Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Nov 1993, p. 28

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page 28, Whitby Free Pres, Wednesday, November 24, 1993 .. . . . . Iv 0HID 0:REI..IL............ H ME$ H ME CHILUCARE ln my home before and atter sohool. Mature, reliable Lady. Close ta St. John's and E.A. Fairman. 668-6951. CARING MOTHER will provide a happy environment for your child. Nutitious lunches & snacks. Lots of activities (walks, crafts, stories). Thickson & ftssland. Ask for Debbie 404-0815. QUAUTY CHILDOARE available in my home. Experienced mother of 2 with reference*. Sale outdoor play, nutritiaus meats. Manning& Garden. 666-3529. LOVING MOTHER will provide day car. in my home, full- or part-time. Nutritiaus lunch & snacks. Non-smoking environment. CatI 430-3361. Specializing in Early Childhood Education. For Peace of Mind. Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 We Pri d HomeDaiCare The systom that provides... Unscheduled homo visits ensure quality care for your child FuIIy trained providers receive ongoing Agencyu *Reliablet local back-up covers Provider illness or holiday * ompIet. insurance coverage Income tax receipts Children six weeks" and up *Full or part-time For more Information caîl: 686-3995 a icensed Agency LOVING CIILDCARE AVAILABLE inm home. Nutritiaus lunches and snacs, lots of activities (indoors and outdoars). Ail ages welcome. Rosedale Dr. (Dundas & Hopkins area). Please cail 430-9694. EXPERIENCED DAYCARE avaîlable in my home. lndoor, outdoor play. Nutritiaus lunches & snacks. Ail ag es welcome. Thickson & Hwy. #2. Please cali 430-7179. REUABLE, LOVING mother is willing ta provide daycreinm home. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Lots of crafts & storytime. Lots af T.L.C. Fallingbrook St., close ta St. Bernard school. CalI 430-7474. WANT a hpy, funi, stimuîating environment for your child. Years of experience. Lots of T 1.0. and activities. Specialize in babies. Gal 430-9520. BROCK/DRYDEN. Loving mother willing ta car. for your children. Nutritiaus lunches & snacks. Will provide secure walk ta & from Ormiston or St. Matthews. Please calI 666-9719. WANTED: Childoare in my home in Brooklin. Part-time, before and after sohool for 2 older children. 655-5080. OSHAWA. Partially turnished 3 bedroomn semi-detached ta share with 2 females. Female preferred. Laundry facilities, parking. $340/morih.AvaIe smmnecfitely. CalI 434-2998 leave message. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Roammate warted ta share 3-bedroomn house. $100/week, utilities included. 5 appliances, garage. 666-5747, leave message. WHITBY. 3 bedroom home. Ail inclusive. $350 month. Parking cable. AIl appliances. Availabl immediately. CalI 430-3957 leave message. WHITBY - Large 1 bedroom basement apt. Fridge, stave, laundry facilities, parkinlg, cable, p rvate ent rance. Utilities ncluded. No pets. Close ta GO. First & last, references. $550 mo. Available now. 668-1154. ONE-BEDROOM CONDO plus solarium. $800/month, ail inclusive. Four appliances. Avalable immedi- ately. Cati Jennifer, 721-8746 anytime. WHITBY. One bedroom basement apartment. Parking, laudr, cale, utilities included. Patio doors ta back yard. Available immediately. $450/month. 430-2420. BASEMENT APARTMENT for rent. Private entrance, parking, laundry, heat & hydro includ.d. Femal preferred. Walk-out ta backyardi. No partiers. First & last. $450/month. 666-9453. BACHELOIR, BASEMENT APARI'- MENT in Oshawa (Harmony & Rossland area). Non-smoker. $400 inclusive. Cal 432-3238 or 666-8352 for more information. SMALL BEDSITTING ROOM for rent in country estate. Furnished or unI urnished. Small fridge, microwave, 3 pce. private bath, 5private entrance. Uftihities included. Use of ail facilities - pond, deck, tennis court. $250 month. Caîl 655-4514. BON VOYAGE MOTEL -ton minutes f rom Whitby, between Brooklin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms availabte for rent. Low weekly rates. Caîl 655-5308. BROOKUN - 1 bedroom, kitchen & full bath.* Parking, cable. $350 inclusive. Suitable for mature person. CalI 655-3012. FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Kitchen & laundry privileqes. Fridge, T.V., cable, parking. Working~ maie preferred. $85 weekç. edM q0 4 t Mteeda64a*... ServicmAsTE - CARPET & UPHOLSTERY DIVISION, Residential and Cqmmercial'Cleaning (ask fout our g-Mas specials) *DISASTER RESTORATION DIVISION FireCaer/Smoke Cleanup and Restoration (24 HR) "FOR YOU ONLY THE BEST WILL DO" 436600 MEDICALIPROFESSIONAL OFFICE. .625 sq. ft., downtown Whitby. Ground floor, loads of parking, private entrance and washroom. 666-3833. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. It. Main street location, downtown Whitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. BOAT& RV STORAGE. HIGHLAND VAN & STORAGE. Boat &RV storage, 90 cents per foot per month. Whitby - 668-6611 CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS in vour own 3 bedroom townhouse. $3,400 down, $5951mo. includes P.t.T. & condo fee. Opportunity-is krécicking at your door nowl Ask for Lilian North, Sales Representative, Re/Max Summit Reaty (1991) Ltd. 668-3800. WHY RIENT WHEN YOU CAN OWN? $4,400 down, $450 per month. 3 bedroom Townhouse. Calil Carai Chantier, Sales R.p., Re/Max Summit 668-3800. HOUSE FOR RENT. 4655 Baldwin St. N. (#12 HWY.) Calil 1-416-531-1159. BRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset BIvd. (Brock St./Manning Rd.) - 3 Bedrooms - 11/2 Baths 55JJI& - 5 Appiances i~I~W - Central Air - Garage4> *Paved Driveway - 3 Models - On Site Management - Easy Ar.rss to "Go", 668-1389 K.C. McCaIl Property Management 666-5794 -924-1100 POWER 0F SALE. ( Repossessed properties available in Oshawa from under $80,000. AIso, townhomes available In North Oshawa f rom $!59,900. For more Information cal CaraI Ross, Sales Rep., Guide R.alty Limted. 723-5281 or 723-6610. $79,900 - Minimum dowrquyment. Clean, well-kept Oshawa home. Quiet side street. New roof, f urnace, kitchen & deck. Available now. Bob Johnston Reafty Ltd., 433-4677,433-0050. &su R.P.M. Reliable property main- tenance. Residential snow removal & lawn maintenance. Seniors' discount. CatI John or Frank at 668-7689 or 433-0787. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruuing, grass seeding, sodding. Faîl clean-ups. Renovations oI 9ardens, rock gardens, planting, f îrewood. Fr.e estimates. Dutchway 1Landscaping. (905)649-3183. SPANKY'S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. Residential snow service. Book earlyl Book nowî Phone Jim at 668-6803. FOUR SEASONS Landscaping, snow remnoval services. Don't get caught in the cold. Book now f or eavestroug h cleaning ($35) & snow removal. T ree p runing & removal. (905)428-1305. 'CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACEw To reacs'Iawd.r mareteadvertrs# tmuothe r. gionalmen.nsb.she of the Onuavand Canadien Commursty Newsptai. r Assocalswa. Central Ortario 55 newspapers- $160 for 25 worda - AIs Ontro nwsplp»rs - $350 lur 25 corda s AU Canada 572 neuwspapers - $1,121 for 25 wod, For turther Information please catI the Whitby Free Press ClassIiede'- 668611il '00 94.] -whit ..-Press Rd -fa '668:ý 05 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITrS FAST - TS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL 00ES UT AIL. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES R. FInd out more, write Prayers. PO. Box 28521. SUPPLEMENT VOUR INCOME. Disirbute aur Aurore. Ontario L4G 6S6. producta or ralse your own warms or castings, Niagara Bait and Ecotogy. 5513 Ekho Rd. RRO3. PERSONALS Wellandport. Ont. LOR 2J0 (905) 386-6661 or 1- SINGLES! New way 10, meet quaIity peaple, 800-563-8128: lnexpensively. Effective and confidential, computerized maiching system. For free details SPARE lIME CASH. Sali Watkins seasonings, cali RECORIDED message 24 hrs. <416) 631- extradas, and household producta. Famous $Ince 7180 est. 94. 1868. Cali tndependent Marketing Directors 1- 800-567-5585. MARRIAGE COUNSELLING through modern tachnaiogy. New way to gei hetp inexpensivety CAREER TRAINING and contidentiliy. For Irae brochure cail LEARN AUCTIONEERIING at the Southwestarn RECORDED message 24 hi a. <416) 631-7110 School af Auctioneering. Next Class: March 12- exil. 44. 18. Information, contact: Soufhwestern Ontario School ai Auctionearlng. R.R.#5. Woodstock, DO YOU KNOW that a recent Ont. hospil study Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. confirmad the etfect ot a lotion ta reverse hair osa? 24hr. Intaline 1-800-668-5079. Dealer EARN EXTRA MONEY. Incarne Tas or Enquiries elcame. Baokkaaping courses by correspondance. Free-- - - . - brochuras. No obligation. U & R Tax Services REAL ESTATE Ltd., 1345 Pembina Highway. Winnipeg. OWN VOUR OWN PARK MODEL HOME in Manitoba, R3T 286. 1-800-665-5144. Sarasata Florida, tram $34,000 Canadien,.In e _________-- Rasantl Discountad weekty Inspection visita for FARM EOUIPMENT FOR SALE interested buyerst Sun and Fun. 1 -905-871-4008. BARN CLEANER REPLACEMENT chain for ail ---_ _ ___ makes ai cleanera. quaniity on hand at goad STEEL BUILDINGS price. Cali Husky 519-846-5329. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Winter Speciat. -Keap the lactory busy during the Winter months FOR SALE and take detivery In the Spring. Save up Io 25%. THIGH CREAM. Revolutianary breakthraugh. Cati 1-800-668-8653. Sean in National Media; Asthme Medication usad as To ical Cream. Avaitable NOWf 1(604)893- BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwatt Typa.- 5632 ndepedn Nwy *Dsrbutor. Enquirles nat quanset - 32x54 $7,899; 40x72 $11.924e Welcamne. Cati Tayt 50x90 $16.954: 60x126 $25.883 - ather sizes ___________ ____ ___-avaitabie- Miscelioneous clearance - Paragan - MISCELLANEOUS 24 Haurs 1-800-263-8499. EVER WANTED TO WORK with International teama on devetapment projects7 Join Youth ALL STEEL BUILDINGS AT ROCK BOTTOM Challenge International in Costa Rica. Guyana, PRICES! No middleman. Buy Ontario The Solomon Istands (416) 971-9846. Manufacturer Direct and sava money. Pioneer t. 800-668-5422 Since 1980. "WE MAKE A GREAT PERMANENT. hîstoricat recordlresource. BETTER BUILDING"* This newspaper and most ot Ontaia*s weakly newspapers raproduced îegularly in microfiche SPAN-TECH STEEL SIULDtNGS LTD. - Top form. Duplicata copies avaitabte bY caiiing quality Straightwell. wood/staai & ati/steef OCNA. (905) 844-0184. buildings. CSA certitiad, workshaps. bains. aranas. stables etc. Large ai smaii. contracting URINE-ERASE 9uarantees remnovai urine dog. avaitable. 24 haurs 1-800-561-2200. cal, human) mies. odoura. Regardiesa stain age! Free brochure! Reideil Chemiàcats Ltd., Box A - Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. afim. sorage, 7500. Landon. Ont. NSY «S5. commercial industriel. New Typas. steeVwoad. quonsel. ctadding. For true value, action & WHY ARENT VOUR PRAYERS answared a1nswaîs - VJaity (416) 626-1794. FREE taday7 The Creator has e namie. faw people know brochures. Cip-sava. Vaut ad could appent ln communify newspapiers in Ontario, or right acoas, Canada. at anyl Individuel province. Space la Lited. 'o Celi This Newspapet Todayi ik The Mutual Group HERB TRAN cmll for quotabon 668.9669 * 432-7216 RRIFs - ANNUITIES GICs .. RRSPs 71 r- 1

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