Page 20. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. November 3,1993 Townhouses appiroved for former Cobi* Foods site FROM PAGE)1 "I accopt your commenta but we have te treat thein aà las sprte applicationsB,"he said. enre Street North resident Gail Johnsten was net opposed to rosidential developinent, but wanted fewer units. More houses means more cars, Johnston said. "Can you honestly tell me it won't impact on trl she askod ini referenoe te a staff report on the proposaI. «We'e net saying it won't um- pact, but there will be ne signif- cant impact," planning directer Bob Short replied. "I don't agree with that either,» said Jelinston, who thon comparod tpotential parking pro- bleme in t6e area, te the town- house development on the north- east corner of Brock and Man- «&rs are parked along the street there ail day long, s he said. Joe Velacich, president of a noarby construction company, argued in favour of retaining the sitos industrial zoning. Volacich, whose business i s located north of Beech Streot, west of Centre Street, cîaimed hie proport wiII be dovalued by a residentia designation on the factery landsa. «We bought there thinking it would remain industrial. pro- per. You're slowly squeezingus eut, he said. Although planning staff will review the possibility cf alterna- tive zoning, such as prestige in- dustrial, on properties fronting on Centre, north of Beech, Vla- cich said that would make little differenoe. «I have a construction com- pany, changing te offices won't hep9 e Icud have te relocate if this gees ahead," he said. Batten said Cobi Fonds found that an industrial zoning was ne Iong er practical for the property. «They couldn't come up with an application," he said. Veacch said ho understood Cobi's predicament, but felt he sheuld be «compensated» if the application je approved. Councillor Don Mitchell said neither the committee nor staff had evidence that Velacich7e fears would be reà lized. Only an independent appraisal Of - Velacich's property weuld sup<pport hie argument, Mitchell. «We dont see the evidence of it. That's the dilemma we're facing » ho said. Blair Buchanan cf Centre Street Nerth supported the change te residential zening, but said the overali density was stilI tee high. He asked if Cobi would con- eider reducing it even further. Architect Dharam Malik said that avenue was exploreci, but the "shape of the land" makes it economically unfeasible for any- thing but tewnhouses. Short concurred, noting that the site doee net lend itself te the traditienal road patterns or other neede that would be required by semi-detached or single dwe- Ae aise referred te the afore- mentioned develepment at Man- ning and Brock for comparison purposes, noting that it consiste cf 229 units on 16 acres. Counciller Dennie Fox said the committee essentially had littie choice but te approve the appli- cation. «As it stands now, itfs not benefiting anybody,» said, FOX. "Itfs botter te h ave 125 units weýre collecting taxes frein than te have an empty building were net getting anything frein,» ho said. Mitchell agreod, but with soins roservations. "I think thero will be a lot of traffic gonerated and I would liko te 500 lese density, but I can understand why ite net,» hoe said. However Mitchell admitted hoe was «troubfod" by Velacich's com- menta. «Net because he'll suifer a lees, but because ho thinke the develo- per will make a profit at the expenseocf adjoining land- owners," said Mitchell. «ýIf that's true it should bo addressed in the procose, but tho solution is net te beave it (site) vacant." Mayor Tom Edwards suppor- ted the rozoning and th on became embroiled in a brief exchange with Johneten when hoe suggested that traffic will not be as badl as it was when the factery was operating. Edwards eaid the empty fac- tery was an open invitation te vandale and posed a petential firo threat. "Itfs an attraction and a hazard as long as the building site there.7 lho said. Iffij Major atom seleets wn season opener Wednesday nigLuht dart league LABATTS BLUE UCHT DIVISON Sîssingau aof Oct. 27 W L PTS Bake &SrF0n ishn 23 7 23 Dek olr oaoo 20 10 20 Whl ToHl-ou»e 13 14 le Ciýzwlloâecor am 15 115 1 PrmaFoam Intemallona 13 17 13 Cmyl Norton Sev1c il I il Gary CoçplneSeiles il 1 il Fal.rloellng Technlcsm c. Il 1 il Caas eplays Whltby Trophy Fabrlcalirig Tech. Dow & SoUer Baker Fumkume 7 Dayl Norton Ser. 3 6 Patine Foam Iter. 4 6 Gary Coppkla 4 6 Civeetnt Colec. 4 Top 110ucoiers John MoPheruon M MkeNISWTIOI f76 A Pindar 75 Geoge Day 66 Tom Gan"tie63 Todd Bao.. 52 Tony Van De Von 50 Georg ffliord48 Bob nisey 47 Grumn Sangwin 45 Pbyer of lhe waek Ewart Avson LABATTS CARt.SBERG DIVISION Stsngi s at Oct. 27 W L MT DWaaf lOffiSeSemvics M 8 10 Poys Euft la e 138 10 NukmnalTna8 S 10 8 b,.UneSore Fxtwe a 'D a Camas playsd Roys Etsipii 4 Nional Trust h-LknaSoie 3 DceaaOffice Top 8 acreer JoyHwK 20 Scot Lotiut 2D SietiyLokm 1B Suaan Cotmiet =uAmvlDRY1 eod lit Pbysr of l.we palnie P*v The Whitby major atein select team, sponsored by Hard-Co Contracting and Excavating, won, tied and lest in their first gaines of the season. On Oct. 25 VWitby met a teugh teain frein Leaside in the first regular season gaine of the North York Select League. Wbitby came bock from ene-goal deficits in the firet and second perocs and finally teck the lead in the third period te win 4-3. Great goaltending by Michael Thornten and Adain Rinaldi kept Whitby cos in the firet and second periocs allewing the teain te, come back and win it in the third. .....wm...... S..... I Peewees ... ..... Tfhe Whitby miner peewee select hockey club, sponsoredb Brooklin & District insmen, is off te strong start with three wins in exhibition play. lIn their first exhibition match, Wihitby defeated Unionville 4-1. Scoring for Whitby were Andrew Clark, Chad Kawasaki, Matt Walton and Matthew Walton. Assise went to Clark, Matthew Portier and Carneron Munro. The second exhibition contest saw Whitby easily outskate an undermanned East York teain by a score of 6-2. Scoring for Whitby were Jason Turkington and Munro with two goals each, Clark and Matthew Walton with singles. Assiste were earned by Trevor Bremner, Clark, Munro, Kawasâai, Turkington and Walton with one each. Wihitby earned their third school basketball Sunior Cii. Eamoem iviulon 0GW LF A P Andornn 6O6O0368 12 1 ONIJ 5 4 1 239 19 B. Bowmanvih 4 3 1 141 34 6 PaÀ Dwyer 3 2 1 1% 108 4 Eastdaie 5 2 3 141 210 4 lcgiun 4 1 3 73 1332 Oom 4 04 92184 0 LOJ. AL"u 5 0 5 81 2 V 0 Weetem civiton Frckeing 5 5 O 277151 ID ¾Rt. 5 4 I1 16 151 8 Rbt, 5 4 1 204 168 Hst l 6 3 3 11 23396 Dutnton 3 0 374144 0 4la 404 45 210 D,% OCcnnr 4 0 479 %8 0 lar A.wk's remuae Andouuo 62 Donovan 17 CaiumPoiuuy 20 pt exhibition win by a 5-1 score over .Ajax selects. Goal-scorers were Munro with two, and singles by Matt Walton, Kawasaki and Matthew Walton. Assists went te Matthew Walton with two, and one apiece to Mike Gubbels, Bian Witruk, Fortier, Jason Turkington and Brian Rainey. The teain consists of the goalkeeping tandem of Andrew Gubbels and Steven Pigram; defensemen Josh Brimble, Nick Cowan, Andrew Holmes, Derek Pollock, Bremner and Rainey; and forwards Matt Walten, Gubbels, Clark, Fortier, Kawasalci, Witr-k, Turkington, Munro and Matchew Walten. The team, is coached by Dave Walton and assistants Ted Munro and Hugh Pollock. The manager is Nancy Walton. Whitby select hockey MOR PEEWEE 'elmaorsd by Brookiln & DiatWotKirume ExhItongama Oct. 21 WhRby 4 Unukmilo 1 Andêow Clark Ched KUan" Malt Wallon Malîhearakca Oct. 26 6 8EadtYork 2 Cureton 2 AuI*. Car MUheai Walon MM Wallon Oct. 3D Whâby 5 Aj ar 1 Caneto Munto 2 Maut Wallon Chai Kmwnid MaliheaiWalon Goal-scoers fer Whitby were Kyle Mayberry, Gary Kitamura, Ryan Meaney and Mike Kobyovich. Assisting on the gas were David Bosco, Kyle Ruttan and Korbrynovich. On Oct. 30 Whitby played te a 2-2 tic with Oshawa Red Winge in an exhibition gaine. Ryan Mondes opened the scering in the firet period fer Whitby with Mike Astalos putting the teain ahead Hircock bas wimung goal Whitby Goldwing Systeins miner atem AA hockey teain had one win and two basses during recent league play. In a 4-3 win over Ajax, Whitby scered quickly with a goal by Chris Simpson, assisted by Lucas Naylor. Naylor added the second goal, assisteci by Matt Hlircock and Scott Beethain. Hlircock added a pair, including the winner, assisted by Robert Laba, Naylor and James Hinkson. Dai-ryl Forsey steod tal between the pps repeatedly frutrting the Ajax forwards. Earlier in the week Whitby suffered a 3-2 bass to Markhaxn. Scoring for Whitby wero Naylor and Simpson, assista te Kevin Peel, Bryan Mantle and Shawn Stephens. Bowmanville thon caught Whiitby napping, winning easily in a 3-0 shuteut. 3 losses for Whitby team The Whitby minor novice AA teain, sponsored by Main Tech Industries, was blanked 9-0 Oct. 28 in Ajax. Earlier in the week, Whitby lest 5-1 in Bowmanville and 8-0 at home te, a streng Pickering squad. Whitby's goal-scorer in Bowmanville was Matthew Fcwler, with Wayne Turcotte adding the assiet. Whitby, with a record cf two wins and seven losses, will travel te Bowmanville Sat., Nov. 6 at the Darlington arena for a 3 p.m. gaine and thon te Vaughan Sunday, Nov. 7 for a noon start. 2-0 later in the peried. Even though VMty outplayed Red Wings thoy were unable to V any more shots past the Red i'n golteder Asistngon the Whitby goals were Chris Michaudi and Mark Rinaldi. On Oct. 31, Whitby played the Brighton rep A team in an exhibition gaine. The gaine was tied 4-4 in the third period when Brighton scored twe quick goals and won the gaine 6-4. Scoring fior Whitby were Sean Homes, Meaney, Ruttan and Mike Li*, with assiste going te Besco, Holmes, Mendes, Korbrynovich, Kitamura and Niche as hMichie. Shutout for noviceDs The Whidtby minor novice AAA team, blanked Markhazn Thunder 1-0 in an exciting gaine Oct. 30. The defence of Kylo Branson, Joshua Francis, Camneron Langois, K.evin Mangoit, Scott Morrisen and Justin Sawyer moved the puck frein their zone quickly and effectively and kept sustained pressure on opposing forwards. Wh'itby's two gealios, Devin McLeod and Bryan Macinnon, wero outstanding, malcing a number of teugh saves and getting their firet shutout of the season. Kyle Musselman scored the only goal of the gaine. Whitby lest te Peterborough Oct. 22 (ne score available). Goal- scorers were Kylo Vanderloe (two) Justin Sawyer and Derek The Long Sault Ridge Runnor's' Snewmobile Club will hold snowmobile drivers' safety training on Nov. 13. A licence is inandatory foragels 12 te 16. Cail by Nov. 10. The club open house will be held Nov. 26 te 28. Ail are welcome. Information and permnits are availablo at the club homs (take Hwy 35, seuth of Pontypool, te Manvers 2nd lime and west 1.5 miles te the clublieuse.) For more information cali 655-4469. Answers to Whiltby Trivia from page 14 1. Whitby Harbor is called "Big Bay"on maps of the 1 820s, before it was developed as a commercial harbour. 2. James Rewe, Whitby's first mayor in 1855, ived in a white f rame house at the southwest corner of Victoria and Charles streets. 3. The porch on St. John's Anglican Church was ded icated in 1927 to George H. Ham (1 847-1926), who founded the Canadian Women's Press Club in 1904. 4. A railway was built to the Psychiatric Hospital in 191 8 to b ring visitors from Toronto to see the wounded soldiers who were cared for there during the First World War. The tracks were remnoved in the 1 950s.