Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Oct 1993, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Free Press, Wednasday, October 27. 1993 Whitby suffers overulme loss En turamen final The Whitby major atem AA hockey teani, eponsered by Dupent Autemotive Finishes, lest ini overtime in the chainpionship final of a tournament in Owen Sound Oct. 22.24. The teurnament format was a round-robin, four-gaine nrias, with the top two advancing te the championship gaine. Gaine oe pitted Whitby against the heet teain, Owen Sound, and ex-teammate Brad Mlater. Owen Sound leapt eut te a 3-0 lead in the first period. Whitby picked away at the lead, but lest 3-2. Whitby thon went on te, win their three gaines, 4-1 Dundas, 3-2 Markhain and 7-4 againet Strathroy. The round-robin results of three wins and one lose earned Chnmpionship final against Owen Sound who went undefeated in four gaines. Owen Sound started fast, and sported at 2-0 lead by the iniddle of the fret period. Whitby scored early in the second period and held off a barrage of shots te get te the third period trailing 2-1. Wihitby turned up the pressure in the third period, oushoting The Whitby miner peewee AA hockey teamn has been running hot and cold since the Burlington Thanksgiving Tournanient. Witby met Newmarket in the opening gamne and was outplayed by a bigger, harder working teami. Newniarket, outshoeting Whitby by a 31-9 margin, kept Scott Wylio busy in net as he allowed only three goals te keep his team in the gamne. However, Whlitby couldn't produce any chances. In gaine two of the teurnainent, Whitby met their divisienal rivals from Markhazn. Ini a typical Markharn-Whitby classic, Whitby outhustled and out-hit their opponents te gain a 3-0 victery. Gealia Ryan Calaghan was awarded with the shuteut after keoping Markhan off the scereboard early in the gamne while his slow starting team's battery get a boost. I gamne three, Whitby met another big, strong tenni from St. Catharines,, and again Whitby sat back and let their opponents Novices double Oshawa The Whitby major novice AAA hockey teani, sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary, continued its winning ways by defeating Oshawa 6-3 in recent action. Whiitby has lest only once in league play, te the samne Oshawa team. Once again a strong offensive attack wns the difforence, with Tler Harrison and Brandon McBride scoring twice each. Other marksmen for Whitby were Michael Kosiw and Ryan Tutak. Assists went te Karen Farquharson (two), Ronnie Robertson, Billy Deir, Paul Ranger, McBride and Kosiw. Goaltending duties were shared botween starting Chris Nemiba and dloser Marc Gleason. The Whitby tenin travels te Richmond HiEU this week with their next home gaine on Nov. 3 whon they host Peterborough at 6:30 p.rn. in Brooklin. The Whitby miner novice AAA hockey tearnideminated play with 42 shots on goal but had te settle for a 2-2 tie against Richmnond Hilil recantly. Goal scorers were Kyle Vanderloe and David Arnold. T'hey lest thair next gaine aganst Peterborough 6-2. Greg Williams had beth goals. Owen Sound 7-6, and tied the gaine 3-3. Both clubs played excellent hockey, and the gaine could net be decided ini regulation time. In suddon-doath overtiine, Owen Sound scored the winner in FALL BAZAAR Durham Christian Homes Inc. will hold a faîl baznar on Saturday, Nov. 6, il a.m. te 3 p.m., at Providence Place, 100 Glen HFEU Dr. S., Whitby. There will be crafre, baked goods, woodcrafts, a tan room, and lunches. CRAFSALE A Christmnas craft & bake sale will be held on Sunday, Nov. 7, from 10 a.m. te 2 p.m., at Kingside Clubhouse locatad at 537 Tennysen Ci-t. (Wilson Rd. and Dean Ave.), Oshawa, as a fundraiser for the Leukemia Research F-und of Durham Region. There' will ho gaines, crafla, baked goods, draws, and a clown throughout the day. If you are intarestad in renting a table, or would like te make a donation, cail 433-8942. CRAYr SALE A Christmnas craft sale will be held at West Lynde Public School, Saturday, Nov. 6, 9:30 a.m. te 3 p.m. Anyone interested in renting a table, caîl Barb Wicket at 668-8907. INTERNATIONAL BAZAAR Trafalgar Castle School will hold the International Charity Bazaar on Snturday, Nov. 6, 1 te 4 p.m., at the school, 401 Reynolds St., Whitby te maise funds for Durham area and international charities. There will ho something for everyone -- afterneon ta, a sampling of international food, a fashion show, books, plants, baked goods, gift baskets and much more. Free. babysitting for children. a scraened scrainble. The teain defence of Andrew Allison, Dana Bloom, Mark Cipparone, Scott Cook, Lucas Harden and Chrie Trinkunas had an excellent teurnainant. First loss of the season for Whitby team The Whitby major atem AAA hockey teeni, sponsored by Dundas Centre Guardian Drugs, suffered their firet bas of the season nfter recording two victories earlier in the week. The week started eut well for the teain as they faced Oshawa' at Brooklin and outpaced the opposition 10-3. Robert Labonde, Steven Farquharson, David Morasse and with twe goals each. Singles went te Sean MacRury and Jeif Frazer. Assists went te, MacRury (three), Stevenson (two), Bobby McBride (two), BMaine Down, Farquharson, Lalonde and Reece Robertson. The second game of the week was in Pickering against Ajax- Pickering. The game wns characterized by chippy play and plenty of penalties, but Whitby caine eut on tep 6-2. Kyle Branch and MacRury led the scorers with two goals aach while Frazer and Stevenson each added singles. Mike Morrison, Morasse, McBride, Farquharson and Down ail had assists. On Sunday Whitby put its undefeatad regular season record on the lino against York-Simicoe and camne up second beet. Whitby was nover rea]ly in the gae &=e beginni'ng te end as 'York-Simcoe foiled Whitby t al attempte te gonerate an ofence. Jay Harrison was the lone goal scorer for Whitby on a pass frc'm MacRury and Sevesn as thoe visiters defeated Whitby 4-1. Thie pute Whitby's record for the regular season at 6-1-1 and firet place in the west division of the Eastern Triple A beague. WiitwQ..kses~orAtoms oen with two wrnsl The hitb majr atin slect In the second peried Whitby continue solid two-way play an1d .....Te A, sp on r by Hsed-ct teok a nuinber of penalties and strong goaltanding by Thornten te tn .rR-ihç .ad -i played most of the period preserve the ehutout. BAZAAR & AUCTION St. Mark's United Church annual bazaar and progressive auction will be held on Friday, Oct. 29 frein il a.m. te, 7:30 p.m. at 201 Centre St. S. (at Coîborne Street), Whitby. Thora will be hundreds of items, from sweaters te catered dinners. Bazaar tables include the Country Store, Grarmies Boutique, Bake Table, Santa's Stere and Nearly New Boutique. There will bo a seup and sandwich lunch and chili (hot doge aise available) supper. Ceet is $4 per perseti ($2 for under ago 6). CIIAFFIAND BAKE SALE The Pregnnncy Help Centre, a non-profit organization, will hold n craft and bnke sale on Nov. 13 at Steeplehill Community Bible Church, 550 Kingston Rd., Pickering. For more information or te rnake an appointinent, cal 430-0805 or 1-800-461-2371. FALL BAZAAR The Whitby Seniors Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S. will hold the annual faîl bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 6, 10 ain. te 3 p.m. There will be crafts, handknits, novelties, bnked goods and lunch in the tea ro. Raffle prizes include $500, a cottage dolîhouse or a piece of stained glass work. CHLRISTMAS BAZAAR The Catholic Women's Longue of Holy Fnmily Parish, Wihitby will hold the annual Christrnas bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 6, 10 a.m. te 2 p.m. There wi b ,crafts, Christinas decorations, knitted goods, baked goods, penny raflle, white elephant, gaines, lunch and more. outhustle and outcheck them as Whitby lest 4-2. Although Whitby and Markhain were tied in pints, Whitby was eliminatad from further action because Markham hnd two minutas fewer in penalties. During beague play since the teunrainent, Whitby defeatad Ajax by a 9-1 score with Scott Berrey and Jared Brown ench producing a hat trick. The teani next two Bewmanville Pickering. thon dropped gaines, 2-0 and 1-1 the te te Whitby blanked by Markham The Whitby miner novice AA team, spenored by Main Tec Industries,, lost 3-0 te Markham on Oct. 20. Markhamn scored ail their goals in the final period te get revenge for a previous 4-1 loss to Whitby. Earller in the week, Whitby split two weekend gaines, losing 8-2 te Vaughan and thon rebounding to defeat Richmond 11111 4-1 with a strong defensive effort. Scoring against Vaughan were Blake Robinson and Liair Reddox, with Graham Knox, Aaron McMurray and Wayne Turcotte adding assists. Pacing the attack in Richmond EIlI were Turcotte and McMurray with two goals each. Picking up assists were Reddox with a pair and Matthew Fowler. Whitby has two wins and four losses se far this season. Wmn, loss for selects The Whitby miner atomn select hockey tearn began their seasen with a win and a bass over the weekend. In the North York select longue play, Whitby defeated Markharn 3-1 on goals by Rob Muir, Matthew Graham and Michael Lever. Shane Healy, Dami Amurawaiye, John Gllard and Kurtis Lindell each had an assist. Whitby lest 4-1 te Scarborough Sabres in exhibition play. Muir scored an unassisted goal. Other tearn members are Sean Brackin, Carl DiCarle, Elliott Fitzsimmons, Chris Foxwell, J.P. Galipeault, Sean Keay, Ryan McMfichael, Ian Parker, Matthew Redshaw and Gregory Tsagris. Head coach is Larry Lindeli assisted by Mike Healy and Roy Tsagris. Team manager i5 Catherine Brackin. started the 1993-94 season with a convincing 5-1 win over the Unionville and a 5-0 win over ,Ajax. On Oct. 21, Whitby played its firet gaine of the North York select longue against Unionville. VWtby caine eut flying in the first period, pelting the Unionville netminder with numerous shots. It wasn't until the Inet minute of play in the peiod when Mike Lieke defiectad a Ryan Robb shot from the point. Whitby continued te prese Unionville in the second and third periods with Kyle Ruttan scoing two goals and Ryan Menney and Robb with single mnrkers. Assiste on the goals went te Gary Kitamura, Mike Kobrynovich, Chris Michaud, Mike Astalos, Sean Holmes and Ruttan. On Oct. 23, Whitby met Ajax in an exhibition gaine and once again came eut strong, scering four goals in the first period. ;ho;rthanded. However, excellent goaltanding by both Adam Rinaldi and Michael Thornten and strong defensive play kept Ajax off the scoresheet. The third period saw Whitby The only goal of the third period was scored by Whitby. Scoring for Whitby were Astales (two), Stafan Hass, Ruttan and Holmes. Thornton wins soccer titie Dr. Robert Thornten Public School went undefeated te win the Durham Elementnry Athletic Association ,Junior soccer longue championship for the second year in a row. Twelvoe chools from Oshawa and Whitby were in the longue, for students of grades 4 te 6. In round-robin play, Thornten dofoatod Woodcrest 9-0, Ridgeway 5-1 Col. J.E. Farewell 3-2 and GI on bhu 4-1. Thornten ran ovor Hilledale 9-0 in a quarter-final contest. Rob LaCroix, Jamie Cousin and David Crabb scored ini n 3-1 win over Ridgeway in the semi- finals. Thornten edged Coronation 3-2 in the final, Rob Raid scoring twice and LaCroix getting the other. Thornten coach John Petars said the title was more difficult te obtain this season, having lest soe of the players that made last year's championship squad se deep in talent. This year's teamn was made up of Matt Hnncock, David Norman, Jay Ramnkrishna, Scott Powell, Aaron Porter, Greg Johasten, Mike Wesseling, Craig MeLellan, Shane Goldinan, James Foîkes, Mike Astalos, Raid, Cousin, LaCroix, Crnbb and goabios Sean McRury and Mike Dagis. CHSMAS BAZAAR The ' Christmias Village Bazar' will be held Saturday, Nov. 13, 10 a.m. te 3 p.m., at AIl Sainte' Anglican Church, 300 Dundas St. W., Whitby. Thora wilI be a variety of bnked goods, homemade sweets, crnfts and a silent auction bnrn. CRAFTS SALE Pari-y Toi-race will hold a crafts sale on Sundny, Nov. 21, 10 n.m. te 4 p.m., at 220 Pari-y St., Whitby. CRAFI' SALE The ladies at Myrtle United Church will hold the fifth annual craft sale at the church (Highwny 12 at Myrtle Station) on Saturday, Nov. 20, 9 a.m. te 4 p.m. Thora will ha dried flowere, wooden crnfts, folk art, Christmas ornaments and baked goods. BAZAAR & TEA St. Andrew's Preebyterian Church, 209 Cochrane St., Whîtby, will celebrate its l6Oth annivereary with an anniversary bazaar and tea, Nov. 13, 11:30 a.m. te, 3 p.rn. Traditional and contemporary crafis, a bake table, white elephant, silent auction and a tean roi are featured. FALL BAZAAR Westminster United Church, 25 Manning Rd., Whitby will hold a bazani- on Saturday, Nov. 20, il a.m. te 3 p.m. Thora will be home-baked . goods, white elephant, ci-afin, plants and a sulent auction. Lunch will be available,. . Al- are welcome. Handicap accessible. Cirzf sow & ctctte

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