Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Nov 1993, p. 11

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business news BUREAU FOR EXCELLENCE 'Quality' seminar Dec. 8 The Bureau for Excellence in Durhamn Rogion (BEDR) will hold ite fret seminar on Wednes- day, Dec. 8 et Le Gala conven- tion centlre in Whitby. The symposium, 'Journey ta Motophoto recàceives franchise award One Hour Motophoto, a Cana- dien copany with a franchise location ini Whitby, recently won an award of excel lence in franch- ise relations. At the Canadien Franchise Association (CFA) convention in Toronto Oct. 28, Motophota, a ý hoto-irn -n and fàznilý por- ai usinees, receiveac the award eponsored by the Royal Bank of Canada. Sain and Bill Haxnam started One Hour Motophoto in Canada in 1987. The company now bas 36 franchisees owning 42 stores i Onterio, with plane te expand across Canada. Despite the recession, as of the end of September, One Hour Motophoto'4 business registered a dreinatici increase over last year. - One Hour Motophota, founded in Ohio in 1981, was rated the nuinher one franchise in its in- dus9try by Entrepreneur Maga- zne Mn1993. The Hamenis met the princi- pale of Dayton, Ohio-based Moto- p~hoto in 1986 and a master cence agreement was signed. The Heiname opened their firet store in 1987 in Scarborough. The award of excellence recog- nizes franchisors who develop and maintain outstandinq rela- tionehipe with their franchisers. In selecting Canada's meet supportive franchisor, the asso- ciation considers training, pro- blem-solving, field suppoýt, mar- keting, two-way communications and rewards and recognition. ATR910EROCK F ATUPSOUTHsq ftndem bnsrisck lidstraTh bld g curreny l ed foidealemig. puinut. aeo"ueet a 2iniemua stut icr ai 'Hwy 401 hlret.ull, IRE nkIL Lee. OrNkIe P~ROPERYgFAs heetin44,600sq. f 2t oendbrck&flokw, centralar b1gcnditing. INsPedTiNdeaTEs- prlayn ao 2,&etc.hu rsd ec. 2f lad ¶01km. suntil 2pfmeaHwy. & heqt u dpsi iseqred tactio"n b1 ducie-n th pin opers wiI6bo0ofere byo salepate ngat6,i0sqat.o Cmplete n terw/saentadiretos cotAni -wc REI.SPECTIONS TT.S: F 48ALNEov.26,STsdyDOWNSV2, T= F CA adas $oe0,oe whutid chMu tî rAi~ed tail çion Total Quality Uommitinent,' will begin with registration et 7 a.m. ana end at 4p.m. Keynote speakers are George Peapples, president of General Motors of Canada, and Reg Bas- ken, executive vice-president of communication for the Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada. Both are members of the board of directors of the National Qua- litylnstituto. MLichael Moher, superinten- dent of educational service for the Ottawa separate schcol board, and echool princip~al Yvonne Hr r will diecus 'I - plementing the concept of quality in a school board environinent.' Norm Thompeon, vice pro- sident of marketing and pl an- ning for the Bank of Montreal, will discues 'Continueus în- provement -- getting started.' Rowly Martin, president of Jet Moulding Compounds Ltd. of Ajax, wili discus'Practical que- lity,' and' Dave K Findlay, generl maa erof finishes for discuse Qalt journey' et Du Pontes Ajax plant. The seminar will conclude wlth remerks by BEDR executive director Dr. Richard Hadden and BEDR board member Terry Beinbridge, community area manager for the Bank of Mon- treal. BEDR is an initiative te pro- moto total quality commtment in manufacturing, service indus- tries, educational institutions, local governinent, health. care, agriculture. retail and tourism. The Children!é Tree progt-e sl egein heing held et Kniart in Whitby, ta provide local, needy children with a new gift for the holiday. The store, et 1801 Dundas St. E. (Kendalwood Plaza), will have a children's Christmnas tree, trlimed with colourful tags, until Dec. 18. Each teg will give information on a child, such as firet naine, ege, sex and clothlng size. People interested in malng a child's Christmas brighter select a tag frein the Christmas tree and purchase a^ gift for the child. The childIs naine muet ho registered at the Whitby store, but gifts can ha purchased et any location. Gifts for the children should ho returned unwrappd ta the Whtystore with tChe tag by Dec. 18. Each child&e gift will ho wrapped and ready te open Christmnas morning. The progrein helpe meke Christmnas "the happieet timo of the year," eays Jan Kuhlmoyer, Kmert store manager, "and it provides people with a way ta express the joy of cering." Kniert acquired the children'a naines from local orgenizations lnvolved with the chlldren on a regular basie. 7~Every time you play your favourite lottery game, everyone benefits. SSincel1975, over $5 billion in lottery proceeds have been used to support a wide variety of worthwhile organizations and programs across the province. Last year, $538,million in Iottery proceeds were put to work in communities like yours, with over 75% of these funds helping to operate Ontorio's hospitals. So remember, with each ticket you buy, you're treating your community like royalty. Together we're maldng good things happen. For more information cait 1-800-387-0098 pour renseignements en français. Whitby Free Pros, Weckiesday, November 24, 1993, Page il Culture and Communications $0 Tourism and Recreation Trillium 4$17 Foundation 1 Citizenship Ontario Lotlery Corporation Société des loteries de l'Ontario 19 Kmnart tree program helps needy children N Your Financial Heaith Derek Dutka Year-end tax planning tips Most of us dielike paying taxes. Ini fact, most people will complein Iongand hr about their tex burden et the aliglitest provocation. ut how nany people have actually takon any stops to reduce the burdon? Unfortunately, very few. I aqreeý that Canada is one of the most highly taxed countries in the worIL I also behieve that Canada offers more tex ¶ncentives' than virtuelly eny other major nation. The rules are there, put them ta use for yourself. I will go over a few tipe that wiil resuit in tax savings for the 1993 tax yeer and a few that result ini ongoing tex savinge. This !e juet an overvew, consuit a professional for etrategies inost appropriate for you. Maximize your RRSP ely. If you have monoy in an interest-bering vehicle, conrbu ta o your RRSP right now. Any interest earned outside your RRSP je taxable incomo. If it le ineide an RRSP, it je tex-eheltered. Consider investing in a labour-eponsored venture capital fund. Ini addition to, being eligiblo for regular RRSP doductions, these funde also provide a 20 pe cent federel tex credit and a 20 per cent provincial tex crodit. The fund inveets eggressively in amail Canadian busij)essee. (The tex credit je the Berne, eZ of your incarne.) lne developmont progranis receive favourablo tex troatment, both on your original investmont and on the income you receive. Thoy.dovolop existing resorves of natural gsand oul. Income je rocoived as tho rosourcos are sold. The outok for natural gas je very positive. Mutual fund partnerships were created ta pay findor' féeos on 'back-end load' mutual funde. Your original investment le currently written off ovor three yeere (50, 25, 25 per cent, rejectivoly). Income le paid out on a quarterly basie and will rofioct the performance of the underlying funds. Make a charitable* donation. Ail donations receive a tex credit, but if you donate more then $250, you will got back almeet hialf your- money through tax eavinge. Donating doee three things: lowora your taxes, maes you feel good, and holps out someone who je lese fortunate than yoursolf. Other ideas that will reduce your taxes in the future include: reetructuring your aseete ta inake loan intereet tex deductible; inveet ta rocoîvo dividenda and capital gaine because they are taxed at a much lower rate; and inveetigate insurance company vehiclee such as annuities and exempt life insurence contracte for tax-sheltered growth or income. The bottom lino je that there are ways of paying loestex, but you have ta, take eoxne action. When it comes ta orsnal taxes, there are two types of people -- those that tak about high taxes and those that do somothing about it. Which are you? Derek Dutka is a financial planner with Financial Concept Oro up in Okh awa. FromQueenviie to Kingston, tommunities across Ontarlo are benefiting royally. 1 Q---fý - 7 q*4

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