Page 26, Wh"itby Frea Prczs. Wcdncsd!a-,, November 10, 1993 Lucie Rochette ST, CHARLES GARNIER By MikeKowalsld Student fundrais1ing activities will be reviewed by t he Durham Board of Education. At a recent meeting, trustees voted te examine achool board policy geverningefundraising. x and Bobbie Drew (Scugog) are niembers of the comrittee which aise includes board staff. As Jordan expiainedthe board examines ail o f its pIolicies on a periodic basis. The miles reguiating fundrais- 2 n were last amended in 1979 ad were due for a review, she said. Although Jordan stressed that there have been ne compaints or probierna with the curront policy, the «economieclimate» dictates that it be reviewed. «We want te mà ke sure it reflects current times, that we're in tune with the economijo cli- mate," she said. The review wili include fun- draising by students for schooi trpfrexampie, as weli as fundaising by parent ad visory committees te purchase items for their particular school, Jordan said. Drew aise, emphasized that there are no problems with the existing policy. "Every year staff goes over the policies or certain sections te see if it's current or sornething we need te look at it," Drew sai4 uIt's Part of the regular pro- cess,» she added. Whitby trustee Alian Gunn welcomed the review. Given that the school board iie Gunn aiso said that there are faced with cutting progranis in no "major concerns» with the light of lowor revenues and hig- present poiicy, but a review ia her expenses, Gunn does net "particularly tirneiy.» wish te, see traditional fundrais- 'TIm a parent as well. I know ing efforts affected. how it is te have chiidren con- stantiy in fundraising activities 'Part of the danger as we for schooi, bail playing, hockey,» re-ailocate resourcos is that we ho said. don't want te off-load ente, any «Hopefully it will be a good fundraising by studonts,» he review that will allow parents te said. provido input as well.» Swain now board chair Sharon Swain has been named chair of the Durham Colege board of governors. Swain, administrator Of Fairview Lodge, Whitby, joined the board in January, 1989. Prier te, this, she served on the Durhani Region nursing diplorna advisory, committee and the adjuvant committee as well as several provincial advisoiy committees. She is currentiy active on the EIder Abuse Awareness Grand opening for new campus Tho officiai oponing of Durhami College's skills training centre will be held Thursday, Nov. 18. Thie opening, at 9:30 a.m., wili be followod by an open house, 10 a.rn. te, 8 p.m., at the centre iocated in the former Cadbury building at 1610 Chamiplain Ave., Whitby. Conunittee, Rogional Geriatric Services Group, Geroritological Nursing Association, Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, is a life member of the Oshawa GaneraI Hospital Alumni Association, and is past president of the Lung Association. Swain replaces outgoing chair Rick Jones. Bonjour. Midterm exame are finally over, and it's smooth saling from here until finals -- with the amail exception of the report carda which corne out soon. I hoT everyone did well. Te pst couple of weeks have been bs at Saint-Charles- Garnier. On Tuesday, Oct. 26, we welcomed fîrancophone singers to our stage. The show iasted about an hour and a hall; and was excellent. Students currently in grades 7 and 8 at Corpus-Christi and Notre-Darne-de-la-Jeunesse were mnvited to, attend the concert, and everybody enjoyed it. There was a variety of mnusic, fr-or rock 'W' roll te, blues to, country and western. The greup even did a gospel song, and invited the audience te sing along. Before and after the show, taps, Dsand books on francophone artiste couid -be purchasod at reasonable prices. To get the *audience even more involved, the artists gave away CDs and books te students who had cards taped te their chairs, or banners that were modifled somehow. Thle whole concert was a lot of fun. Thursday, Oct. 28 was our awards cererneny. Awards were handed eut to students who excelled in particular subjects; who had an average of 80 per cent and above; who had an average of 75 te 80 per cent. Athletic awards, Christian awards, French awards and attendance awards were alse presented. Congratulations te everyone who won an award, and keep up the good work. Fxiday, Oct. 29 was a special day at achool. The student council had planned activitios for the student body. Hornerons were divided inte groups te, carve pumpIns. There were prizes for the best pumpkIns, and they were al dispilayed at the Halloween dance on Fri'day eveing. Due te the nature of the activity, students were asked net te wear their uniformes, a request IBn sure disappointed students. Justkiddding. The day was a lot of f'un. The dance was f'un as well. There were a variety of costumes, and thore was a prize for the best one. Congratulations te Natalie Harrison who won $50. Natalie dresSd up as Diana Ross. On Monday, Nov. 1, midterms began (what a great way te begin a new month). They lasted until lhursday, Nov. 4. Wow. Time sure fies, eh? Speaking of which ... Rernember, only a few more weeks until Christmas vacation. (Now that rm keeping track). A la prochaine. SHARON SWAIN There's more to Ieaming than the A-B-C's and 1-2-3's. An essential part of Ieaming is Iearning about lie. You can teach'students that Ie begins in their own communily by getting yor schools involved in The Newspapels In EchJcaton ChiTdren need to know they belong to an important community, and by putting your local newspaper inside the classroom, you can teach them about real lite happen- ing i thirneighbourhood. lreach them reading and writing skills along with an ongoing interest in current ai- f airs. This teaching program was produced by prof es- sional educators on behaff of ffe Ontario Community Newspaper Association. Whether you are a teacher or a parent, if you wouki like further information, contact the publisher of this paper, Doug Anderson, at 668-6111. Newspapem ln Eckucaton - The ýCoanulty Newspaper Isa lessonIlnlIde. Meranda Waters HENRY ST. H.S. It's ono of Henry's many dlaims te fame. It brings crowds of supporters on any given night. It niakes you want te about, "Go, Hawks, go." In fact, it can boso incredibie, it'1l cause you te, paint your face purpie and gold! What could it possibly ho? Weli, it's more l'un than Sily Putty, and believe me that's fun, and more exciting than bungy jumping. It's Henry sr'ports. And this past week was se full of fabulous Hawk action acrosa the board that I just couldn't lave yo nthe dark. Tre moot exciting games were seen this week in volleybali and basketball games. The rnajority of thoso Henry teame were ending their regular season play and were moving on te the playoffs. In any case, they al went eut with a bang. Lees look at the senior boys' volleyball tearn as an exemple. They ended their hard-played soaSon afler successmfzI crushing teanis fr-orn St. and Pickering. The junior boys' team followed in stride aller defeating St. Mary's 15-3 and 15-. They thon went on te defeat Denis O'onnor 15-7 and 15-6,, ail in post-soason play- With ail this winning Hawk spirit floating around the achool, how couid it not affect our junior and midget girls' bazketball teams? The juniors completed their reguiar league playwitha 40-13 win over another Denis O'Connor teazn. This left the determined girls aione in first place with an unbeaten 7-0 record. Keep your eyes and -ears open as their playoff action begins Nov. 16. The midget girls played a rough game- against yet another Denis O'Connor teani and were victorious, of course. Overali, the girls finished in a wel-deserved second place. And since we're tslking bakethxali, have you hourd of the eisting basketball con tition in the new gym? At luxic tue, for a quarter, you cen ho a part of 'Double Shot.' You've got 30 seconds te see how many points you can got, and the Hawk with the most points wins a brand spankin' new basketbafl. As of Nov. 3, Joeh Thonipson was the leader with an amnazing 70 points. Calling ail girls. Cailing al girls. Yes, this means you. It seenis the wrestling teain wants a new addition -- a wornen's wrestling teani. 0f course, they can't put this teain together without, you guessed it, woenen. Thoy don't care if youre se scrawny ail you can body slam la your threo-year-old brother. I.n fact, they don't mind if you're out of shape, underweight or totally toned, they just want you te go on eut and have a blast. If you want te join in on the l'un, meet the teani every Tuesday and Thursday mrning et 7:30 on the stage-in the old gym. Andi my final tidbit of info, that bas abeolutely nothing te do with sports, was commencement. Last Friday evening, graduates returnod fr-om their universities and colleges to join in on the festivities. The new gym was filled te capacity with fiends and family of each of the students. The ovening was a wonderful success -- the best part being the chance te seealal of the old Hawks agai n. Teach themi a lessoin 1