposed freeway connecting link between Hwy. 401 and the future Hwy. 407,s (The 407 will run from Hwy. 48 in Markhani, through the northern ortions of Durham Region's akefront murnic-ali- ties, before torminating et Hwy. 35/Ï15 in Clarington.). Town council and west Whitby residenta have opposed the lin k since the project was announced three yeers ago. Lest month, council callod on the Minisryof Municipal Affairs te modilfr Durham's offciel lan by deleting aIl references tea link in west Wihitby. Council asked thet the issue be referred te the Ontario Munici- pal Board for e docision if the ministry objected te its request. The Ministry of Transportation wants the link te run between Halls and Coronetion roeds and Durhamn Region agreed te in- clude this route in the officiel plan. But if the link is to go ahead, Whitby prefers that it be buit Long Lekeridge Roed (Regionel Rod23), which would ceuse the least disruption te nearby rosi- dents. In addition, council was con- cerned that a sizeable portion of Whitby would be off limits te further development for a signifi- cent period. Under the province's proposaI, about 10 per cent of Whitby's potentiel developrnent area would be frozen until the link is built in 25-30 ?ears. With Philip's decision te defer future west Whitby land uses fromn the officiel plan, council cen now concentrate on the link itself. But Batten is skeptical thet the transpraion mnimstry can be conincdo change the ln' route. "I was optimistie before. We had done a lot of work on it and discussed other alternatives with staff at the niinistry',» seid Bat- ten chair of councxl's planning and development committee. Hidden rejeted "But we've been knocked down.» While council egrees there is a need for improved east-west traf- fic routes in Durham Region, such as Hwy. 407, it cannot suportthe link. Council feels there will not be sufficient traffic te warrant a major north-south route in Whitby. "Discussions (with the minis- try) te, date have been very fruit- less. We've dug in, they've dug in," said Batten. But why the ministry con- tinues te push that location "dosen't make sense et ahl,» he seid. uItVs te the point where there could be a hidden agenda,» Bat- ten believes. If the ministry is not p repared te consider Lâkeridge Roed it should at least move the link further west, Batten insisted. "They haven't corne up with rood, solid ireasons. It (negotie- tions) gets quite frustrating,» he added. Ministry officiel Ciif Lumley rejects Batten's caim of a "hid- den agenda» behind its pre- ference for a more easterly route. Lumley said the ministry cen defend its "technically preferred route» t an environmental hear- ing.now but will continue pro- paring tle nocessary documents te support its case, as the appro- val process stipulates. "Yes, we are listoning fte you (Whitby council) but there are elements thet say this is the best place te put it,» seid Lumley. "In our opinion this is the best and we can defend it now," he seid. Lumley estimated that it wil take another eight months te a yeer before the ministry's pre- liminery dsign studies are ready for circulation te public agencies. "We have te undertake more detailed enalysis of the techni- cally preforred route and how we can minimize the impact," he said. "But we only went te through it on one route. It s expensive and time consuming,» hence the need te not make eny decisions on abutting land uses, Lumley said. Lumley said the ministry alweys supported Ieeving the future of wost Whitby in ebeyance until the final route was decided. "TMe original study aree was made up of open speoe, there were no laend uses,» hie seid. 1«As part of an open spece part. pt, freeways are an integral But it was not until the minis- SEE PAGE 31 i p Curios For Christm What better time to buy someone you love a superb curio cabinet or seciStary desk'I to display a lifetime of k* mtasures. We've made it easy this Christmas with outstandingt savings and selection on curios andseçretaries in traditionail cherýry and I mahogany or casual painted pine. 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