Whitby Free Press. e, Wkday. Deoetnbef 8. 1993. Pafl 5 STRIKE THREE WEEKS OLO, Union:,Miacle oners-.Lhip not interested in settemn By Mark Reesor No new talks are planned bet- ween striking Mirale Food Mart employees and A&P Canada after a weekend bargaining ses- sion ended at an impasse. The two sides met at a Toronto area hotel Saturday to try and end the three-week-old strike. Company officiais won't com- ment but union leaders say the session ehowed the U.S.-owned company isn't interested in reaching a settiement. «T'hey said 19 stores will be closed and they said they weren't =ing todo a severance package (bcuse) the banks wo't lend them the money,» says United Food and Comrca orkers (UFCW) local 175 and 633 spok- espemon Jim Hobbs. The union offered to work a deal which would help the com- pan y borrow the money «but they said'no deaI ' they weren'titr ested,» says ÃÉilbs. itr The company is also stil look- ing at a 'B store concept,» mean- ing pay rates. ul ary from store to, store and seniority wouldn't extend beyond a single store, according toHRobbs. "That would mean really huge cuts i wages (and) we thixik that's a crock ... «It soumis like they're not seri- ous about dealing here at aIl,1 he sla;, noting that the contract oeris sigynificantly worse than what the union was offered before they walked out Nov. 18. Project Y., a pilot needle exhange programn for Durham Reion, is now in operation in And, based on an assessment of the project, a committee will determine whether such a pro- gramn should be established on a permanent basis. The program offers a new needle/syringe ini exchanga for a used needi e/syringe, at no charge. Since human immuno-defi- ciency virus (FI1V), hepatitis B and other blood-borne viruses are spread through blood-tpblood contact when inijection drug users share needles, a needle exehange program is a method of preventing the spread of disease. A needle exchange also ofers counsellinlg, information and ref- errai to a high-risk community that is normally inaccessible. The needle exchane steering committee consist of represen- tation froin Addiction Research Foundation AIDS Committee of Durham, <Soborne Residential Services, Destin y Manor, Hostel Services, John Howard oiety, police services, YWCA and the Durham Region health depart- ment. The pilt program operates at the Joh.n Howard Society, 492 Sixncoe St. S., Oshawa, from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m to 4 P.M. The union is holding informa- tion sessions across the province today (Wednesday) to update the workers on the contract offer, so they're not revealing exactly what the company offered. But «we're actually consulting with our legal counsel now to see if they're bargamning in bad faith... it's poosible that they could be charged,» Hobbs says. A&'s "head guy» comes from Atlanta, Georgia, he says, "and I Cuesa that's the way he's used to tatinq the people down there but it ain't gointo work here.» Tom Kukoviîa, UFCWis Cana- dian director and international vice president, has contacted Ontario Premier Bob Rae %t see what we can do in regards to iretting things moving," says The only thing the tall<s did was "really upsot our people and I think they're stronger now than they ever wero... we're going to turn up the heat and make sure ail the Dominion and A&P stores ýING & MOTIVATION LTD. are covered and well picketed, especially during the holiday sea- That could mean more violence such as what's happened recently at A&P stores in Osh- awa and Bramnpton. "I think our inembers are cor- tainly going to try and stop the trucks from supplying the stores (and) convince thýe drivers they shouldt be there.» He says the picketing is redue- ing the numbers of people shop- ping at A&P and Dominion stores and is resulting in layoffs both at stores and at A&Ps min warehouse. DURHAM'S LARGEST... TANNUNG CENTRE "The leader in Tanning since 1986" SUPER BEDS - 150 Min. Session $34 WITH WIN - 300 Min. Session $59 FACIAL50 TANNERS - 450 Min. Session $70 Gift Certifcatesfor ChristmaS- Open 7 Days A Week 'The'TanninSgExperts' 666-5560 436-6242 kxal)nony) Pearson Lans - Whhtby Oshawa ON DEDUCTIBLE 0F MOST INSURANCE WINDSHUELD CLAIMS P' ~RECEIVE ONE FREE=L CHRISTMAS TURKEY ________ 10 VER 50000 SAMTSFIED iqutoGloff CUSTOMERS 1~4~I~ifuLo Ioff SINCE 1974" ERCf-ARGE-TO VOUR iNSURANCE* >N0 EXTRA 4BILLING GUARAI<JED Curio's For Chistmas What better time to buy someone you love a superb - curio cabinet or seciStary desk to display a lifetime o ftaures. We've made it easy this Christmas with outstanding savings and selection on curios and secretaries in traditional cherry and mahogany or casual painted- pine. And best yet, ail are 3 available for immediate -~ delivery! A gift from Rousseau's will be treaured forever! Store ilour: J:ý UCýEAU Mom,-Wcd. 10.6 Thn.-Pri. 10-9 QZ)U% SI~AU Sawrday 9:30-5:30 Sunday CGnd HERtTAGE HOUSEIlimited Nhslby 668-34' ýTorarwet' oe636-0061.1-800-387-0242 îln&=oeFbunî>gAvalel 216 May St.E. M I .tà emwm.- dm