Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Oct 1993, p. 12

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Page 12, Whitby Free Press, Wocnesday. October 27,1993 EAD INJURY The Head Injury Association of Durham Region will hold a 'Speakor's Night on Thursday, Oct. 28, 7:30 p.m., et Cedarcroft Place, 649 King St. E., Oshawa. Guest speaker will ba Dr. Gordon Selfridge, chiropractor. For- more information or assistance with transportation, Cali the association et 723-2732. FREE FROM FEAR The Free Prom Fear Foundetion will meet 7 te 9 p.m., Nov. 5. 'The foundation ofl'ers information, educational mater- jais, guest speakers, encouragement and referrals. This je a non-p refit, charitable organizetion helping individuels suffering from eniety disorder (panic atteeks, agoraphobie, phobias, OCD and other related probleme). For more information, cali 831-3877. LA LECHE La Loche Leegue Wrhitby-Osh- ewa will host e Discovery Toys/ Indisposebles cotton diepers sale on Wodnesdey, Nov. 3, 7 te9 p.m.,eat 55 Silverbirch Pl., Whitby. Thora will ho toys gae nd infant products, end 10 mper cent of proceeds go te the beague. Cali 430-8987 or 723- 0542 for more information. BETIER BREATERING The Lung Association will hold a «'Better %Breathing' course for adulte with esthma, bronchitis or emphyseae eginning Monday, Nov. 1 et the Lung Association office, 40 King St. W., suite 300, Oshawa. Cali 436-1046. LUNG DISEASE The Lung Association of Durham Region will bild a 'Botter Breathing' courge for adulte with respiratory disease, starting Nov. 1. The six-session course will be hold consecutive Monday and Wednesday afternoons et the association office, 40 King St. W., suite 300, Oshawe. The basic program jei designed te give rospiratory patiente an introduction te self-help techniques te improve the quality of day-te-day living. For more information or te rogistar, cali the association et 436-1046. FALL DECOR WO1bEIOP The Oshawa YWCA will hold a fall docor workshop on Thursday, Nov. 4, 7 te, 9 p.m., at 12 MeGrigor St. Domonstrations wil ho given on how te decorete wreaths and other ideas on how te drams up your front dooir. To registor, celi 576-8880 or drop by the office. POST POLIO The Durham Region Post Polio cheptor of the Ontario March of Dimas will hold a meeting in boardroomn B in the Oshewa Civic Auditorium, Thornton Road, on Monday, Nov. 1 from 7 to 9 p.m. The subject of the meeting wil ho the care of the feot. HOLIDAýY INN I Bloor St.. Oshawa Friday, November 5 I from 1:Opm until 8:3Ojxn LEAB1NING DLESABILIIES The Learning Disabilities Association Oshawa Chepter will meet Thursdey, Oct. 28, 7 p.m., et Grandview Treatment Centre, 600 Townlina Rd. S., Oshawa. Gueet speaker will ho- from Reading Horizons. The meeting will heocf intereet te anyone who has a child experiencing reeding problemei. For more jnformation, ca]l Na2ncy et 436-7706. PRENATAL FAIM The Childbirth Educetion Association of Durham wili hold the Ajax and Pickering Prenatel Fair Saturday, Oct. 30, 9:30 a.m. te 5:30 p.m., at Pickering Town Contre, upper level, north corridor. The fair will ho of intereet te, anyone expecting a child and familles with young children. Representatives from community groupe wili have information on evailahie progreme. For more information, ccii the association et 420-3890. BRIGHT CIIILWREN The Durhem Chapter of the Association for Bright Children will present a Saturday morning family (ages 5 te edult) program that includes workshops in science, music, drame, psycho- Iog, and e chose tournement. For adulte,_ psychologist Margie Blayer Lieberman will speak on ' Supporting the Emotionel Neede of Gifted Children.' The programn will take place on Seturday, Nov. 6, et the Christian Life Contre, 1030 Ravenscroft Rd. (et Rossland), Ajax, from 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Admission je $15 per family for memnbers and $20 for non-members. Pra-registretion ie necessary.. For further information ceil Ann Fisherman et 728-4274. EP1LEPSY Epilepsy Durham Region parents support group will meet on Thursday, Nov. 4, 7 p.m. For more information, including loca- tion, cali Diane et 683-4070. TRILLIUM QUILT GUILD The Durham Trillilur Quilt Guiid wiil meet Tuesday, Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m., et St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa (corner of Athol and Centre etreets). For more information, cail 683-5135 or 725-1945. ROBERT VERKYL pins a ribbon on Mayor Tom Edwards to mark White Ribbon Against Pornogralphy Week (Oct. 23-30). People Against Pornography, the Cathollo Women's League, REAL Women and the Whitby Free Methodist Church are among the groups supporting the week. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press PUBLIC FORUM Durham Region Health Department will hold a free public forum on 'Breast Health Awareness' on Monday, Nov. 1, 7 p.m., et CAW hall, 1425 Philllp Murrey Ave., Oshawa. Pael members include doctors James Nelson, Pemnele Chart and Linda Panaro. To reserve e seat, cal Linda or Tracy ,et the heelth depertment et 723-8521, 8:30 e.m. te 4:30 p.m. PAREIINSON MEETING The Parkinson Foundation of Canada, Durham Region Chapter will meet Monday, Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m., et St. Marks United Church, cerner Coîharne and Centre etreets, Whitby. All are welcome. Refreshmants will ha evailable. For more information or assistance with transportion, calI 430-8475 or 666-8576. THIS IS Block Parents Week, and these youngsters were on hand at the Whitby municipal building Friday for a tlag-raising with Mayor Tom Edwards. From teft are Taryn Strnes, Diana Drake, Kyle Rist, James Bridie, Mark Henderson, Brittany Buncombe and Robert Comeau, hold the CESAREAN PREVENTIMON The Cesereen Provention Support and Educetion Group of Durham Region will meet on Monday, Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m., et 72 Jamieson Cres., Whithy. The topie for discussion will ho VBAC (vaginal birth efter cosaroan) and cosarean prevention. For more information, cail Karey et 430-6147 or Lise et 576-0562. AUNT LIZZI'S DILiIES The Ontario Genealogical Society, Durham Region brench will meet Tuesday, Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m., et Henry Street IHigh Sehool cafeteria, Whitby. Guest speaker wiil ha Port Perry istorien Yvonne Christie discussing Aunt Lizzie's diaries. Meetings are free and ail are welcome. For more information, celi Marion et 683-2476 or Bessie et 723-7460. block parent flag- The local committee needs more volunteers to help operate the program and more block parents in Brook- lin. -vn. haif an hour a week from each volunteer wouki be heipftul, says Lynda Drake (666-1203). Photo by mark Reesor. WhJby Free Press Emotione Anonymous sup- port group meets Thursday, et 7 p.m., 110 Ash St., W;hitby. For more informa- tion, eall Marge et 728-6484 or Gloria at 576-4769. CONCERT AND WORKSHOP. St. John the Evangeliet Church, 903 Giffard St., Whitby will present ' Marty Haugan in Cacert' on Friday, Oct. 29, 7:30 p.m. Admission ie $5 par person. &,,Music Workshop wvith Marty Haughen' will be held -on turday, Oct. 30, 9 a.m. to 4 >.m., et the church. Cost is $35 per.person (includes materiale, missions and refrashnients). For mme information or te register, cmi668-3692. HALLOWEEN DANCE The Whitby Seniors Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S. wili hold a masquerade bail for members on Saturday, Oct. 30, 7:30 p.m. Costumes are optional but prizes will be awarded for best manes, best woman's and most unique costumes.. Dance to the music of Irwin Smith. Cash bar and Iight rafreshments. Admi-ssion le $4 et the door. IVING WEIL «Living Woil,' sponsored by the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre, is a five-woek series of workshops covering topice such as nutrition, relaxation and stress manage- ment, fitness and exorcise and personal heaith care. The next serios bagins Thursday, Nov. 4, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., et 100 Glenhili Dr., and je open to any senior in Whitby. The cost je $5 which includes e manuel and refreshinents. To register, cail the centre at 668-1424 or sign up et 100 Glenhili Dr. Spacas are limited. LiVING WJTHTODDLEJRS The Famiiy Education Resourca Centre wiil hoid ' Iàving with Toddiers,' e workshop te halpý parents foster confdence and co-operation in toddlars by introducing etrategies for doaling with tantrumne, toilet treining and meeltime beheviour. The workshop wiii ha held Wednesday, Nov. 10, 7 to 9 p.m., et Durham House, 1521 Simrcoe St. N., Oshawa. The féeeje $8 per person. Pro-registretion is requred, To register or for more information, cali the oentre et 579-2021. POSITIVE CObMMUNICATION The Family Education Resource Centre, Durhamn House Child and Family Centre will hold e workshop te introduce participants te creative mutuel respect with children, rofloctive listening, I-messages, naturel and logical consequences, encourage- ment and problem-solving oli s. The four-week workshop begine Monday, Nov. 1. 7 te 9 p.m., et Chi1d~s SeIf-esteem,' Wadnesday, Nov. 17; 'Talkng and Listening with Children,; Wedneeday, Nov. 24. For more information or te, register, caUi. the. centre et 686-6459 or 579-.2021.

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