Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Oct 1993, p. 9

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Whtby Free Press, Weckiesday, October 27,1993, Page 9 bu»inss news EXCHANGE PROGRAM COuFOUNDER Canadian workers need more 'ush By Mark Reesor Canadien etudents and wor- Icere need te be motivated te, eucceed, eava. the co-founder of a German- C anadian etudent exchange program. 11se.Eschen1ohes late huabend John who co-founded Voikswa- genêanada, aiea co-founded the exchange program, which je run by the Gerinan Canadien Aeeo- ciation and has been operating for 29 yeare. Each year 70 German etudente corne te Canada and 70 Cana- dian etudents visit Germany. Studente visiting from Ger- rnany think Canaaje wonder- fui, eaye Eecheniohr, a Whitby resident. (They) find it grat here because nobody pushee them... for them it'e a kind of a vacation. They love it here (becauee) it'e a country without pueh... «That'e bad; thie le why Pecopie contantly conriplain that-Canada je not competitive on the world market, because ever einoe kin- dergarten, nobody has been puehed... overy persan neede te be puehed (becauee) unfor- tunateiy we are ail lazy.» Eecheniohr eaye in Germany there eo much more pue h behind workere -- 'do thie do j that' -- and if they don't do it right, they, are diecharged... the pueh le the eecret of eucceeý» She blamee Canada7e educa- t ion eysem, in which ehe was a teacher for 10 yoare, for our iack of competivenese. «Whore are the (ekilied) wer- kere? We have te import thom. The kide in kindorgarten (here) are ýexactiy the saine kids like in Germany and ail over the worid. ids are kida -- it'e what you make of them -- thate what counts.» Eecbeniohr eaye ehe and ber hueband were «migbty dis- appointed» that they had te im- port eo many German workere wvhen Volkewagen was producing the beetie. «Why? Canadien workere are juten ued but they have neyer t êeniohr says the remedy frCanada'e ak fcompetitive- neee le eplied out in a report called 'rorityEducation,' which ehe and Fred Parrott, a retired . .... .. . ....... ..... .... The Mutuel Croup will open Fan office in the Pearson Lanee project at Byron Street North and Mary Steet East in Whitby. The Mutuai Croup will employ i5 people et the new location when it opene thie week. Founded in 1870, The Mutuai Life Assurance Company of Canada camne ta Durbamn Region (Oshawa) in 1874. The company bas evolved into a multi-national financial eervicee organization, with aseete in excese of $24 billion. Mutuai's head office je in Waterloo, Ont. ,Me Mutuel Group) markete ILSE ESCHENLOHR is shown with Bernd Gaethke, an econo- mios student from Goettingem (middle), and Peter Burkle, a mechanical engineering student tram Stuttgart. The students stayed at Eschenlohr's-Whitby apartment while in Canada on a student exchange prdgram which was co-founded by her husband John, the co-founder of Volkswag en Canada. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Pres The report eaye apprentioeehip cannot be neglected any longer "because the competitivenees and productivlty of the country de p onde on it. The fow apprentioeship pro- graine that have been doue bave been tee late, eince prospective etudente can't enter tbem untit they've graduated, the report continues. Studente net intereeted in aca- demice tudiee drap eut before thon, according ta the report, and the few that do eign up expect ta be paid minimum wege. 'A teaching enterprise cannot dovote time and meney for giving full attention te the apprentie if it bas ta pay the minimum wage... " Inetead, the "basic» education ebeuid be Grade 10, the report recommrends, at wbicb time etu- dents wouid have the option of continuing on or eigning up with a company for an apprentioeship pregramn, durlng which they wouid receive a training aiiowance. The prograi would be aug- mented by an evening or two a week at a community collegeuto combine bande-on training exgerence with thcory. Afer the two years, the apprentioe would get a certificate from tbe company testifying that be/ehe bas compieted the pre- liminary apprentioeehip in his/ bier fiidâ. After another year, during wbich he/ehe may be paid tbe minimum wage, the etudent would teke their journeyman exain and additionai training wouîd aiiew them te obtain a master titie ln their trade, euch as master electrician, master tool-and-die maker, etc., the Te or aewouid eneure etudente wbo etay in echool want ta learn and give thoee who don't want te an alternative te drap- pio ut, with the promise of a godpaying job, the report eug- geets. But the board didn't go for the idea, Escbeniohr saye, and the fivo training claserooms lber hue- band, who dled 13 yeare ago after a ear accident in Pickerinff, Faîl is here a ndl'our yard is shc5wing i't Drop by our dlean-lt centre showroom for sorne "howling" good prices on varlous szsof clear bags for cleanup. And don't be afraid of what lies beyond your front door - our complete selection of products for ail your cleaning needs makes housework a "treat". 1~500 Hopkins Street, Whtby 666-1224 J ADVERTISING POLICY The Whitby Free Press is a business which derîves almost ail ils revenue f rom advertising in one form or another. For obvious self-interest. we want our clients' adverisig 10 work. Our policy ls Io reach as niany homes in Whitby as possible (usually more than 99%) and 10 provide local high-interest content that ensures that people read the paper and hence the advertising as welf. We urge readers to patronize our advertisers in order that we can provide even better coverage in the future. We also stress creativity. We wilt provîde our professional experineo0 advise clients on ways 10 make their advertising more effective, but for a product that cannot be repossessed. there are no guarantees. We suive 10 avoid errors. but when we make them. a correction will be made in a subsequent issue or a discount offered. The newspaper5s legal liability is onty for the actual spaoe occupied by the error. Adverising is sold according Io th-e space il occupies. No additonal charge is made for arDwork or Iayout and hence the newspaper retains the copyright on aIt its original work. The newspaper reserves the right 10 refuse advertîsing wfiîch it fnds objectonable or detrimenftal Io is business.

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