Wh itby Free Press - 668-611il Office. Hours: Moniday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 Pm- Fax 668-0594 BOUTEX NEARLY NEW SHOP INC. Notice is hereby g ivon that Boutex Nearly New Shop Inc. intends ta dissolve pursuant ta The Busines Corporation Act. Dated at Whitbý, Ontario, November 2, 1993. yMa Schultz, President. NOTICE is hereby given that 838256 Ontario Limtod intens ta dissolve pursuant te the Business Corporation Act. Dated at Whitby, Ontario on the lth day of Novembor, 1993. Ted Doîinski, President. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F EDITH TERESA WALKER Alil persons having claims against the estate et Edith Teresa Walker, deceased, late ef the Town et Whitby, in the Reg oal Municipality of Dur ar, who died on or about the 25th day et August, 1993, are hereby notified te send them te the undersigned, duly vorffied, on or bofore the lst day et Docember, 9. After such date the\ ýass oe the above-named est te will be distributed amena the porsons entitled thereto, having regard enly te dlaims of wh ich the executors shali thon have notice. DATED at Whitby this l8th day et Octoer, 1993. SCHILLING, EVANS Barristors and Solicitors 330 Byron Street South Whitby, Ontario Li N 551 Solicitors for the Exocuters ANY WITNESS te accident of Oct. 3V193 at approx. 2 a.m. at Taunton Rd. W. between Mary & Simcoe Sts. invelving a vehiclo and a cycîist pleaso contact Arnold Gale at Zurich Insurance 668-6841. TH 'DUb CATLN cynnectidfns 24 HOUR PERSONAL AD DATELINE * Free - reTo Cali I79& - Free To Ladies Seeking Gents - Meni As Low As 970 A Day 430-7060 AIL VENDORS WANTED for Peddlers Market. High traffic/low rates. CalI new (905)436-3108. CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, NOV. 12 - 6 P.M. THE PROPERTY 0F MRS. MADELINE MARSHALL 0F CANNINGTON PLUS OTHERS Oak bowfront china cabinet, 3-pc. antique bedroom ste., refin. dinin roomn extension table, 4 presbc chairs, pine jam cupboard, almond 2-dr. fridge, Moffat 300 electric steve, chesterfield & chair, oak rocking chair, oak Morris chair, iran lied w/brass trim, captain's chair, washstands, Kenmare automatic washer/dryer, 3-pc. antique wardrobe, occas. chairs, crocks, antique drossers, Arrow sowing machine, Moffat dryer, plus a qty. of picturo trames, hand tools, china, glass, antiques, housohold &colectable items. DON& GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR. #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 MacGREGOR & WEST AUCTIONS ANTIQUES, COLLECTABLES& ESTATE JEWELLERY SUNDAY NOV 14 12 NOON (VIËWINâ l il.) Auction features antique furniture in original& ref . condition, misc. dressors &chosts et drawers, washstands, blanket boxes, chairs &rockers, desk, pine tables, spnig wheol, gramaphane, crcs ewv pine flat-ta-wall, hutch & entertainment contre, milk bottles (brewn), aId toys, tins, Iamps, etc. Also a solection of estate jewellery, rugs, f iroplace insert, etc. This is only a small rtion oatthe many quality articles oothis Sunday s sale. (Nsxt auctlon: Nov. 28). Cal for ail your auct ion needs. MacGREGOR & WEST AUCTK)NS MIKE MacGREGOR 905-987-542 JUNIOR WEST 905-983-5556 SAT, NOV. 27 -10 A. 24TH ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT SNOWMOBILE, RV AUCTION AT ORVAL MOLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY One of Ontario's Iargest & longest running snowmobile auction events. Accepting snowmobiles, trailers, 4 wheelèrs, RV's, riding Iawn mawors, tractors, 4x4's baats, Ilight construction equipment, sap tools. Expecting about 60 snowmrbiles. Consign this week fer ads. ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS CALL (705)324-2783 OR 1-800-461-6499 OR BRING UNITS TO BARN, OPEN DA ILY 9 TO 5. ili SUNDAY AUCTioN £1ýb THIS SUNDAY NOV. 14 12 NOON PREVIÉ'fW 11t30 A.M. AT i'H1E KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS CLUB 133 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY PAR4TIAL LISTING TO SEUTLE THE CROMWELL ESTATE AND FOR OTHER LEGAL PRINCIPLES 9-pc. walnut dining roomn ste., 3-pc. bedroom ste., 4-pc. black ony Lancourt camelback sofa set, oa accounitant's.desk, handmade quilts, bawfront china cabinet, 3-pc. f lopper-style 1930's sofa set, pr. ot pino baokcasos, pine wardrobe, Oriental carpets, pine am & jelly cabinets, fancy carved &other linon boxes, asst. Iamps, washstand, shaving stand, antique rocking chairs, harvest table & 6 hoap chairs, stools, benches, carved roseweod planter stand & matching foyer table, various mirrers, an assortment et parleur & accas. tables & chairs, cast iron decoratar pcs., weather vano, round oak table & 4 pressback chairs, 3-pc. pine coffee table set, pino shelves & racks, prints& pcures, cups, saucers, dishes, cast iran toys, loveseat, bouls, 4- poster bed, plus much more. Ters: Cash, cheque (Visa/MC 3%). Deîivery availabie. $1.00 bidder cards. AUCTIONS UNLIMITED ........... 1-519-345-2082 SINGLE WOMEN AND MEN are PRS AL always lookinq for the right one. _____________ Our Introduction Service albows ypu ta look with a botter chance. i first 50 people will receive a ______________ f ree membership coupon. Love and campanionship off ors a 24-hour service. Cali 432-8215. - BAHAIS BEUEVE. Love is heaven's kindly liht, the Hly Spirit's eternal breath that vivifiet h the human soul. For information and discussion cail 668-8665. "I had nover used tne Whitby Free Press classifieds botoro, andl1 was delig hted with the response te my ad. T ho cost was a lIess than other pamors. I will continue te use the Whitby Free Press.- R.P. A llIrnlftq The Chiidren's Services Ceuncil (Durliam) is offering a presentation Nov. 15 te answer questions that parents may have when looking for services for their children. There are services available in Durham te, meet special needs related te medical, sensory and physical difficulties; a developmental delay or handicap; social, emotional or behavioural concerns; learning difficulties; communication difficulties and other areas. The presentation will provide helpful tips about where te begin looking for services as well as information about the types of services available in Durhamn, how te, get them and any related Cosa. Parente will find eut what they can expect when they contact an agency, and what they can do while they are waitng for service. The rights of parente and their children concerning confi- dentiality, access te information and participation in decision-makcing will ho briefly reviewed. Suggestions about how te resolve problems with agencies or professionals wll aise ho presented. Brochures from a variety of agencies and other resource materials will ho on hand for parents te browme through. There will alse ho an opportunity te ask questions. The presentation is being offered from 7 te' 8:30 p.m. at courtroom M1, 132 Church St., Bowmanville. Parente are asked te phone the CSCD (433-4100 or 683-4089, collect cails acoepted) te register for the seminar of their choice, as seating is limited. Admnission is froc. Snow removal volunteers needed The Whitby Seniord~ Activity Centre is again co-ordînating a snow removal program for seniors. Adulte and students (grade 7 and up> are needed te help shovel a walk or driveway for a senior in the nel rod for a mnutualy are fee. 'Ihos interested mnay cail the centre at 668-1424, Monday te Friday, 8:30 arn. to 4:30 p.m., or drop by the office at 801 Brock St. S. PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan Monday ta Friday 9 a.m.to 9 .. WAET ~pADSo&e"i 'à %- m Whitby Free Pres, Weckiesday, November 10. 1993, Page 31 by.arril e iilsot ARRIAL FR'ARTH MACHIE'p A GREAT SUCCESS Norseman Plastics, manufacturer of the 'Earth Machine,' sponsored a one-time pilot sale of its composting unit for Durham residents at the Ajax Cormunity Centre on Saturday, Oct. 30. Within five and one-haif heurs,%59 units were sold at the subsidized price of $15. The black-coloured unit centains 40 per cent post-consumer waste and 10 per cent pot-industrial waste. Durhamn Region's waste management staff were aIse on hand te answer cornpoting questions and provide a good supply of literature. Earth Machine representatives offered a short videetape on the use of the Eart Machine te residents who were stili unfainiliar with the prees. If you have this tape, pass it on te, a neighboùr for viewing. *'We'r? extremely pleased with the respense," reperted Durham s composting facihitator Mhairi-Paul McGirr-Scholl. "We wanted' everyone who begins compesting te fee comfortable with the process and its benefits, as wel1 as toe satisfied with the unit. "In fact, the Region's telephone number was printed on handouts te encourage anyoeteoI f probes arise." Durhamn Region aise produoed a videotape entitled 'Home Composting' which is available through inost libraries. Three subsidlized compost units, Bie-Bin, Earth Machine and Bardmatic, are available through OGS Landecape Do-it Centre. Whether or net you compost, don't send ail your leaves te the yard waste composting facility. Instead, use this vaiuable reseurce te protect your bushes and flowers during the winter season. If you compost November is your opportunity te gather and save a supply f eae for winter cemposting. Each time you put your ldthon organic waste inte the compost unit it is juat as important te, add a handful of dry leaves. Fruit peelings, etc. provide the nitrogen in youýr pile and.dry leaves and twigs add the carbon. As the nucro-organisms use nitrogen for reproduction and carbon for energy, it is this mixture that makes the rich soil conditioner, commenly referred te as comp ost. If you are planning a new garden, now is the time te turn leaves inte the seil or give t he area a heavy layer of leaves. Fer yard waste such as tree branches or extra leaves place at curbside on your regular garbage day. Bundle brancles in manageable amounits and beaves are accepted in clear plastic bags only. Thirty eigËt per cent of yard waste received at the compoeting facihity is from Whitby. Compesting trivia: New Scientist Magazine says, "Many of the recent outbrealcs of severe erosion are clearly hnkeýd te falling levels of organic matter in the soil... Tlhe more organic matter there is in the soul, the more stable it is." Coming event: Wednesday, Nov. 10, 7:30 p.m., Whidtby. Durham Environmental Network's regular meeting at 416 Centre St. S. (old Centenniai Building). The tpc will ho FTocus on Youth.' -1