Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 8 Dec 1993, p. 12

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page 12, WWhy Fre. Press, Wednsday, Decembor 8.,1993 LA LECHE La Loche League Whitby will hoid a support meeting o Thursday, Dec. 9, 9:30 a.m. The tepic willb 'The Art of Breast- teein and Avoiding Difficul- tie.' thrsbabesand expec- tant mothers are welcomne. F or W more information, including loca- V tien, caîl 723-0542. LEGAL AID ADVICE CLINIC The monthly legal aid advice clinic will be held Tuesday Dec. 14, 7 te 8:45 p.m., at the Whitby Public Library, main branch. Appintments must be made in person at the Witby Inormation Centre, 900 Brock St. S., or by calling the centre at 688-0552. Clients receive a private and confidential 15-minute appoint- ment with a lawyer provided by the Ontario legal aid office in Oshawa. The service is available te anyone and there is ne charge. Brief information will be previded about legal preblems and where te obtain further assistance. NEW GIRL GUIDE COOKIES The new choclately mint Girl Guide cookies are now available from members ef Guiding at a cost of $2.50Oper box. These cookies will on1ly b available for a limited time and de net replace tho 'original' coolde sold in the Lpring Girl Guides depend on the sae ocoekies te fund a variety of prograins for their nxembership. PC USERS The Durham PC Users' Club will meet Thursday, Dec. 9, 7 te 10 p.m. at».C W Local 222 Hall, 1425 PMillip rray Ave., Osh- awa. There »!l be a demonst- ration of Avery labels. The club supports local computer onthu- siasta with meetings, a newslet- ter, seftware library and special interest groups including new computer ues Desktop Pub- lishing, teecmmunications, Windows and Wordperfect. For' more information caîl Barbara Rice at 434-7420 or Bruce Lay- craft at 728-9351. 2nd ~ Annual HRISTMAO COUNTRY CRAFTSH Sunday, Dec. 5,1 2,19 gam - Spm Metro East Trade Centre [FR-EE ADMISSION! For exhibitor inf, cal 428-7610 ft'qs officiai RAYMOND ANG speaks at the 'officiai' opening of the Prismna apartment-town- house complex on Waller Street Nov. 20. Ang, al Iawyer, is a member of the founding CHRISTMAS TREES lst Whitby Scouts is selllng Christmas treos in the parking lot at Jerry's The Drug Warehouse, 311 Brock St. N., Whidtby, Monday te Friday frem 6 te 9 p.m. and Sundays 1 te 5 p.m. Scotch pin. and spruce trees will seil for $16 each. For more informatin, ci Kathy at 666-3247. NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE A New Year's Ev. dance will b. held at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N., Whiitby, with entertainment'by country and western band, the Lumber Leost. Hot and cold buffet. Cost is $20 per person. For tickets, caîl Martin Turpin at 666-1071 or Deug Macean at 430-9621. CRAYT SALE A bazaar, craft and bake sale will b. held on the second floor of Whitby General Hospital on Thursday, Dec. 9, 9:30 te 4 p.m. Toys, Christmas wreaths, stained glass, ceramiS, folk art, decoupag ictures, cdocks, bird- houses andTupperwa.re will b. amen gtoitm fered. Funds rasdgo to the Durham Region Sexual Assault Car. Centre. AQUARIUM 8SOCIETY The Durham Regional Aquarium Society will meet Tuesday, Dec. 14, 7:30 p.m., at R.S. McLaughlin Collegiate, 570 Stevenson Rd. (south of Rtossland Road), Oshawa. All are welcome. Admission is free..-For more information, cail Jim Brown at 655-5853 or Ty Fisher at 831-0940. ONE PARENT FAMILIES Oshawa Chapter On. Parent Familles Association will hold the general meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 14, 8:30 p.m., at Lavai Communt y Centre, corner of Lavai and Salisbury streets. New members and guests welceme. For more information, cal 436-5089 or 728-1011. AL,-ANON iasoinebody>s drinking problem with you? understa-nd. Caîl AJ-Anon 728-1020. board of directors as are business person Lorraine Chan (Ieft) and psychologist- designer Juliana Jay (ide) Photo by Jetemy Dresar, Free Press ONE PARENT FAMILlES The North Oshawa One Parent Familles hold a gift exchange Wednesday, Dec. 15, 8 p.m., at Christ Memorial Church, Mary and Hillcroft streets, Oshawa. New membors and guests welcome. For more information, cail 721-1876. CHRISTMAS PARTY The Head Injury Association of Durham Region wiil hoid a Christmas party on Wednesday, Dec. 15, 7:30 p.m., at Cedarcroft Place, 649 King St. E., Oshawa. Bring a nen-perishable food item for the foodi banlç and a gift (up te $5) for a gift exchange. Friends and family welcome. For assistance with transportation, cali 723-2732. ALZIEMR SUPPORT The support group for Alzheimer familles in Oshawa will meet Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1 p.m., at 178 Simcoe St. N. (ide entranoe). For more information, cail the Alzheimer Society of Durham Region at 576-2567. STAMP CLUB The Oshawa Stamp Club will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 14, 7 te 9 p.m., in the cafeteria at O'Neil CVI Oshawa. Stamps, old post- carcfs and cover colections can b. exchanged appraised or sold at auction. dollectors and visitors are weloome. For more informa- tien caîl John at 725-7962. ORNAMENTS Big Sisters Newcastle-Oshawa- Whitby (NOW) are selling Christmas ornaments for $3 each. The ornaments represent the Twelve Days of Christmas. The. first three in the series are available at Sea Star Fish & Chips at 701 Dundas St. W. in Whitby the Beaver g ns station at 850 king St. W., Oshawa or at the Big Sisters NOW office (436- 0951). CHRONIC FATIGUE The Durham Region Chronic Fatigue Sy dromfe.E. support Grou will meet on Wednesday, Dec.15, 7 p.m., at the A.E. ing Memorial Complex, Kingsway College, Oshawa. For more infor- mation caîl Renee Leahy at 655- 4398. CIHRSTMAS PARTY Big Sisters Newcastle-Oshawa- Whitby will hold their annual Christmas party on Thursday, Dec. 9,- at the Canadian Corps, 142 Athol St., Oshawa. Santa wiil arrive at about 7:30 p.m. DIRAVA The Durham Region Asociatien for Volunteer Administration (DRAVA) will meet on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2 p.m., at Northview Community Centre, 150 Beatrice St. E., Oshawa. Ail volunteer coordinators/administraters of non-profit agencies are invited te attend. For more information eall Donna Hutten at (905)420-3383. COIN CLUB The Oshawa & District Coin Club will meet on Sunday, Dec. 12, 12:30 p.m., at the Arts Resource Centre bohind Oshawa City Hall. For more information cali Earl or Sharon MacLean at 728-1352. UNICEF CARDS Unicef Christmas carde are now available at the Oshawa YWCA, 1 McGrigor St., Oshawa. For more information, eall 576-8880. EUCRIRE Euchres are held by the Odd- fellows and Rebokahs ove3tFri- Wda',8 pm. at2 1 Boc .S. W1tby dmission is $1.50. All welcome. NEWCOMERS CLUB The Oshawa/WVhitby New- comers Club will hold a potluck dnner meeting Tuesday, Dec. 14, 7 p.m., at the Arts Resource Centre, Oshawa. Females new te the area are welcome. For more information, call Inormation Whitby at 668-0552 or Information Oshawa at 434-4636. qJNFRTILITY GROUP The Infertility Information in Durhamn support group will meet Monday, Dec. 13, 7 p.m ., in the community room at Durham Regional police station, cerner of Brock Road and Higyhway 2 in Pickering. Couples and incividuals in infertility treatment, in the adoption proceas or in resolutien are welcorne. For more information, cali Janice ai 619-1733 or Solîa at 404-8114. TREE SALE The 8th Wihitby Scouts Christmias tree sale will b. held at Petro Canada stations at H1ighway 2 and Thickson Road, and Thickson Road and Rossland Road on Dec. 10, il and 12 and 17, 18 and 19. Friday hours are 6 te 9 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. teS5 p.m. ,t-EW YEAR'S EVE DANCE The Whitby Liens Club will hold a dance Friday, Dec. 31 at Heydenshore Pavillon. There will be dancing from 9 p.m. te, 2 a.mn., music by a DJ, hot and cold buffet, and party faveurs. Cal John at 666-2223 or 666-3727 for more information and tickets. IJVING WITII CANCER The iàving With Cancer support group for adulte, friends and family will meet Monday, Dec. 13, 7 te, 9 p.m., at the Ajax Cricket Club, northoast corner of Monarch and Clements avenues. For more information, cal Lynn Nazarko at 686-1516. ORIENTATION SESSION The Big Brothers Association of Oshawa-Whitby will hold an orientation session for mothers on Tuesday, Dec. 21, and for rospective Big Brothers, Wednesday, Dec. 22. For more information and registration, cal 579-2551. TREOS The Whitby chapter of Theos will meet Sunday, Dec. 12, 2 pa.. at St. Andrew's Presiyterian Church, Cochrane Street. Theos is a supportgroup for the widowed and all widowed mon and women are welcome. For more information, call 668-2648. UNITED SURVWVORS United S!.,.-vivors Support Centre holcii weekly meetings on Tuesdays, 1 te 4 p.m., at the centre, 167 Simce St. S., Oshawa. The support group, made up of past or present users of the mental health systere or services, is open te ail psychiatric consumer/survivors aged 18 and over. For more information, cal 436-8882 or drop by the office. CHRISTMAS SPECILL A Storytime Christmas special for children aged 4 and 5 will be held at the Whitby Public Iàbrary on Thursday, Dec. 9, 10:30 te il a.m. For more information, call the library at 668-6531 or 668-6541. GHOSMISOF CHISTMAS 'Ghosta of Christmas Past,' a program for children aged 8 and up, will be held at the WVhitby PublieiÀbrary on Saturday, Dec. 11, 10:30 te, 11:15 a.m. Bria Winter, Whitby archivist, will tell of the many colourful characters in WVhitby's past. Do you knew which Whitby achoo1 lias its very own ghost? For more activities will show how people in the area oelebrated the holiday season 100 years ago. Children will take home a recipe to make for the family, as well as an ornarnent. For more information, cail the library at 668-6531 or 668-6541. A gift for friends and relatives who have moved away! Scnd thein a subseription to thecir hiome town nue spaper. $3I ý 131 Brock St. N. I Box 206 LIN SSI iIL ]IL IL

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