Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Nov 1993, p. 12

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Page 12, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 10, 1993 e s iyle Youth CATIE speakers at envirominentat meeting Durham Environimental Net- work will hold a general meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the Brown Room, Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. in Whitby. That's a change of location -- due te a flood at the Whiàtby library. The focus of this meeting will be on Durham's youth envirornmental movement and the two guest speakers will be Michelle Shook and Sarahi Brown, beth members of Durham Youth CARE (Coalition Againet Ruining the Envirenment). Shook will speak about lier three-month stay in Guyana earlier this year with the organization, Youth Challenge International. Brown will talk about Port Perry HI-gl School's new environimental club TREE (Together Raspecting the Earth and the Environment) and will aiso give an update on the planned activities of Durhamn Youth CARE for this school year. Environmental organizations active in the Whitby area are welcome te speak briefiy about their activities. Other tepics will include brief details on several conferences recently attended b DEN membors and a quick review of DEN's current projects. DEN's meetings are open te the public, and those who corne are welcome te make announcements about upcoming activities and events. People are asked te bring along a mug for coffee or tea. For more information about DEN, cail 509-3156, 435-0497 or 985-3225. ' EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO I KNOW ABOUT ICE MELTING PRODUCTSI I nure are an abuurîane uî ice-mitiL products on the market today, al daiming to beeffective against ioe - and they ail arel However, there are some significant differences in the performance of the products. ROCK SALT is the east expensive and probably thec most used of ail the de-icing products. Used principaiiy as a highway de- cer, it requires heat generated by the friction of the cars tires and the road te work effectively. When used on sidewalks and entrance ways rock sait is only effective to +20F. UREA, the small white pellets are a reaieynew arrvai on the de-icing scene. Usd rncipally as a fertilizer, they arc extremely slow working and are only effective te +25 F. Both rock sait and urea CLEAN-IT CENTRE 500 Hopkins Street, Whitby 6 leave a mite oiiLUjAWUiy ricuUU Vil luie c, which trad<s into your building. To neutraize this white film leU on your floor from these p rducts - we recommend Swish interinse. This product will restore your shine and reduce thie slip hazard created by the film. CALCIUM CHLORIDE PELLETS which we market under thec name of Swish lce Rid is the best solution to icy sidewalks. They are designed specifically for de-icing walkways and steps in residential, commercial, institutional and industrial applications. Swish Ice Rid ceaves no powdery residue and does not track into buildings. Most impOrtantly it works effectively all c way dlown to -25 F. Try Swlh ce Rid Pellets and Wintedinse. Nc* uslng them could be a cosly sIIp-up. Nours Î9am to spm 566-1224 tTT7 cy PREPA RING FOR CHILDBIRTH i F â.l1 ByCarolyn Treadgold CertWfedLamaze childbirth educator 1çYst i a saes. "I can't bolieve it." These were the words that Paula Pallester said te lier hueband Jim as she looked at the positive result shown in her home pregnaxlcy test. Not believing the result, Paula bouglit two more home pregnancy tests, just te be sure. It was true. Paula and Jim were thrilled te, find eut that they could eiçpect a baby in late January. One of the higliliglits for beth Jim and Paula was their first ultra- sound. At about 16 weeks pregnancy, they were re- assured te see that everything appear- cd well with7 the baby and that they hadquite a little movie star who put JIM AND PAUL on a big show for momn and <lad, greeting them with a big wave. Telling relatives of a first prepnancy is always an exciting moment. F or -Jim s parents, this will be the lSth grandchild, and these pro at grandparentng were very happy te share in Jim and Paula's good news. - For Paulas mother and father, this isth first grandchild. So, the new grandfather, in hie excitement, went eut and bouiglt Baby Pallister an electric riding car. Along with the joy of a first*pregunancy cornes ail the fears of the unknen Jim has been thinking of hie rôle as Paula's labour partner and is understandaby nervous. To bel p alleviato some of their fears, Jim and Paula decided to become educated on prenacyad birth. Tey hve read a number of books and, based on recommendations from friends, Jim and Paula aise decided to, take chiidbirth cfasses to help prepare them for the big moment. The Pallisters have enjoyed the first half of their pregnancy - with one exception. Paula had a serious fal 4.prior to getting pregnant and she is - plguedwithpainful 4 bacV'proglems as a consequence. The usual discom- PALLSTERforts of pregnancy have been magnified because of lier condition and she ie very lirnited in what she can do because of the pain. However, one of the greatest indicators that Paula and Jira will cope well with both back probleme and the labour itself is the teamwork they share as a cou ple. Paula has complete confidence in Jim. And Jim knows Paula botter than anybody else. They are in this together and anxious te rneet their baby. If pregnant, stay out of the hot tub (NC) Women in tho early weeks of pregnancy can avoid put±ing their babies at risk by staying out of hot water. A new study indicates that using hot tubs or saunas in the first six weeks of pregnancy ma% nearly triple the risk of birh defects such as neural tube defeets (NTDs9). Dr. AubreyMIlunsky from the Centre for Hmn Genetics of Boston University School of Medicine says heat may somnehow interfère with celîs trying to migrate to cover the spinal columon, which initially forms as a tube. If the tube isn't fully closed by the sixth week of pregnancy, spina bifida or anencephaly will result. Uniiquegift idea, desigeci * *herb-&ficesMÏ *buswax tandieg * ~ * eramir, pottuy *books & musi4 *native crafts *cards & ta"dr *raeyced glasware m atural bodycare *ecwitial oiIk 0 fas1iiom & jewelry *e Bndgehead & YV-,t ae 5orc or caJi for a f rec cataaoque Opeii Oaîly 9-epm 5az. 1O-6pm a 5SLi. 12-.4prr In a study of over 2,000 women, Milunsky and colleagues found that combined heat sources, such as hot tubs, saunas or high foyers, increased the risk sixold. Electric blankets didn't in creane the risk. Women can also avoid birth defecta by increasin intake of foods ccntaining folio mcd or taking supplements when planning pregnancy. Through the first six weeks of pregnancy, the NTD risk could be reduced by as much as 50 per cent. Women should discuas this and any other preventive measure with their physician. Not only pregnant women should avoid heat exposure but also woxnen planning pregnancy. 'Tou may flot even know you're pregnant in those early weeks and be exposing the fetus te risk," says Milunsky. This information is sponsored by the Ontario Nurses' F.:RVî R ,, ..CSg( " Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery " Cosmetic Faciai Surgery " Heanng Tests 21 Gladstone Avenue Oshawa, LIJ 41E3 .5em7, s nsurance plan acte Se atientsapintns avilabeiy " Emeurgnc plais accpted (during office hours) 701 ROSSLAND RD. E. SUITE 207, (Rossland / Garden Plaza) WIIITBY WH1BYMASSAGE THERAPY ffCLINIC presents f. PUBLIC .NF.RMAT.ON Sunday, Novmnber]A4- toOo ff0pn 1:30 - 2:15 Massage Therapy Demonstration 2:15 - 3:00 Cranial Sacrai Demonstration 3:15 - 3:45 Rellexology Demonstration AUL SESSIONS HAVE QUESTION & ANS WER PERIOD * Refreshments *Health care products on sale *Door prizes of treatment sessions & products *Gift certificates available WHITBY MASSAGIE

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