Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Dec 1993, p. 30

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page 30, Whitby Free Pres, Wednesday. December 1, 1993 Whitby Free Press - 668-611il Office H ours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm - Fax 668-0594 LIEGAL LEGA.LA. CORPORATION OF THE .....TOWNCOF WHIIBY OPEN HOUSE & PUBLIC MEE11NG OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW AND UPDATE STUDY DECEMBER8, 1993 Vou are invited te attend an Open House and Public Meeting of tde Planning and Deveopment Committee regarding Phase 4 et the Town of Whitby Officiai Plan Review and Update Study. Phase 4 comprises the formulation ai urban structure and officiai lanplistroug Ie peparation of the Draft Officiai Plan for the TownTeDraft Ofca Plan has been prepae n h ontext of the new Durham Regienal Officiai Plan ir.d "shbaeupon the selecteci growth stratogy develoedthregh Phase 3, the. policy change identifled thog Phase adth consideration of input received thugheut the entire Review process. The profe this PubliceMeeting s te allow for a presentatien of the Draft Offcia Plan b y the Towns consultant~ M.M. DillonL1imitod. Detioa on the Draft Officiai Plan wll no be scheduled for this PbiMetIng. The Open House will be from 4:00 - 7:30 p.m. tollowed by the Publie Meeting starting at 7:30 p.m. on thefollowing date: Wednesday, December 8,1993 ait the Meeting Hall Whltby Municipal Building 575 Rossland Read East, Whtby Vour participation will help shape Whitby's future. Deputations te the Phase 4 Draft Officiai Plan Review and Update Stdj will be considered by the Planning and Deveiopment Commîttee on Jaenuavry 5, 1994 commencing at 2 p.m. Deputations may be scheduled through the ClerWs Department. For more information cail the Tcown of Whitby, Planning Department at (905> 668-5803. . ....L S [ .....L THANKS BE TO St. Jude and the Sacred Heart et Jesus. For faveurs received. EMW. BAHAI'S BELIEVE. The essence et religion is te testify unto that whicht he Lord hat h revealed, and fellow that which He hath ordained in His mighty Book. For information and discussion cali 668-8665. cynnectidfns 24 HOUR PERSONAL AD DATELINE - Free To Cail Phob4yahy - Free To Ladies Seeking Gents - Mea As Low As 97o A Day 430-7060 A 31/2 hour course for people on die go. The Lîfesaver course is designed te teach essential ifesaving first aid skilts te people ef ail ages. Three and a haif heurs of your time could save a ife. 'il St. John Ambulance for détails. Q 668-9006 St. John Ambulance NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS lN THE ESTATE 0F DOROTHY MAUREEN POLLARD late et the Town et Whitby, in the Regienal Municipal ty et Durham, deceasod AIll daims against the Estate et DOROTHY MAUREEN POLLARD, late et the Town et Whitby, in the Rogional Municipality et Durham, who died on or about the 2Oth day of March, 1993, must be t iled with the undersigned, duly verified, on or betore December 22, 1993; there- aller, the assets et the above-named estate will be distributed having regard only te the claims then filed. DATED at Whitby this 24th day cf November, 1993. SIMS MAZAR & BRADY 117 King Street East P.O. Box 358 Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S4 Solicitors for the Executors CORNEIL'S AUICTION BARN FRUDAY DEC. 3 AT 6 P.M. 3 MILEý EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 Reftinished antique sideboard, walnut vanity dresser, hall seat, antique dressers, 4 pce. modern bedroom suite, jam cupboard, atrnond 2 door refrigerator & matching 30 in. eîectric steve, wainut what-not stand, antique setee, oak parleur table, ress back rocker, bed chesterfie , 4 oak dining chair, aimond apartment size freezer, piribail machine, off ice desks & chairs, metal storage cabinet, chesterfields, coffee & end tables, office desk, O.G. dlock, 1988 Dedge Ades (one owner, 72,000 k.m. certitied>, 1981 Giand Prix, now cattle de-horners, qty. new hardware, plus a quantity of china, glass, antiques, household & collectable items. DON & GPEG CORNEIL AUC-ÎIONEERS RR #1, LITTLE BR[VA IN 705-786-218 CHITMAS AUICTION SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES, ART & NEW ARTICLES* SUNDAY DECEMBER 5,12 NOON ( EWING 11:00 A.M.) ORONO TOWNI-ALL MAIN ST. ORONO Auction features a varled selection et furniture & collectabies trom the paZsk te the present, tables, chairs, crok, j ugs, etc. plus the contents from a small gift shop with many new articles that would make great Christmas gifts, glass, china, dolîs. pictures, aise severai limited edituon art prnnts incîuding signed Bret Hull & Adam Oates lithoraph & Blue Jas %aThe-Wa ilàkWas Arthritis Sociîety seils Christmas items The Arthritis Society is'seiling jingle belis and charm poinsettias this holiday season te raise much-needed funds for arthritis research. Plants are available in barge six-inch pots at a cost of $10, incbuding ail taxes. Gobeurs are red, white, pink, pink/yebbow and red/white mottled. Orders are being accepted now. Christmas ornaments at a coat of $4 and Chistmas cards at a cost of $5 for a package of 10 are aise available. Christmnas trees are being sold at the Wolco Garden Centre on Harwood Avenue South in Ajax, with proceeds going to, the Arthritis Society. Trees range in price from $20 te $25 and wibl be sold until Dec. 24 from 9:30 a.m. te 9 p.m. For more information, cabi 434-7221. Crime Stoppers and Durhamn Begional Police are asking for the public's help in solving a break, enter and theft that occurred in Oshawa on Monday, Oct. 25. The Autoworkers' Credit Union maintains 14 automatie teller machines at various locations in OshawalClarington. One machine is located at 1279 Simcoe St. N. at the Miilwork store. At 5:14 a.m., an alarm. was activated when a suspect used a key te gain entry into the machine vault. 1%e sus pect then dialled a combination te access the machine vault. Both cash cassettes, video equipment and approximate1y $70,000 was stolen. Later that morning when Universal ATM employees checked this location, they noted the theft. Numerous changes in security have been implemented te hopefully avoid a repeat occurrence. A re-enactment of the crime will be shown on CITY-TV (channel 57, cable 7) on Thursday, Dec. 2 during the 6 and 10 «p.m. news. It will also be shown on CKVR in Barrie and CHEX in Peterborough on Yriday, Dec. 3, again during the news. Crime Steppers will pay up te $1,000 for information on this or any other serious crime. Call 436-8477 (that's 436-TLPS). As a caller you will net have te identif y yourself or have te go te court. A code number will be issued te you te protect your identity. Sergoeant Grant Arnold is the co-ordinater with the Durhamn Regional Crime Stoppers program and writes this article te help combat crime. Scarborough EnvinmenRtCommte hirE ip vermiompoting.As pst prnial mboftaR y Cadd PCul Schoolhere ntrioDrmrccl etre, invlvrnEnviton vermicomposting hevemsinompst bprbinadosuppry ofredPubgier worms was introduoed in the Scarborough seho1 board two years ago by AI Eggen of the Canadian original vermicomposter. The objective is for the wormns te eat lunch scraps that later become worm castings. These castings, a natural fertilizer than can be added te the schcol's potted plants or put on outdeor flower beds and lawns are taken ftrm the composter after about three montha. ÏThe worms then reoeive a fresh cellulose bedding, such as shredded newspaper Mary Chadd's staff and students, under the leadership of Ed Simpson, was one of the earliest schools te try experimenting with various worm beddings. "It took a lot of constant reminding te redirect apple cores and orange peels from the faniiliar garbage can te feeding the worms," stated Simpson. "But we were finally succssful due te ail the volunteers and commiàtment of everybody. I found that the primary classes were most enthusiastic about teuching and caring for the worms, while the eider grades were more interested in the mould and the scientific aspects." Te gain parents' interest Simpson offered several opportunities for them te view tle vermicomposting units ànd thus become educated in the process. On one occasion, more than 150 parents camne te the school te see the worms in action as well as have the opportunity te purchase a composter. Today, a vermicomposting unit remains in the school office and in several classrooms as students have continued te take responsible action of their orac waste. 'Video tapes on vermi-and backyard compoting are available for purchase or boan from the Recycling Council of Ontario at 1-800-263-2849. AIso a tape entitled 'Vermicomposting' is available from Judy Chamnbers at the regi ona board office. To borrow, calI 686-1282. VhtysWest Lynde Public School teacher Lynn Tomlinson teok a leading robe with experiments in vermico)mposting and wieher best solutions for caring for the worms. Her report wi circubated te other interested teachers. When we think of landfilb - a hot issue at the best of times - think of what we throw eut. As Sam Haxnbly said in his speech te the conference delegates, "Be kind to, týe rural people in what y ou throw away. After ail, it's the rural people on whom we urb tes depend te take care of the soîl. Fact: Earthworms help the soul by increasing porosity and drainage of soil and by the transformation of organic niatter inte plant-nutrient materials. r- A gn el lm m 12 r%-e

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