Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Oct 1993, p. 9

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Whiby Fiee Pros, Weckiosday, October 13. 1M% vPage 9 Ant-BL4 group petition CGA titie for Courvosier Linda Courvosier of Whitby received a CGA designation at the Certified General Accoun- tants Association of Ontario annual commencement cere- monies in Ottawa Oct. 2. In ail, 19 inembers of the Durham Region chapter ef the association received designa- tiens. We're Iooking for the A jant communhiOt e I"!" "good kids" of Ontario B l Contact this commnunity newspaper B l \/fordetails. Deadline is October 3lst. K f1993 ONTARIO JUNIOR CITIZEN ( oým"ùnity- 0F THE YEAR AWARDS PROORAM L . MRM PAGE 8 (round figures). Based on the cost per issue ($9,745), the publication has lost more than $15,000, which avera ges eut to 1$60,000 annually, they dlaim. "In three months, ail of us have been paying for a few people te get inexpensivo adver- tising,» said Peacoèk. "Idon't like paying for them," hie said. DBIA manager Lynda Lawson disputed the figures when con- tacted by The Free Press. «She promised to produce the actual" figures, but as of last Friday did not yet have the information. Doug. Anderson publisher of the Whitby Free 1ýress, supports a moratorium on DBIA taxes. He said most of the DBIA opponents want it abolished coin- pJ.etely, but agreed to his com- promise proposal. "I thought it may accomýlish the same thing in a less con ron- tational manner," said Anderson. "The key is that after two years it must be brought back in a demecratic process.» Anderson believes most busi- ness owners will sign the peti- tion. "About 70 per cent are services and professionals who get littie benefit eut of a BIA," ho said. DBIA chair Sean Hogue had noty et seen the petition. ?It'a unfortunate that it's corne te this,» said Ho re. "I can't help thinking that this is oui a smai grouip involved'n Rather than petitiouiug Town council, the disgiruntled members should work within the system, Houe said. we don't gtcalis, we-dou't get correspondence,» hosaid. It's unfortunate they've gene this route. The BIA represents them and we should work 'ailing that, Hlogue said the anti-BIA faction should at least bo upfront about its intentions. AVAILABLE, ACCESSIBLE, ACCOUNTABLE MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT, JOB CREATION 15 THE NUMBER ONE ISSUE FACING CANADA. The real question in this election is one of approacb - howv are we going 10 UM create jobs. Government spending 10 create jobs bas proven a dismal failure. On the other band, a reckless slash and burn approach to the econorny will devastate the programs on wbich Canadiails rely. RENE SOETENS MrI believe the Progressive Conservative plan proposed by Kim Campbell wilI belp Canadians find real, m reaningful, lasfing jobs. By creaing an environrnent bhatCnadirangebntesriexhaeion, e os coete ~~that Cencourage buseshvtexpansi onwecneue successfülly. THE ONLY WAY TO PROTECT CANADA'S SOCIAL PROGRAMS FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY IS TO ELIMINATE THE GOVERNMENT DEFICIT. Our Government bas taken real action to gel the deficit under control. But we recognize we must do more. Tbe Kim Campbell Govemnment will eliminate the deficit in five years by stimulating economic growtb and improving Governrent efficiency. -5à#S! ON OCTOBER 25TrH, REUELECT RENE SOETENS Ajax-Pickering: 428-6630 Whitby: 430-5755 Auihorized bY steve Meek for the Ren'é Sootens Team. uHlow can you break the bylaw without dlisbanding the BIAT" he asked. "If that's what they want, why not corne out and say it?» Councillor John Dolstra, the Town's representative on the DBIA management board, was not aware of the petition. However, DoIstra was ada- mant that the anti-DBIAforoes are going about their cmag the wrong way. "The system is there, what they should be doing instead of going to council is meeting with "If there is that much concern, Fd like te see themn resolve their concerns through the DBIA. "This has been going on since 1979. Some people have always been unhappy with the DBIA,» hie added. According to Peacockç, following Hogue's and Dolstra s advice would be a «complete waste of time.» "I just don't see any sense in going through that,» hie said. "Our message is that we want it closed.» Busin*ess sinars plane The Oshawa Chamber of Com- merce will hold 'Small Business Week' seminars on Thursday, Oct. 28 at the Holiday Inn, Osh- awa. The morning event, heldy the chamber in conjunction with the Federal Business Develep- ment Bank, begins with break- fast at 7:30 a.m. folIowed by the temers, ' from 9:15 te 10 a.m. 'Succession Planning -- Keep- ing it in the Family' wiIl be held from 10:15 te il a.m., and 'Yeu Can Start Yeur Owu Business' from 11:15 te noon. A question-and-answer period will fllow each seminar. BLUmE CHIP S EUMINAR SEIES Mutual iFundfest The Ail-Star Investmnent Conference Oct. 30, 1993 Corne loin us and learn from some of the top money managers in the Muwual Fund industry on how to invest your money in today's investrnent climate. Topics discussed will ix*ude: Investing globally. Are Canadian stocks a good place to be? Do Ganadian bonds make sense now? Is the U.S. market overvalued? How does proper asset allocation work? lnvesting in the Far East. lnvcsting in ernerging markets. lnterest rates and the Canadian dollar. Question and Answer period with every presentation. Guest Speaker Line-up Fidelity Investnients Mackenzie Financial AGF Investiients Trimark lnvestnients Templeton International Saturday. October 30/93, 9:,30-2:00) Le Gala, 65 Sunray. Whitby RS.V.P. and Directions phone Cathy at 416-576-1726 e 1-800-661-0243 MIDLAND WALWVYN a L UE C PHP YTH 1N K N G- Hosted by The Oshawa Branch 1 Mary St. N., Oshawa T BLUE CHIP THINKING is a trademairk of Midland Walwyn Capital Inc

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