WhiïbyFroe PeWsaOtbr6, 19U. Paao 7 The good fight Commentator. Hello, l'm Ann Medusa, here with the blow-by-blow of tonight's political debate and body thumping. With me tonight doing the colour commen- tary is Peter Spent. Peter? Spent: Thank you. Before the levent. begins, let me say I really like your hair tonight. Médusa: No accounting for some tastes. I'm having a bad hair day. Now get your colouring book. There's the bell! And aIl five corne out ready te fight. SpoRt: Time for some colour? Okay. Red, yellow, orange ... boy I like tis job.r Medusa: Such an intellect. Now in the centre of the ring, squeezed between Cretin John and Presto Mann is Skim Scambell. Let's cut in close te, get her message. _______________________________________ Skirm' So tenight we're prepared te fight a good ---- fight, but it will be dlean and we will not hit below the beit with, you know, like real true stuif about other people. Mainly because our poils show voters don't like that dirty stuif Cretin: Don't cown da* dead dogs before da cat fight. I tell you, now ees not the time toeuct da defecate too much, so we would just eut snip snip here, snip snap der, what we lose from the loose beit we make up for by tightening the suspenders. Presto: We have this plan te make the deficit disappear, just like the elephant in the ad. Or is that some other party? Is Mel Hurting? We couidn't do it overnight. It'd take three years and we might have te import a few more magicians. Cause I don't thinkS" Canada has enough te make the sucker disappear. That's wbat I think. Lucy Boo Chard: I tink Quebecers don wana lie in Canada enamour, so they will elect me with forty, fifi seats an we will go te Ottawa te figure out ways te leave a.nd let leave. Presto: We will help -you out there. You think theMa rçst of Canada is going te learn te speak French? Skim Scambelli Hey, I got this idea nobody lever had before. We will get rid of the deficit in five yearsMY LEPBI C OLLASC.19 and at the same time well make the social programs nspblcscoo asbLone sULCthsdeo MrtiRad, wstofHgwa12,8n180.0 a sacred trust. Trust me.Thspbi colwsbitothSotaieo yteRawsofIgwy12in80.t Cretn: eyya ereby gr! eetr Mlroeywas closed about 1965 and demohshed in 1978 after a few years of use as a comnmunity back in 1984, he fight de feficit teo. So eight years ofWhtyAcl oo dat fight he adds dirty, forty billion every year: Scambelli So' what would you do, you big hairbal from yesteryear? Cretin: So you cail me yesterday's yes man, but I 10 YEABS AGO tell you one ting. Back ini 1945 we have even bigger from the Wednesday, October 5, 1983 edition of the defiit hannow Bu webrig i imigrnts weWHITBY FREE PRESS defiit hannow Bu webrin inimmgratswee Durham ]Region council bas voted te spend $3.43 mil1lion to extend sewers te Port Whitby. borrow money, we invent inflation and poof. da deficit e A 20-acre soccer field ie propoeed for t he Holliday Farm, south of RoSsland Road. ain't no worry no more. e a. softball diaznond wilI be constructed at Brooklin1s Meadowcrest School at a coat of Scambelhi Take that, you big scumbaîl. $10,000. Burns, Presbyterian Church at Ashburn wiil celebrate its 126th anniversary on Oct. 16. I Médusa: We're ail out of time now. I unù'jured. ScambeIL' ... eyeing. _____________________________