Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Dec 1993, p. 31

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PRAYER TO THE HOLY ýSpirt. You who make me se. eveyhing and show me the way to reach my ideal. Vou who give me the divine gift ta forgive and forget the wrong tÈ a is done to me andlYou who ail instances of my lite are with me in this short dialogue. 1 want to thank you for everything and contirmn once more thal I neyer want ta b. separated tram you no mater how great material desires may be. 1 want ta be wih you and my loved ones in your pepeual glory. AMEN. Thank you f or your love tawards me and my loved ones. Pray thus prayer zicnsecutive days without your wish, alter the third day your wish wilI be granted, no mater how difficult lu may be. Promise ta puklish thus dialogue as soon as possible afler your favor has been granted. LB. The Heart and Stroke Founda- tien noods local volunteera. Anyono who can a'p are a few hours is asked te cali ta86-1521. Whitby Free Press, Wednosday, December 15. 193, Page 31 No stopsignon Waller Sfreet MORE '~ By Cnst. Grant Arnold Durha,,.m Regienal Police Crime Steoppers and Durham Regional Police are asldng for the publices help in solving several break, enter and thefis at schools in Claringten. On Tuesday, Sept. 28 at 3:14 arn., police respended ta an alarm at Vincent Massey achool at 10 Cburch Street in Bowmanville. Suspects had broken a door window en the noeth aide of the ichool te gain entry. Once insida the suspects made their way tewards the audio-vsual room but were detected b a motion alarm. Two weeks earlier, a television astlen from the achool. During the Oct. 15-17 weekend, thore was a breakc-in at St. Joseph's sehool at 90 Parkwvay Cr. in Bowmanville. Suspects broie a southeast lewer door windew te gain entry. The school'st secretarys office was entored and an empty Cash b centaining ne money, was taken from a file cabinet. Severa computers were turned on but ne theft occurred an this occasion. Damage was $150. On Friday, Oct. 22 durin the early morning heurs Central School at 120 WellinngtnSt, Bowrianville was victiniized. Suspects entered the school by breaking the southeast front door windew. Once inside they broke"two other windows te gain entrance ta the office area. At one of the windows the suspect cut themasîves. Once in the office they looked through file cabinets and cupboards lookting for money. A cashbox with $10 was located and the petty cash remeved. Damage is estimated at $750. Thora have been several other forced entries at these three ochools and at other echools in Claringten have Crime Stopp e and the Durhami Regional Police very concerned. Crme Stoppera is asking anyone with information on school break and entera or any other serious offence te calI. As a caller you will not be asked te identiIfr yourself or have te go ecourt. Acash reward of upte $1,000 is being.offered if your tip leada te an arrest. The Crime Stoppera phono number is 436-8477(tbat's 436-TIPS). Sergeant Grant Arnold is the co-ordinator with the Durhami Regional Crime Stoppera program and writes this article toeep combat crime. FROM PAGE)1 and having staff explore other traffiec ntrol measures. Prier te dobating the recem- mondation, Fox, the area's repre- sentative, expressed appreciation for the committee's quick res- ponse to the residents' request. However, councillor Marcel Brunelle, who was foroed to leave last week's committee meeting early duo to iliness, opposed the recomniendation. He reminded council that ear- lier this year it adopted guide- lines, for installing multi-way stop signs which were based on provincial criteria. Specifically, the policy states that stop signs are not intended as speed control devices, JAMES CAMERON James Caineron died at Whitby General Hospital on Sun- day Dec. 12, 1993. Ho was 68. H'e is survived by daughters Linda Bourgois of Whitby, Donna Brimblecombo of Brama- lea, Wendy Palmer of Solina, Jackie Laws of Pickering, Debbie Booth of Aurora and son Jof of Oshawa, and grandchildren Michael, Gord, Brian, Chantelle, Rodney, Aaron, Kayla and Kate- lyn. Ho was predeceased by bis wife Mary Jean. He rested at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, and the funeral service was to be held in the chapel today (Wednesday, Dec. 15), at 3 p.m. Interment at Thornton cerne- tory. Memorial donations te the Heart and Stroke Foundation. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monuments " Granite or Bronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering *Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721.9882 Home appointments gladly arranged Brunelle noted. «Multi-way stops sbould net be used for pedestrian safety, titis can be addressed by other means,» lhe said. Brunelle, a long-tume member of the Ontario Good Roads Asso- ciation, said studios have conais- tently indicated that unneceas- ary ste o s n create more dagrtairtey actually solve.- Ho referred ta, multi-way signs on McQuay Boulevard as an example, claiming the signe have caused More harm than goed froni motoriste either ignoring the signa or driving away tee quickly in anger.. "It may require a etoc sign ultimatlybt eshud ask staff te lok at a Il lthe-options,» said Brunelle, suggesting it be referred back ta, committee. Councillor John Doîstra dis- agreed. "I understand the councillor's concerns but we've had a major tragedy tbere. To ait back and wait for aIl the information is wrong,» said Doîstra. «There are other alternatives te-leok at and they will be, but in the meantime wo're taking action now,» hoe said. But councillor Rosa Batten aaid Brunell:'s suggestion '«makes good sne and moved ta have the recommendation deferred. "Net ta, delay it but te, make sure we have ahl the informa- tion,» said Batten. "I undorstand the sensitivity of the issue, but I don't think wo as a council want te make a wrong decision,»he said. Batten'!s motion te table the matter thon led te a series of votes which ultimately resulted in defeat of the committee reconi- mendation. With Mayor Tom Edwards and ceuncillor. Judi Longfield (ope- rations committee chair) absent, council split 3-3 on Batten'sI motion. Deputy niasyo Joe Drurm ~join dFox and DoIstra ii appas- ing the motion, while councillor Don Mitchell voted with Batten and Brunelle. Since a tie vote is considered lest under council rules, Batten's motion was defeated. A motion te asplit the reconi- mendation and vote on the cross- ing guard and stop signa sepaaey lobto a tie vote. Finll, heovral ecommen- dainwndont defeat by the same 3-3 result. Thia was the final straw for a visibly angry Fox. «Every one of these people (Brunelle, Batten, itchell) haed an opportunity te ta]k to me about this and you blindsided me " shouted Fox. ;Iîýguys are a bunch of idiots...rm disgusted," ho yelled. Unable te control his rage, Fox excused hiniself from the pro- ceedings and stermed out of the chambers while admonisbing the three councillora te explain their decision te the "Beale faniily.» During bis absence, council agreed te have staff report on et h or methode of slowing traffic on Waller Street. Fox later returned te the chainbers, but no mention was made of the issue. Following the meeting, repor- ters observed Fox berating Brunelle for bis vote, before be (Fox) left the building. Prior te receiving his tangue- lashing from Fox, Brunelle defended his stand on the issue te reporters. «There are tried and effective methods to slowing trafflic with- out stop signe," Brunelle expled. XWe spend a lot of time and money sending staff acroas the province te learn this informa- tion and thon we don't use it?" ho asked. Brunelle adrnitted it was «not easy' tacing the position ho did, nor wasbge upset by Fox'sP remarks. "I realize the disappointment of people who believe they got a stop sign,»he said. Stolen rLqeovereqd An alert police officer led te the recovery of a car stolen froni a Wbitby residenoe an bour or se after the vehicle was takçn. The 1990 Dodge Spirit was taken from a Fairview Road rosi- dence between zidnight and 1 a.rn. Wednesday. Shortly after, it was spotted by an officer in Oshawa, wbo became suspiciaus and tried te pull it oer. The driver refused te stop and sped off west on the 401. The chase was called off and police traced the license number ta the Fairview Road residence, where the surprised owner wasn't aware bier car had been taken. The vehicle was found a short tirne later in Ajax. The six occu- pants had Ieft it in the mniddle of a road and took off running. "Councillor Fox is a goed ceun- ciller whe was intimately invol. yod with the people in his cern- munity." Brunelle did not believe that Fox was referring te him specifi- cally. qHo knew rny position ahead of tirne,» said Brunelle. Officiai plan FR GM PAGE 5 try was uthree-quarters of the way threugh the firat p hase of our study, that Whitby, Ajax and Durham Region wanted te docrease the studry area, Lumley said. "Tbey wanted possible land uses that could be detrimental to transportation uses. We said wait until we go through the environrnental process and thon plan accordingly." As bas been the case sinco the outset, the general public will also bo given an opportunity te, comment on the preliminary design Lmloy stressed. Thswill allow for any alto- rations te be made te the minis- wedntthink we missed anything, but if wo have that's when it can be changed,» ho said. Following this ph7ase, the niinistry's final report will be presented ta the Ministry of Environmient and Energy for approval. The minister will then have the option of calling for an environmental hearing inte, the 3e ilmeet with everï'body and anybody at any time,' said Lumley. "People will say'we don't want ite and thatVs fine. They'll have their day in court (hearing) if they want it.» Curli*ng FROM PAGE 20 Also, Pickering "bas enough ice that'they can afford te lot a pad g~o for 10 days or so," notes C3arroll. Some 10,000 people are oxpected te attend the event and the club is very enthusiastic, ho says. "Rather than us putting a dowvnside on it... what we're gain gte do is put the emphasis on tht it'. a (Durham) Regxon thin,, sensored by the Wbitby Curling Club., Carroll and club members Andy Wintenyk, Bob Winters and Deug Foot aire handling prelimary planning for the Takr.Preparations will go inte high gear early in the new year. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 19 1. Brooklin was changedtram Winchester in 1847 bqcause there was anather Wincohester near Ottfawa, Publisher speaks out on the BIA record FROM PAGE 6 the activities of the Board. They continue ta operate under the vague ternis of the original Council by-law which is simply a rehash drawn fromn the Municipal Act. Until recently, these things were ail fixable. It is now too late. The present BLA bas had its chance and has failed. Eighty-flve percent of the businesses have signed a petition te put the BIA on hold for at least two years. Only by ending it cleanly now can the Downtown start te rebuild. Delay will only deepen the rifts. People have the democratie right ta contraI how their tax dollars are spont, and the businesses in Downtown Whitby have spoken with a clear unequvca. ubi voice. The Board and Town Council have no right te either collect or spend any more BLA taxes. But instead of responding ta the public will, Town Counicil took the unprecedented action a month ago of refusing te even hear or roceive the petition. Instead Council wants the BIA te hold a public meeting sometime in January. What credibility will such a meeting have? Will a motion to disband the BIA be simply rulled out of order? Why a public meeting now? What more can, besaid now that 85% have said exactly what they want te happer.? Or is this juet a ploy to get the BLA inte the new year be- cause the Municipal Act says that the date of termination must be Dec. 31. So-what happons thon if this meeting in January votes to terminate the BIA irnmediately? Will the Board and Town Council ignore that? in an election year? Counicillors stiIl haven't got the picturo. Businesses would very niuch like te concentrate on business, but without somie- body taking money eut of their pocket without their permis- sion. The Christmas present they really wanted was an end te the BIA.

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