Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Dec 1993, p. 28

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Page- 28, WhlIby Free Press, Wedneday, December 15, 1993 HqW TÇBQ9K V9UR CI A IFIED A..H *...... Cadl 66-61 11.Ms placed by Monday et faon vwiiib. publiished that Wednesday. Prepay by 5 pm to save moneyl Or, prepay with your VISA card when placing the ad. ~4,jç« Fax your ad I0 us at 668-0594. Please ensure yvu provide ail perdnent information, and a number where we can reach you, f necessary. ,6tosgf ail yur ad b tby ie Press, Box 2065,=WItb nario, 0Li N 5S1. Ads should be maiied ta arrive by Monday et noon. You can endlose your paymient, or provide biiling information. 'I 10 Friday. Place your ad by Monday at noon for Weclnesday publication. iH your carVt make it in during office haurs, we have a mail siottIo the left of aur front door. z . z. z.:. z. . . . z. . . . z. . z. *. .. z . z z.::.:. z ....._ __. .__._... [.11......... .......I.........tA L H A N D Y M A N . C e a n.yard s,.................... I L COMPUTERS COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPLICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTINO, LOTUS 1-2-39 D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSING HOSPITALITY - TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS iDNA 'JChV A :R±ii-IDEi ASSSAN j, BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKINO SERVICES ACCOUNTÙlG SECRETRA LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPING, EXECUTIVIÈ9 RECEPTIONIST, WORDPROCESSING Financlal Assistance May De Avallable JIN,1,4--j -2 Campuses in Durham OSHAWA OSHAWA CENlTRE (Shops up Top) 723-1163 PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Farm Rd. 420-1344 I~~~. ........M...Tfl WORK FROM HOME & EARN up to $150 per hour updat!ng a clty directory. No experuence required. Cati 1- 809-951-4900. PART-TME LEGAL SECREIARY roquired lmmodiately. Experienced ln ail areas of iaw. Advanced oxperience in WP. 5.1 & ACCPAG. Bilngual applicants preferred. Rly ta Manager wth Resurné ony ta: 103Dundas St. W., Whitby, LUN 2M1. EARN $514.15IWK. fîorn hornel Mailing letters, assembling products. Canadian compaio. 24 hr.j obline: 416)631-4791. Renf. 6E. ATTENTION ALL CRAFTERS. Kountry Kritteis Home Craft Shows needs new suppiiers. On a consignment basKe Make money in youi spare time or book youî own horne party. Cai Kelly et 668-3052 for an appointrnent. WHITBY Book, Pet. Flowei Craft store requires sevorai heipers Pet care, book sorter, Christian Mssionary, computer 5.1, flower arranger, cratt e poson, artiet, scuiptor, custodian and mare. Part time work, as rnany hours as you wish, choose your ow; das Box 414, Whitby, ON. EARN UP TO $346/week to assemble Christmas andl holiday decoietions yoar round, ad home. Work availabe acros Canada. For more info. send a seg addessed stamped envekope ta Magic Christmas, 130 Siater St. Ste. 750, ext. 353 Otawa, Ontario, KWP 6E2. EARN $300 PLUS per day - yes, per day! Wth your own cieapiin contracts. No investmnent required. Cati 24 hrs. for f ree exciting detais. 434-2116 ext. 119. EARN EXTRA MONEY and b. y aur awn boss seiling beautiful lingerie & loungewear. For more lnformaiion cati Sandra ai 436-6399. BUY YOURSELF A JOB for Christmnas. Get invoived in network marketing. Gain financial freedomn. Fiee detals. Write to: B.Y.AJ., 48 Michael Bivd, Whitby, Ont. Li1N 5P9 HOME PARTY PLAN - Earn average of $100 per party. Skinny Dip Thigh Cream les ours. As seen on T.V. Plus Chinese Herbe and Personal Care Products. Unlimited incarne potential. Cati (905)619-1318. ml had nover used the Whitby Free Press classifieds before, and i was del*ghted with the response to my ad.TÏhe cost was a lot iess than other papers. i wiil continue t. use the Whtby Free Press.7 RP. HOUSECLEANING -Spruce up for Christmas. Reriable, reasonable raies. Cal now for an appointment, 668-5104. Toronto School f Business The Lifesaver course is designed ta teach éssentiai iilesaving first aid skiiis ta people of al ages. Three and a hall hours af your time couid save a life. Cali Si. John Ambulance for details. 66-90 basements. Cut trees. T.V. tower removal. Cali 655-3004. FURNUTURE MAKER/CABINET MAKER. Custom designer and builder of fine f urnit ure. Speializing in Early Canadian Rpeprductions, Armoires and Entertalinment Centres. Over 15 years experience. Quality work- manship guarantee. References suppiied. Fgr a free quotation cai Gary ai 666-1913. ARTIST AVAILABLE. Custom artwomk - oul painting, charcoal sketches, etc. Family or pet portraits, -landscapes. Greai for Christmas, presents. FReasonabie raies. 723-6610. CINDY'S ALTIERATIONS has moved - stiii in Pearson Lanes, 133 Byron St. N. Corne see us for ail your. sewing needs. 33 years ex perience between us. Tues, ta Fr1.O 1- 5:30, Sat. 10 -3.430-6550. lIANDYMAN - Small moving jobs, rubblsh removai. Basements, washrooms, drywal, painting, doors, ceiiings, sheds. Snow removal. Cati Doug ai 436-0398. CUSTOM DESIGN and dress- making. Wedding and evening gowns, brid esmaid s & grads, suit s, etc. Renovation and alteration. Garments also made f rom a picture. 723-3259. LARGE MOVING VAN with driver for hure. Private or business. Phone 430-1080, beave message. C<Ã"' OSHAWA 0 QDRIVINO 0 SCHOOL. 17OKhawa *728-0091 Ful i Divers Education Courses DECEMBER 27th-3Oth Christmas 4 day course JANUARY 11lth Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course JANUARY l5th Saturdays 4 week course PRIVA TE LESSONS E~Am REGISTERED & APPROVED BY THE ONTARJO SAFETY LEAGUE I UDUCATOA GUITAR LESSONS. Beginner and advanced. Acoustic or eiectric. Cali Lou ai 666-1979. PRIVATE TUTORING avaliable. Qualified teacher. K - 6, ail subeots. Ta enroli cai 666-0633. GUITAR LESSONS in my home studio. A pleasant, no pressure environment with a teacher who cares. Beginners weicome. Best rodes. West Whitby. 430-2275. REGISTER NOW FOR DURHAM COLLEGE CONTINUOUS LEARNING COURSES " cali to register with Visa or Masterard (905)721-3000 or toit- free 1-800-461-3260 " weekend college, shiftworker scheduling, correspondence " courses begin the week of January 17, 1994 " cati for free course calendar or more information (905)721-3052 HOM Rpirs MpvernENT SERdC& -bast impoeanus rard athe 'o0 around -the home, big or smaii. Very reasonable raies. Cati 666-0288. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Alterations and repair on draperies at an- affordabie pruce. For your fiee mn-home shopping and estimate cail 432-1714 ater 5 p.m. or ieave message. Customers fabrios, are welcome. REUABLE LOVING MOTHER wiii provide an enjoyable, lovn environment for your chiidy. Nutritiaus lunches & snacks. Lots of crafts & story time. Lots of T.L.C. Faingbrook & Dryden aiea. 430-7474. LOVINO MOTHER wiii provMo day care ln my home, f ull- or part-tirne. Nutritiaus lunch & snacks. Non-smoking envlronment. Cati 430-3361. Specializing in > Eariy Chiidhood. Education. For Peace of Mnd. Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. REUABLE DAYCARE avaliablo ln my home. Full or part-tîrne. Waing distance f rom Paimoiston Public Sohool. Cati 666-5909. LOVING ClILDOARE AVAILABLE in my home. Nutritiaus lunches and snacks, lots of activities (indoors & outdoors). Alil ages welcorne. Rosodate Dr. (Dundas & Hopkins area). Pioase cati 430-9694. REUABLE LOVîNG DAVOARE in my Fatingbroak home. Cati 430-182. MOTHER 0F TWINS wiliing ta babysit ie. Rosl(Md an Brock aieâZa. rin Court). C al 430-6394. STOP Dont ftiow it out. Someane may want lt. Try the Ciasslfleds. Cat lb.h Whitby Fiee Press WAMED SERIOUS LADIES "C" slwpitch teani iooking for playors for extremely competitive league. Please phono Dan 430-3656 beave message. 81p#it0N( ......... .. .......... . . KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery of antiques. Al kinds of recovering. Vour fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over 4.0 y ears experience. 430-7568, Whitby. INTERIOR PAINTING. Fast dlean service. Fiee estimates. CalI Mike at 655-3791. VOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repaire. Al makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Complet. tune-up from $29.95 + r ars. Factory trained technicians. ofre pick-up & delivery cali 432-7375. PROPERTUES PLUS: Painting, decoiaiing, drywall, tapndrm, basements, addtionsoýdd joabs. Seniors' discount. Fiee estimates. Cati about Our winter speciale. Steve, 728-5067. HANDYMAN for odd jobs, yard work, basements cleaned up, parbage removal. Home repaire inside ai out. Book now for snow removal. 571-7182. DO YOU WANT BEAUTîFUL NAlLS for the Holiday Season? Acryiic Nail Special $30 a now set. Cati Klm for an appointment 430-9487. mmmm"

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