Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Nov 1993, p. 15

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Whltby Free Presa, Wecfrisday, November 10, 1993, Page 15 DINNER AND DANCE Club Carib of Oshawa ic. will hold a fea dinner anid dance with DJ Lee on Saturday, Nov. 13, beginning at 8:30 p.m., at the Caribbean Cultural Centre, 600 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. ickets are $15 per person and are available by ca]ling 428-8046 or 728-4293. Dresa is semi-formal. WOMNOWS AGLOW Women's Aglow Fellowship Oshawa-Wbitby Chapter wl meet Thursday, Nov, il at Cuilen Gardens, above the restaurant. Refreshmenits and feilowip wiil begin at 7 pamn, foilowed by praise and wshilp at 7:3 p.m Edie Rittinger, vic-resident, human relations ad resourcs, Crroamde Family of Ministries will be guest speaker. Coet is $7 per person. for more information, eaUl 723-9458. LEGAL CLINIC Witby Information Centre offers a legul aid advice clinic the second Tuesday of every moeth, 7 te 8:45 p.m., et the WVhitb~y Public iÀbrary. Cliente recoive a free, private and confidential 15-minute appointment with a lawyer <provIded by the Ontario legal aid office in Oshawa. Brief information wiil be provided about legal problema and where te obtain further assistance. Appintments must be made ini peorson at the centre, 900 Brock St. S., or b callin 668-0552, Monday toFI*day, 9:30 a.m. te 5:30 p.m., Saturday, 10 a.m. te 6 p.m. SELF-EMPOWEBMENT The Durhamn Centre for Censcieus iàving, an affiliate of Kripalu International Network, wi1lhold a workshop, 'Self-empowerment: Taking Charge of Your Life, P on Saturday, Nov. 13, 1 te 6 p.m. in Oshawa. The coet is $65 per person. For more information and te register, cail 434-5824 or (905) 852-9561. CRAFF SHOW & SALE A craft show and sale wil ho held Seturday, Nov. 13, il a.m. te 4 pan., at Heydenshore Pavillon in aid of the Rose of Durham. Admission la $2 per person (chidren under: ae 12 free). There wiil be a large selection of crafta, draws, silent auction and a tearooni. Cel 430-0707 for more information. CRAYT AND BAKE SALE The Pregnancy Help Centre, a nonprofit organization, will hold a crafi and bake sale on Nov. 13 at Stocplehill Cemmunity Bible Church, 550 Kingston Rd., Pickering. For more information or to make an appointment, eall 430-0805 or 1-800-461-2371. CHRflFMAS BAZAAR éh 'Christmas Villg Bazasi> will be held Saturday, Nov. 13, i0 a.m. te 3 p.m., at Ail Sainta' Anglican Church, 300 Dundas St. W., Whitby.' There will ho a variety of beked gooda, homemade swocte, craflsa nd a sulent auction ban. ICRAFT SHOW Col. J.E. Farewell - Public Sehool, 810 McQuay Blvd., will hold ite lOth annuel craft show on Sundey, Nov. 28, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. There will more than 40 tables of crafis. Admission la froc. Proceeda froni table rentaIs will ho uscd for school projects. CRAPI'SHOW A craft show, sponsored by the Kinette Club of Whitby, will bo held on Sunday, Nov. 21, 10 a.m. te, 4 pan., et lcdenahore Pavi- llon, Whitb.:roeeawiil go te varieus cartes. BRIDGE CLUB The Oshawa YWCA will hold a social bridge club for men and women on Tuesdays, 7 p.m., M the drawing room, 33 McGrigor St., Oshawa. Cost is $2.75 per night. Ail levels of players are welcome and partners are not necessary. For more information, oeil 1;76-8880. DIRAVA The Durham Region Associa- tion for Volunteer Administ- ration (DRAVA) wiil meet on Thursday, Nov. 11, 2 p.m., at Northview Commumty Centre 150 Beatrice St. Osawa. Mi volunteer coor<âinators and adminiatrators of non-profit agencies are welcome. For more information oeil Donna Hutton (A&jax-Pickering Red Cross) at 905-42-3383. COUNIRY DANCE James lieuse Durham Region will hold a country dance on Saturday, Nov. 13, 8 p.m. te 1 a.m., at the Conimunity Centre, 519 Church St., Oshawa. TIckets are $7 in advence, $8 at the door. For tickets or anyone wishing te assist in the fundraiser, caU David at (416) 962-8240. CE[IUSTMAS WORKSHOP The Family Education Resource Centre of Durham House will hold a workshop for parente, with suggestions, idees and ectivities te use with their familles at home, on Wednesday, Nov. 24, 7 te 9 p.m., at 1521 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. The fee la $8 per persan and pro- registration is required. For more information or te register, caUl the centre at 579-2021. BAZAAR & TEA St. Andrew's Preabyteian Church, 209 Cochrane St., Whitby, will celebrete its l6Oth anniversary with an anniversary bezaar and tee, Nov. 13, 11:30 a.m. te 3- p.m. Traditional and contemporary crafis, a bake table, white elephant, ient auction and a tea room are featured. TEA, BAZAAR A tee, bazaar and vendor sale will.ho held at Whitby Baptist Church, 411 Gilbert St. E., on Saturday Nov. 20, 2 te 4 p.m. There will ho crafts, bake table tee roem, tupperware, toys anc1 clothing. Al. are welcome. CBAFSALE The ladies et Myrtie United Church will hold the fifth annual craft sale at the church (Highway 12 at Myrtle Station) on Saturday, Nov. 20, 9 a.m. te 4 p.m. There will be dried flowers, wooden crafts, folk art, Christmas ornamente and baked goods. PA DAY PROGRAM The Oshawa YWCA, 1 MeGrigor St., will hold a profssinalactvity day prograin for chUldren agd 5 te 12 on Friday, Nov. 12, 9 am. te 4 p.m. (extended heurs are available). Activities will include movies, fitnes and games. For more information or te register, stop by the office or call 576-8880. ONE PABENT FAMILlES Oshawa Chapter One Parent Familles Assocation will meet for c<ffee, carda and conversation Tuesa, Nov. 16, 8:30 p.m., at Lava Comunityr Centre, corner of LavaI and Salisbury streete. For more information, oel 436-508 or 728-1011. E.> INJURY The Head Irtury Association of Durham Region will hold support gcroup meetings on Wednesday, Nov. 17, 7:30 pam., et 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa. The survivors group will meet on the main flor, family and caregivers, upetairs. For assistance with trnpotton, call the office et 723-2732. TUEOS FOR THE WIDOWED The Whitby chapter of Theos wiil hold the llth anniversary meeting on Sunday, Nov. 14, 2 p.m., at St. Andrew~s Preabyterian Church, Cochrane Street. Theos is a support group for the widowed, and UI widtowed men and women are welcome. For more mnformation, cali 668-2648. CBAFTVP 5E Perry Termaes will hold a craft sale on Sunday, Nov. 21, 1 a.m. te 4 pan., et 220 Perry St., Whitby Gifta and lunch will be oeeffd COLLEGE CRAFT SHOW Durham Cellege will hold ite annuel Christmas crafi show and sale Seturday and Sunday, Nov. 27 and 28 at the Oshawa campus. The show is open from 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. eech day Admission is $2 at theý door. There will ho mor than 100 vendors. For more information, caIl 721-3052. FALL BAZAAR Westminster United Church, 25 Manning Rd., WVhitby will hold a bazaar on Seturday, Nov. 20, il a.m. te 3 p.rn. There will be home-baked goods, white elephant, crafts, plante and a silent auction. Lunch will ho available. Ail are welcome. Handicap accessible. Why Courthouse Theatre AUDITION NOTICE for A COMEDW/MYSTÊERYTHRILLER by Rupert Holmes Produoed by Sandy Cairns __________mosE HETR Directed by Bernard Beales. Cast needed: 2 temales.) g rnei14 A il2 males. Ag ra g 214 Audition dates: November l4th & l6th at 7:OOpm sEach cast member wiII play 3 separato characters AT THE THEATRE. CENTENNIAL BUILDING 416 CENTRE ST. S., WHITBY Enter by the wost (parking lot) stage dloor. Perornanes ebary1 hogh2,19 COIN CLUB The Oshawa & District Coin Club will meet on Sunday, Nov. 14, 12:30 p.m., at the Arts Resource Centre, behind Oshawa Ci~ Hall. For more information yEarl or Sharon Macean at 728-1352. BONSAI SOCIETY The Matsuyama Bonsai Society will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 16, 7 p.m., at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. For more Information, oeil 683-5135 or 683-2568. EUCHRE A eucbre la held by the Oddfel- Iowa and RebekahLog every Fidaty nght at 8 .m. at 211 Brock St. -S. Admission la $1.50, and includes prime and lunch. Ail welcome.. VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION Bigisters NOW will hold the mont yvlunteer orientation session Wednesday, Nov. 17, 7 te 9 p.m., at 179 Kng St. E., Oshawa. For more information, ca 436-0951. Y ULETIDE FUNDISER I celebration of the magie of Christmas trees, the Alzheimer Socety of Durham Region wil hast 'Yuletide Tapestryr of Treei? on Sunday, Nov. 28 at Trillium Trails, north of Oshawa. The collection of 17 one-of-a-kind trees will include everything from a contemporary fabric design te a tree that cen ho worn as jewelry. Traditional, romantic, old- fashioned and special theme trees wiil aiso be featured. The evening, in aid of Alzheimer disease research, will begin wth a reception and auction preview at 5 p.m., followed by a candlelight dinner with a Bavarian menu at 6 p.m. Tickets are $30 per person. For table reservations and more informa- tien, oeil the socety at 576-2567. FREE FROM FEAR The Free From Fear Foundation wili meet 7 te 9 p.m., Nov. 19. The foundation offers information, educational mater- ials, guest speakers, encouragement and referrals. For more information, call 831-3877. PC USERS CLUB Durham PC Usera Club meets the second Thuraday of everY month. The next meeting will be held Nov. 11, 7 te 10 p.m., at CAW Local 222 Hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa. Harvard Graphics and Superbase wili be demonstrated. Amsson is free and ail are welcome. For more information, oeil Barbera Rice at 434-7420 or Bruce Laycraft at 728-9351. EUCKE 'The Whitbhr Branch 112 Legion Ladies Auxlisry will hold a euchre on Thiursday Nov. 18, 8 p.m., at 117 Brn t. S. Admis- sion ia $2, and includes lundh and prizea. Ail welcome. FOR PARENTS The Children's Services Coun- cil (Durham) is offering a presen- tation te, answer questions that p arents.may have when looking fo r servces for their children, for example, special needu related te, medical, sensory and physical difficultes. The presentation will be held on Monday, Nov. 15, 7 te 8:30 pan at courtroom 1, 132 Church ët., Bowmanville. For more iniform;ation caîl 433-4100 or 683-4089. NEW GIRL GUIDE COOKIES The new chocolately niint Girl Guide cookies are now available from members of Giding at a cot of $2.50 per box. These cookies wiIl only beava le for a Iimited time and do net 1replace the 'original' cookie sold i the sring Girl Guides depend on the saeocookies te fund a variety of programs for their membership. DUPLICATEBRIDGE The Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club meets in the basement of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 209 Cochrane St., every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. New members are welconie. DOWN"SSYNDROME The Durhamn Down's Syndrome Association will meet Tuesday, Nov. 16, 7:30 p.m., at Whitby Baptist Church, 411 Gilbert St. E. Beth, Hodgins from the Durhan Igjoard of Education will discuas sèýr education. Refresh- ments will be provided. For more information, call 579-0187. BUSINESS GROUP Durhami Performance Business Group is holding its monthly meeting, Tuesday, Nov. 16, 7:30 a.m., at a new location. Network and motivation. Cail Trish Pleeger 486-0990 or John Mulder 668-3304 te reserve a spot. THE DURHAM BOARD 0F EDUCATION Community Meetings Trustees of the Durham Board of Education wiii hoid community meetings in the foiiowing locations to hear input from the public on the impact of potentiai reductions to the 1994 budget. November 16, 1993, O'Neill C.V.I. auditorium, Oshawa November 18, 1993, Port Perry H.S. cafeteria, Port Perry November 23, 1993, Anderson C.V.I. auditorium, Whitby November 24, 1993, Brock H.S. auditorium, Cannington Sovember 29, 1993, Ajax H.S. auditorium, Ajax November 30, 1993, Uxbridge S.S. cafeteria, Uxbridge December 7, 1993. Dunbarton H.S. cafeteria, Pickering Alil community meetings wiii begin at 7:00 p.m. wvith presenta- tions until 9:00 p.m. and informai discussion until 9:30 p.m. To request an information package or to register to make a presentation, please cati (905) 576-4600, (905) 686-2711 or 1-800-265-3968 and ask for extension 215. Cruft shows & bctzctctrs - ------- ------ ---

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