Pagel 20, Whilby Fro. Prou. Wednesday, Decomber 15, 1993 I c~w~c~c~ 1- '96 Tankard hosts unable to find Whitby location By hMark Reesor The Whitby Curling Club will host the 1996 Ontario Tankaird men's curling championship -- at the Plckering Racreation Complex. The club had Planned on holding the 10-day avent, which will take p lace in eariy February, at iroquois Park but nmade the change bacause it couldn't afford the cost of renting bath ice pads. The coat for renting both pads - ana to curl on and the othar to use as a banquet facility and meeting hall -would have been $42,000. The club had budgeted $20 000 for ice rentaI. gince the rate offered is already $35.84 an hour laus than what tho Town needa to covar its costa, parks and racreation diractor Larry Morrow racommondad the club ha "ragrottably advisad" the fea can't ha lowared. Council accaptad the recommandation Monday 'WIorrow and the club lookad at using Haydenshore Pavillon so thay would only requre, ona rinlç, but the tournanient's sponsor, aats, raquiras that al avants take p lace at ana location. heptu ssiilty of ptti ûsPr ung up a large heated tant nett urcposPr was aiso lokad at but ruled out because ofthe $37,000 coat. "Thare's no doubt wo were disappointed," says Whitby Curling Club manager Gord Car-roil. "We wanted it in Whitby because -we're as proud of Whitby as anybody.. but there's nothing we can do... curling clubs operata on a very low profit and we just could't take the chance on.losing moDney.i The Pickering Racroation Complax has an arana that seats 1,100 and a large banquet hall. "It's reaily wall suitad -for that typa of avent," said Carroli. The Pickering complu~ was aiso availabla at a price within the club s budget. SEE PAGE 31 Tweens fade late mifnl setie for silver The Whitby McCullough Jewallars tween A ringatte teain won the silvermea at the Scarborough tournainent Dec. 10 In the first gaine, Whitby lbat 6-1 to beague rivais Oshawa. WVhitby then played strong tearn ringetto and won ail thre of the next gaines, 7-3 over 0 Markhain, 3-2 avar Ajax and 4.1 over ]Kitchenor. AARON MoGUIRE pulls the puck away from a sprawling Markham player in minor novice hockey action Thursday in Brooklin. The two teams played to a 3-3 draw. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press Atoms edge.. opposition to win tournament The Whitby major atom AA. hockey teain, sponsored by Dupent Automotive Finishes, won the Dec. 10-12 Balleville tournamrlenrt. Whitby won the threa praliminary round gaines toeaarn a spot in the champioahip gaine. They had victorias of 3-2 ovor Richmond iEU, 3-2 over The Whitby minor bantain hockey teani won two of threa gazs from Dec. 4tol11tokeep their hoid on second place in the Eastern AAA loague's western divisiion. Whitby's task in the remaining savon regular league gaines is te defeat their nemesis, yark-Simcoe, in bath their remainiflg gainas. Ovai! the past week, Wbitby recovared &rm a lm ta O"hwa Agincourt and 5-1 over East Gwilliinbury. In the final, Whitby mat tournamant hosta. Belleville had defeatad Whitl.y in two oarlier exhibition gaines this season. The gaine was fast, but Whitby stuck te their Lgaina plan and forechackad thfie Belleville dafendars for the entira gaine, ta dominate play in gaines agalnst Ajax-Pickering and Richmnond HiII-Vaughan. The gaine against Oshawa saw the Whitby offenco faiter, whilo the defensivo unit of MacCarl, Ricica, Cartwright, McCarron and McKay put up a groat effort. But Whitby- could not stemn the strong Oshawa offence. On Dec. 8, Whitby was back te ita aid foi-m with the offensive unit of Steve Death, Jason HotchkId, Mark Haynes, Paul produclng key turnovers, and won 3-2. It was Whitby's firat tournmnent win this year, aftar losing four previaus chainpionshlp gaines. Cantraman Paul Tait returned te action for the final, after a sarious bit on the boards in gaine two. Gray, Mike Ro)bertsoei, Roy Sears, Dave Farquharson and Bryan Crouch flring 46 shota at the ÀAjax-Pickering goal, scoring ix timas. On Dec. 10, a flrèd up'Whitby teain defeated RL-chinond II-Vaughan but the score did not giva a true picture of the gaine. Whitby flred 64 shots at the Richmaond Hill net, while the Whitby goal. only saw 12 shota. Death picked up the hat trick. Sean Walsh was Whitby's most valuable p layer, and goalies Joshua Hughes and Michael Neniisz shared tournanient top goal. honours. The Whitby Midas Muffler junior girIs rnngette teain skated to a convincing 8-0 victory over Markham at Iouols Park on Saturday. Pacing the Whitby attack with two goals each were Brea Blight, Catie Challoner, Tanya Carnpeau and Tainara Wiesiolek. Assista went to Angela Duan, Luanne MacKen2ie, knanda White, Calle Corneal, Ià ndsay Milad and Campeau. Ainsley Hunt playing her third gaine in goal, held Markham off the wsorshet and picked up her first shutout. This put Whitby into the championship finai againsfr. Oshawa. In one of the hast playod games of the year, Whitby dominated for much of the gaine and had a 4-3 lead when, with oniy a fow minutes ramaining in the gaina, Oshawa scorod two unanswered goals te dcaim tho gold modal for the tournainent. Scoring for Whitby woro Jessica Wiilianis six goals, five assiste; Jennifor Cassidy six goais, threa assiste; Elien Johnson two goals, three assiste; Melanie Davis a goal, four assista; Lisa Vanderlip a goal, four assiste; Calle Qsborne four assista; Jillian Shannon a goal and an assist; Karyn Peacocke two assiste; Hayley Millard and Sarah Larocqua one goal oach. Heather Hurst was outstanding in goal, making many difficult saves. Colleen Ackford was injurad during the tournanent. Team coach la John Cassidy, assiat Steve Hurst and manager Lea Cassidy. Easywi for major bantamsLq. Daniel. Holmnes scored thraa gals and had throa assista as Witby crushed Richmond Hill 12-4 in amao bantamn AAA hockey contestDec. 8. Man Doath scored twica and added threa assiste. Jeramy McElhanney had a _goai and znree assisca. Steve Matthews, Cory Hasm and Dan Cioffi each haed a goal and two assista. Simon Giguere scored twice and Rob Dancey had the other goal. On Dec. 9, Whitby tied Mark- hani 3-3. Dancey, Holmes and Jason Linden scored for Whitby. Bantamsstill in 2nd