Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Dec 1993, p. 22

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Page 22. WNIby Fm ru . Wedneuby. Dacembar 8, 1993 No mpoe etinjail conditions, By Mike Kowali Problems detectod durinq a recent inspection of the Whtýby Jail shouid coma as ne surprise, insista the haad of the jail wor- kers' union. Heaith and safety issues Bringing an awareness on disabilities and social issues te school-aged children is wbat Kids KJWANIS CLUB The Kiwanis Club of Whitby meets every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Cafa Vienna, 209 Dundas St. E. (at Green), Whitby. For more information on the club, cali Jerry Jung at 668-4993 or Brick Evans at 668-2241. 2551295 raisd by apublic institutons inspeton panal iast month are no difrent tha thosa cited by pravious panais, Nick Tefogiou dlaims. "The concerns the panai raises are the sanie ones they raise on the Block - Durhaxn Region is ail about. The awarenass is brought te children through the use of life-sized disabied and non-disabled puppets. The group is looking for volunteers for the daytime troupe, which wiil perform on Tuesday afternoons at scboois in Durham Ragion, and Wednasday evening voluntears te perform te local Scout and Brownie groups. Cail Carol at 576-0597 during the day or Suzanne at 426-0925 during the avening. Poulan PRO 255 & 295 packages include: Carrying case Extra chain 2.5 c.iI140cc or2.Bc.L'46cc SuperCleantu Iow maintenance air-fifter system 2554349.99 295389.99 0110f expireDec. 15193. every year," said Tetogiou, pro- sident of Local 359 of the Ont.ario Public Service Employaas Union (OPSEU). ef you go back maybe five years you'il find they were say- ing the same thinge thon,» hoe said. Aithough hie claimed provincial secrecy rules prevent him from commenting on specific issues, Tefoglou did say that «every- thing" mentioned in the panel's reportis «correct." Te Whitby Jali was oe of several Durham Ragion iristitu- .......... Gift certifcates are avaiable Gift certificates are now avaliabie te members of the Whitby Seniors? Activity Centre and their familles. Certificatas may be cashed in throughout the year for any activity at the centre. For chiidren and grandcbildren, certificates are also available for park and recreation aquatics and fitnass programs, as weii as xnany other services. 1994 memberships for the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centra are availabie at the centre, 801 Brock St. S. Tha ceat is $6 for residents, $12 for associate members. Membership entities partici- pation ini club pregrais, classes and special events, as weil as day trips, dances and ail drop-in progranis. For more information, cali the centre at 668-1424. sa tiens visited by the panel iast montb. Made up of seven local resi- dents, the panei conducts twice yearly inspections of public facili- ties in Ontario municipalities. Whiie the panel feit the jail appeared te be generaily secure in the interests of both the in- mates and staff, a number of concerns were exprassed. For instance, the pmie dis- covered that some problems un- covered in the previeus inspec- tion iast May bad stili net been rectified. Thesa included: * noteouh staff in the con- trol room and monitors that were net at eya levai- * the corridor for adxitting and discharging inmatas remains the sainie. Previeus panels had recommended two separate cor- ridors for greater security; * the records departrnent stili ap1eared overcrowded; pfovercrowding was aise a pro- blim in other areas. Ini addition, the panel listed other concerns that shouid be addressed in the future or were in the process of being corrected. These matters generally per- tained te the health and safety of empiloyees and prisoners. Tefogiou begled off discussing the report in detail or what his membership bas done te bring its concerns te the attention of jail administration or provincial offi- ciais. «Wa'ra net supposed te men- tion staffing, security or con- ditions under the secrecy set,» ha said. OPSEU staff representativa Barry Casay had net yet sean the latest inspectionepanal report. However, ha did say that the union bas fiied a umier of internai griavances» daaling with safety issues in the past. As far as currant working con- Kds volunteers needed BRIANS SMALL ENGINE REPAIR INC. 160 Wentwvomlh st.. E-, Oshawva . 725.-709 . 1 À STRONG CASE- FOR OUR CHAIN ýSAWS 1 lys union ditions, Casoy said ho has net diseussed th situation with jail arn le oaa recantiy., ait oer jail superintendent Orviiie Keriow nor daputy super- intendant Donna Cornwall wore avalable for comment. Ross Virgoý, spokesperson for Correctionai Services Minister David Christopherson, said the rprisstili being reviewed by m:itystaff and deciined com- ment on its findinge. Virgo aise had ne comment on the union's caim that soe pro- bienis have been left un- addressed for years. Durham Centra MPP Drum- mond White aise deciined te comment specificaily on the report sinca bahad net receivod a copy. "I can't speak knowiedgeabiZ about it,' but I wiii check into it, ha said. However, White did say that ha bas actad on behaîf of the jail empioyaes in the past when tbey have brou.ýOt the matter of work- ing conditions te bis attention. rFve net had anyona approacb me in the iast six months,» ha added. Correction In iast week's edition, due te iayout errer, thora was an omis- sion of soeatext from an article about public input inte the budget process. Duo te the omission, Patti Bowman was net idontifid as Whitby trustee and Durham Board of Education vice-chair. Aise omitted were her comn- ment that trustees are satisfied with pro-lbudget discussions bold between trustees and the public, and a* comment that tha public apprcates the board's attempt te inproeacommunications. Te Frea Press wishes te apo- logiAe for the omnission.

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