Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Nov 1993, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Fise Prose, Wednosday. November 10. 1993 The Whitby major novice AAA hockey team, spoesorod Iby the Ladies Auxviliary, came up big with firet Pac on the Hmino defoat Merk 5-1 ovor the woekend. Aftor loing 3-1 te Potrboouginl their provious goae inityWhi bfaced a Markhm tem lokiÎT fer rovenge afer loeing 6-2 in M firet meeting betwoon the two tomme. But Whitby would dony Markhezn any liopes of soing firet place on this day as tliey Afler a 4-3 bs in their season openor Sept. 26, the Brooklin Lions maor peewoo AA hockey teain lasn't lost a gainae. Lions have won two tourna- monta and every beague game sinco that bass te Ajax. They defeated Pickering 4-3, Richmond Hill 10-2, Barrie 5-4, Newmarket 9-4, Bowmauville 10- 2, Vaughan 3-2, Markham 4-1, Barrie 3-1 and Pickering 7-2. Goaltenders Evan Kitamura and Sctt Thornpsen have been outatanding, 0o. g opponenta Whitby men's hockey scoffl m of Nov. 4 Guewns FMOel 4 Psui Fwquhuuion 2 Nad Frquhurso AIlMarqut Rys Efte<pnee 5 Tom Sclirm r2 Douag Wibt 2 Jlm Stulan Shutot - John tchais Brathses Pizza 4 Bob Smiuly 2 EnzoFIidi Rob Bush Shutout - BilrinKuhdtia AIIurSI.yTirs 6 JIMy 8uith 3 Jlm MoIkOy 2 Joli Wegoml CJ.Ato Body 7 Tom nglond2 Jm arAMskenze 2 Du" ko Mad Grog Malta 14n hw.#OId. Iva Ras Pion H"il John Leewrdu= NRS Rmky Rayai Woo* uLn. Custom Ato Rxîo Hwo H ReMm NiloniTnmt Cd VW. Whitby hockey MAJOR BMNTAU AuA Nov. 3 WhIby Justin St-Onge a.eMoth.ss Nov. 5 Whkby lfS nGigues Dte»olMaune Cary Hme kM lJe,*im Mm tod2 Poui Wih* 2 Siovo Mthus 2 Ran D"h 2Ptoibamsuh cerne eut cherged fin the sent the Whitby offence te, work Ryau Tutak would complet. opening faceoi. ùudway through the third period. the scoring with assist going to Ail three linos cortinugUly Paul Rengor scorod firet McBride and Jeffroy Soedhouao. C ed prssre lemming the unamisted, unloashing a cannon Bath Marc Gleeson and Chrie pkapteain ein their end. into the top cerner fron just Nemiaz turned in a stroeg gaine Markliam scorod firet late in the insido the blua lino. Tler in oal. firet period. However, Brandon Harrison followod just oer a lio Peterboeugh gaine McBride eraaed the laad witli two minute later with a goda eisted featured plonty cf coring etraiglit goals, the firet eisted by Karen Farquharson opportuniities for the 'Whitby by Jamie Fox and the second unaseisted.- a The turning point in the gaine occurred when Markham receved a double miner penalty whicli te, an average of just more tien two goals a gaine. They have been helped by the atrong defence made up of Rya Babcock Audrei Harding, Paul Matusiai, Ryau McArthur, Mike Orvise and Justin Terry. Forwards are Dorek Ackford, Paul Chornobay Brant Flaherty, Matt Foran Iaul Heinrich Shane Neil tuke Power, Hobby Schlitt and latt Smith. Lions have outscored the oppo- sition 58 ta 25. VInce Moiti Jim Daviduo Randy G" 2 W"yneColtm 3 Oodd&àSouter Dwe Sn*ih Eric FwqWmmso John Nml.PIeY. rrise, ehtio.k Briui KashubeclK W~hes Pizza.sliiiout »sof Nov. 4 Oueons Ho<ol 7 2 O AtterslsTfre 6 2 1 Jlm DavlonMotou, 6 2 1 Cutom AutoRio S 2 1 Br9otNIes Pizza 6 2 1 Dodd àSouter 4 4 1 oyai Woad.Ino. 4 5 0 Raye Eierprise 2 5 2 NdlooeTust 2 7 0 Nias. Chev-Oks 1 6 2 0 NRS PlSAy 0 9 0 Lenae Sconh as ef Nov. 4 JIm fflh. Attd rey oe Nd Fuquhuruo. Chues otel Don Fmnah, CX Autobady Mike Mmkmy. Ateesley Tire ou Brawnrldge. Cwetam Auto Jan Pib. Roae Woods Lino 1Tom Schrosr. Ras Erieupd»a GrogMoka. CX AlUcbody Wa"n Colonia. Jkn Dovidman Randy 0dm.Jkn m d.onm 8tew Sondfoni. Dodu Souater Nov.?7 whîd WUM IbOMon 3 Kyl Casuh 0F GA 44 27 46 31 37 27 37 29 35 24 43 35 29 20 29 31 29 3 28 44 20 33 22 64 4 Maluhan MAJOR ATOM AA upssby Dspeu Aulu ols.Fsde Nov. 7 Whituy KM uw<ay 2 MaitR». 3 Muthffn MAJOR NOVICE qmoeood by Crsuf Sposme NOV. 5 Whftby Jif NH.2 7 Fidumwvi FU 3 Buluru Chud L» Wakingtan JustIi Conniai luitan 5 Lemid MAJOR NOMIE ^A 7 York-Skmao 2 NovO lOW côté 2 Som Kwu Bnuin Foàm MAJOR PEEWEE AA $va --ad by FI tPbdé NOV. ô Wkb Bàty Disiami2 M" Ford 3Mauhmn *MON PEEWEE AA qmmmoed hy EheiS Cm Oot. M Whlby Go1 Voelsw2 Notu Owen Nov. 2 =tom 2 Gi Vuiphu2 NOV. 8 Whaby UsM tian smo Beagmi 3 Ou. Nov. 7 Anrow ric 7 Am 2 Nesinwrlut 7 MAJOR NOVICE AAA F c- s in T.LI»AuuMuy OdL 28 BwdomM 5 flm.m Ha à %rE T 2 Oât. Nov. S ~Me 2 3 Pu~- TyhrMdrf.n 3 IldunorHU l 2 1 Piubowuugh 3 5 If.*lun 2 teain that feced a liot goaltender. Only Tutak found the. back et dm net on this ight, aaeist.d by Billy Deir. Whitby'sneit homo emoisa Nov. 13, 2:15 p.m, ait requeis Park versu Richmond Hill and Nov. 14, 4 p.m., versus Merkhem et froqusis Park. Iianamswîn d2, lose i Roaring start 0 for major peewees Dancey each haci iwo assista. Wbitby won ita eighthgame of the season on Nov. 6 , 7-2 over York-Simcoe. Mark Reid, Paul Webb sud Matthews oaci had two gals. Death ecored a goal and had two assista. Giguere (Jiotfli, Coroy Hase and Jason Lindon each had two assigs. Derek Suddons jot the teain rolling with a sohid centre ice boycheck near the start of the game. Duncan scores tying goal After getting thump. ed by Peterborough on Nov. 3, Whtysmajor bentain AAÂ hocke team won games over Richmond Hill-Vaughan and York-Simcoe. Peterborouh took a 5-0 lead after twonrids and went on te defeat Whty 6-2. Justi St. Onge and Steve Matthews had the Whitby goals ini the third period in what was Whitby's third loas of the season. Whitby got off to abetter start agaiet Richmond Hill on Nov. 5 wIt four goals in the firat period. Simond Giguere, Mat- thews, Hon Death and Daniel Hohnes scored. Cory Hase and Matt Jenkins addedl goals in the second period and Dan Cioffifinished the scor- iin&n*a 7-3 win. Jeremy McElhanney and Rob Juiors win on the road The Whitby Midas Mufiber junior B ringette teain recorded their fret road win of the season, with an 8-1 victory over Markham on Nov. 6. Whitby started the gaine q *ckywth two goals in the frtminute of play, and extended their lead te a comfortable 5.0 margin at the end of the tiret period. Tamara Wiesiolek led the Whitby assault with two goals and two assista, Angéla Dunn adding two goals and an amst Lindsay Millard also chippedin with a pair, while B Bigh had a single marker and two assist and teain captain Catie Challoner potted the final gal of theVame. assista were Amanda White with two, while Luanne Mackenzie and Ainsey Hunt lied the singleton helpera. Heather Huret, called up from the tween tea, handlod the goltending dutie and played a solid game for Wbitbhy. The Brooklil Redmen lacrosse club executive je looklng for volunteers for director and aseo- ciate director positions. Those intereated in joining the 1994 Redmen prograin are in- vited t ataend a meeting on Monday, Nov. 15, 7 p.m. at the Brooklin Legion Branch 152. For more information, cal Redmen president Paul Cotton et 655-4222 (home) or 428-1791 (business). Oshawa rink wins bonspiel An Oshawa rink won the fourth annual senior ladies bons- piel at the Whitby Curling Club on Oct. 27. The wi*n*nigrnk was made up of Peg Clemenson, Lois Mclaug- lin3 Biddy Mepstead and Slieild Shannon and Foret. Head coach ie Roy Pappin, assistants John Foret and BMf Duncan, traîner Jerry Cardwell and manager Malcolmn Suddans. football saniv oe o FINAL STANDINGS W L T F A P Plakarno 6 0 0 29811 12 P= DWw 5 1 0154 44 10 DUrdtn 3 3 080 1326 I-IsoeSr..< 2 4 0 67145 4 Dý onm 2 4 03767 4 Uxbdg. 2 4 0 52 140 4 elle 1 5 O 29 loi 2 LOS"A pIyofb s.nu.fl- fflwerbg 46 Hsvy 0 FIni Plolwkig 400D*w 0 DYSSA Uni P1ckrk~g va. Mwldim on Nov. 1 Whitby Hanet Plasticmjo poeweeAAh'ockey teinScored two goals in the lest thre minutes of play te tie Markhazn 3-3 Nov. 6. Whitby feU behind eerly, but a solo effort by Billy Duncan tied the score et the end cf the firet poriod. Two goals by Markhem lied Whitby behind 3-1. With bs than three minutes te, play, Mike Foret tapped one in. With time running eut, Duncan moved up frein hie rogular defence position and scored hie second of the gaine te eern the tie. Whitby's season record is now four wins, fivo losses and twe ties. The gaine alan saw the return of A.J. Shannon who lied been sidelined six weeks with a broken collarbone. This year's teain consista of goalies Chuck Coles and Phillip Greenen; on defence, Duncan, Stacy Bremner, Evan Cardwell, Wesley Suddons, Sain Schoepors and Peter Triantafilou; forwards Kyle Imrie, Brett Macrury, Tanner Westfal, Jason Schloiffer, Joeh Huethar, Miko Longe, Ryen H-ickingbottom, Mike Mqjoste, Clayton 2nd at DY SSbb.YA Jeif Clayten of Anderson CVI had a second-place finish et the Durham-York (DYSSA) cross country championehips last week at theBo4 Conservation Area lu Clayten was scnd lu junior. Bryan Siworti of Henry Street Higi chool was third lu the midget age division. Stephanie Duffy of Anderson was flfth lu senior. DuffyV was liti et the OFSlAA (Ontario) finals and Clayten was 26th. The Whitby petite Ai ringette teani, SPonsorad y Doug Freeman Chartered Arcountant, scored a herd-fougit 6-3 victory over Pickering lest week. Goaltender Heidi Schlitt held Pickering scorelesseaerly lu the gaine until Whitby regroupod. Leadlng the attack was Nicole Freeman with three goals. Natalie Babony, Jennifer Leigiton sud Coinne]Richiter had one goal apiece. Singbe assista went te, Lindsay Freeman, Jessca Brownridge, Semantia Cardwell, Sera VanderiP, Lyndsey Smith sud Leigliton, while Babony lied two helpors. 'the teain wiIl travel te Londoni te participate lu the Foreet City Petite AA tournament the lest weekend lu November. sehool volieybali SE.tFINAL8 se ameEloy* Dunwt1n 2 P9wdrg 0 Andoisan 2 ON0I (Z-4. e8)> Distuiton 2 >Moruan O Iboey su"i 2 muis anvls 1 Owt.ton 2 Anduruan 1 EoWWo 2 =cinri 0

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