Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Oct 1993, p. 18

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Page 18, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 27, 19 WtBRtO OKLT Futue of Brooklin post office not connected with malboxes By Mike Kowalski Installation of 'super' mail- boxes in Breoklin bas ne bearing on the future of the village post office, Canada Post insists. The "upgrading" of Brooklin mailboxes is a "totally separate issue" frein any other initiative that might be forthcoming from Canada Post, spokespersen Jin Craig says. Residents need net werry that the replacement of old green group boxes with modem cern- munity or 'su r' mailboxes is a precursor of thinga te corne, he saqhe post office in Broeklin will continue te operate 'as is' in the forseeable future," said Crai*g "The upgrade bas notbing and I repeat, nothing te do witb the conversion of tee Brooklin poat office te a franchise (private) opportunityY» Prime Tyxne liiBrooklin The Optimist Club of Brooklin will hold a faîl dance featuring 'Prime Tyme' on Saturday, Nov. 6, 8 p.m. te 1 a.m., at the Brooklin Community Centre. Admission is $15 par couple and $10 for single. Dress is casual. There will be door prizes and spot dances. Cash bar and buffet dinner. Tickets are available at Brooklin Bulletin, 76 Baldwin St., telephone 655-4434. Craig was responding te a recent latter from 'Wbitby Mayor Tom Edwards te Canada Post president George Clermont. I bis latter, Edwards says plans by Canada Post te instal community boxes in Brooklin bas council cencerned that this may lead te the closing of the Price Street post office. Touting it as "an important part t of the lifestyle of tlie vil- I ae" for over 100 years, Edlwards says closing the post office would be akin te "remeoving the haartboat" from the coin- munity. "It would bo a shocking break with tradition and histery and a rural lifestyle if this practice was brought te a sudden end by the imposition of these mailboxes," Edwards writes. Although the Town bas ne written confirmation of Canada Post's plans, Edwards told The Pree Press the matter camne te council's attention tbrough a recent meeting of the Town's utilities co-ordinatingcommittee. Whitby officiais were inforrned by Canada Post personnel that the Crown corporation intends te instaîl the community boxes in Brooklin, ho said. Prier te being told of Craig's comments, Edwards said the lat- ter was sent te Clermont in the hope of dissuading Canada Post from any thought of cîosing the post office. "That post office bas been the centre of the community for more than 100 years," said Edwards. "We're trying te persuade them before tbey get too far down the road,» ha said. THE REGIONAL SMUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM "e AND DURAMTHE TOWN OF WHITBY REGION PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE LOCAL SANITARY SEWER SERVICING AND ROAD IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE COMMUNITY 0F BROOKLIN IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The Regionai Municîpality of Durham is in the process of inalizing detailed desgnfor the local sanitazy sewers required te service the Community ot Broolin.' In addition, the Town of Whitby iB preparin detailed nes for roadworks which wilI be constnjcted in conjunction with the insltien of the localsanitary sewers. A Public Information Centre te present engineerin9 drawings, construction phasing and explain the cost impact on indîvidual owners will be held on: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27 AND WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1993 2:00 TO 5:00 P.M. AND 7:00 TO 9:00 P.M. BROOKLIN COMMUNITY CENTRE 45 CASSELS ROAD EAST, BROOKLIN Staff from the Reion of Durham, Town of Whitby and the Consulting Engineers for the projectwIll be in attendance te answer questions and recoîve comments on thie undertaking. Further information can be obtained tram: SANITARY SEWERS Rtegion et Durhama Mr. John Presta, P.Eng. Telephone 905) 668-7721 RQADWQBKS Town of Whitby RW. Gary Caroa, P. Eng. Teephone (905) 668-5803 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m. Monday Io Friday The Minstiy ef Envronnint and Energy is fi asitqin the cost et rxnstnjcting the local sewers trough meOJ taflo Capital Fund. V.>L SILGAIUS. P.ENGC. WHANOOC, EN CMsomms8OfbTof Weoe DreTofw 0< WNby s Reglon of Durham Edwards noted that Whitby successfully resisted plans te close the'Ashburn post office about five years ago. «Efficiency is one thing and economies have to play a part," he said. "But if Brooklin loses its post office, a way of life will be changed forever'." Craig said the new Brooklin community boxes are part of a country-wide program by Canada Post. "The green group boxes were only a temporar3y formi of deli- very, albeit one that was of long standing for-some people.," said Criy e'Wre in the process of identi- fying areas that have green group boxes and upgrading tbem to a permanent form of delivery" he said. Craig acknowledged that Canada Post is reviewing aIl of its operations, but no decision bas been made about the Brook- lin p ost office. "At some point in time it could be closed," hesaid. "But that is a totally separate issue from community mail- boxes.» In a subsequent interview, Edwards welcomed Craig's cern- inents. uI'nm pleased to hear it, that's goods news," said the mayor. St. Thomas Anglican Church, Broolin, will hold a fali luncheon and food fair on Saturday, Nov. 6, from il a.m. te 3 p.m. Baking, preserves, candy, bread, etc., will be available. There will be a soup and sandwich lunch, at a cost of $4 for adults, $2 for children ages 6 to 12, free for children under age Everyone is proceeds. will go comrnunty work. welcome and te parish and Libraryoffers ids' programs Registration for the next session of 'Preschooî Sterytimne' and «'Tiny Tot TMre' at the Brooklin branch Iibrary will take place starting Tuesday, Nov. 2. Preschool Sterytime is for children aged 'q-1/2 te 4. The Tiny Tot prograni is for 2- to 3-1/2-year-rids and they mnust bo accompanied by an adult. Preschool Sterytime will be on, Wednesdays from 6:30 te 7:15 p.m. This is a six-week programn starting Nov. 10 and ending Dec. 15. Tiny Tot Ture will be on Tuesdays frein 10:30 te il a.m. The progran starts Nov. 9 and runs for fiva weaks until Dec. 7. Brooklin Library ChildXen's Club for children aged 4 and up is held avery Saturdny frorn 10:30 te 11:30 amr. No registration is neoessary. Photocopies, Fax Service, Customn Labels & Decals, Wedding Invitations, Business Cards, Comptete Sign Production BROOKUN BULLETIN 76 Baldwinl Street, Brooklln ýFax 655-5191 Cail 655-443 DEBBIE BAlTTEN Ashburn resident joins 'Up With People' By Mark Ressor Debbie Batten will be performing ail over the world this summer. The Ashburn resident had been planning te, attend university but ~put that on hold after being invîted te perform with U ihPpe She'llbeiamember of one of five international touring caste and wll send'l months on the road, "entertaining au ien worldwide and participating in service projects in each ne w cornmunity they visit,» according te a brochure. Batten saw oe of the caste perform last year in Oshawa, went for an interview afterwards and applied te Join. Altbough initially teld she wasn't one of the 700 people chosen (8,000 people appliad), Batten got a caîl frorn the organizatien about a month age asking if she was still interasted. "I was jumping up and down for joy» after getting the caîl, says Batten, wbo can hardly wait for the end of July when she leavas for a five-week training session prýor te the tour. She'll be busy until then, thougb, raising xneney te help pay for the teur. Altbough sponsors like Ganeral Moters pay for travel and stage costs, cast mambers have te, cover some of the aen sys each participant bas te corne up) witb some $11,500 (U.S.). She's approaching local service clubs for help, and is already selling Blue Jays t-shirts and sweatshirts. «I've done pretty well se faer, but it's just a start," says Batten, wbors planning a number of other fundraisers, including a concert at lber cburcb (Burns Presbyterian) and a golf teurnament. Money talks toniùght Society will bold the general meeting Wednesday, Oct. 27, 8 p.m., at Brooklin United Churcb. Speaker will be David Money, president, diacussing Todmorden Milis' restoration te native fiera. Lug-a-mug for ceffea. *1

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