Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Nov 1993, p. 4

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Page 4. Whhtby Free Press, Wednesday. November 3,1993 By Mike Kownlskl Concern for local business has prompted Town council te adopt a bass stringent smoking bylaw than one preposed by Dur an Ri on mosvote, council last week approved a series of regulationsaiamed at controlling smoking in public places in Whitby. The bylaw, which takes effect Jan. 1, 1994, prohibits smoking in a variety of venues while limiting it in othera. Places where smoking will be banned include: * the public portion of any financial institution, schcol, con- cert hall, theatre, museuin, art gallery, day nursery, hairdress- mig parleur, barber ahop, laun- dromat, or retail store; * moat municipal buildings; al public transit vehicles and tran- sit shelters; * indoor service ines and in- door service countera on any promises; *elevaters, escalators and stairways exce7pt within a pri- vat dweliig * common areas of shopping mails; public washrcoms; public lobbies and public reception areas; * any area designated as a 'ne smoking' area, by the owner of the premises. Places where smoking will be related include restaurants andtepublic portions of hospi- tala and health care facilities. Anyone convicted of breaking the bylaw could be auject te, fines of up te $5,000. Althoueh ~litby's bylaw bargely fllows a 'model bylaw' No Product Faire Claims ln Over 1 Million Applications Unlike ois, tars & waxes, Rust Check creeps into seams and crevices where catastrophic rust begins and dispels moisture. Ask about our Exclusive Guaranteed -(-P-OVEN EF-E-TIVES Fore ver Warranty on ne and FROE gualifid used vhicles, 1 OR O ln' Applied in any season. while you watch.1-J Tokes !T TnÂl 1 Hor 4<Trl'Â'Iu Wt MoMillan & Wife TF' TT ATNT RtJST CHECE IT AIN"'T1 I~~~~~~ 1'- ~ ---~~ - - - - T'* L 1 1-0 iie £ +£ * * * WIHITBY 200 Dundas St. W. (1 Block West of Brook> Caifor an ypntnent Open Saturdays 8-5pm RUST w CHECKM < DUNDAS ST. #2 I Decoraing Elegance SANDERSON FABRJCS 4: DnVpei+><Uphofrt *e<Wa(koveiings Right now save 25% on Sanderson's fuR lime of fine fabrics and wallcoverings. Our designers are ready to assist you in choosing the perfect colours or drapery treatment to compliment your home; or bring a favorite chair back to life by recovering it, better yet, a custom slipcover. The possibilities ar endless! Plan to stop in today. prepared by. Durhamn Region's health services department, there are siWnificant departures from the Regxon's document. (Under provincial law, only local inunicipalities have the legal authority te enforce smok- ing bylaws. Regional bodies can eonly jsupport and encourager efort t prevent tobacco use, a Town staff report states.) These differences were brought te council!s attention by a repre- sentative of the Durhamn Health Network. Wihile commending council for the overali thrust of the bylaw, Peter Smith was critical of pro- visions governing smoking in res- taurants. Whereas Durham's bylaw sug- gests that ne more than 30 per cent of a restaurant be designa- ted as a smoking area, Whitby's by1aw stipulates that net bs tha 25 oèr cent be set aside for "We won't get everything we ask for but I do wish te zero in on the 25 per cent in eating establishmnents," said Smith. «We don't expect y ou te reverse it but we would like to see it addressed in the future," ho said. Touting, it as a "gcod bylaw, a fair by law. ..except for res- taurants and children," Smith urged council to, review the sec- tion concerning restaurants. «Bearing in mind that children don't amoke, only 25 per cent of a restaurant is left for them,» ho said. Warning of the danger from seod-hand amoke, Smith told ceuncil of a recent court decision in the United States in which the mother of an eight-year-old child was ordered te, relinquish cus- tedy of the youngster. ý%le mothor is a sinoker and the child suifera fromn asthma, Smith said. "We urge you te, review it (bylaw) later after it's passed,» ho said. Councillor John Doîstra, a amoker, said the 25 per cent restriction on restaura7nts is a «reasonable" one. «Over the last period of time we've received a lot of input from the business community,» said Doîstra. «It won't please everybody, but we're not eut te, put afiybody eut of business. uDown tho road we can deal Councillor Joe Drumin, a non- smoker, feît the 25 per cent figure was manageable. urlwenty.five per cent will enforce itself, Wo ceuld have said *Door prizes of treatment sessions & produets *Gift certificates available SWiUTDaY MASSAGE 'vTHRAYCLINC 519 Dundas St.. East Suite # 7, Whitby - 430-2183 ADVERTISING POLICY The Whitby Free Press is a business which derives almost ail its revenue from advertising in one form or another. For obvious seif-interest. we want our clients' adverting to work. Our poicy is 10 reach as many homes In Whitby as possible (usually more than 99%) and to provioe local high-interest content that ensures that people read thie paper and hence trie advertising as welI. We urge readers to patronize our advertisers in order that we can provide even better coverage in thie future. We also stress creativity. We will provide our professional experlenoe 10 adtvise clients on ways 10 make their advertising more effective, but for a product that cannot be repossessed. there are no guarantees. We strive to avoid errors, but when we mako them. a correction will be made in a subsequent Issue or a discount offered. The newspapers legal iability Is only for the actual spaoe occupied by trio error. Advertising Is sold accordng ta trie space It occupies. No additlonal chargo is made for artwork or Iayout and hence trie newspapor retains trie copyright on ail ils origrnal worK The newspaper reserves trie right ta, refuse adverlislng whIch it finds objoctionable or detrimentalto1 its business. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION POPPY WEEKS TAKE NOTICE THAT the weeks of November 1 to 13. 1993 are hereby prodlaimed as 'Poppy Weeks' in and for the Town of Whitby. Citizens of Whitby are encouraged to support the valuable community work of the Whitby Branch of the Royal Cartadian Legion. DATED at Whitby, Ontario titis 2lth day of October, 1993. T.J. EDWARDS, MAYOR presents 1:30 - 2:15 Massage Therapy Demonstration 2:15 - 3:00 Cranial Sacrai Demonstration 3:15 - 3:45 Reflexology Demonstration A! SE SSIONS HAVE QUESTION & ANS WER PERIOD 75' per cent, but we couldn't enforce it» he argfued. Thbyawllbe a "goodwvay te start the new year,» said Drumm. "Itfs only the beginning, it's not written mn atone. It can be changed by council,» he said. Counci1lor Marcel Brunelle, a non-smoker, asked Town clerk Don McKay to explain the rationale behnd the 25 per cent minimum for restaurants and the lack of restrictions on bingo halls. McKay said the restaurant fi e was based on what owners tod staff would not 'jeopardizer their business. As for bingo halls it was felt that controls woulcl "adversely affect their operations," b y forc- ing bingo players out of Whiitby into other communities, McKav said. 'The general consensus is that introducing regulations is not approiate in these economie times, he said. Mayor Tom Edwards, a non- smoker, concurred with the clerk's assesament. «We couldn't find one bingo hall in Canada that hias smoking restrictions," said Edwards. Councillor Dennis Fox, a smoker, said the time has come for government to examine its hypocritical approach to the issue. «Ail levels of government, whether you like it or not bene- fit financially from it (smoýking),» said Fox. UftYs time for them to take responsibility for it and not pass it on to municipalitios.» While wishing he did not amoke, "the fact is I do," said FOX, who was erhapsa thinking Of the previous da selection. "I wish this issue would take on national importance, rather than letting municipalities and restaurateurs be responsible for it.» Councillor Judi Iongfield, a non-smoker, noted that moat res- taurants in Whitby are «older and smalley» and do not lend themselyés easily to a «retrofit of the building" te accommodate 3xtensive-changes. However, modemn eating establishments will be adviseâ that «we will be making sure the new regulations apply and we mighjt be making them broader,» said Ingfeld. 5 face weapons charges Five Scarborough youths were armed and ready for a fight when stopped by police early Sunday morning, Oct. 24. Oifficers stopped a car with five Young maies and one female in what police say was a routine check at Cochrane Street and Valley Court (south of Rossland) around 2:50 a.m. 'They were armed with a pel- let gun, a basebali bat and a 21-inch-long Samurai sword,» says Inspecter Jim Fishley, «(and) were ail charged with weapns dngerus ewcàase he Couneil approves less restri*Ctive smoking bylaw ..j 1 1 1 1

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