Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Nov 1993, p. 25

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-Whfiby Free pmss.,Wec*iSay, Nbven¶ber 3.,1993; Page 25 1'. CLL A, CKILD~ARE1 ,'ROOS..OM.......AL DESKTOP PUBUSHING. Essys resumés. Call today for quick, prof esional service. 430-9727. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS has moved - stili in Pearson Lanes, 133 Byron St. N. Come see us for al your. sewing needs. 33 years experience between us. Tues. to Fni. 10 - 530, Sat. 10 - 3.430-6550. FUSSY DUSTER housecleaning will wFuss Wth Vour Muss«. Enjoy y our quality leisure time wiM family and f riends. Guaranteed satisfcton. Calil(416)668-0323. HOUSE& HOUND. A complete house& pet sitting service. Planning a vacation? Away for the winter? Commuting ail day? Cal the insured prof essionals (905)430-6390. FOR HIRE - 16' cube van with 1 or 2 men. Long or short distances. Good rates. Caîl 433-0775. JOBS IN WINNIPEG. Basement reconstruction of houses from f lood damiage now in progress. Wanted - supervis0rs, Cal Aents drywallers, lbues aiAbr 668-4790. HOUSECLEANING. Free estimates, reasonable rates. Beferences. Some Thursday& Friday appointments available. Cal ý4Archer Maid Services 728-5622. sierns For Ret Aniqes. Ait Gaage àYardSales aolçdectites HamçyAds Aparsments fr Reni Hfanaied Affilaices Hames for Ran Aricles for Sae Homes for Sae kstCrallsoWtes l MIncrinain Acon Isuace Auo&/Tui cfr Sale Ladscang Senkies BOus Legl Boae& suffi"S LoelaFond Bik1e1gs Lofa/col4ge Bsiess Oprtinrles Wones Bsress Servies Moesages Cal a Proeoal kWMafrcyd"s Card of Tha*s Peoneais Cargosa PUnS"lServces arld Care Servces ektodr & &Supçes Comni Evenis Roal Esiae commerdial Space Redenhai Services for Reniao Sale Rocrra for Rent Dance kbructon SBwed Acommodatin Deatis Sorage Ecucalio-ia Seisces Tendrs 'Eroaymnts Waned Trining Servies FarmsiAaeage TraelVacaons Fam Spples Valnines & Erq4sren, warie CFOLDOARE ln my home before and alter school. Mature, reliable lady. Close to St. John's and E.A. Fairman. 668-6951. LOVING MOTHER is willing to provýi de daycare in my home. Nutrtious lunch & snack. Close to Ormiston Public School. GardenlDryden. 430-3361. DAY CARE AVAILABLE in my home. FutV/part time. Dundas/Cochrane area. Tel: 668-5217. BROCKIDRYDEN. Lovlng mother willing to care for your children. Nutritious lunches & snacks. Will provide secure walk to & from Ormiston or St. Matthews. Please cail 666-9719. Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Ferry St., Whltby 668-9476 WANT a happy, fun, stimulating environment or our child. Vears of experience. Lots of T.L.C. and activities. Specialize in babies. Cal 430-9520. MATURE MOTHER 0F 3, offers ?uaty and experienced daycare. Y alking di stance to West Lynde PS. and Marguerite D'Youville. Caîl Shirley 430-0781. EXCELLENT DAYCARE in my Fallingbrok home. AIl hours available. 430-1682. RELIABLE LOVING, home daycar e viaWe. Gadeýsbn Ages 3 and up. Non-smoker. Close to sohools. Call 668-7654. QUALIFIED BRITISH NANNY pidin daycare in my home. Caring & stimuîating atmosphere to make learning a fun expenence. Garden/Rossland area. 430-4634. 7'e A ,eda 7aja!'ityýR3plcemntWindows tramn Ala ulig Products ai I~INCREDIBLY LOWI IINSTALLEPRICESiI MGE WNDOW 655-8809 MGE WINDOor 428-57651 The Mutual Group HERB TRAN caJi for quotation 725-6564 r Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 666-7777 FOIR AN APPOINTIVIENT Man 7ýco'nVBPt Securities -Financil Concept Securitmý,* Is a buIn"ý-5 ý,4'e .rý,d by F C G se"u,.r.." Raz! TI a. *inieuiocking stone - retaining walls waod fencing & decks FREE COMPETI TIVE ESTIMA TES Wrtten Guararite 666-9690 ___ I DOWNTOWN WHITBY. Booms for rent. Please cail 668-8975. ..SARED AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Roommate wanted to share 4 bedroom house. Laundry acilities. Female preferred. $00/month. Utilities included. Mature, quiet working people only please. Cal 4ý>0-71O3, leave message. OSHAWA. Partially furnished 3 bedroom semi-detached to share with 2 females. Female preferred. Laundry facilities, parking $34Qlmoth. Aval"ile k-iteq~. Call 434-2998 leave message. A........... OSHAWA- Mary/Adelaide. Main f loor, 2 entrances. Living & dining room, bedroom, eat-in-ktchen. Includes fridge/stove, utilities, parking, cable.. Small pets ailowed. Availble Dec. 1. $625. 668-3640. BACHELOR, BASEMENT APARI- MENT in Oshawa (Harmony & Rossland area). Non-smoker. $400 inclusive. Caîl 432-3238 or 666-8352 for more information. 1 BEDROOM basement apart- ment. Partialy furnished. Female preferred. No-smoker. $85 weekly. Phone 430-2984. ------ -... 3 + 1 BEDROflOMS, semidetached newly decorated. Backs onto school with fully fenced yard. Great neighbourhood for children. $1,100 + utilities. Cali 666-1646. BRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset Blvd. ýBrock St./Manning Rd.) *3 Bedrooms *11/2 Baths *5 Appiances *Central Air *Garage Paved Driveway4 3 3Models *On Site Management *Easy Access to "Go" *Rents Start at $11000 per month 668-1389 K.C. McCaII Property Management 666-5794'- 924-1100 $168,900 - Custom built 3 bedroomn bungalow in Northeast Oshawa on large 131' x 100' lot. 2 dniveways, separate workshop. 1 bedroom in-law apartment. Main floor laundry, 8 appliances. For more information catI Carol Ross, Sales Re. Guide Realty Llmited, 723-5281.. POWER 0F SALE. i(Repossessed properties avallable lnOshawa from under $80,000. Also, townhomes avallable In North Oshawa from $59,900. For more Information cail Carol Boss, Sales Bep., Guide Beatty Limited. 723-5281 or 723- 66 10. BINGOII! You are a wlnner -- K y ou are a first time home buyer or Investor in today's market. No down payment or bad credit? No problem. 1 have matir motivated vendors that will creat vely finance properties and prices start below $99,900. Don't delay, catI Bick Daniels, Sales Bep. NOW. Be/Max Summit Beafy <1991) Ltd. (905)686-3800 or (905)571-3800. "I had nover used the Whitby Free Press classifieds before, andi1 was delig hted with the response to my ad. The cost was a-lot less than other papers. I wilI continue to use the Whity Free Press.- R.P. MEDICAL PROF ESSIONAL sU OFFICE. 625 sq. f., downtown IP'4 rf'ri-~IWhitby. Ground floor, Ioads of Gc- parking, private entrance and Ev '--- washroom. 666-3833. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location. downtown Whitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - 115 EASYI ONE CALI, ONE BILL DOES IT ALI.1 COMING EVENTS BRNFRCOOD SHOW. NovmeS 1,1 &RNFR 14Ba OO D v SHCetre ExhibEqulpm.n3 C 4 rantoremian., PrCestre.lng Compalllmn. Friay:4-9pm., alu rdzs ay; 10-6p.mSunay; 10 Sp.m.Ad:4-pmssIon $5. Eoh6p.Ilar nIa. (5144- 2444, Germerai 1-800-563-6858. BUSINESS OPPS. RUN VOUR OWN CORSINI Preatlglous Fashion Business Anywhare ln Canada. Affordable Dasigner Silir CIlohing Collection. Maire money Full or Pari lima. Free InformaItion Tol-Frae 1- 800 567-5760. CARIEER TRAINING FREE 'CAREER OPPORTUNITI ES' GUIDE. Train at home for careers in: Accounling; Airconditloning; Baakkeeping; Business; Elacîranics: Law Enforcemenî; Medical Secroîary:, Paralagaf: Travel; etc. 263 Adefalda Si. W. (SA) Toronto, 1-800950-1972, School ai Aucionoarîng. Naxt Class: Novamber 20.26. Information, contact: Souîhwesîarn Ontario Schaai ai Aucioneorlng, RA..e5. Woodsîoclo. Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. COMPUTERIZED TAX PRIACTICE: Learn Incoma Taet Preparallon Iealuring basic and corr-Çutar courses. Free brochure. Cali 1-800- 563-EARN; Fax (204) 254-6172; Write: Jackrs Instituta, 902-167 Lombard Avenue. Winnipeg, Manioba R13B OW1. FOR SALE BQOKS BY MAIL. LafesItfillas from aIl major Canadian publishers. FREE catalogues. Contact: Herilage Books. 866 Palmerston Avenue. Tronto, Ontario M6G 2S2 (4161 533- 6816. HEIF WANTED SALES REP (I3ETIREE) drug/varialy stores la sali eyeglass accèssorias and earplugs. Monîbly cycle, flexible lenritary. No investmani require d Ed Maloney (905) 945-2242 Hear Saver Liried. MISCELLANEOUS HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home study course. Fast: easy meîhod. Guarantaed7 Exension 770. Studio A25. POETRY CONTEST $12.000 ln prizes. Possible rubîicalion. Send ana original paemn 20 fines or ess la National Lîbrary of Poeîry. Box 704-NO, Owings Mile, Md 21117. PERSONALS THINK MORE CLEARLYI Corne oui oI the log caused by dru gs and environmenlal foxins. Eluy an d rea d Cf ea r Body. Clear Mnd. $20 w/correspondance course $35 (416) 925-2145 700 Vanga Si.. Toronto M4Y 2A7. ADOPTION ADOPTION- PREGNANT? Affecianala. muaical couple wauld ba lhrilled loaedopi Infant. Worlrlng wilh ficenserd professîanals. Cali COLLECT Evanîngs (aller 7p.m.), Weekends (416)226-4502. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membershlp or timashara? Weil takirl Amaicazs largasi resale claaringhouse. Cali Ratoni Sales Inarnational 1. 800-42J-5967 (24 hours). OWN YOUR OWN Park Modal Home in Sarasala Florîda, from $34.000 Canadien in a resoril Discounlted weekfy Inspect ion visis for inlerestad buyarsl Sun and Fun. 1-905-871-4908. STEEL BUILDINGS FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Winler Spaclal. Kaap the f aclory busy during the Winlar monlhs and lako dalivery ln the Spring. Sava up la 25%. Caîl 1-800-668-8653. ONTARIO MANUFACTURER has a imlîd numbar af pra-sized steel buildings for sala aI EXCEPTIONALLY REDUCED PRICES - 40 x 80 valua $9,971, Now $7,698. Caîl Pioneer 1-800- 668-5422. BESI BUILDING PRICES - Steal Srrailwall Typa - nol quonsal - 32x54 $7.899; 40x72 $1 1,924; 50s90 $16.954; 60x126 $25.803 - other sizes availabla - 1.iscellaneous clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. Yaur ad could appear in communif y newapapera in Ontario. or righf acras. Canada, or any 11 fndividual province. Space le Lirniled, ao Cali This Newspaper Todayl1 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE99 Ta o rach a Wdr ma'reo.aff aveirse fhoith ie regional mombeshp aiftira Ontario and Carradran Conrmundy Nowspaper Assciatans. Centrai Ontario 55 newspapers - $160 for Ze5 words- Ail Ontaro newsp"nes - $350 for 25 words c AIl Canada 572 newspapers- 31,121 for 25 words3 For turiher Information please calthe Whitby Free Press Classîfiede.- 668-6111_ Financial Corporation MORTGAGES 1 ist & 2nds ta 95% - Debi Consolidatians *Pdme Rates - Pre-Quatîfying 571-2880 or 686-6450 (Trlie WNty Fie' res 66~8 tI *Otlo Hors Mnda t Fi.9:0 ro 50 Fax 668-0594 r- a Mm"mmmmmumm à

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