Whitby Free Press, Wednesclay, November 17, 1993, Page 7 Explain Sometimes you gotta cry to keep from laugbing. Let me give you a for instance. In the current issue of Maclean's (Canada's Weekly Newsmagazine), Barbara Amiel is writing about (select one): a) staying awake through one of bubby Conrad Black's speeches; or b) agreeing with Conrad when hie is too obtuse to take direction from a copy editor; or c) concluding that if the Reforin Party "grows and develops, we are balfway ta becoming a mature country"; or d) ail of tbe above. The correct answer is? Give up? The refuge of al multiple choice answers, d) ail of the above. It is net umy intention te paraphbrase Barbara Amiel. She does that ail on bier own. Given the family conn2ions and Udisposition, one shivers at the thoug t opssiblelwsuits. Perhap s it is enough te urge readers to run,1 nay, walk ta the nearest corner store and pick up a copy of Maclean's. This is the issue which ranks Ca~na universities. There is a lot te read in it. And you Il find Amiel's column on Page 7. Let's start with the last point first. 1 do net ffnd it at ail surprising that Amiel sees a share, but differences of opinions make horse races. What I do mind is the conceit of a self-centred, middfle-aged enfant terrible who assumes ordinarzy Canadians te be duli clods who Udon't read, don t think, don't want ta face reaiity, and don't want te know.». One aise grows te resent the assumption that smal-ccnsrative politics and finance will be the à XÀ4 salvation of a country. That system may make it «W WITBY SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANTt 1948 easier for certain elites to row their pick-your-own Whîtby's first sewage disposaI plant waa built at Pringle Creek, south of Highway 401 in fortunes but does not nourish a strong economy for 1915. It was expanded in 1948 to serve the poet-war growth of the Town. htyAhvnhW us poor cll clods.WhtyAclopoo If it did, the neo-conservative years under Reagan, Mulroney and Thatcher would have brought unrepen- tant prosperity ta the western world. W e would al have -bathed in the luxury spa of the 'trickle down' 1 ER G theory. fo10e enedyNvmeArS1, AGO dii f h Instead, a whole trail of junk bonds, incestuous fo teWnesdY, oERRER619EdiS f h takeovers and ballooning deficits finally brou&ht the e A Whlitby man killed bis wife with an axe and then hanged himself last weekend. economy down around our ears. Strange, isn't it, that* Canad1an author Dennis Lee entertained students at Col. J.E. Farewell Public School. a deregulated airline industry bas spiralled inta a lh'e Soviet Veterans will play the Toronto Old-Timers in a benefit hockey game at tailspin? Iro~quois Park Dec. 7. Listen ta kindred spirits Amiel and bubby Black* Brooklil artist Sylvia Hahn bas had two books published, featuring her wood engravings. whine bout thic-k-headed PCanadians. They should IExpain. I alo udersandsomthin ele. ome hapessdemonstrate bis art at the Town hall on i'4ov. zn. ise undestan o mye t ing elroose. S enapessf Wllia Roach bas opened a blacksmith shop on Dundas Street East, opposite the uptown justite ofaloyedi ete ceitb a oferocieus senseaofon. jutc1ioe htsnec eg ywtot f Bassett's Jewellery store is selling diarnond rings at $15 each. toucbing a comma, and by omission bas skewered you *Joseph Heard and Sons have purchased the Alex Pringle livery stable on Brock Street on ou ow cncetn North and put a new foundation under it. oyorononet.Guess who gets the last laugh now. i j